Below, people moved too and fro, moving raps and ladders as a door on the ship's side opens. "The ship will be leaving for Angel Island in a few hours," Blaze says, turning away from Vile and walking toward the stairs down to the ground. "As it stands, I plan to take you who were summoned there, to regroup, rest, and prepare for a strike to acquire a certain artifact of the old world. Are you interested in joining it?"
Vile continued to look out at the desolate wasteland for a moment, scanning the horizon, before moving to fall in behind Blaze. "Well, it's not as if I have anything better to do right now, so why wouldn't I be?"
Name: Chase Grand
Date: First day of being kidnapped!
Location: Where Angels Be. (Angel Island)
Status: Onward and upward?

@The Fourth Monado

@Xellos @Grue @Cyreni @CaesriusPolybius

"Chase Grand has a point. If there's nothing for my genius to work on and we've finished this meet-and-greet, I might as well settle myself in."


'Oh, so he did hear my introduction then. ... Chaos Emerald Induced Shine-yosis confirmed.'

Perhaps the thought was a bit bland and dry, but 'Shin Dan' seemed to be rather... Okay, 'rather' was underselling it- He was full of himself to the point that one could call him insufferable. It wasn't too surprising that he'd basically skipped over actually responding to Chase's introduction and just kinda... Went on to do Shin-Dan things. Guess that meant he heard the apology too, or..? Nah, nah, wasn't any good trying to think about it or follow his thought process. That way was madness. For now, Chase was at the very least content that he'd heard him introduce himself, and hadn't entirely written off slash didn't hear what Chase had said. Anyway...

There was the one question that had been asked by many and-

"I shall guide you where you wish to go,"

-And Tikal suddenly was a ball.


"... Well alright then,"

He replied, blandly. ... Seriously this wasn't even the weirdest thing he'd seen today. And today was pretty much topping his previous weird-o-meter ratings left right and center. The orb flew to a door which opened, and, considering what Tikal had said, Chase shrugged, placed his hands behind his head, and began to steadily follow behind... Her. She was still herself, right?

"Wrench, stay here and assist Mech-Histsui with whatever she needs help with. The rest of you, I would request to follow me - it's easy to get lost down here."


"'Aight then."

Oh happy day, where would he end up now? ... It was going to be on the side of a mountain, wasn't it. Because even in another dimension, the world still was going to try and rain on his parade.
Silver just continues looking at you as shrink away, understanding glimmering in his still too big eyes. For a split second, unwanted pity also shines in them, before he visibly forces it out of his mind.

"I understand."
Xan silently nodded but kept herself to the back of the group for now. She just wanted to return to bed, or to eat half the larder's meat supply now.