Strange Tides

They're an excellent source of a population to subsume later on as we expand and build an empire, so there's that.
> Implying we won't be fiercely isolationist
> Implying we'll subsume people instead of forever denying them citizenship
> Implying we'll ever manage to expand without Fey fuckery... :'(
> Implying we won't be fiercely isolationist
> Implying we'll subsume people instead of forever denying them citizenship
> Implying we'll ever manage to expand without Fey fuckery... :'(
We can at least dream big. I for one don't intend to huddle behind our non-existent walls forever. I want an empire, and I want to go back and raze Thebes.
You know, the fact that the place were in is called the land beyond the western wind makes me think that we might be in north america.
> Implying we'll ever manage to expand without Fey fuckery... :'(

I wouldn't mind fucking them if that's what it takes to get on their good side:V

... I'm sorry, but we are Greek :oops:

And I want proper cavalry!

With hills, mountains and woods all around us?

Can we pray to Poseidon? Offer him a good sacrifice and hope he gives us a breeding population of horses?

Or at least some Goats to interbreed with those we are about to aquire
It might be a good idea to look for donkeys, as they are Hephaestus' holy animal. Offering them up to Hephaestus would earn a LOT more favor from him.
You're right!
And I want proper cavalry!

Yeah ! Go for cataphracts !

Be advised that I have a penchant for Eldritch Horror (to the surprise of no-one who knows my writing...), so don't tempt me. :p

I ses that you are a man of taste sire.

No no, greek gods are far to human (not humane) to be lovable abominations.

Well greek gods tend to make a lot of eldricht thing so...