Supernova's Rise!! (No SV Be A Hero in My Hero Achademia)

Back to Work 2
Back to Work 2

-[X]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in. Rolled: d100 => 76

-[X]Spend time with Yu: Your apprentice needs more than heavy physical activity to make her a hero. Rolled: d100 => 95

-[X]Spend time with Sarah: Better spend time with your wife. Make her happy. Rolled: d100 => 93

Randomness Ensures: D100 => 95

-[X]KNIGHT SABER SENTAI CROSSOVER!: You did promise to hang out with them on their patrols, might be can take Sarah if she wants. Rolled: d100 => 24


Spend time with Anna

You looked at the Daycare Teacher with a small sigh. "Miss Kamyia...I apologize for all their actions...I should have informed you that Anna's Quirk was...a bit more different then what you're used to?"

The Principle was thankfully not present as you don't think that Anna could handle that in a record say nothing on her personal interactions with the other students.

She wasn't bad, or mean at all, just...had no sense of personal space at all and that may be a problem going forward in Anna's personal life and education.

Miss Kamyia looked at you. "You should have warned me of this one's shenanigans Mr.'s bad enough we were not informed of the full extent of her quirk until an incident but she also may have traumatized another child."

You looked at the teacher with a somewhat bored expression. "It couldn't have been that bad? I've seen her at her worse."

"She face hugged a student like a blob!" She said.

"I've seen her with worse behavior." You were utterly unsurprised by that way of speaking.

"Its not that...its the fact she did it at all Mr. Lawson, Children don't DO THAT!! Even with quirks the worse they do is cause minor disruptions and the occasions breaking of school supplies. Not this?!" She said.

She was worried...and so were you, Sarah was not going to be happy if Anna was forced to transfer to a different would lead to an uncomfortable amount of baggage in the future.

Something you didn't want to worry about, you didn't want her to go into delinquents and their sub culture.

"Is there anything you need me to do and does this mean anything to her academic future?" You said.

"Just get her to calm down a bit...and tell her not to do it again." She said. "I just...We've never had anyone with a quirk activated this early that wasn't a full mutant type."

"Do I need to go to the Doctor to get her quirk fully analyzed...I get it if the one we gave you was out of date but this-." You then stopped as the Teacher gave a glare.

"Do you even know the full extent of this quirk?" She said.

"No not really, we were going to worry about it when she was older." You said.


You looked at Anna as she hung from your arm. "Honey...let go."

She wasn't fully ready to let go, she thought she was in trouble.

"Anna...please let go." You said.

She then let go and remained a puddle on the Floor.

"Anna, don't be a puddle to hide from your problems...shape up now...I'm gonna talk to you, not yell at you." You said as she reformed.

"Daddy...I'm a freak." She said.

You looked at her and gave a smile. "What gave you that idea?"

"I just want to touch badly...people, walls...the cloth...touching things is fun. Touching faces is fun. Going into their skin is even funner with all the fleshy bits that feel so cool." She said. "TOUCH, TOUCH TOUCH!"

She was using her robust vocabulary and that glint in her eyes showed her intelligence a shocking amount of it, as well as her maturity.

All of your children were intelligent and mature for their age, but this was a flip flop between childishness and wisdom.

Like all good things they were not ready to handle most of the things going forward.

"Anna...we are going to the doctor to explain why you're different compared to your sisters. Mostly to avoid a lawsuit and the School Boards wrath." You said.

"Will I get something out of it?" Anna said.

"Knowledge and time with Dad." You said picking her up. "Yeah...Time with dad."


You looked at Dr. Tsubasa waiting for his prognosis on the quirk analysis of Anna's Development.

He looked at the sold stack of papers that was the analysis.

"Mr. Lawson...I shall be blunt, The Ever Bonded Quirk is one of the strangest Quirks I've ever seen in my medical career." He said.

"I can it the fact she can convert calorie dense food into energy almost instentaniously?" You started.

"Its not that sir." He said.

"Her touch sense is one of the most sensitive you've ever seen." You said.

"No, not that at all." He said.

"Is it the fact she was born without a body?" You said.

"Her body is frankly bizarre, everything she is...currently is a facsimile a falsehood, to put it into perspective, its a monster pretending to be a offence to her at all, but it is the only way I can explain it." He said.

"Some...taken." You said.

"We may need a bigger test, personally...But I'm sure the report will at least help some of the more testable questions be answered." He said.

"And what answer can you give me?" You said.

"The Ever Bonded Quirk is entirely made as a support quirk as it were and the thing is...well, the Human form isn't real, the blob form is her true form."

"Great now she's going to have body image issues." You said.


Reward: Anna's real form as a blob of hyper regenerating cells has been confirmed….she is taking the news as well as any three year old can. She thinks she's cool.


Spend time with Yu

Yu looked at you as the Day on the Farm Grew late. "I've thought about my Hero Name."

"Really, is it a really dumb one that plays to your vanity." You said calmly looking at the dozens of cows that she moved into their pens.

"Logan, be serious..I'm trying to downplay my vanity for you please." She said.

"Oh your saying please, glad to see the etiquette training is working out." You said.

"Well have you given yourself a moment of calm before you are AMAZED!" She said.

"Don't keep me in suspense Yu. Just say it already." You said.

She then stood up and Posed Heroically."I AM MT LADY!!"

"Catchy...easy to remember...that actually sounds good, plan on working for an agency?"

"I'm going to be working for myself...and my own company I AM NO ONE's OBJECT OF SALE!! Except if its ME!!" She said. "Because I'm gonna do it myself to raise awareness for people with Quirks who don't have the facilities to train properly. THAT IS MY GOAL!"

You looked at her. "So your going to be like me and drag society to a form of positive social change."

"Yes...and nothing is going to change my mind...NOTHING...NOT EVEN SOCIETAL COLLAPSE IS GONNA STOP ME!!"She said.

You then looked at her with a sense of Pride.

"You are ready...for Field Work."

"Wait what?" She said.

Reward: Mt. Lady is now ready for Field Work as a Hero. Technically what your doing is illegal, but you've never let legality get in the way.

Mt. Lady's Character Sheet will be added into the Sidekick Sheet after the interlude.


Spend time with Sarah:

You looked at the destroyed Hotel Room and looked around to the Chaos of the situation you seemed to wake up in.

"Oh...god what did I do last night?" You said.

*Thump Thump*

"What the…" You said trying to get up out of bed. "What am I wearing?"

*Thump Thump* *Thump Thump* *Thump Thump* *Thump Thump* *Thump Thump*

"OH Can you SHUT THE-" You said.

A Bunny Girl was tied up chained to the wall covered in ribbons and torn up Wrestling Heel or Face Costume, you couldn't tell. " OH THANK GOD YOU'RE AWAKE! Get me out of this thing before she wakes up!"

"Uhh...That's my wife?" You said looking next to you to see Sarah seemingly utterly plastered as shit.

"You married that Force of Nature." She said.

"Oh dear god...whats your name?" You said.

"Rumi?" SHe said.

"What did we DO last night?" You said.

(Continued Wild Night)



"So something came up we're going to have to reschedule things." You said.

"Thats fine, tell Sarah we said hi."

Failure: Things Came up!

AN: Hi Miriko...Start explaining how this happened?
Last edited:
"I just want to touch badly...people, walls...the cloth...touching things is fun. Touching faces is fun. Going into their skin is even funner with all the fleshy bits that feel so cool." She said. "TOUCH, TOUCH TOUCH!"
Better think of a way to manage this behavior. We don't want to try and deny this aspect of her. Toga's parents did that with her Quirk and it didn't end too well.
Wild Night
Wild Night

You looked at the destroyed Hotel Room and looked around to the Chaos of the situation you seemed to wake up in.

"Oh...god what did I do last night?" You said.

*Thump Thump*

"What the…" You said trying to get up out of bed. "What am I wearing?"

*Thump Thump* *Thump Thump* *Thump Thump* *Thump Thump* *Thump Thump*

"OH Can you SHUT THE-" You said.

A Bunny Girl was tied up chained to the wall covered in ribbons and torn up Wrestling Heel or Face Costume, you couldn't tell. " OH THANK GOD YOU'RE AWAKE! Get me out of this thing before she wakes up!"

"Uhh...That's my wife?" You said looking next to you to see Sarah seemingly utterly plastered as shit.

"You married that Force of Nature." She said.

"Oh dear god...what's your name?" You said.

"Rumi?" SHe said.

"What did we DO last night?" You said.


About 13 to 15 hours earlier….

Sarah came strutting into the room with a light step as you finished your review of your investigation into your finances as she threw a burner phone at you.

"Yes…" You said holding it as she looked

"We're calling mom and I have three days off." She said.

"And this is important...Why?" You said not knowing why she was going off about.

"I am going to be getting information from her on a Quirk Augmenting drug called Trigger, and I'm gonna take a hit of it and go insane with it for a few hours."

"WHY!!" You said.

"Because AFO needs a Feild Test and Mom's too Lazy to do it herself." She said as you tried to look serious at her.

"Your mom, a dangerous murderer is lazy?" You said.

"Well, yeah and I'm needing to document the negative effects using a nifty little thing designed to monitor it." She said.

"Don't tell me you put it between your breasts and attached it there so it won't get loose?" You said.

"I also put it through a stress test to make sure it didn't don't worry about it." She said opening the top of her suit and showing a small monitoring device on her chest.

"And how did you stress test it?" You said taking occational glances at Sarah's chest and the device.

"I asked All-Might to punch it with all his might, took him four tables and five different prototypes to make it work." She said.

You looked at her "You let All Might punch it?"

"Yes...he did it for lunch."

You can only facepalm too yourself "Jesus Chist..."

When was the last time you ever had a normal Vacation?

"Logan Blasphaming...only I can do that and get away with it." Sarah said.

"Ah man, you're making me the Paragon of the Kids. Why can't you." You said.

"Because I'm fundamentally messed up in the head, and your sane...but we are getting passed that now and Mom is gonna give me drugs and Hero SOciety is gonna get intel." She said with a slight bounce in her step.

"Sarah, your the only one who's happy about getting high on something? Why?" You said.

"Because's its FUN...and a break from all the monotony of my life as a Hero...some people take hobbies, I wanna commit, acts of Villainy." She said.

Wait what!

"WHAT?!?" You yell out in disbelief as your wife seems too have a look in her eyes that would be more fitting on a Maniac than a Pro Hero.

"I am my Mother's much as my Father say's I'm not." She said. "I'm finally going to embrace that now...before I go mad."

"Your sleeping on the couch naked in a gimp suit exhausted and incapable of moving...because I designed all of your equipment Logan...its got an off switch." The way she whispered in your ear was extremely erotic and teasing with energy.

"My my...where has this side of you been you naughty lady of my life." You said with a slight grin.

"Buried away under the Law and Society" She whispers, matching your own "Now come on, it'll be a simple Heist, no one gets Hurt."

"But aren't we visiting your mother first to get your drugs for you to get high?" You said changing the subject.

"There is a reason we are going on a heist." She said. have to help your mother in law with crime...seems to be a good deal.


"THIS IS NOT A GOOD DEAL!!" You shouted as you carried the bag of cash into the Getaway car.

"We all have to make sacrifices honey!" Sarah said.

"But my reputation!! I worked so hard for it!!" You said.

"We'll claim shapeshifter clones mom made now don't be a pansy!" She said completely into the crimes she was committing.

"Yeah..and you call yourself the Bastard Spawn of some of the worse people on earth!" She said.


"And I don't give a damn, I know what I'm about!! I'm like All Might I'm a Villain for the Hell of it." Anastasia said. "And who is taking all the heat for you and betraying All for One?"

"You are." You said.

"Oh Sarah you've trained this man well, he listens to sense." She said.

"Of course he listens. He knows what he's getting every night," Sarah said.

"The second this is over, you're sleeping on the couch for the next 3 nights!" You yelled, taking the wheel.

No, she'd just crash at one of her friends' house and leave you to deal with the kids...think of something better.

"No...You're gonna have to wear Anna and see what happens, I'm not gonna be her power's guinea pig." You said.

"Oh crap" Your crazy ass wife paled as her mother smirked from the other seat.

"Oh who's Anna, you don't call and tell me these things Sarah, tell me what's going on, a wayward apprentice." Anastasia teased.

"O-our daughter" She reluctantly admitted, hands dressed up against her face like an indian garb.

"Eh..." Anastasia said. "Stop the Car I want to hear this."

You rolled your eyes, "We are in the middle of a chase Ana."

"NOW YOU PUNY MORTAL!" She screamed.

You turned into an allyway to hide as Sarah looked both embarrassed and frightened at her mother's insistence to know about her life.

"Three?! I have THREE Granddaughters and you never told me about it?!"

Sarah then looked at you for support, but you could pinpoint the reason this actually happened.

"You didn't send her the Christmas Card didn't you?" You said.

"HOW IS THIS MY FAULT!!" She shouted.

"You sent one to your father." You said.

"ONLY TO DAD, and I'm Persona No Granta, I was lucky he got it at all, you want me to waste TWO months of my life to just get a ten minute phone call with my mother!! NO...I refuse to go through that." She shouted. "And aren't you the one to say don't let my mother know?"

"Don't pin this on me...MY Parents tried to kill us I had a good reason to give you that advice." You said.

You then pulled out a small homemade magazine to block out the noise.

Sarah looked at what you were reading. "Oh you went into my desk?"

"It was just sitting there...might as well." You said.

"Alright, that's on me, lets just go quiet and wait for the heat to die down." Sarah said.

You don't reply, too engrossed in the story as Sirens blare in the distance.

"This is why I don't go too what remains of the Lawson Family Gatherings, No matter what Hank say's we're to broken of a I have to deal with her family...this is why I cut ties." You whispered under your breath as you drove out of alleyway and hid somewhere more discreet.

It would hide them until things calm you have to call All Might, and he'll be Mad!


"You WHAT?!?!" He shouted.

"It was Sarah's Idea to get Trigger from the source, so we abused her connection to Organized Crime to get samples and study their effects on a Quirked individual...unfortunately, It required getting the hands dirty with my Mother in Law." You said.

"She enjoyed every second of it my Son in Law!" Anastasia said.

"And Sarah's been meaning to reconnect anyway." You said.

"What did you do?" You could hear the Symbol of peace facepalming on the other side of the phone.

"We had to steal Money to pay off Anastasia's Gambling Debts, No one Died and I'm not in the mood to go to Prison again." You said.

"AGAIN!" All Might said.

"Yeah the government threw me in the Stockade before my Trial." You said.

"We're also definitely gonna get back at them for that one day" Your Wife adds.

"No we aren't, we are Happy in Japan!! We Ignore them!!" You said.

All Might Sighed. " There better be a good reason for this?"

"We are attempting to give you Intelligence on a Crisis before it even begins All Might, with the intel, well, we can identify, adapt and overcome." You said. "Simple as that."

"Sigh... too think I was hoping for an early night." he said.

"All Might, once things calm down, and Anastasia leaves the country, We're going to experiment with it, and send the extra samples to you...also, we even have a decent alibi to say it wasn't really us." You said.

"Biomass Clone." All Might said.

"Yep." You said.

"Clearly using your Mother in law to take the heat isn't a bad thing, but we are going to have a talk when this is all over." He said.

"I'm sure we are, but its not going to go anywhere because the long term victory out weighs the short term loss." You said.

"Should I get Nighteye for this?" He asked.

"He already knows man...and you know it." You said.

"Eugh" You hear him groan, knowing this will be a long night


Sarah looked at the Case of Trigger. "All this for troublesome needles..."

Anastasia looked. "Oh come, I've done my part and I'm taking my loot take yours and get on with it." SHe said taking the bags of cash from Logan.

"Well I did say I'd do it when your gone...but really did you piss off All For One for this?" Sarah asked.

"I did, why?" She said.

"Why do it? Sarah said.

"Because its Fun to remind that man that he's not an invincible Villain." She said.

"Hope something finally hammers it into him one day..."

"Well, we've done our part Mom...We'll try to send the christmas card to you." Sarah said. "Or we can send it to dad and we can just your know."

"I understand honey, its all about the location." She said.

"See you around," You tell her, before leaving.

"Oh, I will, Logan Lawson...Have fun getting her down from the high." She said.

"It can't be that bad..." You said. "I had a mountain dropped on me, what's the worst that my wife on a Narcotic can do."You said.

"You'll see, you'll see..."


"You know you don't have to do this?" You said as Sarah looked at the case of drugs as she looked at it.

"We have the technology to monitor what happens...and we need to use it for it to work. And we have to." She said .

"Why does it have to be you? You don't have to do this?" You said.

"Of course I do, I'm not gonna just let a doctor use a potentially addictive narcotic, I'll do it because I'm Qualified, and I'm not exactly sure that it would work on you." She said not looking at you.

"Point you think we're going on Probation for this?" You said.

"Oh we are going to get benched for this, working with a Villain to get information on the wider cartel is frowned upon. We aren't undercover after all." She said.

"At least three months?" You said.

"If we're really lucky." She said.

It was going to be a shitshow, All-Might wasn't going to trust them for a bit, and that was a fair bit of an annoyance.

But nothing you could really do about that.

"So, what do you think will happen?" You said looking at the case of drugs. "I mean, besides the obvious high."

"I'm going to become an unstoppable force of nature and destruction and terrify people with my very presence. GO Absolutely ham and mad as my inner demons have an outlet to terrify the general population and whomever gets in the well as whatever else I'm thinking of." She said matter of factly.

" when you're grumpy?" You said.

"More or less. Wanna crash an underground fight ring later?" She said.

"While you're high as a kite?" You said.

"To keep me from hurting any civillians thats all." She said.

"Okay." You said.

She stuck the needle in her arm and pressed down…


"OH WHAT AN UPSET BY TIGER BUNNY!!" The announcer said.

" don't want to fight her...really." You said as you struggled to stand.


"Please don't want to FIGHT MY WIFE!! Its not gonna end well." You pleaded.

"Please whats the worse she can do?" Tiger Bunny said.

You sighed. "Don't say I didn't warn you?"

You wanted to look away from the battle but really by this point in the night you just wanted to just go to bed.


"And thats what happened?" Rumi said as you took a drink of Coffee.

"Well...wait how did you know about the parts you wern't there for?" You said.

"She talks in her sleep?" Rumi said.

"Yep...that she does sometimes…" You said. "SO...interested in a Hero Internship this summer?"

Rumi looked at you. "Mr Azurwing, I'm honored but...really I'm gonna need a few weeks to consider it, I'm in Hiroshima and its quite a commute to where your agency is."

"Oh, take your time, I'm just giving a suggestion. Thats all." You said.

A mumble came from the bed as Sarah stirred awake. "Logan we have the data...never let me do this again. And Snacks...Logan. Snacks."

"You're going to get fat, if you keep eating breakfast pasteries." You said.

"SNACKS…" She said in a monotone voice as you grabbed a muffin and handed it to her.

Rumi was less then impressed. "What kind of Hero's are you?"

"The strange kind." You said.


"Six months Probation." All Might said.

"We've been meaning to spend time together with the Kids anyway." You said.

"And Nighteye insisted on no more than Six because he wants you back in the field for dealing with something of a spike in crime he thinks is coming soon." He said.

"I'm disappointed in you for what you did?" He said.

"I'd give a shit All-Might, but considering every other day growing up I heard those words, they don't inspire the same sense of regret they should, blame my father for that." You said. "Besides, you have Trigger's medical effects on quirks?"

"It will aid the long term investigation, combined with Ms. Lawson's evidence of All for One's corruption, we'll have enough evidence to build a campaign of justice to his door... the question now is how much resources we'll put into it." He said.

You sighed. "Say it already Toshinori, I know you want to hear it?"

"What the hell, consorting with a criminal and a murderer? I thought you were above such things." He said.

"All- Might, I was a soldier before we met, I've killed my fair share of people who may or may not have deserved it, working with unpleasant people was part of the job. I lose sleep at night thinking that you guys gave me a way out of that hole, and into a deeper one." You said.

"No one said our job was easy?" He said. "But I expected better from you."

"And you expected better from Sarah? We've heard this shit before from a dozen different people Toshi, she needed to be evil for a moment, to remind herself she is good and evil. We can't all be like you." You said.

"I know...I make it all seem easy." He said. "But has a societal responsibility to be better than this. Then again, she'd fit right in with the Commission."

"You'd think she wants to work with those assholes, The Hero Public Safety Commission is a joke at best and a societal threat at worse, they represent everything wrong with today's world." You said.

"Careful Logan, they don't like people saying that, and you know why?" He said.

"I know their game, get the Omega List, kill me, thats what they want right?" You said.

"This action today has gotten their attention, just know that...fair warning." He said.

"Thanks, so between my family life, my resource and my devil may care attitude, I've pissed them off?" You said.

"Just know they want things willingly…" He said. "They consider it a professional matter, thought even I have trouble knowing the why of things with them."

"Thanks All if you have time, you wanna spend time with the kids?" You said.


Reward: Logan and Sarah Lawson are on Probation for the drug fueled madness and consorting with Criminal elements…

HOWEVER, they do get some boons out of it.

ONE: Rumi Usagiyama is available for recruitment as an intern.

TWO: The Drug Trigger and its affects are now know to HERO Society.

THREE: With the Help of evidence gathered the Case against All For One can now become an OPEN INVESTIGATION.

AN: Enjoy and sorry for taking so long with the Interlude, next turn is gonna be all about Char SHeets and actions for you guys to run around with enjoy.
Back to Work 3
Back to Work 3

(Logan POV)

On Probation, well, its a nice quiet amount of work.

Family time and More Investigation.

Time for Fun and File work!!


(You have 8 actions)

4 for Logan, 4 for Sarah.

[]Spend Time with Eve: Just like you, better give her something you didn't have.

[]Spend Time with Taylor: Hello my little shadow dancer. You like this don't you..

[]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in.

[]Spend time with Yu: Your apprentice needs more than heavy physical activity to make her a hero.

[]Rabbit Season: Well that Rumi kid has potential...better find her and give her an offer.

[]Train: You are going to begin training again.

[]Spend time with Sarah: Better spend time with your wife. Make her happy.

[]Clean a Beach: Let's do something small tonight.

[]Go For a Walk: Let's enjoy the night.

[]Update File: Yu is going to be working, might as well get a File for her up.

[]Call Anastasia: You are truly desperate if you are calling her.

[]Call All Might: "Toshi...don't be mad."


Actions for Sarah

[]Clean a Beach: Let's do something small tonight.

[]Go For a Walk: Let's enjoy the night.

[]Train: You are going to begin training again.

[]Call Dad:Its been a while since you actually called him, might want to check in.

[]Call Anastasia: You are truly desperate if you are calling her.

[]Read the News: Lets see whats actually happening that makes the headlines.

[]Go Social Drinking:You don't like to drink actually, but its customary.

[]Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone.

[]Look Over Equipment:Yeah...lets just see if anything can be improved.

[]Look for Nanosuit Specs: That damn thing SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!! And you fear without proper study it will end up killing Logan...or yourself.

[]Cut Loose a Little: Your gonna go run around a bit and have some fun...nothing to worry about, just a little bit of Flexibility and running training.

[]Indulge in DARK URGES!: You feel that...sometimes you need to do a bit more then cutting loose, a more, darker side, yeah your darkside, they say indulging it is a bad thing, but ignoring is even worse.

AN: Plan format and enjoy.
[X] Family, Sidekick, Upgrades, Training, Nanosuits
-[X]Spend Time with Taylor: Hello my little shadow dancer. You like this don't you..
-[X]Spend Time with Eve: Just like you, better give her something you didn't have.
-[X]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in.
-[X]Spend time with Yu: Your apprentice needs more than heavy physical activity to make her a hero.
-[X]Read the News: Lets see whats actually happening that makes the headlines.
-[X]Look Over Equipment:Yeah...lets just see if anything can be improved.
-[X]Look for Nanosuit Specs: That damn thing SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!! And you fear without proper study it will end up killing Logan...or yourself.
-[X]Train: You are going to begin training again.
[X] Family, Sidekick, Upgrades, Training, Nanosuits
-[X]Spend Time with Taylor: Hello my little shadow dancer. You like this don't you..
-[X]Spend Time with Eve: Just like you, better give her something you didn't have.
-[X]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in.
-[X]Spend time with Yu: Your apprentice needs more than heavy physical activity to make her a hero.
-[X]Read the News: Lets see whats actually happening that makes the headlines.
-[X]Look Over Equipment:Yeah...lets just see if anything can be improved.
-[X]Look for Nanosuit Specs: That damn thing SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!! And you fear without proper study it will end up killing Logan...or yourself.
-[X]Train: You are going to begin training again.
On Probation
On Probation

(Logan POV)

[X]Spend Time with Taylor: Hello my little shadow dancer. You like this don't you..
Rolled: D100 => 70

"Daddy...An Meanie!" She said, trying to get away from Anna's scary face. "Villain face Villain face."

"Ahh, she scared you didn't she?" You said.

"UH UH." she said.

"And do you know that you have many ways to stop her from scaring you without running away to me?" You said.

"I do?" She said.

"Yep. every shadow is yours to control...even her's, now go out there and show her that she can't scare you now...and don't run." You said.

"OKAY DADDY!!" She said as the shadows danced around her.

You saw Anna try to scare her again, and she got picked up and carried around by her own shadow.

"AHHH!!" Anna screamed.

"Ahh, to be young again." You mused.

Reward: Taylor gains more mastery over her own powers.


-[X]Spend Time with Eve: Just like you, better give her something you didn't have.
Rolled: D100 => 35

"Maybe we should start with the Five Pound weight." You said.

"HEAVIER!" She said.

"Your going to hurt yourself, lets go focus on reading english." You said.

"MMM." She said in frustration,

Reward: EVE learns more english than physical education. She's not happy, but it will help her in the long run.


[X]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in.
Rolled: D100 => 60

" you wanna prank YU?" You said holding her.

"YES!!" She said,

You then snuck up on Yu, and dropped Anna who then basically attached herself to her and then Yu began to run around screaming.

You were both laughing at Mt Lady's Misfortune and considered it a fun prank.

Reward: Anna begins to become more and more personable with a flair for dramatic madness.


-[X]Spend time with Yu: Your apprentice needs more than heavy physical activity to make her a
Rolled: D100 => 75

They always say "Life is Beautiful." And it took you a long time to actually figure that out.

You weren't allowed to stop and smell the roses for a long time growing up, at her age you were running across Nome shirtless to build your pain tolorence at your bodies expense.

Dad was an ass to you, and you never had any comparison growing up...not really anyway.

School gave you some release, but it was a fleeting and temporary escape.

Honestly, you were envious of those who's families gave up on those who were Quirkless.

Not envious enough at least, you had Role Models, Audie Murphy, Steve Rogers...Batman, but people often times in this day in age, don't see people's real potential.

It was Quirkless that drove Humanity to take over the world. It was the Quirkless who made it to space.

It was the quirkless who did so much as those with quirks grew hated...and more during the dark days.

Quirks made people arrogant.

Quirks led too people thinking that a Superpower would get them through life.

No...they forgot the Human element.

The Thing that made our misfit little monkey brain worth the soul.

It was that drive to go beyond.

And you were going too Hammer it into this little girl.

Or die trying.

"Hey Logan...if you could have any power in the world what would it be?" She asked.

"Something that wouldn't make me complacent" You tell her, pumping your weights as you continued too run at her pace. Which wasn't that far.

"So what would it be?" She said.

"Something that would both make me a symbol, and make me more human then ever." You said.

"That doesn't answer my question?" She said.

"Something that would make me just the same" You bluntly tell her.

Yu nodded. "Soo, Captain America?"

"Yeah more or less, but its more an idea, and to be the pinnacle of something you already are...that is what it means to be a hero." You finished.

"Then what would I be the pinnacle of?" She asks you curiously.

... "Overzealous showmanship and arrogance, you have an ego the size of a small hill." You said.

"Hey!" She yells back in indignity.

"Its true...but don't forget, when your out there, you have to inspire people to be more then they can be...that's what I want you to do." You said.

"Like All Might?"

"Exactly like All Might"

"Okay...I'll be as good as All-Might, mark my words." Yu said.

Reward: Yu has controlled her Ego and has become much more responsible. For now.


(Sarah POV)

-[X]Read the News: Lets see whats actually happening that makes the headlines.
Rolled: D100 => 9

"Hmm, Appears that Nothing is going on with the News...oh well time to go to bed." Sarah said with a sigh.


Meanwhile at Icon Inc, there was a SMALL problem.

"Alright, tell me again where we are going wrong?" The Scientist said.

"We need more material, mostly genetic, for the overall adaptability of what we are looking for to well, be adaptable." The Assistant said.


"We are giving her results, we just need to give more and more than what we can safely give. WE ALREADY DID THE COMPANY BLOOD DRIVE!" The Assistant said in anger.

The Boss, Alexa Icona walked into the room. "The Matter will be resolved in terms of samples Doctor..I've already retrieved the Samples we need to improve the project."

"How?" The Doctor asked in confusion.

Hero Public Safety Commission Reaction Roll d100 => 17 vs Alexa d100 => 86

"Lets just say for as powerful and all knowing the Public Safety Commission is...its a remarkably easy institution to steal from, because they enjoy keeping things in house, they don't warn the rest of society...I'm A GENIUS, but it doesn't take one to steal from Paranoiacs!" Alexa said with a Laugh.

It was true they were more concerned with...maintaining societal equilibrium than actually solving problems at this point...mostly out of fear that they would lose ground to the All For Ones cartel.

And they were right. Fools...

Reward: Samples of 12 Hero's DNA stolen from the Commission Records Department, the only reason you know is because the Omega List got an update that this happened…


[X]Look for Nanosuit Specs: That damn thing SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST!! And you fear without proper study it will end up killing Logan...or yourself.
Rolled: D100 => 56

The Suit continues to Baffle you in its ingenuity…

It shouldn't exist with Modern Technology...much less what was around nearly a century ago…


Sarah Lawson Raged in the Night as Science and Engineering failed her.



-[X]Look Over Equipment:Yeah...lets just see if anything can be improved.
Rolled: D100 => 50

Nothing needed...maybe you can make Logan's Baton's a little heavier...but thats about it.

Reward: Logan's Baton's slightly improved.


-[X]Train: You are going to begin training again. Rolled: D100 => 74

"Huf...HUF HUF!! LOGAN, Break!" You shouted.

"Its only been three Miles Sarah, you can go another one before resting." He said with a smile.

"I'm IN HIGH HEELS in my UNIFORM! The fact I made three miles is a miracle." You shouted.

"ONE MORE MILE AND I'll Give you a kiss." He said

"GAH!!" You shouted.

Reward: Sarah is now training Speed in heels. (One out of Three Successes)


Hmm, You appear to have some Mail as of late, even if you aren't off Probation yet, its for your civilian identity.

[]The Lawson Family Gathering: A Letter from your uncle had arrived in the Mail, apparently he'd finally dismantled the last of Dad's control over the family and now he's attempting to heal the hundreds of rifts in the Family, sounds to good to be true...a sane sensible family gathering, no tricks, no pulls just a guy wanting to heal things up.

[]An Invitation to Icon Inc's Newest Tech Show: Ahh this is one of Sarah's rewards for still subscribing to their newsletter and with one of their newest boons in the tech market, its one of the sorts of things they'd do for publicity. So...Sarah's probably roped you into this mess.

[]A Speaking Appointment to One of the Hero Schools: You've got to talk to the students about PE and safety regulations and inspire them all.

[]Nothing but a List of Possible Family Films for everyone to watch:Ahh that list of Films and TV Shows to watch with the Kids. So effective...easier then studying them online.

AN: Enjoy and Chose one.
[]An Invitation to Icon Inc's Newest Tech Show: Ahh this is one of Sarah's rewards for still subscribing to their newsletter and with one of their newest boons in the tech market, its one of the sorts of things they'd do for publicity. So...Sarah's probably roped you into this mess.

[]A Speaking Appointment to One of the Hero Schools: You've got to talk to the students about PE and safety regulations and inspire them all.
I am split between these two, on the one hand the Icon tech show will get attacked or result in a fight aka a whole lot of action and maybe an arc.

While the speaking appointment is a calm and relaxing way to build connections and find another potential sidekick. Calm and relaxing for us at least.
F it I'll roll for it.

[X] A Speaking Appointment to One of the Hero Schools: You've got to talk to the students about PE and safety regulations and inspire them all.
Warmach1ne32 threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
[X]The Lawson Family Gathering: A Letter from your uncle had arrived in the Mail, apparently he'd finally dismantled the last of Dad's control over the family and now he's attempting to heal the hundreds of rifts in the Family, sounds to good to be true...a sane sensible family gathering, no tricks, no pulls just a guy wanting to heal things up.
@Cyberphilosipher BTW how advanced is Icon tech on a scale of Stark Industries level of advanced with a super mega genius or LexCorp's peak of human progress by a regular super genius or Wayne Enterprises fairly advanced but not at the level of super tech giants of LexCorp and Stark Industries.
@Cyberphilosipher BTW how advanced is Icon tech on a scale of Stark Industries level of advanced with a super mega genius or LexCorp's peak of human progress by a regular super genius or Wayne Enterprises fairly advanced but not at the level of super tech giants of LexCorp and Stark Industries.
I'd say personally Wayne Enterprise.

The Corp that is basically Stark Industiries, is Eternity Inc. They built the Astroid Mines that kept the Earth Alive and saved it from total environmental Collapse.

They even got the grant to build the space colony and are even trying to get the Colony's on the Moon.