"It's down that way, on the coast," Kerry replied, gesturing the way his boat had been going. "Pretty long walk unless you're faster than normal. "I'm willing to give a ride to those who need it... if you could remove these plants, anyways," he finished off wryly, gesturing at the slimy vines still keeping his boat trapped.
Vile looked between the group, the boat and the human inside it, and the far off Fortress, whatever it was. Well, it's not like they had much of a choice, was it?

"I don't think we have much of a choice, and if nothing else it's more information for us. I say we head over that way, you make whatever arrangements you need." After pausing for a moment to consider if he needed to say anything else, Vile decided that he didn't.

He turned in the indicated distance and took off at a run. It wasn't that much faster than what a human could achieve, but the Reploid would be able to keep it up all the way from here to the Fortress without much in the way of problems due to his inhuman endurance. It still would be a while, but he should get there soon enough. Hopefully the rest of the group wouldn't be too far behind.
"It's down that way, on the coast," Kerry replied, gesturing the way his boat had been going. "Pretty long walk unless you're faster than normal. "I'm willing to give a ride to those who need it... if you could remove these plants, anyways," he finished off wryly, gesturing at the slimy vines still keeping his boat trapped.

"Hmm?" Luna blinks, before glancing down at the vines around the boat. "Ah, right." The plant girl flexed her thoughts, allowing the vines that had grasped the boat to unfurl, slipping down and away from the ship, growing down and along the bottom of the shore, outwards towards the ocean, where it was programmed to spread, shifting and splitting into hundreds of smaller plants that would consume the ash and the smog in the air, spitting out cleaner, purer air.

It isn't much, but even this little bit should help clean up the world and make it easier for the Green to retake it. "Lead the way... Or follow the rude guy, I guess that words too."
"Right then." Sam got up, grabbed his suitcase and embarked on the speedboat. Sure, Mugman's plane had been fine but it wasn't exactly his preferred mode of transport.


That and this was probably the closest thing he was going to be getting to that cruise he'd been planning and by god was Sam unwilling to accept that his vacation had been cancelled. The apocalypse was going to have to put in the extra mile if it wanted to stop him from kicking back and relaxing.
"It's down that way, on the coast," Kerry replied, gesturing the way his boat had been going. "Pretty long walk unless you're faster than normal. "I'm willing to give a ride to those who need it... if you could remove these plants, anyways," he finished off wryly, gesturing at the slimy vines still keeping his boat trapped.

@Lt Darkhound
@Dust and echoes
Xan nodded quietly before starting her bike back up and taking off down the coast as soon as it was mentioned. She was glad to get away from the few humans in the group... and the violently strange ones, at least for a moment. The only thing that would make this better would be getting some protein in her, but what she knew of post-apocalyptic scenarios... good friggin' luck. Her eyes narrowed as she clenched the steering handles of the bike even harder, trying to tamper down another wave of anxiety about how long she could keep from tearing out some random human's throat.

"It's down that way, on the coast," Kerry replied, gesturing the way his boat had been going. "Pretty long walk unless you're faster than normal. "I'm willing to give a ride to those who need it... if you could remove these plants, anyways," he finished off wryly, gesturing at the slimy vines still keeping his boat trapped.

After a few moments of collecting himself Mugman pocketed his plane and boarded the boat, he felt like it'd be best to stick together, although he paused and looked at the large blue gun, after what it did to the big green fellow he didn't think it'd be worth the risk of picking it up. If he was his brother he'd probably try it anyways. Shaking his head, Mugman turned and hopped over the edge of the boat with relative ease.

"This boat you got here looks mighty interesting mister, never seen one like it before. Can you tell me where the Galley is? I need a place to mix my drinks." Cuphead asks the presumed ship captain, he didn't feel like double hearts would be much good in the future, only reason he had it equipped was in case something bad happened after fighting the Devil.
"It's down that way, on the coast," Kerry replied, gesturing the way his boat had been going. "Pretty long walk unless you're faster than normal. "I'm willing to give a ride to those who need it... if you could remove these plants, anyways," he finished off wryly, gesturing at the slimy vines still keeping his boat trapped.
Rene Petit
"Well, always wanted to be on a boat once in my life," he mused. Then, he started walking to the boat, now cleared of plant life. "You coming with?" he spoke into the comms.
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"It's down that way, on the coast," Kerry replied, gesturing the way his boat had been going. "Pretty long walk unless you're faster than normal. "I'm willing to give a ride to those who need it... if you could remove these plants, anyways," he finished off wryly, gesturing at the slimy vines still keeping his boat trapped.

Rene Petit
"Well, always wanted to be on a boat once in my life," he mused. Then, he started walking to the boat, now cleared of plant life. "You coming with?" he spoke into the comms.

Aleksandr Kasanov
"Smalltime, you live on a hyper-advanced alien transport that has been converted into a mobile fortress and HQ of the XCOM Resistance. And you want to go on a boat? How have you never gone on a boat you French bastard? We picked you up in the Americas, well after the Aliens stopped using UFOs to transport people. And I don't think I'll be taking the boat. After what happened to Green Guy, I don't think I'll trust anything going on with Kenny. Might follow that other asshole." Alex said from his overwatch perch. No need to give up his stealth advantage just yet, if he could help it.

@Dust and echoes
"Well, I don't need a ride, myself. And well, I think some of us should keep up on the side, in case another attack occurs." Lilac said. "Still, thanks for the offer."

The dragoness decided not to board the boat. Her incredible speed would allow her to keep up, no problem. Nearby, Carol unsheated her massive, strange mechanical blade. Its systems activated and it begun to actually change shape, soon taking the form of a high tech-looking motorcycle.

"I think I'll follow Lilac. Given the rate of bad guy encounters so far, might be better if I stay with her just in case she needs to be bailed out again."

Carol's comment caused Lilac to look annoyed for a moment but she quickly shrugged it off. Once everyone would have boarded the boat (given no one else wants to go on foot or on their own vehicle on the side), she would set off, taking the lead to ensure no more lava monsters sneaked by, with Carol bringing up the rear on her motorcycle mode mech blade.
"It's down that way, on the coast," Kerry replied, gesturing the way his boat had been going. "Pretty long walk unless you're faster than normal. "I'm willing to give a ride to those who need it... if you could remove these plants, anyways," he finished off wryly, gesturing at the slimy vines still keeping his boat trapped.

@Lt Darkhound
@Dust and echoes
Mox picked himself up out of his hastily chosen cover, somewhat confused why there had been no follow up attack after the green ones...whatever happened to the green one, and more confused as to why the others had just brushed it off. He supposed he should have been used to them not understanding a thing about survivability and tactics by now, but they still managed to surprise him.

Kids these days....
Rene Petit
"Well, always wanted to be on a boat once in my life," he mused. Then, he started walking to the boat, now cleared of plant life. "You coming with?" he spoke into the comms.
"I'm heading with 3-3." Grumbled the old soldier. "If only to make sure I get to laugh at him being wrong before we all die."

"Because we're definitely all going to die." He added under his breath.
Aleksandr Kasanov
"Smalltime, you live on a hyper-advanced alien transport that has been converted into a mobile fortress and HQ of the XCOM Resistance. And you want to go on a boat? How have you never gone on a boat you French bastard? We picked you up in the Americas, well after the Aliens stopped using UFOs to transport people. And I don't think I'll be taking the boat. After what happened to Green Guy, I don't think I'll trust anything going on with Kenny. Might follow that other asshole." Alex said from his overwatch perch. No need to give up his stealth advantage just yet, if he could help it.

@Dust and echoes
"Copy that 3-2." Mox replied. "Just make sure you keep up. I prefer to at least have a general idea of where you are."
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"Copy that 3-2." Mox replied. "Just make sure you keep up. I prefer to at least have a general idea of where you are."
Aleksandr Kasanov
"Roger that, Mox. I'll try to stick near the coast. See you at this "Fortress" place. 3-2 out." Alex replied, before dropping down to ground level, using his hook as a makeshift rope. Upon hitting the ground, Alex took off at a good jogging pace, making sure to avoid the group.
And thus, off everyone went. Anyone walking found themselves lagging behind the people with motorcycles, though the boat was slow enough that everyone could walk within comfortable shouting distance of it.

It was two hours of travel later when the people walking normally first caught glimpse of the whitewashed walls of the bricklike fortress. Drawing closer, one could tease out details.

Behind the walls four times as tall as a man, one could see a greyish, bricklike building of some sort towering over everything. Men-as well as shorter, brightly colored animal people patrolled from behind the walls and on the ground, and one could notice a steely watchtower just behind the corner of the wall. Closer still, and you could see lumps and bumps all over the coverless ground- a minefield of some sort. There wasn't an obvious path though them, and the dark-grey-and-silver uniformed guards motioned for you all to wait, while one wolflike member carefully made his way toward you. "Who are you- never mind, let's get you all inside," he says. Follow my steps exactly- you don't want to step on a mine."

@Dust and echoes
@Lt Darkhound

The people on the boat, on the other hand, would see that there weren't many defenses on the sea- there was a wall, but no real patrols, and a decently large gate that was open. As Kerry maneuvers the boat into it, you see a small dockyard containing a number of motorboats like the one Kerry has, and a few, somewhat bigger sloops. There weren't many people here- a bird person and a older man carrying a motor off inside the grey building, that on closer inspection was mounted on concrete stilts, and a pale woman waving at Kerry, before blinking at the sight of everyone else. "I see you found some wanderers, Kerry," she called out as the boat drew up to the dock.

Behind the walls four times as tall as a man, one could see a greyish, bricklike building of some sort towering over everything. Men-as well as shorter, brightly colored animal people patrolled from behind the walls and on the ground, and one could notice a steely watchtower just behind the corner of the wall. Closer still, and you could see lumps and bumps all over the coverless ground- a minefield of some sort. There wasn't an obvious path though them, and the dark-grey-and-silver uniformed guards motioned for you all to wait, while one wolflike member carefully made his way toward you. "Who are you- never mind, let's get you all inside," he says. Follow my steps exactly- you don't want to step on a mine."
Vile considers his options here. He could probably just walk through the minefield, he guessed these were mostly anti-personnel mines, but if they were meant to be useful against those lava creatures he supposed he couldn't safely take the chance. On the one hand, he hated following orders, but on the other hand he wasn't a complete idiot. If those mines could damage him, even if only slightly, he could make an exception to his policy in order to avoid stepping on them.

"Fine." He said back, looking up at the guard. "I'll follow your lead." He walked up to him and prepared to follow his steps with mechanical precision. "Just this once, though." He then looked back at his fellows on land for a moment. Hmm. Guess he didn't have anything to say to them right now. He'd see if they had anything to say to him.
Lilac and Carol weren't that impressed. They had seen more heavily defended areas in a while. The minefield was something though and both noticed it, though for different reasons ; Lilac's keen dragon senses allowed her to notice those small details while Carol, having paid more attention during training, knew what to look for when approaching fortresses.

Still, they nodded and followed. They could both understand the practical reason behind the walls and the minefields though Carol found herself pondering how many AA gun emplacements the thing might have in order to dissuade attacks from some of those flying monsters. The fact that they were so quick and unquestionning of strangers also reminded her of the post-Brevon Crisis situation in the Outer Nations, where the remnants of Brevon's army rampaged through the less technologically advanced parts of the planet to restore their supplies. When monsters, metallic or made of lava, roam the countryside, strangers become more potential allies and less potential threats.

The two followed the wolf exactly as is. It also brought some rather interesting questions to mind...

"Say, why do he look so much like an avalician? From the guy earlier, I had the feeling that they would be, you know, not like us..."

"I'm sure we'll get an explanation once we're inside, Carol."

And indeed, before long, they were inside, faced with a large amount of different species. It was quite strange, to say the least. Lilac, as usual, took the initiative.

"Hey!" she called. "We've just arrived and well, we have a few questions. Do anybody know anyone we can speak to?"
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The people on the boat, on the other hand, would see that there weren't many defenses on the sea- there was a wall, but no real patrols, and a decently large gate that was open. As Kerry maneuvers the boat into it, you see a small dockyard containing a number of motorboats like the one Kerry has, and a few, somewhat bigger sloops. There weren't many people here- a bird person and a older man carrying a motor off inside the grey building, that on closer inspection was mounted on concrete stilts, and a pale woman waving at Kerry, before blinking at the sight of everyone else. "I see you found some wanderers, Kerry," she called out as the boat drew up to the dock.

While Mugman was on the boat, during the trip, he'd decided to take some time to swap out his loadout. Switching to Charge Shot and Peashooter instead of what he had before, and changing his charm from the duel hearts over to the Smoke bomb. Other than that though, there wasn't much else to do before they reached their destination.

"Howdy! I'm Mugman!" He says cheerfully to the women as he waves back.
The people on the boat, on the other hand, would see that there weren't many defenses on the sea- there was a wall, but no real patrols, and a decently large gate that was open. As Kerry maneuvers the boat into it, you see a small dockyard containing a number of motorboats like the one Kerry has, and a few, somewhat bigger sloops. There weren't many people here- a bird person and a older man carrying a motor off inside the grey building, that on closer inspection was mounted on concrete stilts, and a pale woman waving at Kerry, before blinking at the sight of everyone else. "I see you found some wanderers, Kerry," she called out as the boat drew up to the dock.
Rene Petit
Rene was carelessly sprawled on the boat, a hand dipping in the water. It was nice. It was quiet. And he didn't need to walk. What could those walking above say to their kneecaps then? Nothing. Well, unless they had bikes, but still. He was on a boat. That's his life goal finished right here.

When the boat came to the fort from the sea, Rene was... curious, at the lack of defenses. There were a few reasons he could think of, to explain the reason. So far, the only hostiles they encountered were made out of fire. Which dumb fuck marches in fire-golems through the fucking ocean? None, that's what he thought.

Some flak cannons couldn't hurt, though. In any case, he waved to the woman on the docks, then staring at the... bird dude. He shrugged. Not a Viper, at least.
And thus, off everyone went. Anyone walking found themselves lagging behind the people with motorcycles, though the boat was slow enough that everyone could walk within comfortable shouting distance of it.

It was two hours of travel later when the people walking normally first caught glimpse of the whitewashed walls of the bricklike fortress. Drawing closer, one could tease out details.

Behind the walls four times as tall as a man, one could see a greyish, bricklike building of some sort towering over everything. Men-as well as shorter, brightly colored animal people patrolled from behind the walls and on the ground, and one could notice a steely watchtower just behind the corner of the wall. Closer still, and you could see lumps and bumps all over the coverless ground- a minefield of some sort. There wasn't an obvious path though them, and the dark-grey-and-silver uniformed guards motioned for you all to wait, while one wolflike member carefully made his way toward you. "Who are you- never mind, let's get you all inside," he says. Follow my steps exactly- you don't want to step on a mine."

@Dust and echoes
@Lt Darkhound

The people on the boat, on the other hand, would see that there weren't many defenses on the sea- there was a wall, but no real patrols, and a decently large gate that was open. As Kerry maneuvers the boat into it, you see a small dockyard containing a number of motorboats like the one Kerry has, and a few, somewhat bigger sloops. There weren't many people here- a bird person and a older man carrying a motor off inside the grey building, that on closer inspection was mounted on concrete stilts, and a pale woman waving at Kerry, before blinking at the sight of everyone else. "I see you found some wanderers, Kerry," she called out as the boat drew up to the dock.

Unlike Rene, Mox spent the entirety of the voyage as far from the others as possible, mumbling to himself under his breath. Mostly complaints, sometimes curses. This was a disaster, with an even greater disaster just waiting to happen somewhere he was sure. The fact that his "allies" had remained so calm, collected, and downright cheerful up to this point, meant that they either were incredibly capable and dangerous, or that they were completely incompetent. Mox wasn't sure which option scared him more.

As the boat approached its destination, Mox moved to a position where he could see better. Oddly enough, there were no defenses from the sea. That might have just been because the....group...or army...or whatever were fighting the lavacreatures, which couldn't operate in the water. But what about the flying ones? Wouldn't you at least want some emplacements to deal with those.

Muttering to himself, Mox looked around, and- seeing the other humans, seemed to relax somewhat. Any relaxation regarding their situation he had gained however was immediately thrown out the window when he caught sight of the bird...thing. The Soldier visibly tensed, gripping his weapon just a bit tighter.

Great. More of them.
And thus, off everyone went. Anyone walking found themselves lagging behind the people with motorcycles, though the boat was slow enough that everyone could walk within comfortable shouting distance of it.

It was two hours of travel later when the people walking normally first caught glimpse of the whitewashed walls of the bricklike fortress. Drawing closer, one could tease out details.

Behind the walls four times as tall as a man, one could see a greyish, bricklike building of some sort towering over everything. Men-as well as shorter, brightly colored animal people patrolled from behind the walls and on the ground, and one could notice a steely watchtower just behind the corner of the wall. Closer still, and you could see lumps and bumps all over the coverless ground- a minefield of some sort. There wasn't an obvious path though them, and the dark-grey-and-silver uniformed guards motioned for you all to wait, while one wolflike member carefully made his way toward you. "Who are you- never mind, let's get you all inside," he says. Follow my steps exactly- you don't want to step on a mine."

@Dust and echoes
@Lt Darkhound
Xan nodded, her face a blank mask for the moment as the shock of more 'furries' had... kinda been deadened already due to the super speeding psychic goat and the neon green cat and the friggin CUP MAN from the 30's and...

'...Of course. There are more humans around. In a very possibly starving post-apocalyptic hellhole... this had better be over fast...', she hoped as she stepped towards the minefield... then paused as she realized there was a good possibility she couldn't maneuver her bike across the dangerous terrain. As much as she wasn't looking forward to being cooped up with a bunch of humans, starving, for what could be a damn long time, she wasn't feeling particularly suicidal... yet, "...I'll wait 'til last so you can guide me an' the bike in."
And thus, off everyone went. Anyone walking found themselves lagging behind the people with motorcycles, though the boat was slow enough that everyone could walk within comfortable shouting distance of it.

It was two hours of travel later when the people walking normally first caught glimpse of the whitewashed walls of the bricklike fortress. Drawing closer, one could tease out details.

Behind the walls four times as tall as a man, one could see a greyish, bricklike building of some sort towering over everything. Men-as well as shorter, brightly colored animal people patrolled from behind the walls and on the ground, and one could notice a steely watchtower just behind the corner of the wall. Closer still, and you could see lumps and bumps all over the coverless ground- a minefield of some sort. There wasn't an obvious path though them, and the dark-grey-and-silver uniformed guards motioned for you all to wait, while one wolflike member carefully made his way toward you. "Who are you- never mind, let's get you all inside," he says. Follow my steps exactly- you don't want to step on a mine."

Aleksandr Kasanov
Though he had kept the pace with Vile during the trek over, Alex had kept to the shadows. As the other man (for lack of a better term) approached the minefield, Alex stayed back. He didn't know the territory, he didn't know, or trust, the people inside, and he had no doubts that if the complex turned hostile, the Reaper would have no way out. The minefield ensured that. But being outside didn't mean that Alex would be useless. He could quite clearly see some of the defenses about. Information that could prove useful if the compound needed either destroying, or The Great Commandy One forgive, defending. No obvious weapon mounts besides the minefield, and a moderately impressive wall, making the structure seem similar to the castles of old.

"3-1, 3-3. I'm not going in just yet. No clear routes of evacuation. There's a minefield surrounding the outer walls, but no sign of actual mounted weapons." He said into comms. No need to let his allies walk right into this death trap.

@Dust and echoes @Laplace
The people on the boat, on the other hand, would see that there weren't many defenses on the sea- there was a wall, but no real patrols, and a decently large gate that was open. As Kerry maneuvers the boat into it, you see a small dockyard containing a number of motorboats like the one Kerry has, and a few, somewhat bigger sloops. There weren't many people here- a bird person and a older man carrying a motor off inside the grey building, that on closer inspection was mounted on concrete stilts, and a pale woman waving at Kerry, before blinking at the sight of everyone else. "I see you found some wanderers, Kerry," she called out as the boat drew up to the dock.
Luna waved lightly at the woman, as she looked around the docks. "Anything that you need help with, Ma'am?"
The people on the boat, on the other hand, would see that there weren't many defenses on the sea- there was a wall, but no real patrols, and a decently large gate that was open. As Kerry maneuvers the boat into it, you see a small dockyard containing a number of motorboats like the one Kerry has, and a few, somewhat bigger sloops

Sam, who had been sunbathing on the stern, took note of the gap in the fortress' defenses as they approached it and concluded that it did make a certain amount of sense. Lava doesn't like water, after all, so having AA turrets would be enough for this side.
It also told him that there were no enemies beyond the lava monsters, or at least no aquatic ones, which was a relief and a bother at the same time because it meant he was going to have to be cautious at all times when fighting them. That or procure a lava resistant suit from somewhere.

There weren't many people here- a bird person and a older man carrying a motor off inside the grey building, that on closer inspection was mounted on concrete stilts, and a pale woman waving at Kerry, before blinking at the sight of everyone else. "I see you found some wanderers, Kerry," she called out as the boat drew up to the dock.

"Rag-tag group of abducted interdimensional warriors, actually. If I had a say in it I'd be drinking cocktails on a Caribbean beach right now." Sam yelled back as he got up from his spot and dusted himself off.
Xan nodded, her face a blank mask for the moment as the shock of more 'furries' had... kinda been deadened already due to the super speeding psychic goat and the neon green cat and the friggin CUP MAN from the 30's and...

'...Of course. There are more humans around. In a very possibly starving post-apocalyptic hellhole... this had better be over fast...', she hoped as she stepped towards the minefield... then paused as she realized there was a good possibility she couldn't maneuver her bike across the dangerous terrain. As much as she wasn't looking forward to being cooped up with a bunch of humans, starving, for what could be a damn long time, she wasn't feeling particularly suicidal... yet, "...I'll wait 'til last so you can guide me an' the bike in."
The wolf guy nodded. "Gotcha."
Vile considers his options here. He could probably just walk through the minefield, he guessed these were mostly anti-personnel mines, but if they were meant to be useful against those lava creatures he supposed he couldn't safely take the chance. On the one hand, he hated following orders, but on the other hand he wasn't a complete idiot. If those mines could damage him, even if only slightly, he could make an exception to his policy in order to avoid stepping on them.

"Fine." He said back, looking up at the guard. "I'll follow your lead." He walked up to him and prepared to follow his steps with mechanical precision. "Just this once, though." He then looked back at his fellows on land for a moment. Hmm. Guess he didn't have anything to say to them right now. He'd see if they had anything to say to him.
Getting everyone through the minefield was a relatively easy affair, all things told. Once the wolf guy had guided everyone through, he proceeded to press a less-painted spot on the wall, causing a door to slide open with a soft click.

Inside, one found themselves in a massive compound, stacks of supplies beneath wooden platforms and powered off searchlights pointed at the sky. On top of the massive, blocklike building, you could see the ends of anti-air weapons poking out. Around fifty feet away was a massive pit of some sort, lined with metal and with clamps evenly spaced over it's 300 feet by 50 feet size.

Looking at the bricklike building taking up the right side of the compound that wasn't the massive pit, you all noticed it lacked viable windows, though there were a few balconies and doors protruding from it. The entire building was perched on concrete pillars as tall as a man. A set of stairs lead into the building, which had great sliding steel doors that were wide open at the moment. People and animal-like people hurried too and fro, some in uniform and a few not. An air of bustling alertness mixed with quiet despair filled the fortress.
"Hey!" she called. "We've just arrived and well, we have a few questions. Do anybody know anyone we can speak to?"
One of the humans carrying a crate pauses for a moment. "In there," He grunts, jerking his head toward the building. "Commander's in there, and he always talks to newcomers."

Everyone in the fortress was sparing the group a glance, before going back to their jobs. Not much more than that, however.
Aleksandr Kasanov
Though he had kept the pace with Vile during the trek over, Alex had kept to the shadows. As the other man (for lack of a better term) approached the minefield, Alex stayed back. He didn't know the territory, he didn't know, or trust, the people inside, and he had no doubts that if the complex turned hostile, the Reaper would have no way out. The minefield ensured that. But being outside didn't mean that Alex would be useless. He could quite clearly see some of the defenses about. Information that could prove useful if the compound needed either destroying, or The Great Commandy One forgive, defending. No obvious weapon mounts besides the minefield, and a moderately impressive wall, making the structure seem similar to the castles of old.

"3-1, 3-3. I'm not going in just yet. No clear routes of evacuation. There's a minefield surrounding the outer walls, but no sign of actual mounted weapons." He said into comms. No need to let his allies walk right into this death trap.

@Dust and echoes @Laplace
And thus, you remained outside.

While Mugman was on the boat, during the trip, he'd decided to take some time to swap out his loadout. Switching to Charge Shot and Peashooter instead of what he had before, and changing his charm from the duel hearts over to the Smoke bomb. Other than that though, there wasn't much else to do before they reached their destination.

"Howdy! I'm Mugman!" He says cheerfully to the women as he waves back.

Rene Petit
Rene was carelessly sprawled on the boat, a hand dipping in the water. It was nice. It was quiet. And he didn't need to walk. What could those walking above say to their kneecaps then? Nothing. Well, unless they had bikes, but still. He was on a boat. That's his life goal finished right here.

When the boat came to the fort from the sea, Rene was... curious, at the lack of defenses. There were a few reasons he could think of, to explain the reason. So far, the only hostiles they encountered were made out of fire. Which dumb fuck marches in fire-golems through the fucking ocean? None, that's what he thought.

Some flak cannons couldn't hurt, though. In any case, he waved to the woman on the docks, then staring at the... bird dude. He shrugged. Not a Viper, at least.
The woman starts for a second at the sight of Mugman, but waves back all the same.
Unlike Rene, Mox spent the entirety of the voyage as far from the others as possible, mumbling to himself under his breath. Mostly complaints, sometimes curses. This was a disaster, with an even greater disaster just waiting to happen somewhere he was sure. The fact that his "allies" had remained so calm, collected, and downright cheerful up to this point, meant that they either were incredibly capable and dangerous, or that they were completely incompetent. Mox wasn't sure which option scared him more.

As the boat approached its destination, Mox moved to a position where he could see better. Oddly enough, there were no defenses from the sea. That might have just been because the....group...or army...or whatever were fighting the lavacreatures, which couldn't operate in the water. But what about the flying ones? Wouldn't you at least want some emplacements to deal with those.

Muttering to himself, Mox looked around, and- seeing the other humans, seemed to relax somewhat. Any relaxation regarding their situation he had gained however was immediately thrown out the window when he caught sight of the bird...thing. The Soldier visibly tensed, gripping his weapon just a bit tighter.

Great. More of them.
If the woman noticed your tension, she didn't react. Kerry did, however, if the way he tensed momentarily at your tension meant anything.
"Rag-tag group of abducted interdimensional warriors, actually. If I had a say in it I'd be drinking cocktails on a Caribbean beach right now." Sam yelled back as he got up from his spot and dusted himself off.
"...Never heard of this Carribean place, but it sounds nice," The woman replied, even as Kerry stopped the boat and got out to begin tying it up. "You'll be wanting to meet with the Commander," she continues, addressing the whole group. "He prefers to meet new arrivals personally."
Luna waved lightly at the woman, as she looked around the docks. "Anything that you need help with, Ma'am?"
"No, but thanks."
"...Never heard of this Carribean place, but it sounds nice," The woman replied, even as Kerry stopped the boat and got out to begin tying it up.

"Tropical islands around the equator." Sam clarified, noting that the planet he was on wasn't some alternate earth as he had hoped. Probably meant his money was useless too...

"You'll be wanting to meet with the Commander," she continues, addressing the whole group. "He prefers to meet new arrivals personally."

"Right then. Where can we meet him?" He asked. Running around like a headless chicken through the base wasn't going to do anyone any favours.
The wolf guy nodded. "Gotcha."
Getting everyone through the minefield was a relatively easy affair, all things told. Once the wolf guy had guided everyone through, he proceeded to press a less-painted spot on the wall, causing a door to slide open with a soft click.

Inside, one found themselves in a massive compound, stacks of supplies beneath wooden platforms and powered off searchlights pointed at the sky. On top of the massive, blocklike building, you could see the ends of anti-air weapons poking out. Around fifty feet away was a massive pit of some sort, lined with metal and with clamps evenly spaced over it's 300 feet by 50 feet size.

Looking at the bricklike building taking up the right side of the compound that wasn't the massive pit, you all noticed it lacked viable windows, though there were a few balconies and doors protruding from it. The entire building was perched on concrete pillars as tall as a man. A set of stairs lead into the building, which had great sliding steel doors that were wide open at the moment. People and animal-like people hurried too and fro, some in uniform and a few not. An air of bustling alertness mixed with quiet despair filled the fortress.
Xan looked around with a subtle scowl - it was exactly as she feared. Rather than go speak to anyone or... thing, she glanced back at the gate, wondering if it would have been better if she remained outside.

One of the humans carrying a crate pauses for a moment. "In there," He grunts, jerking his head toward the building. "Commander's in there, and he always talks to newcomers."
Hearing the goat call out to the human and the response, Xan figured there wasn't much of a choice, so began towards the building. She tried to mask her nose with the high collar of her dirtied coat, hoping it'd stop the human stink long enough for her to calm down.
One of the humans carrying a crate pauses for a moment. "In there," He grunts, jerking his head toward the building. "Commander's in there, and he always talks to newcomers."

Everyone in the fortress was sparing the group a glance, before going back to their jobs. Not much more than that, however.
"Hmm." Vile glanced around at the surrounding complex. Although certainly initially impressive in scope, he wasn't much liking it now that he looked closer. "So, this is the best you could come up with? Concrete, steel and some flak? Can't say I'm impressed. Not sure what you plan to hold off with this, but Sigma built a better fortress in secret, and we had a better fortified base when we were acting as a police force. Gimme a break, if this is what you're working with then it's no wonder you're holed up in here, just waiting to meet your maker. Hell, one B-Class Hunter could probably destroy this entire place!" He shook his head scornfully, before moving to the indicated building. He supposed he had nothing to lose from hearing out this Commander.

"...Never heard of this Carribean place, but it sounds nice," The woman replied, even as Kerry stopped the boat and got out to begin tying it up. "You'll be wanting to meet with the Commander," she continues, addressing the whole group. "He prefers to meet new arrivals personally."

Mugman was happy as a clam, he was with new friends and about to meet with more! What more could he want? He cheerfully hopped out of the boat and onto the pier, getting a look at the sights as he breathed in the salty air.

"Golly, what a neat place! Reminds me of the docks back home, but with less crabs!" Mugman said idly with a tint of fondness as he looked over the small port, recalling the last Run and Gun he did before coming here. Cuphead got angry at the giant lightning shooting lobster more times than he could count, it was only earlier that day really. Things can really change in a day, hopefully he'll be able to get some shut eye soon after his long day of excitement and adventure.