Supernova's Rise!! (No SV Be A Hero in My Hero Achademia)

Calling the vote in about an hour.

I'm gonna show you something

Sarah Case Progress: d100 => 81 (Progress is being made.

Leads: d100 => 100 | natural 100: 1


Calling the Vote

[X] Yes that's a good idea

[X]No: You promised her a day off or two, she's going to enjoy the day off.
-[x] Only train her if she wants to train during her time off
Day By Day 2
Day By Day 2

[X]Yes that's a Good idea

(Sarah POV)

"RING RING!!" Your phone started to ring as you looked up from the pile of economic paperwork as you looked up.


Good he was calling your work number this time and not your personal number...that gets embarrassing to deal with. That and given that spouses of Hero's happened to be targets, keeping them safe is a priority that may or may not targeted.

Nah let it ring a little longer...if its really important he'll call twice.

Sarah Case Progress: d100 => 81 (Progress is being made.)

The Cases you recalled, was one about tech sharing and corporate ownership of certain intellectual property rights that the CIA had kept hidden.

Primarily biochemistry related as they had DECADES of data worth of Human experimentation on the Human Body to figure out what the hell Quirks really were.

It was some horrifying shit!

Now you know why Grandma was so upset when the EU did this to Mom. Like literally, it's an utter mess that created a Supervillain of high regard and not a tool of the government.

"Hey honey how are you doing?" He said as he seemed as exhausted as he usually was after a day of patrol.

"I'm working on the money trail of the growing tech cartels, ever since the CIA went kaput you've got all their off the book tech running around with all the people trying to play god. Its Bio Chem and Drug ideas that enhance quirks more then usual? You run into that in your time?" You said looking at the stack of paperwork as you sighed and then turned to the books and accounting ledgers.

"No...I mean, the Guy who dropped a mountain on me is a possibility. But I never bothered looking into the how and why? But Training can do extremely fantastic things to a quirk." He said.

"Well its something we're dealing with, Drugs, Tech, you name it they are trying to get it." You said.

"Got any real progress?" He asked.

"I have real progress, I have a Paper trail...and names to follow. I've already sent out a dozen Hero's out to make minor arrests and poke at the many issues they have, we've already got uhh, that Government Anti Corruption Task force on them. You know the one with the Cyborgs." You said looking at a conspiracy blog on them, on your phone as you moved the paperwork around.

"Public Security Section 9...I've met the Major once when I was putting down a communist uprising in Argentina. Real hardass that one." He said.

"Don't tell me you beat her? I'm not going to believe it, the Major's never lost." You said.

"It was a double knock out...we called it a draw." He said.

"I feel like you're making shit up." You said.

"You don't ask about my military career, the same way I don't ask about that incident that permanently canceled our trips to Europe on pain of execution." He said.

"Only in Russia….the rest comes with prison sentences of over ten years." You said.

" many millions are we looking at? The Stolen ones that is? Lets get back to the money thing." He said.

"We are looking at Billions upon billions...and I'm talking about small nation levels of Cash. More then your supposed Fortune of Platinum you won and lost." You said.

"I don't know...its was a pretty big fortune of Platinum." He said.

"GDP of Luxembourg...levels of Cash." You said.

There was a moment of calm as the realization hit him as he tried to comprehend the sheer wealth being kept from the Taxman of Japan.

You already knew heads were going to be rolling for this bullshit.

How in the name of God did the Government let this sort of shit happen?! You get it the situation wasn't ideal but this was utter incompetence on the part of the Government.

"I fucking knew it...Its as bad as the time the Anti Quirks in government embezzled part of the US treasury, and funded the 4th Klan. Someone's going to be put on a spike for this." He said.

"So… where are you going to follow this train of paper?" He said.

Leads: d100 => 100 | natural 100: 1

"The Shigaraki Insurance and National Relief service." You said.

There was a pause.

Another moment of pausing.

A Third moment.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!!" He shouted madly.

"All For One...or as he's currently pretending to be Hiro Shimura is the main insurance provider of all of these companies, and for a lack of better words he has them by the balls and we as hero society are going to the devil. And cutting him a deal?" You said.

"You seem remarkably confident in Hero Societies ability to make a deal with the Shadow Shogun of Japan!! What happened the last time the government made a deal with him!! We lost alot of names and alot of good will with THAT stunt."

"That deal happened 20 years before we were born Logan, They've likely let it go." You said.

"This isn't America or Europe...Sarah, Japan has a long history of remembering shit." He said.

Rewad: We are going to the Villain of this story, All for One.

You may now scream, panic and cry…

But don't have protection in the form of leverage.

Because even the God of Villainy isn't immune to Taxes.


[X]No: You promised her a day off or two, she's going to enjoy the day off.

(Logan POV)

"Hey's your day going?" You asked as Yu was looking boredly at the TV.

"They are doing a re-run of Naruto...and I don't like it." She said.

"Well, you've called your parents and given an update?" You asked.

"I've called, put the tots to nap...and I got my...shit I don't know what to do today?" She said.

"We could work on your English?" You said. "You love Star Wars the Clone Wars."

"Thank God you never made me watch the Sequel trilogy." She said.

"I'm stern, not a Sadist." You said.

<"Here...come on. Start talking me a little."> You asked.

"I'm not speaking English Logan." She said.

<"Come on...just say a little something?"> You said.

<"Fuck you Sir...I need more breaks."> She said.

"Better, language skill is important in our line of work...and work on your posture,if you're going to be lazy do it properly." You said.

She did adjust herself and you both lounged around for the day letting your body rest from the hell training.



Do you go to All For One and Cut a Deal?

[]Lets go!!: You have the info and the Iron is hot, now is the time to strike!!

[]Lets Hold off a little Longer: Better Consolidate your work and make it irresistible.


Alright have some Free Time what do you do?

(Choose 4)

[]Clean a Beach: Let's do something small tonight.

[]Go For a Walk: Let's enjoy the night.

[]Assist Police: As a Hero you can help police with small time crooks and the occasional Quirky who thinks he can use his power without getting caught...nice try.

[]Train: You are going to begin training again.

[]Call Dad:Its been a while since you actually called him, might want to check in.

[]Call Anastasia: You are truly desperate if you are calling her.

[]Read the News: Lets see whats actually happening that makes the headlines.

[]Go Social Drinking:You don't like to drink actually, but its customary.

[]Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone.

[]Look Over Equipment:Yeah...lets just see if anything can be improved.

[]Look for Nanosuit Specs: That damn thing SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!! And you fear without proper study it will end up killing Logan...or yourself.

[]Cut Loose a Little: Your gonna go run around a bit and have some fun...nothing to worry about, just a little bit of Flexibility and running training.

[]Indulge in DARK URGES!: You feel that...sometimes you need to do a bit more then cutting loose, a more, darker side, yeah your darkside, they say indulging it is a bad thing, but ignoring is even worse.

AN: We have quite a damn story ahead of us...and no...its not in the way you expect.

Enjoy and plan format please.
I thought we were doing Logan pov
Since Logan and Yu are both taking a break, I'm doing a Sarah Pov stuff.

Logan's the main pov for all Major story beats but we are in the inbetween of story arcs.

so I'm allowed to break my own rule for the sake of getting you acquainted with Sarah' s head.

remember she's the other half of the quest. And you need to be at least aware of what Logan' other half is thinking.
Good work and I'm sorry but what is that last action?!.......I just hope it's her watching the sonic movie before they changed sonic.
Good work and I'm sorry but what is that last action?!.......I just hope it's her watching the sonic movie before they changed sonic.
Since the first quest...and given her mother. I'm implying Sarah has a great deal of baggage in her life, what with her mom nearly killing her, a distant father who always works and the incident that left an entire continent against her has left her...with a few screws loose.

she's really a few very bad days away from becoming a truly dangerous super villain if she doesn't take care of herself mentally.

Logan has a firm grasp on his alignment Sarah does not.
Since the first quest...and given her mother. I'm implying Sarah has a great deal of baggage in her life, what with her mom nearly killing her, a distant father who always works and the incident that left an entire continent against her has left her...with a few screws loose.

she's really a few very bad days away from becoming a truly dangerous super villain if she doesn't take care of herself mentally.

Logan has a firm grasp on his alignment Sarah does not.
Then Logan needs to do the ultimate sacrifice a man could do.....give a Sarah a huge stack of coupons saying he is required by law to do anything she wants him to do. Hopefully that would help her clam down when she feeling a bit off the rockers and close to going slaughter mode...
Then Logan needs to do the ultimate sacrifice a man could do.....give a Sarah a huge stack of coupons saying he is required by law to do anything she wants him to do. Hopefully that would help her clam down when she feeling a bit off the rockers and close to going slaughter mode...
Logan's already taking care of the kids what more does she want!!!

and their sex life is already very happy.

and the kids are happy!!!

really Sarah and Logan's agreement to not talk about the super uncomfortable parts of their lives is the only real detriment to their marriage.

well that and the fact Sarah's Mom is an evil lovecraftian monster, but that is actually being worked on.
Logan's already taking care of the kids what more does she want!!!

and their sex life is already very happy.

and the kids are happy!!!

really Sarah and Logan's agreement to not talk about the super uncomfortable parts of their lives is the only real detriment to their marriage.

well that and the fact Sarah's Mom is an evil lovecraftian monster, but that is actually being worked on.
.........please tell me that Sarah's Mom hasn't sent any gifts to the kids please. I'm am now scared on what she could send them. Like a book that can raises the dead or a mirror that sucks souls or worse.......cupcakes that have enough sugar to make Cthulhu go into a sugar rush.*shudders*
.........please tell me that Sarah's Mom hasn't sent any gifts to the kids please. I'm am now scared on what she could send them. Like a book that can raises the dead or a mirror that sucks souls or worse.......cupcakes that have enough sugar to make Cthulhu go into a sugar rush.*shudders*
She's less lovecraft lovecraft and more, Mankind created something horrible by being a monter's to one another so hard that Sarah's Mom is a large enough threat that if she's on business pray for prep time.

Off the clock...she loves her grandkids the only way she can as means for long term goals.

She's interesting, more chaotic neutral the evil, but still got dark impulses.
[X] Plan: Working advice
-[X]Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone.
-[X]Look for Nanosuit Specs: That damn thing SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!! And you fear without proper study it will end up killing Logan...or yourself.
-[X]Cut Loose a Little: Your gonna go run around a bit and have some fun...nothing to worry about, just a little bit of Flexibility and running training.
-[X]Indulge in DARK URGES!: You feel that...sometimes you need to do a bit more then cutting loose, a more, darker side, yeah your darkside, they say indulging it is a bad thing, but ignoring is even worse.
[X] Plan: Preparation is Key
-[X]Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone.
-[X]Look for Nanosuit Specs: That damn thing SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!! And you fear without proper study it will end up killing Logan...or yourself.
-[X]Cut Loose a Little: Your gonna go run around a bit and have some fun...nothing to worry about, just a little bit of Flexibility and running training.
-[X]Read the News: Lets see whats actually happening that makes the headlines.

[X]Lets Hold off a little Longer: Better Consolidate your work and make it irresistible.
From the Omega List: Villian Control Freak
From the Omega List: Villian Control Freak

Name:Sojiro Suzuki
Alias AKA Hero/villian moniker: Control Freak
Nicknames: The Ultimate Collector, The God of tv and movies
Quirk: TV DREAM!!: You can control the Power of TV word by forcing people into a Show to act out an episode of his design. (Weakness, His powers run on something called the Law of Narrative, so he can't just make you fight a god, the situation MUST allow the opponent a chance to succeed, it operates like a TV Episode.)

Power: 2/5 He's got some strength in spite of being a slob (+20 to combat rolls)

Speed: 1/5 He's a fat couch potato. He can run but really, its only in short bursts (+10 to Evasion and Chase Rolls)

Technique 5/5 For a man who only does MADE UP and Fake Martial arts, he's mastered them all. (+50 to all rolls in close range combat)

Intelligence: 5/5 The man graduated University at 17 and works at an art museum. An Anime museum, but still.(+50 to QUirk Roll, Investigation and Intelligence rolls)

Media Knowledge: ⅘ He's an Otaku, he's seen all forms off TV and Media. (+40 to Quirk Effectiveness)

Perks/ Drawbacks:

Normal Looking Guy: You look, kinda normal, not that being a chubby looking guy is anything to sneeze at (-10 to enamy Intelligence rolls when investigating you)

Unfit: Your not in good Shape at all. (-20 to Speed and Power Rolls)

AN: The Omega list gives us the chance to Catalog Hero's Villains and other important individuals across the world.

Also I'd like to thank @Beastly for building this character with me and giving some skill set.

IIf you have a Hero or Villian please make one and I will review it, or PM me with the Idea.

I like it and I want to write an omake but am currently too busy with IRL stuff to sit down and write it.