The creatures scatter at the first few bullets bite into them. One of the newly-formed bombs plummets toward the boat as they turn and begin spitting fireballs at the two of you...

Sam weighed his odds as the fireballs hurtled towards them. The first lesson his father had drilled into his head when it came to protection against projectiles was to never ever ever hit them with the edge. Even a stationary butterknife made of shitty scrapyard steel can cut a bullet in two with ease and just because you sliced up the threat doesn't mean it's lost its momentum. No, cutting through bullets is a good way to end up in the papers with the headline "Dumbass with Sword Found Dead with Two Shot Wounds". Instead the trick was to deflect them, sweep them to the side where they would miss you.

But was this even possible to do with the fireballs? Were they made of just flame or was there a solid core? And if he hit them too hard would they explode in his face and burn the samurai to a crisp? These questions raced through Sam's head as the danger drew ever closer. Had he been in a position to perform and iaido slash he could have tested the proverbial waters a bit but unfortunately that was a no go too. With a curse he resolved himself to just try and deflect them normally if they were going to hit the plane instead of risking iaido should they be unblockable and needing to be dispersed instead.
The creatures scatter at the first few bullets bite into them. One of the newly-formed bombs plummets toward the boat as they turn and begin spitting fireballs at the two of you...
Mugman gritted his teeth as he yelled "Hold on tight!" to Sam before taking his plane into a dive to evade the fireballs. They weren't too bad, firing in a straight line, fast sure, but they weren't as difficult to evade as some of the things he had to deal with back home. Mugman resolved to focus on dodging and weaving with his plane, he wasn't as accurate as he was with his fingers anyways. He'd try to parry one or two if he could for the additional EX meter, but he was far from confident with a passenger aboard. He shot when he had a line up on the remaining creatures, but with the attacks he had to dodge he didn't always have a straight line up, waste of time and focus to shoot at blank air, and while it might not hurt a friend it could distract them long enough for them to get hurt.
Gormaw laughed with a deep rumbling in his gut as one of the takers was killed, and finally opened his slugga to discover the magazine was empty. He hadn't seen a shoota besides those the other tellyporta'd gits carried, and even then it was unlikely they'd carry rounds of the same caliber he was accustomed to using. Still, he'd seen some sort of weird zzap gun firing when he got here and now there was a bunch of dark vines surrounding it. He made his way to it, barely avoiding an errant bit of molten rock that was dropped, standing just at the edge of the water.

"Oi! Wut 'appened to dat bit o' zakka you 'ad?!" He shouted in regards to the lack of blue blasts aimed towards the fliers.
Luna paused, allowing her blade to shift back to it's natural state. As much as it galls her to admit it, it would be for the best if she didn't rush forward and attack. Try as she might, she hadn't figured out how to create something that could survive lava, and if she lost her vine...

Well, then she'd be completely fucked and useless to this... whatever this gathering is.

Which means staying on the defensive and checking on the victim. Turning towards the water, she rushed out, calling to one of the vines with her mind to send it over, before riding out to the ship itself. "You okay down there?" she asked.
Aleksandr Kasanov
Alex ducked back into his cover after firing the shot, and waited for the inevitable barrage of fire that usually accompanied breaking concealment. When it didn't come, Alex peeked back out and saw that the UFO he had shot was about as dead as Bones was after being caught by a Sectopod in the tunnels under Beijing. The other two seemed distracted by attacking the biplane with a man standing on top of it. Plenty distracted for Alex to risk a second shot. Alex took a deep breath as he lined up the shot on the leftmost UFO. With a slow exhale, Alex pulled the trigger then booked it back down the way he had come. Best not be around when the others finished slaughtering these fliers.

"3-1, this is 3-2. I'm disengaging. What's your current location?" Alex muttered into his mic once he was out of earshot of the shore.
@Dust and echoes @Laplace

Rene Petit
"Approaching the fight, 3-2," Rene said into the comms, picking up speed, running to the group. Seeing the current situation, he felt... rather angry. He hated fliers. Fucking Archons, how dare they escape the reach of his might? These were no different. So, he was glad that at least one was gone. Now, the other two... well, he couldn't hit them, but surely it wouldn't hurt? He pulled out his auto pistol and took aim.

Mox rounded a corner, just in time to catch a glimpse of the absurdity going on. The flying lava creatures, the flying...everything else. The man in boat with what appeared to be a weapon....

The worst of it was the chaos of battle. It wasn't the panicked terror of a ambush, or even the grinding desperation of a losing fight. No, this chaos was chaos born from mob rule. Every single one of his not-quite-allies were dogpiling on the few creatures he assumed were enemies. There was no strategy, no tactics, just a storm of formless aggression funneled vaguely towards one small group of enemies. His not-really-allies were more likely to hurt each other before they hurt the beasts. And of course the idiot Templar was running to join them.

Not only that, but the man in the boat. Was he an ally? How did they know? Sure, he didn't have a gun, but Mox had seen enough Templars to know that that didn't mean anything. He'd also seen enough Reapers (and faceless too, he supposed) to know that just because something looks human doesn't mean it won't kill you.

The "team" desperately needed a leader. His vague memories of ADVENT told him that. ADVENT could- and did- exert as much brute force as they wanted, but without competent leaders, XCOM would win handily every time.

Of course, even the most competent alien leaders were no match for the Commander. But that was a different story entirely.

Mox dashed to the corner of a ruined building, where he could still see the cacophony of combat, kneeled and keyed his mic.

"3-2 I am on-site, 40 meters or so south of the combat area." He peeked around the corner. "And 3-3 is about 40 or so meters closer." He growled. "Should I even bother asking where you are?"

Spinning to his other knee, Mox whipped his Gun around the corner, but held his fire. If the rest of them were going to focus on the flyers, then he would make sure they at least had cover.

"3-2, You and I will provide overwatch. Find a new location and set up watch." Mox scanned the nearby alleyways, then added. "3-3, if you die, please do so painfully and in full view, you idiot."

Rene Petit
"But of course!" Rene breezily said, taking a few potshots at the fliers. "I would never deny the world a chance to witness my glory!" He continued firing, emerald lances streaking through the sky. He didn't really expect to hit anything, but, if he perhaps annoyed them into getting closer, then he could zap them with a bolt of Psi-lightning.

"Well, would you look at that." The robot said, gazing up at the two surviving Takers. "Looks like I get to add to my kill-count after all. This day is starting to look up for me."

Aiming at the one that wasn't currently being shot at by the others, he opened fire with both his newly equipped weapons. The Nervous Ghost was a thin green laser in effect, which considering the composition of the creature may not be as effective as it could be. It was a good deal more effective than a literal flamethrower would be, however, so in the end he'd call it a win. Importantly, its high speed meant he could accurately target the creature, since if he just pointed his shoulder-mounted cannon at the thing then the gun should hit. He aimed mainly at the wings to try and cripple it's maneuverability.

That was not the only thing he did, however. With the Ghost's minimal recoil, he could also afford to open fire with the Distance Needler. The strange... icicle thing that was probably a plasma blast and not an icicle, Vile didn't know he wasn't an engineer, should prove effective. Able to penetrate most armor easily, with any luck it would simply punch right through the flyers, putting sizable holes in them. Here he had to aim more carefully, leading the target, but he should still be able to hit easily enough. He aimed for the head with the Needler, hoping to simply remove it outright with a few shots if he could land clean hits.

Having successfully slammed into range one of the flyers, the dragoness watched with satisfaction as it was dispatched. Then it felt guilty and immediately repressed it. She shouldn't feel proud of having caused something to die to gunfire. But then... those were monsters made of lava. They likely weren't alive. Or were they? Is she doing a mistake?

She can wonder about that when that person down there is safe.

Having punted one of the flyers down, she spun in mid-air, unleashing a Cyclone to bring herself back to the closest patch of land. Once that would be done, she would repeat her maneuver, Dragon Boosting toward one of the flyers as to slam it into range of the others. She took care not to get in the way of the gunfire by targetting the one not being shot at. She also took care not to collide with Mugman's plane as she took to the skies.
Sam weighed his odds as the fireballs hurtled towards them. The first lesson his father had drilled into his head when it came to protection against projectiles was to never ever ever hit them with the edge. Even a stationary butterknife made of shitty scrapyard steel can cut a bullet in two with ease and just because you sliced up the threat doesn't mean it's lost its momentum. No, cutting through bullets is a good way to end up in the papers with the headline "Dumbass with Sword Found Dead with Two Shot Wounds". Instead the trick was to deflect them, sweep them to the side where they would miss you.

But was this even possible to do with the fireballs? Were they made of just flame or was there a solid core? And if he hit them too hard would they explode in his face and burn the samurai to a crisp? These questions raced through Sam's head as the danger drew ever closer. Had he been in a position to perform and iaido slash he could have tested the proverbial waters a bit but unfortunately that was a no go too. With a curse he resolved himself to just try and deflect them normally if they were going to hit the plane instead of risking iaido should they be unblockable and needing to be dispersed instead.


Mugman gritted his teeth as he yelled "Hold on tight!" to Sam before taking his plane into a dive to evade the fireballs. They weren't too bad, firing in a straight line, fast sure, but they weren't as difficult to evade as some of the things he had to deal with back home. Mugman resolved to focus on dodging and weaving with his plane, he wasn't as accurate as he was with his fingers anyways. He'd try to parry one or two if he could for the additional EX meter, but he was far from confident with a passenger aboard. He shot when he had a line up on the remaining creatures, but with the attacks he had to dodge he didn't always have a straight line up, waste of time and focus to shoot at blank air, and while it might not hurt a friend it could distract them long enough for them to get hurt.
The attacks launched from the ground easily impact the slowly moving creatures, and soon turn them into falling lava splatters impacting the water's edge, where they proceeded to create clouds of steam whenever water touched them.
'...Is... no one else going to speak up? ...Fuck.', Xan thought, then sighed irritably as she spoke up, "Look up. You can probably see them engaging the... lava... bats. "

She still kept her distance, and didn't even look at the man as she covered her mouth to wick away the smells threatening to nauseate her of human and burning everything. Whoever this guy was, she'd hoped he wasn't going to drag them through any bullshit so they could get away from at least the burning apocalypse. Perhaps have some nice, thick metal doors she could get behind so she could dry heave in peace once the human stink had passed.

...Or it could be some kinda Terminator-looking bolt holes where they're a buncha unwashed masses and she'd be trapped down there. With them.

More apt, they'd be trapped down there with her...

If there was an actual being responsible for bringing her to this hell hole, she and it are going to have a long, long talk. Preferably in the park. Or near the dumpster.
The guy on the boat looks up, mouth falling open at the sight of the cartoonish plane.
Meanwhile, Carol was a bit annoyed. She blinked a few times, noticing no one had replied to her question. "Right, I got it."

Since Lilac and the others seemed to have the situation in hand, the green feline instead directed her gaze toward the scene as a whole. She looked over buildings, trying to see if there were any signs of what could have caused this. Was this caused by energy weapons or kinetic ones? Natural disaster or war? How long has this city been like this? Of course, she isn't exactly a detective and she don't have tools but hey, gotta start looking around and see if there's any hints anywhere.

Not like they'll have any obvious source of information unless that boat guy happen to be a local.

Now that she think about it...

"Pangu. Scan the water, please." Is the thing acidic? Lava and water tend to mix badly.

Only silence greeted her. Carol facepalmed ; dumb drone! Why doesn't it listen to anyone other than Lilac? Oh well...
Everything looked... burned, almost. If you had to describe it, it was like a firestorm had hit this place, then hit it again... and for good measure hit it a third time. All the other damage seemed to have been done by time, though... which was probably scarier than the whole 'firestorm' thing.
Gormaw laughed with a deep rumbling in his gut as one of the takers was killed, and finally opened his slugga to discover the magazine was empty. He hadn't seen a shoota besides those the other tellyporta'd gits carried, and even then it was unlikely they'd carry rounds of the same caliber he was accustomed to using. Still, he'd seen some sort of weird zzap gun firing when he got here and now there was a bunch of dark vines surrounding it. He made his way to it, barely avoiding an errant bit of molten rock that was dropped, standing just at the edge of the water.

"Oi! Wut 'appened to dat bit o' zakka you 'ad?!" He shouted in regards to the lack of blue blasts aimed towards the fliers.
The guy in the boat's head whipped toward you, and his mouth snapped shut. He ducked his head, and you could hear him scrambling around before he stood up, hefting some sort of clockwork cannon-sniper rifle-rocket launcher hybrid. Near the trigger, you could see an opening, holding some sort of bulbous, blue creature.
Luna paused, allowing her blade to shift back to it's natural state. As much as it galls her to admit it, it would be for the best if she didn't rush forward and attack. Try as she might, she hadn't figured out how to create something that could survive lava, and if she lost her vine...

Well, then she'd be completely fucked and useless to this... whatever this gathering is.

Which means staying on the defensive and checking on the victim. Turning towards the water, she rushed out, calling to one of the vines with her mind to send it over, before riding out to the ship itself. "You okay down there?" she asked.
"Y-yeah, I'm good," the man replies. "...Who are you people?"
With the last lava monster defeated, Lilac allowed herself to land. There was a slight glint and then the spherical wall of fire that protected her vanished as her shield dialed down back to idle state. Now on the small boat of what she assumed to be a local, she turned to face him.

"Are you alright?"

Then as the man anwsered, the dragoness smiled. "That's good. I'm Lilac. I and my friends seems to be lost. What about yourself? Do you have any idea where this is? And how did you get here?"

Meanwhile, Carol approached the others. "Is it me or do this place look worn down? I mean, I don't know if anyone else saw ruined cities before but this place look less like the result of a war and more like an old ruin. Like, what happened here, it happened a good while ago."
"Chalk up another one for me." Vile said as the two Takers were swiftly felled from the sky by his, and he had to admit also his allies' weapon fire. Smugly satisfied with this, he paused to adjust his weaponry yet again. This level of equipment adjustment might seem paranoid to somebody else, but if Vile knew one thing it was that fine-tuning equipment could be vital to survival when one lived on the razor's edge. To avoid friendly fire, since these fools may actually prove useful in this unknown environment, he swapped out his leg-mounted weapon system for the Sea Dragon's Rage, granting him something of a close range option to force foes away from him if they tried to get up close. He was tempted by the Bang-Away Bomb, since that worked on Flame Mammoth, but would its fire work on lava creatures? He didn't know, he wasn't an engineer, and he wasn't willing to science it either.
Meanwhile, Carol approached the others. "Is it me or do this place look worn down? I mean, I don't know if anyone else saw ruined cities before but this place look less like the result of a war and more like an old ruin. Like, what happened here, it happened a good while ago."
This minor alteration to his load-out meant that he hadn't gone and done something else by the time Carol was talking to the group. Standing up and considering her words, he eventually replied.

"I think you're on to something. A lot of the damage seems evenly spread. Deterioration, not gunfire. I wouldn't say that this place isn't a warzone, especially with those creatures running around, but yes. It was probably a while ago." He reconciled this with the information he had gotten earlier. "Heh. Maybe 'Angel Island' or whatever those people called it is running out of resources and farmland, and that's why we were only called here now. They need us to deal with 'Iblis' save the 'last bastion of civilization' from collapsing in on itself. HA!" Vile calmed himself down after the realization. So now people needed him, eh? Well, if they wanted someone to help, they may have come to the wrong guy. At least it involved destroying something, so he'd probably do it anyway. "It's too good to be true, of course, but it would be amusing. You know, it's ironic. If I am right, and they're pathetic enough about it, I may even listen to what they have to say."
The guy in the boat's head whipped toward you, and his mouth snapped shut. He ducked his head, and you could hear him scrambling around before he stood up, hefting some sort of clockwork cannon-sniper rifle-rocket launcher hybrid. Near the trigger, you could see an opening, holding some sort of bulbous, blue creature.
Gormaw salivated at the ramshackle piece of weaponry, resembling a mini deffgun. The nob dropped his slugga to the ground, reaching outward.

"Toss...toss it 'ere. Looks right killy..."

Mugman let out a sigh of relief as the last of the critters died, and he took his plane into a few wide circles looking out over the area before landing gently on shore near the ship.

"Gosh, I wonder if it's going to be like this everyday." Mugman wonders to himself as he pulls himself out of his plane, giving his passenger time to get off first.
The attacks launched from the ground easily impact the slowly moving creatures, and soon turn them into falling lava splatters impacting the water's edge, where they proceeded to create clouds of steam whenever water touched them.


Mugman let out a sigh of relief as the last of the critters died, and he took his plane into a few wide circles looking out over the area before landing gently on shore near the ship.

"Gosh, I wonder if it's going to be like this everyday." Mugman wonders to himself as he pulls himself out of his plane, giving his passenger time to get off first.

"It better not be." Sam grumbled, sorely regretting not packing a rocket launcher by now "Getting into fight was going to happen anyway, but it's not fair when they're made of stuff you can't touch without losing a limb or two."

Sam hopped off and opened his suitcase, which he'd managed to hang on to despite all the commotion. "Maybe I did pack something useful without realizing. Let's see..." What followed was a small fountain of bits and pieces bizarre and tacky outfits with the occasionally respectable piece of clothing thrown in for decency's sake. Though the bright yellow speedo may have murdered that decency in the crib anyway.
The attacks launched from the ground easily impact the slowly moving creatures, and soon turn them into falling lava splatters impacting the water's edge, where they proceeded to create clouds of steam whenever water touched them.
The guy on the boat looks up, mouth falling open at the sight of the cartoonish plane.

Everything looked... burned, almost. If you had to describe it, it was like a firestorm had hit this place, then hit it again... and for good measure hit it a third time. All the other damage seemed to have been done by time, though... which was probably scarier than the whole 'firestorm' thing.
The guy in the boat's head whipped toward you, and his mouth snapped shut. He ducked his head, and you could hear him scrambling around before he stood up, hefting some sort of clockwork cannon-sniper rifle-rocket launcher hybrid. Near the trigger, you could see an opening, holding some sort of bulbous, blue creature.
"Y-yeah, I'm good," the man replies. "...Who are you people?"
Mox relaxed slightly as the last of the creatures fell, rising slightly. And then the random man who everyone had suddenly decided to trust grabbed what looked like a gun, and Mox immediately tensed back up again. Very few of his "allies" seemed to have a problem with it, which peeved the formerly strict soldier to no end.

Keeping his weapon leveled with one hand, Mox began to jog towards the group, keying his mic with the other hand. The strange man had since raised the weapon into the air, but that did not bring Mox much comfort.

"3-3, tell that man to drop his weapon this instant. He doesn't, eliminate immediately."

@Lt Darkhound
"3-2, new target, human, group center, with the odd weapon. Maintain visual- scratch that." Mox grunted something in alien. "Shoot anybody that looks bad. Not including me. Templars fair game though."

Closing on the group, Pratal looked around, his weapon still raised. "Do any of you know this man?" He asked, somewhat perturbed. "Anyone?"
@everyone else
Closing on the group, Pratal looked around, his weapon still raised. "Do any of you know this man?" He asked, somewhat perturbed. "Anyone?"
@everyone else

"Don't look at me. I'm a tourist." Sam replied without looking, as he was too preoccupied with rifling through the pockets of a lederhose to check for stray grenades that could come in handy. Alas, no such luck there...
"3-3, tell that man to drop his weapon this instant. He doesn't, eliminate immediately."
"Y-yeah, I'm good," the man replies. "...Who are you people?"
Rene Petit
"On it, Mox," Rene said, walking forward, Psi-blade retracted. "We're friends! Well, at least I hope we will be. Of a sort. Now, if you could do my poor heart a favor and lower you gun, that'd be swell." He walked closer and closer. He raised his hands, stopping a good distance away from the man. "Ya got a name? It'd be kind of akward to be calling you man all the time, see?"
@Lt Darkhound
"3-2, new target, human, group center, with the odd weapon. Maintain visual- scratch that." Mox grunted something in alien. "Shoot anybody that looks bad. Not including me. Templars fair game though."
Aleksandr Kasanov
"Roger 3-1." Alex replied, before scanning the nearby buildings for one that looked like it had sufficient roofing to hold the Reaper. Upon sighting one that seemed like it could serve his purposes, Alex spooled up his wrist mounted grapple hook and fired it at the edge of the building.

If the building had enough surviving roof to balance on and set up a shot, Alex would proceed to do just that, aiming somewhere between Smalltime and the unknown, ready to snap a shot into either should hostilities ensue.
If the building didn't, Alex would steady himself and balance on whatever he could. It wouldn't do to imitate Mox's fall and give away his existence.

@The Fourth Monado
Xan saw no reason to speak up as there were plenty there to do so in her place. She slumped silently forward on her motorcycle, breathing in the salty sea air, the smell of the engine, anything to get the nauseating... tantalizing stench of the humans around out of her system.

She really, really hoped they could all split up again soon.
"That is a very good question, and the answer can be summed up as 'Very lost, and very confused.'" Luna said, shifting so that she is sitting aside the man. "My name's Luna. What's yours?"
"...Kerry," he answered, somewhat warily as he scanned the group.
With the last lava monster defeated, Lilac allowed herself to land. There was a slight glint and then the spherical wall of fire that protected her vanished as her shield dialed down back to idle state. Now on the small boat of what she assumed to be a local, she turned to face him.

"Are you alright?"

Then as the man anwsered, the dragoness smiled. "That's good. I'm Lilac. I and my friends seems to be lost. What about yourself? Do you have any idea where this is? And how did you get here?"
"We're on the coast of the Origin, couple dozen miles south of the Fortress," He answers. "How do you not know-?"
Gormaw salivated at the ramshackle piece of weaponry, resembling a mini deffgun. The nob dropped his slugga to the ground, reaching outward.

"Toss...toss it 'ere. Looks right killy..."
"This piece of shit?" He stares at you, before shrugging. "Knock yourself out."

He then hurls it over...
Rene Petit
"On it, Mox," Rene said, walking forward, Psi-blade retracted. "We're friends! Well, at least I hope we will be. Of a sort. Now, if you could do my poor heart a favor and lower you gun, that'd be swell." He walked closer and closer. He raised his hands, stopping a good distance away from the man. "Ya got a name? It'd be kind of akward to be calling you man all the time, see?"
...Just as you walk over. By this point, the gun was in the Orc's hand.

The man's head turns toward you. "Kerry," he yells back.
Aleksandr Kasanov
"Roger 3-1." Alex replied, before scanning the nearby buildings for one that looked like it had sufficient roofing to hold the Reaper. Upon sighting one that seemed like it could serve his purposes, Alex spooled up his wrist mounted grapple hook and fired it at the edge of the building.

If the building had enough surviving roof to balance on and set up a shot, Alex would proceed to do just that, aiming somewhere between Smalltime and the unknown, ready to snap a shot into either should hostilities ensue.
If the building didn't, Alex would steady himself and balance on whatever he could. It wouldn't do to imitate Mox's fall and give away his existence.

@The Fourth Monado
There was only enough surviving roof for one foot to stay on. Your other foot ended up on the wall.
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"This piece of shit?" He stares at you, before shrugging. "Knock yourself out."

He then hurls it over...
Gormaw caught the gun and looked at it like a child would at an early Christmas present, if that child had dark green skin, plenty of scars, and enough muscle to make a grown bull blush. He was no mek boy, but any ork would understand the beauty of firepower. The creature inside it was a mystery to him, though. He'd once seen a weirdboy tower carrying one of the odd boys and firing potent energies, maybe it was something like that? A snazzgun-sized weirdboy tower would be worth a small fortune of teef, and this umie was giving it away. Typical that they were incapable of appreciating ork kultur. Still, it'd probably be a good idea to figure out what the deal with the weapon's occupant was.

"Dis runt in 'ere, some sort o' weird fing?" The nob asked, gesturing to the blue creature inside.
"...Kerry," he answered, somewhat warily as he scanned the group.

"We're on the coast of the Origin, couple dozen miles south of the Fortress," He answers. "How do you not know-?"

"This piece of shit?" He stares at you, before shrugging. "Knock yourself out."

He then hurls it over...

...Just as you walk over. By this point, the gun was in the Orc's hand.

The man's head turns toward you. "Kerry," he yells back.
There was only enough surviving roof for one foot to stay on. Your other foot ended up on the wall.

Lilac remained confident. "I and my friends aren't exactly from around here. In fact..." She decided to chance it. "Say, do you believe aliens exist? I know it may be a bit of a stretch, but do you believe in aliens?"

She wondered... maybe... hmmm... just maybe...

"Chalk up another one for me." Vile said as the two Takers were swiftly felled from the sky by his, and he had to admit also his allies' weapon fire. Smugly satisfied with this, he paused to adjust his weaponry yet again. This level of equipment adjustment might seem paranoid to somebody else, but if Vile knew one thing it was that fine-tuning equipment could be vital to survival when one lived on the razor's edge. To avoid friendly fire, since these fools may actually prove useful in this unknown environment, he swapped out his leg-mounted weapon system for the Sea Dragon's Rage, granting him something of a close range option to force foes away from him if they tried to get up close. He was tempted by the Bang-Away Bomb, since that worked on Flame Mammoth, but would its fire work on lava creatures? He didn't know, he wasn't an engineer, and he wasn't willing to science it either.

This minor alteration to his load-out meant that he hadn't gone and done something else by the time Carol was talking to the group. Standing up and considering her words, he eventually replied.

"I think you're on to something. A lot of the damage seems evenly spread. Deterioration, not gunfire. I wouldn't say that this place isn't a warzone, especially with those creatures running around, but yes. It was probably a while ago." He reconciled this with the information he had gotten earlier. "Heh. Maybe 'Angel Island' or whatever those people called it is running out of resources and farmland, and that's why we were only called here now. They need us to deal with 'Iblis' save the 'last bastion of civilization' from collapsing in on itself. HA!" Vile calmed himself down after the realization. So now people needed him, eh? Well, if they wanted someone to help, they may have come to the wrong guy. At least it involved destroying something, so he'd probably do it anyway. "It's too good to be true, of course, but it would be amusing. You know, it's ironic. If I am right, and they're pathetic enough about it, I may even listen to what they have to say."

Carol scratched her chin for a moment and then came to a realization. "Oh! That would explain a lot. And actually-"

Then it hit her and her eyes narrowed, her tone becoming flat. "Oh great."

She sighed and facepalmed before explaining herself. "Well, seems that teleporter the ancient dragons made sure worked as advertised. I think we might all be stuck on another planet."

"Great, just great." Carol sighed again, crossing her arms. "I sure hope you guys know the coordinates of your planets. Seems we'll have to find a FTL communicator or something like that. Hopefully, the Chasers should have a base in whatever corner of the galaxy we happen to be. I don't fancy getting stuck on a world like this one. Especially one with heavy volcanic stuff in the air, lava monsters, and the whole place as a generally nasty-looking post-apocalytic hole out of some weird movie like those Spade like to watch."

Mugman slowly hopped out of his plane, although considering what had been happening lately he kept it out instead of putting it away. He listened to the others talk, about things looking degraded, about it maybe being another world. Wouldn't be that surprising, nothing looked right after all. After a few more moments of listening in, when he heard Carol mention 'coordinates' he drew a blank on what she meant for a bit, until he remembered the nautical term. Did space have things like that too? Oh gosh, he hoped his friends would be able to find out where he went. He was sure the Professor would have an idea or two after Mugman and his brother saved his soul.

Mugman wasn't sure how big space was, but he hoped his friends would be able to find him, no matter how far he was.

He sighed to himself silently as he thought about things, leaning against the now quiet engine of his plane.

Xan saw no reason to speak up as there were plenty there to do so in her place. She slumped silently forward on her motorcycle, breathing in the salty sea air, the smell of the engine, anything to get the nauseating... tantalizing stench of the humans around out of her system.

She really, really hoped they could all split up again soon.
He recognized the 'not actually a wrestler' wrestler women from earlier and started to walk over. About halfway there he had the awkward feeling he never asked for her name.

"Sorry about running off earlier, I didn't want any of my new friends getting hurt, you know?" He says, bashfully as he kicks at the ground awkwardly.

"By the way miss, I never really asked your name earlier." He says awkwardly as he scratches the back of his mug.
Carol scratched her chin for a moment and then came to a realization. "Oh! That would explain a lot. And actually-"

Then it hit her and her eyes narrowed, her tone becoming flat. "Oh great."

She sighed and facepalmed before explaining herself. "Well, seems that teleporter the ancient dragons made sure worked as advertised. I think we might all be stuck on another planet."

"Great, just great." Carol sighed again, crossing her arms. "I sure hope you guys know the coordinates of your planets. Seems we'll have to find a FTL communicator or something like that. Hopefully, the Chasers should have a base in whatever corner of the galaxy we happen to be. I don't fancy getting stuck on a world like this one. Especially one with heavy volcanic stuff in the air, lava monsters, and the whole place as a generally nasty-looking post-apocalytic hole out of some weird movie like those Spade like to watch."
"Hmm." Vile tapped his chin with a finger, thinking about Catol's words. "That makes sense. It's either that or we've been drawn into some kind of other universe, but that seems less likely to me." He turned to look at Kerry. "But I gotta say, isn't it supposed to be unlikely to find identical looking aliens? Because that's a human alright." He paused for a moment before just shrugging. "I guess with enough planets, you're going to find things that look the same eventually."

Continuing to look at Kerry for a moment, he hummed momentarily, before turning back to properly face Carol. "Not that it really matters. The real question is what we do now."

The green feline nodded. "Yeah, indeed. Though regarding your question, it's the weird part. Biologically speaking, the chances of something getting sapient are skewed toward some types more than others. So you'll tend to find ape-based and others such in priority all over the universe. There are many outliers and weird species, such as dragons, but ape-based are the most common. Though they do have some differences from time to time too."

She pointed toward the human Lilac is speaking to. "For example, Torque is from what you may call a 'human species'. Yet he had a green color tone. Then there's some species that are quite diverse. Avalice is actually pretty odd on that regard, from what I heard. We actually got a lot of sapient species with vague genetic links. Felines, canines, birds, bears, lots of variety. This is actually quite rare. Most planets have only one or two. And they don't mix like ours can."

She looked around one more time. "As for what we do next, before anything else, I figure we need to get out of there and secure a source of energy. Beginning a search for a way off this rock is useless if we all die before we can even begin."
"We're on the coast of the Origin, couple dozen miles south of the Fortress," He answers. "How do you not know-?"

Lilac remained confident. "I and my friends aren't exactly from around here. In fact..." She decided to chance it. "Say, do you believe aliens exist? I know it may be a bit of a stretch, but do you believe in aliens?"

She wondered... maybe... hmmm... just maybe...

"Because it's either aliens or transdimensional transportation." Sam added as he stared at a Nickleback shirt, desperately searching for the memories of when he bought or packed the thing.

"It's probably the dimensional stuff though, since we've got an actual living 60's cartoon character with us." And the apprentice to a comic boom super villain but he wasn't going to be poking that wasp nest if he could help it.
"Don't look at me. I'm a tourist." Sam replied without looking, as he was too preoccupied with rifling through the pockets of a lederhose to check for stray grenades that could come in handy. Alas, no such luck there...
"Clearly." Growled Mox, trying not to wonder why this of all places was where the man decided to choose to vacation. That said, the man(?) could clearly handle himself, and was ludicrously proficient with a katana. Faceless wouldn't pull off complicated maneuvers like that, so he might be some sort of augmented human...or something else entirely.

Sometimes Mox hated not being able to trust anyone.
We're on the coast of the Origin, couple dozen miles south of the Fortress," He answers. "How do you not know-?"
"That tells us nothing." Mox spat. "Do we look like we're from around here?" His weapon was only half lowered. If the man was a faceless, or some other horrible shape-changing eldritch monstrosity plotting to murder them all, then it was taking its sweet time. That said, maybe it was really patient horrible shape changing monstrosity.

The worst kind.
Say, do you believe aliens exist? I know it may be a bit of a stretch, but do you believe in aliens?"
If it weren't for his helmet, the look Mox gave the....thing, would have likely earned himself a slap across the face.

"Aliens? I can tell you right now that there are such things as aliens. I'm looking at one." Pratal sneered. "And I'm partially one."
As for what we do next, before anything else, I figure we need to get out of there and secure a source of energy. Beginning a search for a way off this rock is useless if we all die before we can even begin."
"Hold on." Mox wasn't going to stand by any longer. "So're just going to trust all these pe-....individuals that you've just met-" He gestures at the surrounding group. "Without knowing a thing about them? Do you even know their names? Their skills? Wether or not they want to stab you in the back?"

Mox got as close to her as he dared, one finger directed accusingly in her direction. "You're too damn trusting. I don't know what you're playing at, but I don't like it..."
"Hold on." Mox wasn't going to stand by any longer. "So're just going to trust all these pe-....individuals that you've just met-" He gestures at the surrounding group. "Without knowing a thing about them? Do you even know their names? Their skills? Wether or not they want to stab you in the back?"

Mox got as close to her as he dared, one finger directed accusingly in her direction. "You're too damn trusting. I don't know what you're playing at, but I don't like it..."
Vile snorted, just preventing himself from doubling over with laughter. "Trust? TRUST? HA! If you think I trust anyone here, you're deluded. I've never once entertained such thoughts! I can't speak for this green girl," He pointed his thumb at the Ork. "Or that green guy, but I feel we understand each other fine enough, so I'll say this. We probably just acknowledge it's smarter to work together with strangers in this hellhole until we can figure out how to get out of here. If anyone ends up proving to be dead weight or treacherous, I can crush them then. For now, I plan to use the advantages of cooperation to their fullest, even if I don't need them. If you disagree, then take off. I won't stop you."
She looked around one more time. "As for what we do next, before anything else, I figure we need to get out of there and secure a source of energy. Beginning a search for a way off this rock is useless if we all die before we can even begin."
"Smart move. I won't need refueling for a while, but it can't hurt to get something just in case. There's a chance that the Fortress the human mentioned has supplies, but I'm not sure how we could get there. The boat isn't exactly large enough for this entire group, after all. I can go underwater, but... well. We should figure out if we have anything else to do before discussing these things deeply."