Supernova's Rise!! (No SV Be A Hero in My Hero Achademia)

Calling the vote
[X] Logan Lawson

[X] Talk
-[x] His life, why he's doing this, etc. wins.

Please give feedback, questions and comments, and the like, I want to answer them, also sorry I was late with calling the vote.
Prologue 3: A Talk and a bit of trouble
Prologue 3: A Talk and a bit of trouble

(Logan POV)

You looked at the young man and sighed as you pointed at the curb and sat down.

Shinji for his part took the hint and followed you as you sat down.

"Why the hell are you even doing this?" It was a sort of question that was both rhetorical and genuine at the same time. The sort of question that everyone wanted to actually answer.

He was quiet as you failed to get a really good look at his face under the scarf and the heavy jacket. "I help people, isn't that enough of a reason?"

You shrugged as the thought went through your head in a clear and notable way and then you went to another more obvious answer. "Not a good enough one for the courts. I mean we'll likely let you off on a misdemeanor if this was your first run, and knowing you it isn't but they don't need to know that."

He scoffed. "You enjoy bucking authority don't you?"

"Due process has its place, kid...but sometimes you need to move the wheel of Justice on your own time to make it work. I've been in your boots long enough to simply let something off when it's not worth it." You said not even trying to find out what his face looked like at this point.

He seemed in part relieved and still slightly on edge. "I'm...doing this for entirely personal reasons."

So he was finally going to give you an answer. "What personal reasons would you have in being a vigilante?"

"Guilt…" He said.

Wait...guilt...he wasn't one of those...quirk using criminals who grew a conscience after a dark heinous act? The ones that think their unstoppable and righteous but ruined everything in a single day?

"I don't follow?" You said.

"I the MLA's Ecoterrorist department." He said.

"The Meta Liberation Army? I thought they were driven into Cells after Destro committed suicide?"

"Hence the Eco Terrorisim department...I've been trying to hunt them down ever since they abandoned me in Mt. Fuji operation about 3 years ago? Pieces of a HOUSE started falling form the sky and they left me for dead...and in doing so I realized how much of an idiot I was and ruined so many lives so guilt." He said.

Wait...that might have been...wait, Yu lived in the country and destroyed her house at least 4 times...and-.

Heh...well this is interesting.

"Oh...well I wish you good luck in actually finding and dismantling them?" You said standing up.

"Your not going to arrest me...or even make me you know file a report or turn myself in?" He said.

"Not how I operate...I let people make their own mistakes and learn, plus I'm not going to stop a man from getting revenge on parents who ruined their life for cold and arbitrary reasons." You said.

"And who am I to get in the way of that." You finished.

That made Shinji look in surprise. "Your going to let me continue some mad quest to fight a terror group with my Arbor powers because I see it as the right thing to do?"

"Who am I to get in the way of a man's desire for justice and or revenge. This is your business not mine. Though as a precaution-" You then stopped and handed him a card.

"Take it and call if you need me?" You said.

Shinji looked at the card and put it in a wallet. "Azurewing? Why are you even doing this? This goes against Hero Society. And your completely okay with it."

"Kid when I was your age I've already been to five countries, killed at least 30 people for the government and won and lost a fortune in Platinum ore...what you're doing isn't anything special in my eyes. Good Luck though." You said.

Then you were gone, tired and knowing that somehow that kid was going to turn out alright.

You just knew it.

Reward: Information on Shinji Nishiya acquired for off the record activity. He may contact you in a few turns.

You like the Cut of his cloth...reminds you of yourself.


You kicked off your boots and crawled over to the couch.

"Ba." A small black puddle said as you looked around the floor. Ah there she is?

"Anna, what did we say about being a puddle...its a safety hazard."

"Ba Ba...ABA." It vibrated.

"I don't have time for this Anna, get back to normal." You said not even looking as she then put hands on the couch to both pull herself up and reform herself. At least she remembered to keep her jamies on when reforming.

Once was funny, twice was hilarious and three times was just embarrassing photo blackmail.

You then put her on top of you and looked at her. "Yeah dads home early."

She sneezed a bit and then laid on top of you. "Hey don't get too cozy, don't want to scrape you off the uniform again."

Taylor was making shadow puppets, taking little cars and making them fly. And above all being a kid.

Eva was napping on the other side of the room in a pillow fort that you knew couldn't stop the onslaught of hurricane Anna's tsunami slime attack.

And Yu was unconscious on the floor of her room too tired to really climb in after knowing training was not on the menu for a few days.

All was right in the lets see if Sarah was coming home?

Sarah Luck of the Draw:1D100 => 22

Your phone beeped as a Text from Sarah came into view.


As it turns out the Case with Money Laundering is MUCH bigger than I thought and I'm going to be government contracting for a few days in Kyoto as a result.

I'm sorry that I had to leave today even though I said I wouldn't, just make sure the formula is restocked, give Yu a break and try not to antagonize the other Heroes in the City while I'm gone.

And Don't let Anna cling to people again...she made it all the way to Juban without us noticing….so don't let it happen again.

Keep Taylor from using her Shadows to put things in her mouth again and Keep Eva from doing things like climbing to the top of the fridge again.

Other then that….I'll be home when I can.

Love you.

Oh and Yu were alone with the Kids for a few days.

"Yu...when you wake up know that your break has been extended for the foreseeable future." You said firmly.

"Yay!" She deadpanned into the pillow just loud enough to be heard by you.


It was going to be one of THOSE days wasn't it?

Well lets make sure that they don't destroy the house.

Prologue Completed.


(You have 4 actions)

[]Spend Time with Eve: Just like you, better give her something you didn't have.

[]Spend Time with Taylor: Hello my little shadow dancer. You like this don't you..

[]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in.

[]Spend time with Yu: Your apprentice needs more then heavy physical activity to make her a hero.

[]Call Sarah: Better Call her just to see how she's doing...she did leave rather abruptly.

[]Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone.

[]The Night with Nighteye: Sir of All Might's Sidekicks...a bit of an ass, but he's a damned fine investigator. He's been in the game for a bit and started the same time as you, might want to check in.

[]Clean a Beach: Let's do something small tonight.

[]Go For a Walk: Let's enjoy the night.

[]Assist Police: As a Hero you can help police with small time crooks and the occasional Quirky who thinks he can use his power without getting caught...nice try.

[]Train: You are going to beguin training again.

[]Call Anastasia: You are truly desperate if you are calling her.

AN: Well this is a thing...Enjoy and the Prologue is done.

Plan format pleasse
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[X] Plan: Tough Love
-[X] The Night with Nighteye: Sir of All Might's Sidekicks...a bit of an ass, but he's a damned fine investigator. He's been in the game for a bit and started the same time as you, might want to check in.
-[X] Train: You are going to begin training again.
-[X] Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone.
-[X]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in.

Is there any option where we could spend time with all of our family(Including Yu), like go for a picnic or something?
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[X] Plan: Tough Loe
-[X] The Night with Nighteye: Sir of All Might's Sidekicks...a bit of an ass, but he's a damned fine investigator. He's been in the game for a bit and started the same time as you, might want to check in.
-[X] Train: You are going to begin training again.
-[X] Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone.
-[X]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in.

Never been good with making plans. Will go with yours for now. Also, I had no idea that was Kamui Woods! That guy is definitely going places.
Yep...building up a backstory and a long arm of a Story arc.

Your gonna love the places we're going.

any other feedback?
So far, so good. The way Logan interacts with hero-law is believable since being Quirkless, which is a minority in MHA, does not exactly seem feasible to be in the hero industry. To be in the Top 20, he had to done marvelous work. I see that with the whole Batman-aesthetics. More than likely, he would have taken down the guy if he showed signs of being unstable or a threat to civilians.
So far, so good. The way Logan interacts with hero-law is believable since being Quirkless, which is a minority in MHA, does not exactly seem feasible to be in the hero industry.
He's actually effective in his line of work because he's an excellent judge of character and one of the most physically intimidating men in the world, he's the kind of person that looks like he's not doing anything but is actually planning months in advance...also he's capable of overwhelming people who by all means should kill him.

His effectiveness comes from his selective engagement policy...because he knows how to read people that well.
To be in the Top 20, he had to done marvelous work.
He's good enough at the Job that All For One has got him on a short list of people he can't actually intimidate.

Because...Logan willingly fights Demi-gods with powers beyond normal men at this point, and most of them can kill him with ease.

Logan keeps winning...and even when he loses he goes and gives everyone else the intel needed to win.
I see that with the whole Batman-aesthetics. More than likely, he would have taken down the guy if he showed signs of being unstable or a threat to civilians.
Biggest thing that Logan has in his arsenal is his knowledge of Human Nature gained by traveling and killing people in the military.

He knows exactly what he's doing and has played to the Hero Rulebook well enough.
Day By Day
Day By Day

-[X] The Night with Nighteye: Sir of All Might's Sidekicks...a bit of an ass, but he's a damned fine investigator. He's been in the game for a bit and started the same time as you, might want to check in. Rolled: d100 => 67+10=77

-[X] Train: You are going to begin training again. Rolled:D100 => 86+10=96

-[X] Call Enji: You know damned well that he rarely takes social calls, maybe he needs to work on some issues over the phone. Rolled: d100 => 8+10=18

-[X]Spend time with going to be the problem child at this rate, better reign her in. Rolled: d100 => 81


The Night with Nighteye

(Logan POV)

"Mirai." You said calmly looking across the room at the master investigator and semi-employed sidekick of All Might.

"Logan." He said as he slowly sipped from his All-Might collectible straw that was currently in McDonalds at this time.

"If your asking if you can have the Omega can kindly use your foresight to fuck off and skip asking because its not going to happen." You said as you looked around to the coffee table to try and find your drink.

Damnit, Yu...clean up after yourself… you still knows who pays for your food. Maybe you should force her to worry about house work now and again, it keeps on dealing with her physical training, but that sort of life skill is invaluable.

"I wasn't going to say anything at all when it came to that." He said not even looking up from his drink.

"Well why the hell are you here anyway?" You said. He knocked on the door, asked to see you and well, so far hasn't given you an explanation. "I doubt this is a social call given my previous runnings with everything. My guess your here to evaluate my performance as of late?"

"No..I'm merely here to ask about long term technological movement in the last say...three months, certain technologies are moving, or rather the parts for them are moving to and from the warehouses of the City on company trucks , we think an international cartel in the Tech Trade is slowly forming...with dire implications." He said, handing a small file.

You skimmed it and handed it back. "Short term Tech Cartels happen all the time, especially to get shit out of sight of the Super Villains."

"This one looks like it's in for the long haul." He said.

"Hmm, so it's more than likely going to be running around trying to make a big win on the Space boom or bust trying." You said.

"That was my first guess." He said calmly.

"Then why worry if they start pulling trust violations and form a monopoly to exploit shit we're going to send someone in and do the digging, like we always do." You said calmly as Sir Nighteye prepared to leave.

"All I know is that this is going to be a mess if we dig deeper." He said.

"And I know we get on with it, you know I can't keep running around like that with all the things I have." You said.

He gave a small smile "I know...and If you want to save yourself some grief, Teach Yu how to clean up after herself."

"I already plan to." You said.

Reward: Sir Nighteye is planning to investigate the corporate Tech Movement. It's likely just low scale corporate espionage. Nothing to worry about yet.



"Five Hundred and Twenty Three...Five Hundred and Twenty Four, Five Hundred and Twenty Five." You said as you stopped.

"Ba, BA." Anna said as you put her on your side.

"Good to see you enjoyed the work out. When you get old enough I just hope you can keep up." You said.

Reward: Logan Trains Hard for the next stage of his Super Career to improve his strength (1 of 5 Successes)


Call Enji

"Enji...we have to talk." You said picking up the phone and calling the man who was the Number 2 Hero.

"There is nothing to talk about Logan...NOTHING!!" He said, as you could feel the heat even from this end.

"You have to consider it Enji...doing what your doing isn't going to help anyone...least of all them." You said.

"DON'T tell me how to do my Job, or how to live with my Family!! Because they are my responsibility NOT YOUR's!" He said.

"I am not going to say it again, Stop and think a moment...they are children." You said.

"THEY are the key to the future and my legacy as a Hero." He said as the heat from the other end seemed to increase.

"You are sowing something awful in the whirlwind Enji...I hope you know that." You said.

"I will live with the consequences whatever they may be." He said.

"I think the world will have to live with it...and it will NOT be pretty." You said.


Spend time with Anna

"Anna stop being a puddle." You said.

"Ba." She said, starting to cling.

"I know you can talk Anna...stop saying Ba, you are not a sheep." You said.

"Da.." She said.

"Thats better. Now can you make a funny face." You said.

She stuck out her tongue and then…

She then started laughing as you fell down in shock and terror.

Reward: Anna gives you a fright and laughs at your pain.


Do you check in with Sarah?:

[]Yes thats a Good idea

[]No: She'll be fine...its Sarah...she's very flexible.


Do you Force Yu to Train?:

-[]What do you teach her.

[]No: You promised her a day off or two, she's going to enjoy the day off.

AN: Well, good and Bad...Enjoy.
[X]Yes thats a Good idea
Good to check in on the spouse.
[X]No: You promised her a day off or two, she's going to enjoy the day off.
As a superhero, rest is important as overworking yourself will only inhibit the body
[X] Yes that's a good idea

[X]No: You promised her a day off or two, she's going to enjoy the day off.
-[x] Only train her if she wants to train during her time off
Omake Story Ideas
Omake Story Ideas: FOr those of you that want a Small bonus or help worldbuild, here it is.

A Day in the Life: If there was one thing that Logan was thankful for it was the fact they had insurance for the building...because the Family is strange. And that was before Anna tried to cling to the land lord...Taylor started turning the wall into a throw thing with shadow gallery and Eve...Eve was just vibing on her pad. (Discribe how the Kids handle a normal day.)

To Scale Mountains and Valleys: Yu Tayakeyama, is many things, a trainee with the only Quirkless Hero on earth, a middle school student, and a Hero Sidekick in training. This is your thoughts on the matter of how your life has been with the Lawson clan. (A Normal day from Yu's perspective)

Observations from On High: For better or worse, people are observing things, ever since Logan and Sarah Lawson dismantled the Anti-Hero Taskforce the American's boasted about. This has led many to quander this anomaly of individuals and weigh the cost benefits of their continued operation. (The Powers of Good and Evil watch and plan for this strange anomoly in their midst)

Public Work and Public Reception: How the HELL, did Logan get into the Top 20 hero's!! The answer is Public relations guru Sarah Lawson and Logan's tireless effort to remain effective against people who could kill him with ease. (Try to rationalize how Logan made the top 20, from the POV of Sarah.)

A Day on the Farm: Yu really hated this Farm, but that doesn't mean she didn't have ways to cope with being a farm hand without technology or internet for Seven hours a day. ( Describe a Day of Yu working on the Farm)

Assets and Trust Funds: Logan asked Sarah to put the Blood Money his parents left behind into a trust fund...and leave a letter in case...something happens to the both of them. (Logan and Sarah prepare for the possibility of their deaths and leave kind words and resources behind.)
I just realized how crazy are people reacting to Logan, being a quirkless hero, ranked 20?......I kinda hope Izuku becomes a big fan of Logan.