Supernova's Rise!! (No SV Be A Hero in My Hero Achademia)

What are your ideas on how the world actually works in any way.
Well I have a few worldbuilding thoughts on the MHA world that I haven't seen anyone address that is interesting to think about.

Like being a doctor got a whole lot harder as they have to deal with Quirks messing with their diagnostics. Not every hospital has a Recover Girl so if for example Iida needs an MRI he can't since the metal on his legs would ruin the result and other stuff doctors have to deal with. The drug industry would also have to deal with mutant quirks and all of the problems that would entail, a drug that works for an emitter quirk like Bakugo may have adverse effects on a Mutant quirk user like Froppy.

Flights would be a whole lot less common, I mean Bakugo is literally walking TNT no sane airport is going to let him near a plane unless quirk inhibitor collars are a thing or they just knock out passengers with potentially dangerous quirks with either something like chloroform or morphine.

Hmm what else... PMCs where you can hire a Hero are most likely a thing that the media and Hero society discreetly sweep under the rug or ignore but there are more than one way to use your quirk to get paid that isn't going Pro or being a villain.

Everything else doesn't have that much of an impact other than a few minor changes like Insurance companies are gonna be a lot more exciting with Hero Fights, not much has changed anywhere else in my opinion.
Like being a doctor got a whole lot harder as they have to deal with Quirks messing with their diagnostics. Not every hospital has a Recover Girl so if for example Iida needs an MRI he can't since the metal on his legs would ruin the result and other stuff doctors have to deal with
Most Medical science in my mind has been sorted to an extent, the Real killer in the Era proceeding what we know as MHA was Black Blood, the deoxygenation of blood via quirk activation, a good portion of society lived in fear of that for at least 50 years before science saved lives, again.

As for tech like MRI and such, most medical professions looked to the Quirks themselves for a solution, X-Ray and a Quirk that can do MRI's are valued and worth weight in Platnum, yes Platnum not gold.

Also Human Exparamentation came back in a big way.
The drug industry would also have to deal with mutant quirks and all of the problems that would entail, a drug that works for an emitter quirk like Bakugo may have adverse effects on a Mutant quirk user like Froppy.
That is going to change with all the Human experimentation data and biology reports the CIA had when they were in power for 30 years, its gonna lead to the increase of long term drugs and the creation of quirk enhancers.

LOTS of Quirk enhancers.

Flights would be a whole lot less common, I mean Bakugo is literally walking TNT no sane airport is going to let him near a plane unless quirk inhibitor collars are a thing or they just knock out passengers with potentially dangerous quirks with either something like chloroform or morphine.
Yeah...they are more expensive, so's space travel...yeah we did it, we have casual orbital to the moon travel.

It literally took society nearly dying off to do it.
Hmm what else... PMCs where you can hire a Hero are most likely a thing that the media and Hero society discreetly sweep under the rug or ignore but there are more than one way to use your quirk to get paid that isn't going Pro or being a villain.
Actually Military Service and Quirks go together like fire and oil, Logan's story started with him surviving a Pakistani Black ops man who dropped a literal mountain on him.
Everything else doesn't have that much of an impact other than a few minor changes like Insurance companies are gonna be a lot more exciting with Hero Fights, not much has changed anywhere else in my opinion.
Most of the World is in a Tech Boom, as Cybernetics and Computers and Robots are a thing.
Day By Day 3
Day By Day 3

-[X]Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone. Rolled:1D100 => 16

-[X]Look for Nanosuit Specs: That damn thing SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!! And you fear without proper study it will end up killing Logan...or yourself.Rolled:1D100 => 1 | natural one: 1 +50 (Tech Wiz and Stats)=51

-[X]Cut Loose a Little: Your gonna go run around a bit and have some fun...nothing to worry about, just a little bit of Flexibility and running training. Rolled:1D100 => 89

-[X]Indulge in DARK URGES!: You feel that...sometimes you need to do a bit more then cutting loose, a more, darker side, yeah your darkside, they say indulging it is a bad thing, but ignoring is even worse. Rolled:D100 => 98

What do you Do? (AN: this answer wasn't given, I rolled an 81)

[]Lets Hold off a little Longer: Better Consolidate your work and make it irresistible.


(Sarah POV)

You looked at your Phone and spoke aloud. "Maybe Enji is available?"

You put in his number and waited.

And Waited….

And waited.

"ITS ENJI!! If you're looking for me I'm working. Now If I may...LET ME GET BACK TO WORK! And if your family, I am sorry I had to yell like that I'm trying to lower the crime rate so I can spend more time with you."

Well his voicemail hasn't changed...its as rude and direct as always.

"Sorry, just came to check in...good news is we've made progress on the Tech Cartel case and your really going to like the lead I have." You said. "Call me back if your available."

Failure: Enji is unavailable...must be another case.


You then opened your personal Laptop and looked into the records again.

A Record on anything? This Nanosuit was one of the most advanced pieces of technology you've laid your eyes on and there was still nothing!!


"FUCK is anything going to be going right when I look for anyone who knows anything !!" You shouted as you sighed.

"God I wish Logan had just left that thing to ROT SOMETIMES!!" You continued as you slammed the desk.

Failure: So far no information on the Nanosuit. At all


You needed a break for a little've been working a BIT too hard on the work.

You made notes, you made copies of notes and you let everyone know where the copies of the copies are.

It was time to loosen up a little bit.

And by loosen up a bit you mean go enjoy one the few joys you had in this job when you were away from home, nightclub dancing.

Hmmm, Just stretch out your right arm and move your body around, test the limits of your flexibility and movement will do its job.

And then, you felt all feeling give away as you quietly let yourself slip away into the unconcice movement of your body...feeling each muscle and vertebrae move as you shook and moved like you always did when dancing!


OI LOUSE! Yeah you hear me!!

What the Fu-

OI No Swearing!! You think of children up here!!

I'm sorry who the hell are you!?

I'm your Head, more specifically your Intellect...though for some godless reason I'd thought you'd figure that out. Aren't you supposed to be smart?

I didn't expect this at all, oh god...the voices in your head were back, YOU THOUGHT YOU GOT RID OF THEM IN THERAPY!! Mom dropped a building on you!! It sucked, and now years later they were back to mock you!!

I'm not here to mock you, you hysterical woman...I'm here to tell you that your going to need to get your issues sorted can't keep pretending that everything is going to be fine.

Why the hell are you back!! I got rid of you all!! TWO YEARS of my life is wasted now!!

Don't be over dramatic we would have come back earlier if you didn't bother putting yourself into a period of domestic bliss and hard work, those can only coap and hide from things for so long! After all, we were going to show up after birth, but you were preoccupied with other things and it would have been rude.

Still, you're an ass. Now what the hell are you even doing I'm supposed to relax!?

Yeah...well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself and having fun, but you've got to stop running from reality with these shallow escapisms and finally deal with the root of your problems. You're a mess and you'll cause more of them if you don't have it sorted out and it'll pass onto your own kids.

Do you want me to kill my Mom? Because that's an exercise in futility and you know it.

Nah, nothing like that, We arn't Logan and his primal, angery, and self assured brain.

How do you know his brain is self assured.

Have you seen him in the shower?

Oh...are you talking about his abs or something ...lower?

Oh be quiet you already know what I'm talking about.

Ahh, but years of Therapy?

Allowed you to become a hero rather than a villian, and even if it was only a stopgap in hindsight it still helped you at least heal and be a member of polite society and be the hero you were meant to be.

Now go back to the Hotel room and get some sleep. You've worked too hard and need a full night's rest.


You sighed as you entered the Hotel room and moved into the bathroom and looked at the mirror.

"Hey good're so fucked up in the head."

You didn't know why you said that... self-hate or some form of awareness.

You didn't know...hell you didn't even want to know.

Reward: You feel better and are beginning to acknowledge your extremely messed up mental state. You've met the Intellect and are talking to it again to begin the healing.Acknowledging you have a problem is the first step in solving it. Don't worry, you'll know what to do to heal.


You looked at the Doppleganger on the couch of your mind and almost looked immediately impressed with the Decor at least. You had a sense of decorum that Logan was lacking.
And that was besides the point of the other part now.

"Your boobs are cup size bigger? Why some form of repressed sexual feeling?" You said.

That got a laugh out of the other your repressed half as she seemed to have an air of energy that radiated off of Mother.

Don't tell me you haven't thought of using your powers to improve your appearance?

You gave a shrug. "Yeah, It's what I expected really, your the dark corner of my mind thats running around telling me to do all the mean and terrible things, let loose my internal blocks and just screw with people."

Yeah..but thats not what we're doing, I'm here to finally say've gotta indulge, indulge like a drunk going for a keg and drink like a sailor.

" want me to lash out against the world, like Mom did? Like everyone expected me to do after getting persona non grata in my own homeland, I'm better than that." You said. "I have more important things now."

Well shit...getting laid has made you feel better this is great.

"What hair-brained scheme are you running in your mind for me to do, commit murder, rob someone, commit fraud, sleep with my Husbands apprentice or what dark mess?" You said.

So far nothing, just getting you to acknowledge me is enough, I hope we have more of these talks, you can let your guard down, after all I'm keep going, I'm happy that you're ready to prepare to let go of all the things that are holding you back...moral wise, I'm not asking you to get rid of hubby or the kids.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were that bad?" You said.

NO...I want you to be a SUPERVILLAIN not a Villain!! We have higher standards then the common trash of the world.

"Oh...I still feel like you're trying to screw me over in my own head." You said.


"Isn't being a Mom enough?" You said.

No...there are a few more things that keep me and you up at night, evil plans...dark contingencies the like. But thats neither here nor there...better keep yourself on your toes...because remember I'm you.

"Wow...I'm a complete bitch sometimes. I can't believe I think like that." You said.

You get your repressed anger issues from Dad. Unsurprisingly…

"Can I wake up now?" You said.

And then you woke up after the strangest night in a long time.

Reward: You've met your dark side, she's a bitch sometimes and a bit loony. So far you are working on healing your mind, and dealing with the worse parts of yourself.


"Yeah...lets hold off on that, going to AFO is a bad idea."


Back to Logan.



(You have 4 actions)

[]Spend Time with Eve: Just like you, better give her something you didn't have.

[]Spend Time with Taylor: Hello my little shadow dancer. You like this don't you..

[]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in.

[]Spend time with Yu: Your apprentice needs more then heavy physical activity to make her a hero.


[]Call Sarah: Better Call her just to see how she's doing...she did leave rather abruptly.

[]Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone.

[]The Tree of Taris: Lets look for that Kid again...better go and check in and see how he's doing.

[]Clean a Beach: Let's do something small tonight.

[]Go For a Walk: Let's enjoy the night.

[]Assist Police: As a Hero you can help police with small time crooks and the occasional Quirky who thinks he can use his power without getting caught...nice try.

[]Train: You are going to begin training again.

[]Call Anastasia: You are truly desperate if you are calling her.

AN: Plan Format Enjoy.

Also the Color COde of Sarah's Head...Now you know what you've missed by not playing as her.
[X] Plan: Family times
-[x]Spend Time with Eve: Just like you, better give her something you didn't have.
-[x]Spend Time with Taylor: Hello my little shadow dancer. You like this don't you..
-[x]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in.
-[x]Spend time with Yu: Your apprentice needs more then heavy physical activity to make her a hero.
[X] Plan: No Rest Only Work
- [X] The Tree of Taris: Lets look for that Kid again...better go and check in and see how he's doing.
- [X] Assist Police: As a Hero you can help police with small time crooks and the occasional Quirky who thinks he can use his power without getting caught...nice try.
- [X] Train: You are going to begin training again.
How well funded is the Rigourous agency at this point?
Well, we're a private and Independent enterprise, and given that Logan's a Workaholic and Sarah takes those sweet, SWEET government jobs for full pay...

They are solvent enough to pay for Yu's many many many training acccidents.

They are getting as much as they can before the Kids get older and need more attention.
Well did you like the look into Sarah's head? And the result of the reality of how she was raised without a mom who actually loved her as an individual.
Similar to Raven and her emotion clones from Teen Titans and after a lot of internal monologues from various shows, Multiple Personality Disorders provide an interesting layer to the character it just isn't 'that' big of a surprise. I can't comment on Sarah's childhood since I don't know what that is like.
Similar to Raven and her emotion clones from Teen Titans and after a lot of internal monologues from various shows, Multiple Personality Disorders provide an interesting layer to the character it just isn't 'that' big of a surprise.
Most of it comes from the Severity of her issues, in that she's literally holding her psyche together with stopgap measures and her work load until it collapses under the weight of her issues.

The fact she hasn't collapsed into literal Supervillain yet is a miracle in itself.
Yeah, I am not qualified to understand mental illness so I have no idea how bad that is for her.
Neither am I, to dumb it down to the simplest way I can, her life has led to an UNHEALTHY amount of Stress and Pressure on her that has led her to shall we say ignore her problems the best way she can...this has led to negative consequences of her letting her issues fester until her mind literally had to "fragment" (Well its more a cordinatied effort to get her attention) to get her to actually start reexamining and dealing with her problems instead of ignoring them like some people do.

Because her subconcice wants her to deal with the issues so she can move on with her life properly, instead of one day making the same mistakes and passing on her issues to her own children.
Day by Day 4
Day by Day 4

- [X] Train Yu: TRAINING RESUMES NOW!! Rolled:D100 => 88

- [X] The Tree of Taris: Lets look for that Kid again...better go and check in and see how he's doing. Rolled:D100 => 13

- [X] Assist Police: As a Hero you can help police with small time crooks and the occasional Quirky who thinks he can use his power without getting caught...nice try. Rolled:D100 => 60

- [X] Train: You are going to begin training again. Rolled:D100 => 91


(Logan POV)

"Alright Yu...its time for the Next Stage of your Training." You said with a CHeery smile as the terror you radiated slowly but surely began to rise within the world of Yu as she realized the sheer amount of long term work her body was going to suffer.

"Oh no…" She said as she tried to not utterly panic as her two days of rest surely weren't enough for her body to fully recover from the training.

"So...the next thing we are going to do is…" You said as you prepared the lesson in your head and prepared the punchline.

"I know I signed a contract. I thought you were trying to avoid not being your parents?" Yu said, trying to get out of this whole situation.

You grinned and then slammed a book on the table she was sitting near. "Law practice and Hero Enforcement Regulations."

That made her seem to pale even harder than you did before dad threw you into the sea.

"What…?" She said.

"Its important to improve your intelligence, and teach you to exploit legal loopholes to your advantage. It helps knowing the rules to exploit." You said.

"You will spend the rest of your life trying to subvert and circumvent the laws of this world to make sure you achieve your goals of justice and a better world, you will start young and do well on it, because frankly if you don't know at least a handful of loopholes...your not being a proper hero." You finished as Yu looked utterly perplexed.

"Uhh, I don't understand, how will this help me be a hero?" Yu said as you rolled your eyes at her confusion.

"It will keep you from bankrupting yourself when your working and using legal loopholes will keep them from trying to prosecute you." You said calmly.

"Did you learn this while being a Vigilante?" Yu said.

"Yes...and I used it to join Hero society and black mail them all." You said.

"Ahh, that works." She said.

Reward: Yu is now working on her book work and intelligence to be a better hero in society. (Successes 1 of 3)


"SHINJI!! Where the Hell are you?!!" You shouted around the streets and Park as you searched.

"What the hell?" You said as you seemed to stumble on some odd occurrences.

Investigation?: Survey the Situation
Rolled: D100 => 7+30=37

There were clear signs of struggle, illegal quirk usages and burn marks.

This was clearly something that was related to his vigilantism?

This work was clearly a professional at work, more than what you thought Shinji was actually capable of antagonizing.

You needed a closer look damnit!! Shinji somehow antagonized someone powerful at this point and you damn well knew you were going to have to clean it all up.

By God you hoped it wasn't All for One, that would just be silly.

Investigation: Clues by Shinji?
Rolled: D100 => 70+30=100

You then looked around and looked for anything that may or not have been useful for finding the who and why of this whole situation, and you were also wondering, why did no one actually call!!

You lived in WALKING DISTANCE!! Well less walking distance and more can get here on a Hero Run. But that was besides the point.

This whole situation stank of something either petty, powerful idiots getting some form of thrill out of this…

Or a combination of the two...people these days were PETTY sometimes.

You've seen a fair deal of shit like this, shame it had to happen like all of this.

And then you found what you were looking for.

A Woman's Bra on an unusually placed branch...You'd laugh if you didn't feel a bit concerned about why the hell it was here.

You smelled it, and sighed in relief, no it wasn't assault or was left here by someone.

And judging by the lack of overall smell mixed with a ...detergent? This was recently cleaned?

This was far too confusing to really consider.

Investigation: Clues and Context Clues.
Rolled: D100 => 50+30=80

"E.M." You said as you looked at the Bra again. "Enhanced Matriarchy brand Bra...Made in the Philippines, and used by those who are looking for something that keeps it all natural."

Uhgh, If you only you could forget that damned marketing thing, damnit YU, you were not going to pay for bra's like that, you wear something local and cheap and you like it!! your possible Kidnapper or killer was a woman wearing a Bra made in the philippines that Yu liked because some hussy is paid tens of thousands each year to take a photo in her underwhere so she can sell what she's wearing to horny teenage girls who don't fully know how sex, responsability and the meaning of proper decentcy means.

Screw it, your calling backup because clearly you need more hands for this.

And then you sniffed it again...and found something peculiar.

"Anna Aroma's Perfume...You can't find these in Japan, you have to import." You said.

Oh god...who did Shinji antagonize to warrant this sort of response.

Reward: Shinji has disappeared and you have only an article of clothing left behind. And the smell of a Perfume you have to import into Japan. The Attacker was likely a woman, with some skill.


Assist Police

"Listen Azurewing, beyond the sheer lack of any more form of proof we can't exactly give a manifestation of anyone's habits? Plus, imports happen every year, we'd have to go through the manifests of everyone for the year and we barely have information as it is." The Beat cop said.

"Well if nothing else I kept the people away from the investigation site." You said.

"That you did...that you did, but Vigilantes aren't exactly our forte as it is." He said.

"Well are you able to get anything?" You said.

"Piece of what looks to be a Wedge heel?" He said holding a bag.

"Aquamarine...but with little bit of metal on choice?" You said.

"Yeah, most likely as a way to give weight to it...but who the hell picks a fight with a guy with Plant control in high heels?" He said.

"Who indeed." You said.

Reward: You help the Police and get a Fragment of a Wedge Heel, more then likely a weapon used in an assault or defence.



"Six hundred-Forty Nine!! SIX FIFTY!!" You said.

"DaD!! Anna Meany." Eva said as she crawled over.

Oh well, it was time for family.

Reward: Logan Trains Hard for the next stage of his Super Career to improve his strength (2 of 5 Successes)


Sarah came home that night exhausted and tired.

You picked her up and carried her to the couch. "How was work?" You said.

"I gave the evidence collected got paid and was shuttled off to let the pro's handle it?" She said. "And by pro's we mean the Government Tax man."

"Yikes, that seems to be the smart move." You said.

"I just want to watch TV… No Anime we are doing FULL Blown Cartoons." She said.

"No Rom Coms?" You said.

"We arn't thirty yet and haven't been Broken Down by our children yet." She said.

What Show do you Watch?:

[]Miraculous Ladybug!!: Sarah's Favorite Cartoon, and a hallmark of her childhood. The only thing she enjoyed more then the rare time she spent with her Father.

[]Gargoyles: You finally got it...after all these YEARS, All seasons of Gargoyles Plus the Revival Season. There is no way this can go bad tonight, it's perfect.

[]Avatar Last Airbender: You cannot beat the Original, even if the Kyoshi show is arguably as good...Korra's show was fine but damn this was legacy content.

[]Justice League: This is more an Documentary at some points, still the best damn Superhero Show ever.

[]Mucha Lucha: You have no idea what this is but Sarah Likes it so suck it up and deal with it.

[]Write in (Note Must be a Cartoon not Anime)

AN: The Plot Thickens and prepare.
[X]Gargoyles: You finally got it...after all these YEARS, All seasons of Gargoyles Plus the Revival Season. There is no way this can go bad tonight, it's perfect.