It's a small ship, that means you build on its strenghts not make it a Swiss army knife. We are already pushing it with starfleet wanting a police panel van of a ship.This feels like a huge mistake to me.
Taking more shuttle bays instead of science labs, when we have already built a massive shuttle bay for a ship of this size, means we are slightly better at doing shuttle operations, a thing we can already do. To do this we sacrifice giving the ship the ability undertake a whole other mission profile which is crucial to the remit of all starships and will become more important as this colonisation boom slows down.
Being Able To Do A Whole Extra Thing >>>>> Being Slightly Better At a Thing We're Already Very Good At
Seriously, I cannot fathom the logic here. It feels like people are misunderstanding the mission brief not emphasising science to somehow meaning that science a detriment, when it is something all starships need to do. If there it was exchanging the Science labs for nothing, then frankly this would be a better trade-off, because at least that might actually reduce the running costs of the ship by a whole rank, whereas five people is really marginal and will get us a "+" at most.
Don't you mean less important as there are fewer things for hapless civilians to trip over without warning?
The Ferdinand is shaping up to be a second rate warship for internal patrols and response, which is a job that will never end. The extra shuttle bays can be used for things like overbuilt probes or some kind of strike craft adjacent thing depending on events and will greatly help the convoys they are unloading to unload. If there is a science anomaly they should evacuate the blast zone and call for the top percentile crews of the Renaissance class to render the anomaly down into physics.
And if you need some labs for a specific mission, stuff them into a cargo bay or something for the duration.
It's a small ship, that means you build on its strenghts not make it a Swiss army knife. We are already pushing it with starfleet wanting a police panel van of a ship.
What exactly stops Starfleet from just...redesigning the interior/the additional shuttle bays into a laboratory down the line if the ship is seen as over supplied with shuttles? Like, if the additional shuttles were useless to the design, surely we'd not have had the option to mount the additional storage for them in no?Adding extra shuttles isn't building on our strengths. We're piling redundancy on top of redundancy. The scenarios when we will need more than a standard shuttle complement - and keep in mind Voyager lost like seven shuttles in the Delta quadrant and was able to easily build more as needed - is quite small.
This is not a "small warship". This is not a "police panel van". Starfleet does not build warships. It builds starships. And do you know what starships do, day in, day out, as a core requirement of their mission profile? They do science.
And what will the Ferdinand-class will be doing, when we've finished our colonisation rush? Patrolling around, and doing stellar surveys, and all of the random tasks that can best be assigned to a ship in the area. We can tie its hands so that Starfleet needs to call on scarcer, more capable vessels for more than basic scans or deploying some probes- or we can not. But the longevity of the design and the usefulness of it as our bread-and-butter small starship will be greatly enhanced if we instead give it the ability to do the thing that Starfleet is fundamentally about.
Alas, I don't think we've yet to invent the magic shuttle pez dispensers that allowed Voyager to never run out.and keep in mind Voyager lost like seven shuttles in the Delta quadrant and was able to easily build more as needed - is quite small.
We actually see the system on the protostar.Alas, I don't think we've yet to invent the magic shuttle pez dispensers that allowed Voyager to never run out.
What exactly stops Starfleet from just...redesigning the interior/the additional shuttle bays into a laboratory down the line if the ship is seen as over supplied with shuttles? Like, if the additional shuttles were useless to the design, surely we'd not have had the option to mount the additional storage for them in no?
I do agree that the extra shuttles seem redundant and unnecessary. But 14 people voted for the plan with them and only 2 for the version without them, so ?????
Our LAST ship design didn't have multidisciplinary science labs either and it was fine.
Running dispersed operations for a colony (disaster relief, search and rescue, etc), acting as sensor or comm relays, getting everyone off of a station in one go, and so on.The scenarios when we will need more than a standard shuttle complement - and keep in mind Voyager lost like seven shuttles in the Delta quadrant and was able to easily build more as needed - is quite small.
I respect this... but I'm paranoid enough to worry that even in "safe" space, our ships will regardless run into emergencies that only a science lab can help them with. That, and Starfleet officers are trained to engage with scientific missions, which the Ferdinand currently just isn't equipped for. It doesn't feel right to make a Starfleet ship that intentionally neglects one of Starfleef's core capabilities to this extent.Ultimately, advanced science is just something that the class in its current state doesn't seem like it needs, and lacking it won't ruin the class's prospects going forward. And frankly, in this situation I'd rather focus on the definite needs of the now than the nebulous maybes of the future.
It does design ships to be better suited for specific roles and purposes, however; an Oberth class isn't good at the same things as a Miranda which isn't good at the same things as an Excelsior, even accounting for the differences in sizes. The Ferdinand has a primary purpose, and it's not science- and for a ship where it's not a part of one its main roles, I'd say a 'C' is perfectly respectable; the Ferdinand isn't incapable of science, it's just not particularly good at it. If we needed a B or higher to be a passable Fed starship, then it'd be part of the design parameters.There still seems to be a grave misconception operating here; Starfleet does not operate "patrol ships". Starfleet is not a navy or a coast guard. It is a multi-disciplinary exploration and peacekeeping armada, and scientific missions are a key part of that brief. This design proposal asked us for a smaller vessel which can pull freight and escort convoys, because right now we're in a colonisation boom, but that does not mean the core definition of of what a starship does has changed.
It is an unavoidable reality that the Ferdinand-class will be asked to undertake scientific duties as part of its mission profile. This is because it is a Federation starship, and that is what starships do. I can't put it any more simply than that.
Here is the thing: based on canon star fleet is the only force the Federation has capable of being the coast guard for the worlds that don't have a native navy like the Andorins do. So for all star fleet wants to focus on exploration, science and diplomacy the Federation goverment has told them "you are the coast guard too, congratulations on this addional responsibility"There still seems to be a grave misconception operating here; Starfleet does not operate "patrol ships". Starfleet is not a navy or a coast guard. It is a multi-disciplinary exploration and peacekeeping armada, and scientific missions are a key part of that brief. This design proposal asked us for a smaller vessel which can pull freight and escort convoys, because right now we're in a colonisation boom, but that does not mean the core definition of of what a starship does has changed.
It is an unavoidable reality that the Ferdinand-class will be asked to undertake scientific duties as part of its mission profile, especially as colonisation and enrolling new members slows down. This is because it is a Federation starship, and that is what starships do. I can't put it any more simply than that.
As mentioned above, the Ferdinand does have science capabilities (C rank, specifically), it's just not a noteworthy part of or design focus of the class. I also suspect that the main casts of the various Trek series don't give a fair impression of how common space weirdness is, between things like 'exploring the furthest reaches of space', 'have the personal attention of Q', 'got flung to a distant space quadrant', and 'Commander is literally chosen by space gods'.I respect this... but I'm paranoid enough to worry that even in "safe" space, our ships will regardless run into emergencies that only a science lab can help them with. That, and Starfleet officers are trained to engage with scientific missions, which the Ferdinand currently just isn't equipped for. It doesn't feel right to make a Starfleet ship that intentionally neglects one of Starfleef's core capabilities to this extent.
The Renaissance first entered production in 2337 and the Battle of Wolf 359 happens in early 2367. So, depending on how many years its been since the Renaissance's production run began, we have some amount of years less than 30 before Wolf 359 happens.Hey QM quick question but, where are we in the timeline exactly, how long until the borg show up?
If we get that far I suspect we will be told "we need a new mass production hull, a rank production, everything else is a nice to have."The Renaissance first entered production in 2337 and the Battle of Wolf 359 happens in early 2367. So, depending on how many years its been since the Renaissance's production run began, we have some amount of years less than 30 before Wolf 359 happens.