Supernova's Rise!! (No SV Be A Hero in My Hero Achademia)

[X]The Lawson Family Gathering: A Letter from your uncle had arrived in the Mail, apparently he'd finally dismantled the last of Dad's control over the family and now he's attempting to heal the hundreds of rifts in the Family, sounds to good to be true...a sane sensible family gathering, no tricks, no pulls just a guy wanting to heal things up.
Calling the Vote [X]The Lawson Family Gathering: A Letter from your uncle had arrived in the Mail, apparently he'd finally dismantled the last of Dad's control over the family and now he's attempting to heal the hundreds of rifts in the Family, sounds to good to be true...a sane sensible family gathering, no tricks, no pulls just a guy wanting to heal things up. wins.
Family Time 1
Family Time 1

[X]The Lawson Family Gathering: A Letter from your uncle had arrived in the Mail, apparently he'd finally dismantled the last of Dad's control over the family and now he's attempting to heal the hundreds of rifts in the Family, sounds to good to be true...a sane sensible family gathering, no tricks, no pulls just a guy wanting to heal things up.


(Logan POV)

Lake Tahoe California

You sat in the rental car and prayed that you were almost there. Between Anna getting into a puddle at the last rest stop and being kinda dirty as a result, Taylor touching people with her shadow without permission and Eve...just being Eve, you thought it was going to be better.

Then you realized it was California and a few drugs were leagal and you had to get Sarah away from the recreational drugs. She was a PARENT and needed to set a good example.

You were just glad the old lake house was reinforced for most disasters. You needed something better.

Oh and Yu was running on the side of the road with her training weights and extra supplies, because vacation is no excuse to stop training.

"Are we there yet!?" Yu said as she kept running.

"Ten more minutes!! Maybe less if they finally got that damned off road fixed." You said.

"Logan, why did you decide to actually come back I thought you were Persona Non Grata?" Sarah said.

"Only in the State of Alaska and Texas Sarah, you'd remember that if you reread my file." You said.

"Well we don't normally have to these days your uncle?" She said.

"Your asking about him again?" You said "I thought you already told you this story?"

"No you told Yu the story I never heard you tell me it." She said.

"Oh, sorry about that. I just assumed I did." You said.

"Yeah most of the time your assumptions are wrong." She said.

"Ah...dang it." You said. "Well real plan, Uncle Karl, bless his soul finally used his considerable reach and influence as Administrator of the Space Colony thats orbiting us above to finally get rid of dad's lingering influence on this planet with hellish precision and grace, and superior firepower."

"Karl." Sarah said. "Administrator of SC 1, Karl your uncle." Somewhat bewildered and surprised. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why don't you tell me about your family...oh wait, you don't want to talk about it at all because A. The Records are in Europe. B. you don't like most of them because they are iffy people." You said.

"Thats not fair Logan...gah, we always get like this when talking about our family." She said.

"Yeah but Karl and his family are iffy, spacers and all that? Do we even know what space does to a quirk user?" You said.

"Preach." Sarah said.

"Are we there yet?!" Yu said.

You then saw your turn and then turned into the long slightly paved road and drove down it as Yu followed lagging behind as the sheer suddenness of the turn made her slightly lose balance and focus as the house came into view.

"Allright we are only took a week of groveling, two fist fights and updating the passport twice to do it." You said.

"Yu we are here!! You may finally take off the Weights!" You said.

"YAAAAAAAAAAY!" She said, finally leaning against the car and stopping.


Alright Breakdown of who's actually here?

Uncle Karl, Quirk: Clear Command, Allows for any order to be understood and followed unquestioned. Perfect for a man in charge of a Space Station's internal security.

Aunt Cassidy, Quirk: Broken Clock, Causes the target to loose track of their internal clock and cause a panic.

Cousin Ben, Quirk Blood Reader, an odd little quirk that gave you some idea of the Kids you were going to have, you had no real idea how it worked but it was a fun party trick to have.

And Cousin Riley, Quirk: Acceleration, the ability to accelerate objects by spinning it in her general area, allowing objects to store energy before throwing it.

What a gathering...shame everyone else stayed away.


Yu looked at them. "They aren't that impressive."

You looked at her. "So was I when I was younger, well, go on then have some fun. Its actually the first time I've been to a gathering when no one's pulled out the shotgun."

"What is wrong with your family?" Yu said.

"Better question is what is right with it." You finished,


Choose your POV:

[]Logan: "Ahh glad to see the old place hasn't fallen apart yet."

[]Sarah: "This place seems empty, what's in here."

[]Yu: <"Wow...American's MUST be compensating for something.">

[]Eva: "MY TV...MINE!"

[]Taylor: "Why Me...WHY PROGENITOR!!"



What do you do?:

[]Walk around the Property: Its a Big property...better see if something is here worth taking home.

[]Watch some TV: Ehh, Footballs on.

[]Talk to Karl: Uncle Karl's been in space, better talk about that as a starter.

[]Talk to Cassidy: Aunt Cass is a bit odd, but still one of the Nicer Relatives in the Lawson Clan.

[]Spend time with Ben: Ben was weirder then Anna, and that was saying something, to say nothing of the fact he more or less predicted Logan would have triplets.

[]Spend time with Riley: Much more normal compared to her brother. Still odd.

[]Play Room Rumble: Eva is causing a Ruckus in the room, better see what's going on?

[]Take a Nap: Sleep TIME!!

[X]Spend time with Ben: Ben was weirder then Anna, and that was saying something, to say nothing of the fact he more or less predicted Logan would have triplets.

[X]Logan: "Ahh glad to see the old place hasn't fallen apart yet."
[X] Yu: <"Wow...American's MUST be compensating for something.">
Want to see Yu's POV for a bit

[X] Play Room Rumble: Eva is causing a Ruckus in the room, better see what's going on?
[X] Yu: <"Wow...American's MUST be compensating for something.">
[X] Play Room Rumble: Eva is causing a Ruckus in the room, better see what's going on?
Calling the Vote

[X] Yu: <"Wow...American's MUST be compensating for something.">
[X] Play Room Rumble: Eva is causing a Ruckus in the room, better see what's going on? wins.
Family Time 2
Family Time 2

[X] Yu: <"Wow...American's MUST be compensating for something.">
[X] Play Room Rumble: Eva is causing a Ruckus in the room, better see what's going on?


(Yu POV)

<"Wow...American's MUST be compensating for something."> You said looking at how big the house is.

Seven Rooms, Four Bathrooms and Two Stories...more rooms then you've seen in your life.

Indeed they probably were given how insane most of them feel most of the time when coming on with how great their Hero Society was.

And it wasn't bad...just disappointing compared to Japan.

It was like Gun Culture, a great idea but you didn't see the appeal of it.

Ah well, enough complaining about that...better check in with the Kids because knowing you...its gonna be the mess.


You walked into utter boredom, Eve had just reigned supreme over her sisters with basic power moves, like light yelling and a force of personality.

"I thought you three would be causing Chaos?" You said.

"We're taking a break to argue about who's gonna have cooler kids?" Eve said.

"You're almost four...and yet you're arguing about things way too complicated for you?" You said.

"My Kid's gonna be better!" Taylor said.

"Having shadow armor isn't that cool in the grand scheme of things isn't cool."Eve said.

"MY KID IS GOD!!" Anna said.

"Okay what happened?" You said.

"We spent time with our Cosian who told us what our dec...decedent is like?" Anna said.

"Do you even know what that means?" You said.

"No...but he said they were cool." she said.

"This is why you don't get worked up over things that you can't really know?" You said."It's not like anything good really happens...and weren't you all making a mess up here?"

"Nothing was good on TV, so we wrestled around for a bit...Anna tried to bite me...and Taylor got really good at throwing erasers at me." Eve said.

"And you defeated them?" You said.

"They were not strong enough to stop me...their powers were strong but that doens't mean I couldn't beat them...with POP GUNS!" She said holding one of the toy guns from the chest.

Yeah...childhood is when thinking toy guns can win any arguments. Just like JOJO Poses and the occasional use of throwing things.

Ahh to be their age and not know any better...You missed being that young sometimes.

"So, Yu...wanna play a board game?" Taylor said.

"Which one do we play?" You asked.

" Candyland!!" She said,

"But I wanted to play Hungry Hippo?" Anna said.


You ate a snack pack and looked at them. They had played three rounds and won each one...

Logan and Sarah were out Barbecuing Dinner with relatives.

Cosine Ben was playing VR downstairs while Reily watches, all in all it was a normal day nothing could ruin this day.

Random Event Roll: D100 => 99 (High Rolls at a Family Gathering!! Must be Drama AFOOT!)

"KRRRZZZT!" The TV turned on and made Static…

"Wait...OH NO!!" You said grabbing the Nearest heavy object.



"Wait...who are you?" He said.

"I am Mt LADY...what are you?" You said.

"Mt.'re not even public or even registered. What YEAR is this?" He said.

"Its uhh-" You started.

"NEVER MIND!! I AM CONTROL FREAK FROM 30 years in the future!! Brought back in time by my use of Time MACHINES from the Media allowing me to use my powers to strike at my greatest foes before they have the means to truly stop me!!" He said.

You looked at him as he posed dramatically. "You're still fat."

"I've been on a Diet!!" he said.

"Sure you have." You then took a combat stance.

"You think I'm low enough to punch a kid?" He said.

"Yeah, you're a villain?" You said.

"God no wonder Dabi went nuts, you always assume the worse of people...I came here to make a point, to tell those two overzealous mad people called "Heroes" that the misguided mess they call justice is going to come for them. And this time there ain't no ONE FOR ALL wielder to save their bacon this time!" He said.

Yu Strike: D100 => 60+30 (Strength and Technique)-10 (Quirk not activated.)=80


Control Freak Counter Attack: D100 => 92+70 (Stat Bonus)=160

You charged and were swatted aside to the floor in a heap. "Your a 13 year old child...fighting someone who's years more experienced, stronger and skilled then was that going to go any better?"

You got up and tried again.

And Again and Again…

And Again.

"If it didn't work the first time...why did you think it would work that many times later."He said.

"I'm gonna kick your butt." You said.

"If it were you from my time, I might have been intimidated, but your a scrawny little thing pretending to be a hero." He said.

"Now...I'm not gonna kill you...I'm gonna make you watch me defeat them, not kill, but destroy their little slice of invincibility they have cultivated...and then I'm gonna let you go and watch their lives disintegrate as a result."He said.

"What about the Kids?" You said.

"I'm a professional...I have standards. Their gonna be here safe as kittens while you watch helplessly from the TV." He said.

"Oh...speaking of which you won't be alone in the TV World. Because the fools sent to stop me are there too...HAHAH." He said.

"This was vacation, why does this happen?" Taylor said.

Welcome to Heroism Yu.

Control Freak Power!!: D100 => 14+90=104


DODGE: D100 => 4+30=34

The TV began to glow as it sucked you in "THIS IS BULLSHIT!!"


Logan looked up from the Grill to see the TV in the Play room glowing wildly. "I hope they arn't playing a Violent Video Game up there."

"Burgers are almost DONE!" He said.

"Sarah break out the good water, I think I just made the Best Burgers ever!!" he said.

"Better call down the kids in five minutes Logan." Sarah said.

"Yeah, I'd hate to be ambushed by a villain after cooking the BEST BURGERS!!" He said.


Choose your POV:


[]Sarah: "I swear he's taking his grilling to seriously. "

[]Yu: "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" *Lands* "I'm Okay…"

[]Eva: "We have to warn Dad."

[]Taylor: "We have to Get Yu Back!"

[]Anna: "I want burgers, hey Mr Control Freak, can you make Burgers like Dad?"

AN: My Dice Roller wants Drama and Madness.

Don't worry Control Freak isn't Overpowered...he is just a petty jerk who abused time travel in the Media to get petty revenge.

He's still the same Slob Yu beat up with a bat.

Also, yeah...there can never be a NORMAL Family Gathering in the Lawson Clan.
[X]Anna: "I want burgers, hey Mr Control Freak, can you make Burgers like Dad?"