
Bombs and bullets continued there dance, and you continue cutting your way through the enemies.

Which, to be fair, were getting chewed up into bits... there weren't really many remaining. By your estimate, there were... mm, less then thirty now, and the number was dropping fast.

Mugman felt tense, he knew that with the minions dying down they were nearing the end of the fight, which means that the big bad Golem was likely to pull something out as a last ditch effort. He grit his teeth as he dipped below a fireball and fired a stream of bullets at another firebird. He glanced down at the golem, standing imposingly before his friends. He knew he was going to have to pull into fighting that thing soon, he didn't want his friends to go without support for too long.

There were so few of the firebirds, sure they were focusing mostly on Lilac and himself, but if he had the opportunity, he wouldn't mind taking a pot shot or two at the flaming bimbo.
Carol landed away from the fire and magma, initially thrilled at dealing damage to her opponent. But just as adrenaline flowed from battle, she saw the strike going straight for Sam.

"LOOK OUT!" She intended to just warn him. Instead, due to unplanned panic, her voice turned out rather louder and higher-pitched than expected. Oh and looking utterly panicked and terrified hadn't been her intention either. She noticed the voice bit, which caused her to feel annoyed at herself for a fraction of a second, and never noticed the latter, because she was too busy focusing on Sam and then on trying to not get too focused on Sam.

Which was all good because she had to put some more distance between herself and the cranky giant doom thing. Much to her relief, Sam turned out unharmed. She did not intend to smile that much at this revelation but well, relief is relief. And well, as she saw Vile also join in with ice attacks, she was certain that given the foe seemed unshielded and unprotected, that they were getting somewhere.

Sam flashed his companion a smile and a wink to let her know he was alright. And maybe distract her some more but nobody was going to find out about that.

Even as the scarlet blade bit deep into the magma and stone comprising the thing's legs, you immediately notice something really, really annoying - from the cracks in the ground near it's feet, a constant stream of magma was being outputted, pouring into the body and causing your strikes to be less effective as the injuries were quickly filled with lava.

Admittedly, the way the Golem was swinging at you meant you had to keep moving beyond the admittedly slow strikes, so you couldn't really stop and plan, but you now knew a way to end this fight - remove it's ability to draw lava from damaged ground into itself, and the fight would be as good as over.

... then the dumb thing shrugged off all of it and regenerated.

"Great. Just great. The thing regenerates. Just what we needed." muttered Carol angrily under her breath, swinging her Mech Blade and preparing for a new strike. However, even as she did so, she glanced about for any nearby exits. Just in case. After all, while she don't doubt that this thing's regeneration can be beaten by targetting a weak point or just plain overwhelming it with brute force, she does not think that they may have the opportunity to hang around to test that theory.

Better safe than sorry.

Sam tsk'd as he saw his effort come undone. Regeneration was always such a pain. However Sam's eyes were better than the golem must have been banking on, as he noticed the way it regenerated immediately. And once you know that, you can start doing something about it.

"Hey Carol, it's regenerating through contact with the ground! It's drawing in additional lava from there!" Sam yelled as he began to maneuvre his way around the golem and to her "If I had my armour on I could launch him myself, but you'll have to help with that part now! We're going to juggle this thing right back to hell!"
Sam flashed his companion a smile and a wink to let her know he was alright. And maybe distract her some more but nobody was going to find out about that.

Sam tsk'd as he saw his effort come undone. Regeneration was always such a pain. However Sam's eyes were better than the golem must have been banking on, as he noticed the way it regenerated immediately. And once you know that, you can start doing something about it.

"Hey Carol, it's regenerating through contact with the ground! It's drawing in additional lava from there!" Sam yelled as he began to maneuvre his way around the golem and to her "If I had my armour on I could launch him myself, but you'll have to help with that part now! We're going to juggle this thing right back to hell!"

Seeing the smile and wink made Carol relax a bit. It also helped that she got her bearings, just in case. This allowed her to focus back on the fight at hand, especially as he gave her a suggestion. That is why allies are useful ; everyone has a different perspective. Coral, rest her soul, would probably be telling her that she should have focused on environmental cues showing why the regeneration happened instead of just gaping like a fish at her enemy. Yeah, that was dumb on her part.

Still, she's glad he got her mind on track.

Now, how can they lift that thing up? He mentionned armor, probably powered. And for a moment, she found herself wishing that her people had reverse-engineered dragon technology better. An augmented armor suit like Lilac's would come in handy right now. She may have the natural near-superstrength of a Tea and the training to make use of it but an organic's strength can only go so far when facing overwhelming monsters and machines. Still, if Sam is confident that they can do it together after seeing her attacks, then surely they can indeed do so.

And to be fair, it's easier to run away from a decapitated army that your allies can pick off at their leisure later than from a triumphant one led by a live, terrifying leader. So win-win regarding trying this out.

"Alright, let's do this!" she said, bringing her Mech Blade replica to bear. So long as she don't get directly hit, her shields should tolerate the heat. Hopefully, Sam has an idea for a motion that will somehow throw that huge thing in the air.
Lilac was satisfied with how the fight was going on her end. Those flyers were obviously either relying on quantity over quality, used to have anti-air support to function, or were just plain unprepared for an opponent such as her. Checking quickly, she was satisfied to seeing Mugman doing well. While his aeroplane didn't have the sheer speed that Pangu had, she couldn't help but whistle internally at the sheer destruction it unleashed. For something that rely on mere kinetic guns and old-school bombs, that thing sure packs a wallop! Mugman is also obviously quite the skilled pilot despite his youthful appearance.

Still, even as she swung Pangu around in a spiral manner, launching another volley of shots at her foes, something caught her attention in the distance. As a dragon, she had keen senses and reflexes far beyond that of the average person, allowing her to notice small details with ease. Normally, in her everyday life, she blocked out most of what she perceived. Else she would never be able to sleep, focus on things she liked, or pay attention while watching TV. But during battle, she ceased to block things out and allowed the sheer flood of information to pour into her mind.

In the heat of battle, most people would not notice that tiny detail, how something was going on in a distant mountain. But as a dragon, Lilac did notice it. And she briefly glanced, in-between attacks, focusing her eyes for a second to try and see what was going on. Just in case, she sent a command to Pangu and sent a scanner pulse toward the distance. Was that a trick of the light? Or is something going on in the distance?
Your eyes weren't good enough to pick up the details of what lay in the distance, but Pangu's sensors did report a massive influx of heat over there - expanding from the source that seemed to be one of those rivers of lava that were flowing out from beneath the mountains.

To get more detail, you'd probably have to fly closer.

Mugman felt tense, he knew that with the minions dying down they were nearing the end of the fight, which means that the big bad Golem was likely to pull something out as a last ditch effort. He grit his teeth as he dipped below a fireball and fired a stream of bullets at another firebird. He glanced down at the golem, standing imposingly before his friends. He knew he was going to have to pull into fighting that thing soon, he didn't want his friends to go without support for too long.

There were so few of the firebirds, sure they were focusing mostly on Lilac and himself, but if he had the opportunity, he wouldn't mind taking a pot shot or two at the flaming bimbo.
As you turn, you notice violet lighting descend from the sky, detonating in domes of power and consuming parts of the horde below you. Considering how bright and flashy it was, it was hard to miss.

Rene Petit
He was going to die here and it was going to be tucking glorious, Rene thought as he hacked madly. Lava splattered, he thew a Void Conduit at a lava thing. A delay of the inevitable. No matter. He never planned to die a peaceful death.

When his strength was spent, he charged unto the broil, raising a blade to the sky, sparks flying off.

No words. Words wouldn't help him now. Psionic strength formed spears of lightning and rained down on him.

"Reeeeene!" Bellowed Mox. "You crazy fucker don't you-" But the soldier cut himself off. No there, was no alternative. The line had to hold, and Rene was doing that how he figured was best. Mox could think up no better plan. Other than- of course- do what he could to help.

Roaring, he advanced after his companion, spraying what little ammo he had left, tossing grenades. The air shimmered around him as his enhanced physiology went into overdrive, dumping every last ounce of chemical stimulants and combat pheromones into his bloodstream and the air around him. His veins carried as much organic liquid as they did chemicals, burning through his body like rivers of fire. Pain dampeners, adrenaline, combat enhancers. Enough to kill a normal man. Enough to kill Mox, albeit, slower.

His SMG burned in his hands, components melting as he emptied magazine after magazine. And once that ran out, he tossed the ruined weapon aside and pumped his right fist, the bladed claw there snapping into place with a heavy thunk. He might have been bellowing, he could no longer hear anything beyond the pounding in his ears.

There would be no evacuation, this he had realized long ago. There would be nothing to evacuate. Nowhere to evacuate to. There was just the line in the sand. A line that he would die on the wrong side of. The thought seemed natural.
Psychic power descended from the sky, consuming Rene as he burned his own life in one last, glorious blast.


A dome of violet light blossomed on the battlefield, staining everything in it's color as the self-proclaimed 'wizard' met his end, surrounded in the remains of his foes - now dust, from the amount of power he had unleashed. A fitting end.

Meanwhile, Mox was close enough to see what he was going to do, and even as two of the creatures latched onto him, he threw himself into the blast zone, clutching to him every enemy that tried to close upon him and rip him to peaces - one last 'fuck you' to a foe bent on destroying humanity. Not a bad way to fall, all things considered.
Seeing the ramp forming, Delta decided to do something... kinda stupid, what with the lava pouring out everywhere.

The only way to really stop this would be to bust down the ramp... and that's what the cobra-like humanoid set off to do.

Still using the spear, she attempted to stab into and fling already dead bodies back at their brethren from the lowest point, hoping to destabilize the ramp.

She hissed out from the unbearable heat still coming from those bodies, but it was more discomfort than actual pain for the moment. Even if it did become pain, though, she'd still continue in order to slow the breach.
The sudden explosion and consuming dome of power that exploded out in the middle of the horde was somewhat distracting, but considering the amount of enemies being thrown around, you found your opportunity. Feet digging into the ground, you swung your weapon, sending the bile of rocks oozing lava flying to the left and right. Now, they Biters would have to jump to get into the hole - and a jumping Biter is a Biter that can't dodge your attacks.

Man, that blast really took out a lot of enemies, huh?
Vile snarled. "That's definitely not playing fair. But if you think that I'm going to give up that easily, you're sorely mistaken. Nobody gets away from me!"

He ran to a part of the wall a fair bit away from the breach and its massive concentration of Biters, and hopped over the wall. Clamping on to its side, he slid down to the bottom fairly rapidly, firing away at any Biters right below him with the Distance Needler, or if none existed taking a few potshots at some of those near the middle of the queue for the wall. Once he was on the ground, he wasted no time in heading straight for the Golem.

At close range, he could unleash more of his arsenal effectively, and maybe see if he could somehow deal with the regeneration more effectively then just overpowering it with brute force. It was far from certain, but it seemed worth a try. Certainly, it wouldn't cost him anything beyond a bit of time where he wasn't blasting it with the Longshot, but time was something he had plenty of. The fortress maybe less so, but that was their problem.
You land on one Biter, and immediately step off of it's crushed corpse as you closed the distance with the Golem. As you drew close, your optical sensors take notice of the lava flowing up from the ground into the Golem's body. Oh hey, so that's how it does it!
Carol landed away from the fire and magma, initially thrilled at dealing damage to her opponent. But just as adrenaline flowed from battle, she saw the strike going straight for Sam.

"LOOK OUT!" She intended to just warn him. Instead, due to unplanned panic, her voice turned out rather louder and higher-pitched than expected. Oh and looking utterly panicked and terrified hadn't been her intention either. She noticed the voice bit, which caused her to feel annoyed at herself for a fraction of a second, and never noticed the latter, because she was too busy focusing on Sam and then on trying to not get too focused on Sam.

Which was all good because she had to put some more distance between herself and the cranky giant doom thing. Much to her relief, Sam turned out unharmed. She did not intend to smile that much at this revelation but well, relief is relief. And well, as she saw Vile also join in with ice attacks, she was certain that given the foe seemed unshielded and unprotected, that they were getting somewhere.

... then the dumb thing shrugged off all of it and regenerated.

"Great. Just great. The thing regenerates. Just what we needed." muttered Carol angrily under her breath, swinging her Mech Blade and preparing for a new strike. However, even as she did so, she glanced about for any nearby exits. Just in case. After all, while she don't doubt that this thing's regeneration can be beaten by targetting a weak point or just plain overwhelming it with brute force, she does not think that they may have the opportunity to hang around to test that theory.

Better safe than sorry.

Sam flashed his companion a smile and a wink to let her know he was alright. And maybe distract her some more but nobody was going to find out about that.

Sam tsk'd as he saw his effort come undone. Regeneration was always such a pain. However Sam's eyes were better than the golem must have been banking on, as he noticed the way it regenerated immediately. And once you know that, you can start doing something about it.

"Hey Carol, it's regenerating through contact with the ground! It's drawing in additional lava from there!" Sam yelled as he began to maneuver his way around the golem and to her. "If I had my armour on I could launch him myself, but you'll have to help with that part now! We're going to juggle this thing right back to hell!"

Seeing the smile and wink made Carol relax a bit. It also helped that she got her bearings, just in case. This allowed her to focus back on the fight at hand, especially as he gave her a suggestion. That is why allies are useful ; everyone has a different perspective. Coral, rest her soul, would probably be telling her that she should have focused on environmental cues showing why the regeneration happened instead of just gaping like a fish at her enemy. Yeah, that was dumb on her part.

Still, she's glad he got her mind on track.

Now, how can they lift that thing up? He mentionned armor, probably powered. And for a moment, she found herself wishing that her people had reverse-engineered dragon technology better. An augmented armor suit like Lilac's would come in handy right now. She may have the natural near-superstrength of a Tea and the training to make use of it but an organic's strength can only go so far when facing overwhelming monsters and machines. Still, if Sam is confident that they can do it together after seeing her attacks, then surely they can indeed do so.

And to be fair, it's easier to run away from a decapitated army that your allies can pick off at their leisure later than from a triumphant one led by a live, terrifying leader. So win-win regarding trying this out.

"Alright, let's do this!" she said, bringing her Mech Blade replica to bear. So long as she don't get directly hit, her shields should tolerate the heat. Hopefully, Sam has an idea for a motion that will somehow throw that huge thing in the air.
The Golem takes the opportunity to begin walking toward Carol while swiping at Sam in it's slow, lumbering way - even as the magma lashes lost power and splattered on the ground.

Both Sam and Carol also notice the heavily armed robot sliding down off the wall and charging the Golem himself, so that also was important. After all, heavy explosives would definitely make juggling it easier, and Vile had demonstrated such weaponry over the course of the fight.

Well, there also was the giant purple explosion of electrical power behind the fight, but that was less important right now.
You land on one Biter, and immediately step off of it's crushed corpse as you closed the distance with the Golem. As you drew close, your optical sensors take notice of the lava flowing up from the ground into the Golem's body. Oh hey, so that's how it does it!
Analysis complete: thermal energy flows indicate heat and perhaps raw material is drawn from the ground into the targets to regenerate its damaged body, predicted with 97.25% accuracy. Remaining 2.75% probability is that the thermal flows are merely the result of regular convection.

Vile dashed in the last short distance with his boosters, then bringing his legs forward sharply and skidding to a halt, right leg forward and deploying icy gas towards the Golem's feet, intending to freeze them and the ground below in order to hamper mobility and prevent regeneration.

"Here!" He yelled at the lumbering creature, continuing to spray with the Sea Dragon's Rage as much as he reasonably could. The moment it tried to attack him, he could use his dash functionality to suddenly be somewhere else in a hurry, a dodging strategy he would make significant use of, but maximizing damage was a priority here. As long as the thing had regeneration, they weren't doing anything to it fast. Hopefully, most of the actual damage could be dealt by his compatriots, or him later if they weren't up to the task.
Lilac cringed as she saw the readings Pangu returned her. This meant one of two things, almost certainly: massive reinforcements or that huge thing she saw earlier is doing something big. Either way, this is bad.

She fiddled a bit with the controls and tried to see if she could use Pangu's communication system to get in contact with the commander on the ground. Meanwhile, she swung the Holodragon about, trying to get herself a bit closer without putting herself out of range of the remaining flying enemies. No way she's abandonning Mugman and even less ditching everyone else when they may need her help.


Meanwhile, on the ground Carol found herself a bit spooked. She noticed the purple blasts of lightning and the way the battlefield conditions changed. To be fair, she was aware that this war ; back during the great, climatic battle of the Brevon Crisis, she had been aware of casualties mounting all around her. And while she was aware that Lilac and Milla had mentally blocked it out, she had been very aware that not every disembodied limb and splash of gore they had run into had once been a Brevon goon.

Still, while she was a descendant of a long ninja line and no stranger to death, she still flinched internally and hesitated for a second as she became keenly aware that someone she might have befriended earlier has become little more than a memory.

... for a fraction of a second, she wondered if that was going to be it. If her luck is finally going to run out.

A paralysed by fear ninja is a dead ninja. She channelled her sudden surge of terror into anger and gripped her Mech Blade replica with all of her strength. It was then that she saw Vile approaching. And a thought occured to her.

"Vile! I'll use a wind elemental energy charge! You use explosives or more ice! Sam! You follow my movements!"

Carol kicked into the ground as she broke into a run. As she did so, she glanced about to make sure no enemies were approaching to flank her. Now, the question is... will they follow?

... and should they even stick around to fight, anyway? And why didn't the commander give them radios? Shouldn't they have one in case they need the order... to retreat...

Oh son of a bitch.
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As you turn, you notice violet lighting descend from the sky, detonating in domes of power and consuming parts of the horde below you. Considering how bright and flashy it was, it was hard to miss.

Mugman stared at the descending lightning for several moments gaping slightly at the massive detonation of power.

"Gosh, looks like the wrath of God got called down. I hope they're doing alright down there." Mugman said to himself as he glanced at the very few remaining flyers. There were hardly any left, he could leave them for a few moments to give his friends down below some help against the big bimbo golem. Something niggled at the back of his mind about leaving a job unfinished, something to do with only cleaning a few of the dishes? It'd come back to him later he was sure.

Shifting gear and pushing the stick forwards, he takes his plane into a dive, laying down some sweeping fire at the golem and the critters near them to give his friends some support.
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The sudden explosion and consuming dome of power that exploded out in the middle of the horde was somewhat distracting, but considering the amount of enemies being thrown around, you found your opportunity. Feet digging into the ground, you swung your weapon, sending the bile of rocks oozing lava flying to the left and right. Now, they Biters would have to jump to get into the hole - and a jumping Biter is a Biter that can't dodge your attacks.

Man, that blast really took out a lot of enemies, huh?
Delta froze at the explosion, orange eyes narrowing to slits as she turned away from the sudden shocking brightness of the suicide attack. Once the light and deafening roar of the lightning strikes had died down, she shuddered as she felt an ozone tingle in the air. Looking back, she silently acknowledged her thanks at the sacrifice - it meant a moment to breathe in this endless onslaught. She'd need that as she kept sentry at the hole.

It... wasn't the way she'd prefer to die - killing lava monsters left and right until she became too tired. She wasn't really beholden to anyone here like she was Haruka... but, it wasn't like fate had much better in store for her, did it?
Seeing the smile and wink made Carol relax a bit. It also helped that she got her bearings, just in case. This allowed her to focus back on the fight at hand, especially as he gave her a suggestion. That is why allies are useful ; everyone has a different perspective. Coral, rest her soul, would probably be telling her that she should have focused on environmental cues showing why the regeneration happened instead of just gaping like a fish at her enemy. Yeah, that was dumb on her part.

Still, she's glad he got her mind on track.

Now, how can they lift that thing up? He mentionned armor, probably powered. And for a moment, she found herself wishing that her people had reverse-engineered dragon technology better. An augmented armor suit like Lilac's would come in handy right now. She may have the natural near-superstrength of a Tea and the training to make use of it but an organic's strength can only go so far when facing overwhelming monsters and machines. Still, if Sam is confident that they can do it together after seeing her attacks, then surely they can indeed do so.

And to be fair, it's easier to run away from a decapitated army that your allies can pick off at their leisure later than from a triumphant one led by a live, terrifying leader. So win-win regarding trying this out.

"Alright, let's do this!" she said, bringing her Mech Blade replica to bear. So long as she don't get directly hit, her shields should tolerate the heat. Hopefully, Sam has an idea for a motion that will somehow throw that huge thing in the air.

Meanwhile, Sam was coming up with ideas on how to somehow throw that huge thing in the air. He knew he lacked the strength for it right now, and he wasn't sure their combined strength could accomplish it either in the traditional 'block the thing, jam in the pointy end, then heave with all your strength' way. Which meant he needed to shave off some weight first.

The Golem takes the opportunity to begin walking toward Carol while swiping at Sam in it's slow, lumbering way - even as the magma lashes lost power and splattered on the ground.

Both Sam and Carol also notice the heavily armed robot sliding down off the wall and charging the Golem himself, so that also was important. After all, heavy explosives would definitely make juggling it easier, and Vile had demonstrated such weaponry over the course of the fight.

Well, there also was the giant purple explosion of electrical power behind the fight, but that was less important right now.

Meanwhile, on the ground Carol found herself a bit spooked. She noticed the purple blasts of lightning and the way the battlefield conditions changed. To be fair, she was aware that this war ; back during the great, climatic battle of the Brevon Crisis, she had been aware of casualties mounting all around her. And while she was aware that Lilac and Milla had mentally blocked it out, she had been very aware that not every disembodied limb and splash of gore they had run into had once been a Brevon goon.

Still, while she was a descendant of a long ninja line and no stranger to death, she still flinched internally and hesitated for a second as she became keenly aware that someone she might have befriended earlier has become little more than a memory.

... for a fraction of a second, she wondered if that was going to be it. If her luck is finally going to run out.

A paralysed by fear ninja is a dead ninja. She channelled her sudden surge of terror into anger and gripped her Mech Blade replica with all of her strength. It was then that she saw Vile approaching. And a thought occured to her.

"Vile! I'll use a wind elemental energy charge! You use explosives or more ice! Sam! You follow my movements!"

Carol kicked into the ground as she broke into a run. As she did so, she glanced about to make sure no enemies were approaching to flank her. Now, the question is... will they follow?

... and should they even stick around to fight, anyway? And why didn't the commander give them radios? Shouldn't they have one in case they need the order... to retreat...

Oh son of a bitch.

"Eyes on the prize, girl!" Sam yelled as he charged after her, noticing her distracted state. Losing focus now was an exceptionally bad idea.

Speaking of focusing on the enemy, Sam eyed the golem for his opening. His window to strike at his opponent wasn't going to be too large, so he'd have to make it count. Then there was the case of Vile's bombardment, which was a godsent all things considered. With the explosions peppering the monster, getting him to stumble right was going to be a lot easier.

However, "Hey big guy! Have you lost your glasses? I'm still down here!" that didn't mean he couldn't make it easier still for himself. The golem would strike, overextend and stumble from the explosions, give Sam his opening to have a go at the shoulder and thus set up Carol for the finisher.

"Here's hoping it actually works..." Sam thought as he stood his ground, hands tense around his sheathe's trigger.
Lilac cringed as she saw the readings Pangu returned her. This meant one of two things, almost certainly: massive reinforcements or that huge thing she saw earlier is doing something big. Either way, this is bad.

She fiddled a bit with the controls and tried to see if she could use Pangu's communication system to get in contact with the commander on the ground. Meanwhile, she swung the Holodragon about, trying to get herself a bit closer without putting herself out of range of the remaining flying enemies. No way she's abandoning Mugman and even less ditching everyone else when they may need her help.
You curse as Pangu fails to really find any recognizable signals. C'mon, there should be at something you can detect...?

...Huh? That huge energy signal over the fortress... what is it? What is that shadow, barely detectable with eyesight through those clouds over the land?
Delta froze at the explosion, orange eyes narrowing to slits as she turned away from the sudden shocking brightness of the suicide attack. Once the light and deafening roar of the lightning strikes had died down, she shuddered as she felt an ozone tingle in the air. Looking back, she silently acknowledged her thanks at the sacrifice - it meant a moment to breathe in this endless onslaught. She'd need that as she kept sentry at the hole.

It... wasn't the way she'd prefer to die - killing lava monsters left and right until she became too tired. She wasn't really beholden to anyone here like she was Haruka... but, it wasn't like fate had much better in store for her, did it?
The moment stretched on and on, as you watch the battle with the Golem continue...

...Huh, why aren't you being attacked? You'd think all the Biters and Worms would continue attacking, but as the others keep fighting the Golem, the mooks just... mill around. Weird, and worrying.

In fact... why're they all moving into the craters? That's very weird, and massively worrying...

Mugman stared at the descending lightning for several moments gaping slightly at the massive detonation of power.

"Gosh, looks like the wrath of God got called down. I hope they're doing alright down there." Mugman said to himself as he glanced at the very few remaining flyers. There were hardly any left, he could leave them for a few moments to give his friends down below some help against the big bimbo golem. Something niggled at the back of his mind about leaving a job unfinished, something to do with only cleaning a few of the dishes? It'd come back to him later he was sure.

Shifting gear and pushing the stick forwards, he takes his plane into a dive, laying down some sweeping fire at the Golem and the critters near them to give his friends some support.
The bullets tear into both the Biters and the Golem, taking down a good number of ground forces in that single pass.

Why were they all going into the crater, though? That's just weird.
Analysis complete: thermal energy flows indicate heat and perhaps raw material is drawn from the ground into the targets to regenerate its damaged body, predicted with 97.25% accuracy. Remaining 2.75% probability is that the thermal flows are merely the result of regular convection.

Vile dashed in the last short distance with his boosters, then bringing his legs forward sharply and skidding to a halt, right leg forward and deploying icy gas towards the Golem's feet, intending to freeze them and the ground below in order to hamper mobility and prevent regeneration.

"Here!" He yelled at the lumbering creature, continuing to spray with the Sea Dragon's Rage as much as he reasonably could. The moment it tried to attack him, he could use his dash functionality to suddenly be somewhere else in a hurry, a dodging strategy he would make significant use of, but maximizing damage was a priority here. As long as the thing had regeneration, they weren't doing anything to it fast. Hopefully, most of the actual damage could be dealt by his compatriots, or him later if they weren't up to the task.
The ice spread over the ground, fulfilling it's purpose perfectly as the cracks beneath the Golem cooled, lava hardening quickly into rock around the beast's feet. It thrashed at him, one fist coming around like a pendulum of doom, but a quick dash and you continued your bombardment, throwing a few shoulder cannon shots at it and noting that it wasn't healing. Perfect.
Meanwhile, on the ground Carol found herself a bit spooked. She noticed the purple blasts of lightning and the way the battlefield conditions changed. To be fair, she was aware that this war ; back during the great, climatic battle of the Brevon Crisis, she had been aware of casualties mounting all around her. And while she was aware that Lilac and Milla had mentally blocked it out, she had been very aware that not every disembodied limb and splash of gore they had run into had once been a Brevon goon.

Still, while she was a descendant of a long ninja line and no stranger to death, she still flinched internally and hesitated for a second as she became keenly aware that someone she might have befriended earlier has become little more than a memory.

... for a fraction of a second, she wondered if that was going to be it. If her luck is finally going to run out.

A paralysed by fear ninja is a dead ninja. She channelled her sudden surge of terror into anger and gripped her Mech Blade replica with all of her strength. It was then that she saw Vile approaching. And a thought occured to her.

"Vile! I'll use a wind elemental energy charge! You use explosives or more ice! Sam! You follow my movements!"

Carol kicked into the ground as she broke into a run. As she did so, she glanced about to make sure no enemies were approaching to flank her. Now, the question is... will they follow?

... and should they even stick around to fight, anyway? And why didn't the commander give them radios? Shouldn't they have one in case they need the order... to retreat...

Oh son of a bitch.

Meanwhile, Sam was coming up with ideas on how to somehow throw that huge thing in the air. He knew he lacked the strength for it right now, and he wasn't sure their combined strength could accomplish it either in the traditional 'block the thing, jam in the pointy end, then heave with all your strength' way. Which meant he needed to shave off some weight first.

"Eyes on the prize, girl!" Sam yelled as he charged after her, noticing her distracted state. Losing focus now was an exceptionally bad idea.

Speaking of focusing on the enemy, Sam eyed the golem for his opening. His window to strike at his opponent wasn't going to be too large, so he'd have to make it count. Then there was the case of Vile's bombardment, which was a godsent all things considered. With the explosions peppering the monster, getting him to stumble right was going to be a lot easier.

However, "Hey big guy! Have you lost your glasses? I'm still down here!" that didn't mean he couldn't make it easier still for himself. The golem would strike, overextend and stumble from the explosions, give Sam his opening to have a go at the shoulder and thus set up Carol for the finisher.

"Here's hoping it actually works..." Sam thought as he stood his ground, hands tense around his sheathe's trigger.
Carol dashes inwards, shield turning pink as Sam waits, his words turning the monster from it's mighty, crushing blows aimed at the Reploid toward him. It lifted a foot, rocks falling to the ground as it took a step...

And Carol struck at it's legs, sending it tripping toward Sam - just in the way he wanted.


A single, perfect blow, enhanced by the explosive power of the sheathe. A line of red tearing through the lava of the creature's front, sending it spraying everywhere except you, as the deep injury reveals something quite interesting - a dark eyeball, colored orange-green and slitted, in the center of the Golem.

Instincts screamed at you, telling you that this was it - this was what you needed to hit to kill this thing.
A nameless fear krept into Lilac's heart at what she saw. The total lack of any communications also was odd. As if the commander did not... as if...

It couldn't be. Couldn't it?

But then, Torque had been so nice and he had... And then looking at this battle, how all the enemies just stopped and... begun... to... hide.

Oh son of a bitch.

She called to Mugman. "WE GOT TO GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE! IT'S A TRAP!" Hopefully, he'll hear her and, like her, will connect the dots on why all of those baddies are taking cover.


Carol was grinning. That eyeball couldn't be anything but the weak point. But as she prepared to finish off her foe, she suddenly noticed that everything had gone... kind of quiet all of a sudden. Sure, there was the gunfire and her new friends fighting but she no longer heard the bad guys. In fact, why are...

"Forget that thing!" she called to Sam and Vile. "They're all taking cover! Vile, if you can take a shot and finish it off, go for it but otherwise, we gotta get out of here! NOW!"
Carol dashes inwards, shield turning pink as Sam waits, his words turning the monster from it's mighty, crushing blows aimed at the Reploid toward him. It lifted a foot, rocks falling to the ground as it took a step...

And Carol struck at it's legs, sending it tripping toward Sam - just in the way he wanted.


A single, perfect blow, enhanced by the explosive power of the sheathe. A line of red tearing through the lava of the creature's front, sending it spraying everywhere except you, as the deep injury reveals something quite interesting - a dark eyeball, colored orange-green and slitted, in the center of the Golem.

Instincts screamed at you, telling you that this was it - this was what you needed to hit to kill this thing.

Carol was grinning. That eyeball couldn't be anything but the weak point. But as she prepared to finish off her foe, she suddenly noticed that everything had gone... kind of quiet all of a sudden. Sure, there was the gunfire and her new friends fighting but she no longer heard the bad guys. In fact, why are...

"Forget that thing!" she called to Sam and Vile. "They're all taking cover! Vile, if you can take a shot and finish it off, go for it but otherwise, we gotta get out of here! NOW!"

Unfortunately, Carol's warning had come too late. As soon as Sam saw the eye a deep instinct within him kicked in. This was his moment! He met its glare and continued the motion of his slash, jumping up before the creature could recover.

With a wide flourish and a triumphant smile, Sam resheated Murasama for one last quick draw. As he flew towards it, drawing irrevocably closer to that searing wound he had opened, something clicked inside him. Rivers of red energy sprang into being and angrily whirled around the samurai and into his sheathe, filling him with power. From his point of view, time slowed to such a crawl it might as well have stopped. The only thing that was still moving was Sam himself, gently drifting to his target.

And then, with a single word-


-the stillness of an eternal moment exploded into violence.

A single slash, so fast as to seem instantaneous, struck the eye with a dozens of cuts. The red winds spiralled outwards, blowing out the monster's chest cavity and forming a perfect exit tunnel. Before the parts of the eye could even begin to fall down Sam was upon them, running them through with a savage cry.

The samurai flew out of the now dead golem like a bullet, landing in a low crouch with the grace of a cat. He shot the eye a wide grin, rubbing in the golem's defeat even if it was a pointless gesture, and then crushed the eye into paste on his blade with his bare hands.

After that frankly excessive display of 'style', Sam wiped Murasama clean and sheathed it before running up to Carol. "Okay, now we run."
"I suppose that wasn't half bad at all." Vile commented appreciatively at Sam's finishing attack on the Golem, walking towards the nearest crater. From the looks of him, he didn't have a care in the world, and was taking his sweet time to get to cover. That said, he wasn't being too slow either, merely walking at a normal pace. He also looked around the area, especially at the sky, to see if he could gather more information on what exactly was causing Carol and the Biters to be so concerned.

When he was a short way to the crater that he was going to take cover in, a thought occurred to him. Activating his Hunter-standard military radio, he flicked through the various standard frequencies official organizations used, trying to see if he could find and intercept whatever radio frequency the locals were using, and if they were saying anything on it. Radio frequencies were, after all, literal frequencies, and since the speed of radio waves in atmosphere was more or less constant, that just meant the variance was on actual wavelengths, which should be the same in his universe and this one if physics wasn't messing with him too much. Hence, he just had to cycle through the various frequencies physically possible, starting with the common ones, and sooner or later he should find it and see what they were saying. Unless they weren't using radio.
The bullets tear into both the Biters and the Golem, taking down a good number of ground forces in that single pass.

Why were they all going into the crater, though? That's just weird.

For a brief moment Mugman was surprised and confused, why were they all ducking for cover? Was he really that scary? He scratched the rim of his mug in thought for a moment, the only thing he really knew about war and battles was what he experienced and Werner Werman told him about The Great War-

She called to Mugman. "WE GOT TO GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE! IT'S A TRAP!" Hopefully, he'll hear her and, like her, will connect the dots on why all of those baddies are taking cover.

They're finding cover from artillery.

The entire frontal assault was a distraction, it was a trick to get us pulled out into the open to fight their main forces rather than bunkering down inside the main base. Immediately he broke into a dive, his plane couldn't support more than one other person. Sam had just attacked the Golem, him and Carol were near each other while Vile seemed unconcerned, his plane couldn't hold someone so heavy anyways. He pulled into a halting stop, forcefully halting from high speed to nothing with a sharp noise of a hard break and the skidding of reals, barely managing to stop near.

"They're launching artillery! Get on quick!" He calls out quickly, reaching out to help them on before ramping up his motor's engine to max. He was unsure if he could fly very well with two passengers, but getting them off the ground will protect them way more than getting them into cover, artillery has never shot down a plane after all.
The moment stretched on and on, as you watch the battle with the Golem continue...

...Huh, why aren't you being attacked? You'd think all the Biters and Worms would continue attacking, but as the others keep fighting the Golem, the mooks just... mill around. Weird, and worrying.

In fact... why're they all moving into the craters? That's very weird, and massively worrying...
Delta let out a hissing snarl as she backed into the fortress, warily eyeing the Golem that still stood within the gates and the human fighting it. She'd leap in to cover if anything happened... but it was safer to keep her distance from the stink for now.
A nameless fear krept into Lilac's heart at what she saw. The total lack of any communications also was odd. As if the commander did not... as if...

It couldn't be. Couldn't it?

But then, Torque had been so nice and he had... And then looking at this battle, how all the enemies just stopped and... begun... to... hide.

Oh son of a bitch.

She called to Mugman. "WE GOT TO GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE! IT'S A TRAP!" Hopefully, he'll hear her and, like her, will connect the dots on why all of those baddies are taking cover.


Carol was grinning. That eyeball couldn't be anything but the weak point. But as she prepared to finish off her foe, she suddenly noticed that everything had gone... kind of quiet all of a sudden. Sure, there was the gunfire and her new friends fighting but she no longer heard the bad guys. In fact, why are...

"Forget that thing!" she called to Sam and Vile. "They're all taking cover! Vile, if you can take a shot and finish it off, go for it but otherwise, we gotta get out of here! NOW!"
And even as Carol and began screaming your warnings, and trying to dodge...
Unfortunately, Carol's warning had come too late. As soon as Sam saw the eye a deep instinct within him kicked in. This was his moment! He met its glare and continued the motion of his slash, jumping up before the creature could recover.

With a wide flourish and a triumphant smile, Sam resheated Murasama for one last quick draw. As he flew towards it, drawing irrevocably closer to that searing wound he had opened, something clicked inside him. Rivers of red energy sprang into being and angrily whirled around the samurai and into his sheathe, filling him with power. From his point of view, time slowed to such a crawl it might as well have stopped. The only thing that was still moving was Sam himself, gently drifting to his target.

And then, with a single word-


-the stillness of an eternal moment exploded into violence.

A single slash, so fast as to seem instantaneous, struck the eye with a dozens of cuts. The red winds spiralled outwards, blowing out the monster's chest cavity and forming a perfect exit tunnel. Before the parts of the eye could even begin to fall down Sam was upon them, running them through with a savage cry.

The samurai flew out of the now dead golem like a bullet, landing in a low crouch with the grace of a cat. He shot the eye a wide grin, rubbing in the golem's defeat even if it was a pointless gesture, and then crushed the eye into paste on his blade with his bare hands.

After that frankly excessive display of 'style', Sam wiped Murasama clean and sheathed it before running up to Carol. "Okay, now we run."
Even as Sam's blade tore the massive eyeball apart, as the Golem's body fell to pieces...
"I suppose that wasn't half bad at all." Vile commented appreciatively at Sam's finishing attack on the Golem, walking towards the nearest crater. From the looks of him, he didn't have a care in the world, and was taking his sweet time to get to cover. That said, he wasn't being too slow either, merely walking at a normal pace. He also looked around the area, especially at the sky, to see if he could gather more information on what exactly was causing Carol and the Biters to be so concerned.

When he was a short way to the crater that he was going to take cover in, a thought occurred to him. Activating his Hunter-standard military radio, he flicked through the various standard frequencies official organizations used, trying to see if he could find and intercept whatever radio frequency the locals were using, and if they were saying anything on it. Radio frequencies were, after all, literal frequencies, and since the speed of radio waves in atmosphere was more or less constant, that just meant the variance was on actual wavelengths, which should be the same in his universe and this one if physics wasn't messing with him too much. Hence, he just had to cycle through the various frequencies physically possible, starting with the common ones, and sooner or later he should find it and see what they were saying. Unless they weren't using radio.
Even as you scanned the radoi frequencies, and found the only one broadcasting to be the drone above...

For a brief moment Mugman was surprised and confused, why were they all ducking for cover? Was he really that scary? He scratched the rim of his mug in thought for a moment, the only thing he really knew about war and battles was what he experienced and Werner Werman told him about The Great War-

They're finding cover from artillery.

The entire frontal assault was a distraction, it was a trick to get us pulled out into the open to fight their main forces rather than bunkering down inside the main base. Immediately he broke into a dive, his plane couldn't support more than one other person. Sam had just attacked the Golem, him and Carol were near each other while Vile seemed unconcerned, his plane couldn't hold someone so heavy anyways. He pulled into a halting stop, forcefully halting from high speed to nothing with a sharp noise of a hard break and the skidding of reals, barely managing to stop near.

"They're launching artillery! Get on quick!" He calls out quickly, reaching out to help them on before ramping up his motor's engine to max. He was unsure if he could fly very well with two passengers, but getting them off the ground will protect them way more than getting them into cover, artillery has never shot down a plane after all.
Delta let out a hissing snarl as she backed into the fortress, warily eyeing the Golem that still stood within the gates and the human fighting it. She'd leap in to cover if anything happened... but it was safer to keep her distance from the stink for now.
Even as you both notice all the mooks freeze in place as the Golem dies...

Twin comets, one bright flaming orange and one a shining cyan, descend from the clouds like the wrath of God Himself.


From the twin impacts, directly in the crater, a sudden fireball blossomed over the battlefield, washing over the battlefield. Any hostile lava creature it touched, collapsed, all the heat in their bodies seemingly being ripped out of it, but anyone else found the fire to be surprisingly comfortable - at most, the air around you rose to 'a little uncomfortable' temperature wise. A hush descended over the battlefield, as two people pulled themselves out of the newly formed craters before the battlefield...

One, a violet-furred cat, topmost fur pulled up in a sort of ponytail and dressed in darker purple and white clothing. A red jewel of some sort glimmers on her brow, and fire dances in the air around her like a mantle of power. She holds herself like a princess - one born to and used to power.

The other was a hedgehog, cloaked in an aura of cyan energy. The spines on his forhead fanned out like a leaf, and the golden bands on his wrists and ankles also shone with power. He was dressed in a suit of segmented, grey armor, above a slick dark bodysuit and white gloves. Compared to the cat, he seems less sure of himself, but the way his own power cloaked him showed a same sense of 'one used to power'. If the cat was a princess, then he would be a knight - or perhaps a prince, relatively new and unsure of his power.

From the fortress, an almost audible wave of relief spread over it's inhabitants. "It's them! Blaze, Silver, they're here!" everyone on the ground hears a particularly loud soldier cheer.


Sash notices this almost immediately after she sees the two light fall from the sky - a great airship, breaking the clouds as it begins it's descent.

...Well, 'great' is relative, considering it looks like someone took a mesh box, shoved a bunch of red-painted tubes in it, slapped engines on one end, and called it a day. But considering the flag pained on it's starboard side, and the fact it, by visual estimation, looks about as big as that humongous indentation on the fortress grounds...

Wait, is this the ship that was coming from Angel Island?

The tension in Mugman slowly relaxes as he suddenly realizes that no, it wasn't enemy artillery, it was friendly artillery, in the form of a pair of animal people.

"Oh, well. Guess that's egg on my face!" He says humorously hiding his embarrassment over being totally wrong, as he scratches the base of his mug's handle, eyes glancing towards the now frozen creatures surrounding them a feeling of cautiousness still running through him. He winds his engines plane down as he get's out of it, a feeling of hope mixed with caution going through him, not shrinking it down for storage quite yet though.
Lilac was worried but then, as she saw the events unfold. She smiled deeply. Relief washed all over her as she activated Pangu's communications system and tried to ping the airship so that she might not be shot at as she return to Carol's side.


Meanwhile, Carol blinked a few times. For a moment, she was on the ground, shaking like a leaf, having tried to take cover.

"Imdeadimdeadimdead..." she whimpered, trembling incontrollably, her voice almost cracking into sobs... until she open her eyes and notice that all of the enemies are gone and that she is in the presence of a fellow feline in a snazzy suit as well as some kind of spiny hedgehog-faced being in a suit that reminded her of Lilac's dragon tech suit.

A wide, wide grin formed on her face. She slowly relaxed and noticing the lack of foes, shifted the componements of the massive Mech Blade back into their original position before sheating it. She kept her shields up, because of the environmental pollution but lowered the output so that she wouldn't be surrounded by raging flames.

She quickly brushed off the dust and grime off of her and then stood tall. "No idea who you are but you sure are sights for sore eyes!"

Not long after, a brillant stream of light and a roar was head as Pangu made its approach. Then, a flickering and the robot returned to its original form. A lavender dragoness in a blue suit landed by Carol's side.

"Carol! I'm so glad you're OK!"

"Lilac! I knew you'd manage up there! Everything turned out alright in the end. And I think we might have new friends there!" went the green feline.

The dragoness turned to face the strange feline. She noted the red gem embedded in her forehead and briefly wondered if it was something akin to the chargers on the side of her own head. Then there was the... weird hedgehog guy in the black suit? She had difficulty guessing what kind of species he belonged to. Maybe an odd type of distant dragon relative? Perhaps?
And even as Carol and began screaming your warnings, and trying to dodge...
Even as Sam's blade tore the massive eyeball apart, as the Golem's body fell to pieces...
Even as you scanned the radoi frequencies, and found the only one broadcasting to be the drone above...

Even as you both notice all the mooks freeze in place as the Golem dies...

Twin comets, one bright flaming orange and one a shining cyan, descend from the clouds like the wrath of God Himself.


From the twin impacts, directly in the crater, a sudden fireball blossomed over the battlefield, washing over the battlefield. Any hostile lava creature it touched, collapsed, all the heat in their bodies seemingly being ripped out of it, but anyone else found the fire to be surprisingly comfortable - at most, the air around you rose to 'a little uncomfortable' temperature wise. A hush descended over the battlefield, as two people pulled themselves out of the newly formed craters before the battlefield...

One, a violet-furred cat, topmost fur pulled up in a sort of ponytail and dressed in darker purple and white clothing. A red jewel of some sort glimmers on her brow, and fire dances in the air around her like a mantle of power. She holds herself like a princess - one born to and used to power.

The other was a hedgehog, cloaked in an aura of cyan energy. The spines on his forhead fanned out like a leaf, and the golden bands on his wrists and ankles also shone with power. He was dressed in a suit of segmented, grey armor, above a slick dark bodysuit and white gloves. Compared to the cat, he seems less sure of himself, but the way his own power cloaked him showed a same sense of 'one used to power'. If the cat was a princess, then he would be a knight - or perhaps a prince, relatively new and unsure of his power.

From the fortress, an almost audible wave of relief spread over it's inhabitants. "It's them! Blaze, Silver, they're here!" everyone on the ground hears a particularly loud soldier cheer.


Sash notices this almost immediately after she sees the two light fall from the sky - a great airship, breaking the clouds as it begins it's descent.

...Well, 'great' is relative, considering it looks like someone took a mesh box, shoved a bunch of red-painted tubes in it, slapped engines on one end, and called it a day. But considering the flag pained on it's starboard side, and the fact it, by visual estimation, looks about as big as that humongous indentation on the fortress grounds...

Wait, is this the ship that was coming from Angel Island?
Delta nodded at the sight of two new furries arriving, along with the cheers of the soldiers. It seemed this was over for now. Silently, she slipped away to a darkened corner, hoping there were little to no eyes on her as she disengaged the Driver around her waist. Once back to her slightly smouldering human form, she took a few minutes to gather herself. She was hungry again, and on edge from the onslaught they just faced, so she wouldn't be in the most hospitable of moods if badgered by the others for... whatever reasons.
"Feh. Showoffs." Vile grumbled from inside the crater he had needlessly jumped in to, as he looked around at the devastation. "Either let us have our day or show up earlier." He continued to mutter. "Honestly, why did they even bother bringing us here if those two could do, well, that?" He turned slightly, looking over his shoulder at Blaze. "And frankly, I just don't like that face of hers. Tilt it up a little, and... yep, don't like it."

Jumping out of the crater, he began walking over in much the same way he had walked to the crater in the first place. "Welcome to the humble abode of the locals, you two." He called out at the newly arrived pair. "I don't suppose you can explain why a bunch of strangers from different worlds got dragged through green portals to fight a monster named Iblis?"

Lilac lost her smile and turned to Vile, obviously annoyed by what he just said. "That's not very nice! Those people saved us and beside, they just arrived!"

"Relax, Lilac." Carol said, looking rather unnaffected by the entire thing (which was actually a complete lie but hey, who is paying attention to that?). Then as she looked closer at the fellow feline, she couldn't help but note that royal look. It reminded her of Spade... except... actually, no. It remind her of Spade. She can tell, body language-wise. It's not as utterly controlled or collected, she can still see the tells of a normal person's tics but that feline definitely got that air about herself. The guy though, seems fairly generic despite his fancy suit. A big contrast from Lilac, despite similar tastes in body suit. She wonder if it's augmented and powered like Lilac's...

Still, despite all of those thoughts flashing in her mind and her gaze focusing on the newcomers for a moment as she took note of the situation, she kept her winning smile and continued to speak as if this was some kind of odd sitcom-esque situation. "Vile is just a bit upset that those two stole the show when we were about to deliver the finishing blow to that odd big lava thing's eyeball. Even perfect military machines and professional hypercompetent ninjas like to get to look awesome while they dispatch their foes in a super stylish way."

"I'm also bummed out. Couldn't they have arrived just four point seven seconds later?!" She then muttered, much quieter before catching herself as if she had said nothing. "-but that doesn't matter now!"

Lilac blinked and then rolled her eyes. She turned to the newcomers. "Still, thanks for saving Carol."

That, definitely annoyed Carol. Her ears dropped against the sides of her head and she instantly lost her smile, frowning deeply and angrily at the dragoness. Lilac, currently having her back turned to the green cat, did not notice that.

"WE saved the day, not them. They just barged in at the last second, getting credit for the whole battle. Which is completely unfair by the way. So cut the 'totally humble hero' act." Carol muttered, this time angrily and clearly directly at Lilac. If Lilac heard, she pretended not to hear.
Still, despite all of those thoughts flashing in her mind and her gaze focusing on the newcomers for a moment as she took note of the situation, she kept her winning smile and continued to speak as if this was some kind of odd sitcom-esque situation. "Vile is just a bit upset that those two stole the show when we were about to deliver the finishing blow to that odd big lava thing's eyeball. Even perfect military machines and professional hypercompetent ninjas like to get to look awesome while they dispatch their foes in a super stylish way."

Sam had been too late to react much to the explosion. He could have thrown himself to the ground, but in the end he was a regular old human who got winded after a fight that intense. A good thing the explosion was harmless then.

So, after having weathered the storm standing up, he casually dusted himself off and strolled up to the conversation. "As someone who did get to look cool.while finishing off that monster, I can confirm that it feel great." he interjected, giving a nod to the newcomers to acknowledge them.

And as Sam proceeded to comment, he also proceeded to lose many of his cool points with Carol judging by the massive, obviously annoyed expression that adorned her face as he expressed said comment aloud. In fact, judging by how she suddenly froze, all body language ceasing except for her tail slowly wagging and her narrowed eyes, he had indeed lost more than just a few.

Oh well. She'll get over it.
"Oh, well. Guess that's egg on my face!"

"Carol! I'm so glad you're OK!"

"Lilac! I knew you'd manage up there! Everything turned out alright in the end. And I think we might have new friends there!"
By this point, the two new arrivals had exited the craters, their gazes panning over the walltops and the group before turning to each other. They both share a nod, and the silver hedgehog proceeds to walk to the hole in the wall while the cat walks up to the group. She opens her mouth...
"Feh. Showoffs." Vile grumbled from inside the crater he had needlessly jumped in to, as he looked around at the devastation. "Either let us have our day or show up earlier." He continued to mutter. "Honestly, why did they even bother bringing us here if those two could do, well, that?" He turned slightly, looking over his shoulder at Blaze. "And frankly, I just don't like that face of hers. Tilt it up a little, and... yep, don't like it."

Jumping out of the crater, he began walking over in much the same way he had walked to the crater in the first place. "Welcome to the humble abode of the locals, you two." He called out at the newly arrived pair. "I don't suppose you can explain why a bunch of strangers from different worlds got dragged through green portals to fight a monster named Iblis?"

Lilac lost her smile and turned to Vile, obviously annoyed by what he just said. "That's not very nice! Those people saved us and beside, they just arrived!"

"Relax, Lilac." Carol said, looking rather unnaffected by the entire thing (which was actually a complete lie but hey, who is paying attention to that?). Then as she looked closer at the fellow feline, she couldn't help but note that royal look. It reminded her of Spade... except... actually, no. It remind her of Spade. She can tell, body language-wise. It's not as utterly controlled or collected, she can still see the tells of a normal person's tics but that feline definitely got that air about herself. The guy though, seems fairly generic despite his fancy suit. A big contrast from Lilac, despite similar tastes in body suit. She wonder if it's augmented and powered like Lilac's...

Still, despite all of those thoughts flashing in her mind and her gaze focusing on the newcomers for a moment as she took note of the situation, she kept her winning smile and continued to speak as if this was some kind of odd sitcom-esque situation. "Vile is just a bit upset that those two stole the show when we were about to deliver the finishing blow to that odd big lava thing's eyeball. Even perfect military machines and professional hypercompetent ninjas like to get to look awesome while they dispatch their foes in a super stylish way."

"I'm also bummed out. Couldn't they have arrived just four point seven seconds later?!" She then muttered, much quieter before catching herself as if she had said nothing. "-but that doesn't matter now!"

Lilac blinked and then rolled her eyes. She turned to the newcomers. "Still, thanks for saving Carol."

That, definitely annoyed Carol. Her ears dropped against the sides of her head and she instantly lost her smile, frowning deeply and angrily at the dragoness. Lilac, currently having her back turned to the green cat, did not notice that.

"WE saved the day, not them. They just barged in at the last second, getting credit for the whole battle. Which is completely unfair by the way. So cut the 'totally humble hero' act." Carol muttered, this time angrily and clearly directly at Lilac. If Lilac heard, she pretended not to hear.

So, after having weathered the storm standing up, he casually dusted himself off and strolled up to the conversation. "As someone who did get to look cool.while finishing off that monster, I can confirm that it feel great." he interjected, giving a nod to the newcomers to acknowledge them.
Before Vile interrupts anything she way about to say. She doesn't visibly react though - not in any way you'd like, anyways. Instead, she makes a polite half-bow toward the group. "So, this is where you were summoned. I humbly apologize for your arrival in this particular place, and thank you for your efforts in defending this place and protecting my people. I am Blaze, one of the two Champions of Angel Island, and he-" she nodded after the hedgehog- "Is Silver.

I presume you have questions about why you are here, and I am able to answer them. However, I must request that you hold them for a time, as another assault is approaching and I must prepare myself."
Delta nodded at the sight of two new furries arriving, along with the cheers of the soldiers. It seemed this was over for now. Silently, she slipped away to a darkened corner, hoping there were little to no eyes on her as she disengaged the Driver around her waist. Once back to her slightly smouldering human form, she took a few minutes to gather herself. She was hungry again, and on edge from the onslaught they just faced, so she wouldn't be in the most hospitable of moods if badgered by the others for... whatever reasons.
You see the silver hedgehog-like guy enter through the hole in the wall and walk up to the commander. You aren't close enough to overhear, but you can read body language and the hedgehog's is somewhat tense.

Maybe you should try and get closer to overhear it?
You see the silver hedgehog-like guy enter through the hole in the wall and walk up to the commander. You aren't close enough to overhear, but you can read body language and the hedgehog's is somewhat tense.

Maybe you should try and get closer to overhear it?
Xan patted out the smoldering bits of her clothing before she shuffled out of the shadows to greet the arrivals silently, hoping this meant things were about to get a less hectic. She just hoped the others won't try to question where she was during the siege.