Star Wars: Rebellion

Trials 2
Trials 2

Tense silence settles over the meeting, the Jedi in disagreement- something you cannot allow, with your enemy at the gates. You doubt this will be the splitting point, but it is the sort of thing that can develop into the base of disunity and the breaking of companions, something you will not accept, ever.

"Honored members of the council, your request is both reasonable and well worded. However, this is not the time to be speaking of request and orders: Now is the time to say "we are all Jedi." I ask you, in the interest of union and of the Rebellion, to put this aside for the moment."

Rolled:22+7=29/50 Reroll:70+17=87

Being the wise people they are, the Council accepts Ahsoka's silence for the moment. However, that is not the end. "Ahsoka Tano, we find that, in the past twenty years, you have shown wisdom and tenacity befitting a Jedi, of any stature."

Starfighter: 72+16=88/60/80

"However, you showed more than the wisdom of a knight. Ahsoka Tano, you once said you wished to be a Jedi Ace, but left before we could grant your wish. Now, we find ourselves with a mighty need of both Starfighter pilots and the people to guide them. Beyond any of that, however, in the years you spent as a citizen of the galaxy, you served the Light in a manner more befitting a Master than anyone else. Ahsoka Tano, we, as the current head of the Jedi Order, give to you a title well earned: Jedi Master Ace. You may refuse, as is your right, but I plead with you not to."

"I accept."

"Knight Tellus, we have heard of your recent...promotion. Congratulations. Now, we have but one request of you- when the time comes, and the Jedi step into the Light, deploy us where we can do the most good as an army." Shaak Ti bows her head low, a smile on her face. "Please, both of you, feel free to stay here on Ruusan as long as you'd like- you built the place, after all."

Ahsoka Tano Gains Trait: Jedi Master Ace (+8 Martial, +8 Piety, +6 Diplomacy, +5 All Other Skills)
Next turn should be up Today or Tomorrow.
It means that statistically, she's back to being our equal in one on one combat/the force. Of course, in a space-ship, she's far more than our equal, because we aren't trained for that sort of thing.
We now have a new possible strategy for taking on Vader. He might be a good pilot, but behind the controls of his TIE Advanced he is just a fighter ace. Formidable, but we can now match him with his former apprentice who knows every crazy stunt he pulled... well that or we contact the Separatist Holdouts for buzz droids and just try and rip his craft apart.
Eh, could be better/worse.

The emperor could've been switched with The Emperor. One decidedly anti-Xenos and extremely autocratic(and permanently hostile).

Like that one fic, only decidedly darker on our end.

Ironically, he might actually be an improvement in some areas. Plus The Emperor isn't racist against Xenos. He just doesn't like the ones with really fucked up goals for humanity (which is about every race in the verse with the possible exception of the Tau).

At least that is what "If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device" revealed.

Edit: Hell, he would probably love the Jedi since they fight in melee combat.
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Ironically, he might actually be an improvement in some areas. Plus The Emperor isn't racist against Xenos. He just doesn't like the ones with really fucked up goals for humanity (which is about every race in the verse with the possible exception of the Tau).

At least that is what "If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device" revealed.

Edit: Hell, he would probably love the Jedi since they fight in melee combat.

There are many interpretations on the Emperor's characterization.

It's why I put in this segment:
One decidedly anti-Xenos and extremely autocratic(and permanently hostile).

"If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device" is just like any other piece of fanfiction about him.
Turn 17
Turn 17


The Rebellion has been forged. Let the Galaxy rejoice, for the Light of hope burns bright, a single spark of courage making a conflagration that will burn Palpatine's empire to cinders. You have not yet made any large or impressive moves, ones he cannot deny, but you will. Soon enough the whole galaxy will know. The Dark flees before the Light, Evil before Good, The Dragon Before the Knight. You need only make this truth, make this Galaxy right.

Martial: As it turns, commanding the forces of a galactic scale Rebellion leave little time for more personal military matters. Who coulda guessed?
(Pick 1)

Raiding Pirates: You can't and probably shouldn't hit the Imperials too hard, too fast. At least, not yet. Pirates, on the other hand? Are a different story, one full of you stealing their stuff. As a bonus, you'll almost certainly free some slaves and impress enough youth that you will get some recruits. Of course, Om might manage to be useful and help if you hit them- though you'll probably only get a smaller chunk of the reward.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Loot, the warm fuzzy feeling of killing pirates, Recruits,???

Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance. With Om's aid, it should be much easier- the twi'lek still has some power in this sector, and could pull a few strings to ensure that more, less protected convoys get sent through.
Cost:500 credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Credits, freed slaves, materiel

Second In Command: Soont is good, but he can only do so much without your permission or personal touch. You imagine you won't ever see him retire, but you could use another assistant, if only so you don't get stressed.
Cost: 500 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Second-In-Command, +1 Martial Action

Get Them Out: Incom is likely about to be nationalized by the Empire, if not this year then next. You would rather this didn't happen while the more Alliance Supporting members were there and likely to die. Set up a plan to get them "Kidnapped" by Alliance Members and brought to the Alliance Base on Ruusan, where they can get to work.
Cost: 2,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Incom Rebel Staff evacuated

Diplomacy: Time to make some friends.
(Pick 2)

The Underworld: Smugglers, bounty hunters, and mercenaries are, as a general rule, not very fond of the Empire. You and they share that in common, at least. Perhaps some may be found who are not utter scum, to work together and make common cause against the Imperials?
Cost:500 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Bread Crumbs: Mira is well aware of the Empire's propensity towards paranoia, and would like to turn it on them by leaving a few suggestions of who the third party would be- unpopular moffs, corrupt businessmen, knight-templars crusading with vigorous hate against the Hutts- maybe a few of the cartels hoping to see the enemy brought low?
Cost: 700 Credits

Chance Of Success: 80%

Reward: Empire focused on Someone else

Kashyyyk, Fight!: There is a strong undercurrent of resistance on Kashyyyk. You think there may very well be enough there to forge an underground cell on the planet, one which will ignite the fires of Rebellion that have burnt so long in that Forest World and bring them to the Alliance.
Cost: 2,000 Credits, 3 years

Chance Of Success:50%

Reward: Rebel Cell on KashyyyK

Declaration Of Rebellion: The Senators will be sending in a certain document to the Emperor himself, who has attempted to decry the Rebel Alliance as terrorists, pirates, bandits, and worse. You could act as part of it, your face plastered on the Holoscreen- your name and your title- to bring all the put-to-pasture soldiers, the man who doubts his cause, the people who wish to leave the Empire, but will not for the sake of stability into the Alliance. It might work, but even if it does, you will need to be ready to leave as quickly as possible- there will be no hiding for you after such a thing.
Cost: 3,000 Credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Soldiers join you and the Alliance in greater numbers,???

Separatist Holdings: Mira has volunteered to lead a diplomatic mission to the former Seps. You have diplomats, and could somewhat assist her, as security if nothing else.
Cost: 5,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 50% of Mira Doing it, 75% With your help

Reward: Separatist Holdings join the Alliance

Stewardship: Slightly busy, this year- the joys of having work.
(Pick 1)

Money Maker: The fact of the matter is, right now, you are working on charity, spit, and dreams. You have no way of producing even nearly enough credits to really take the fight to the Empire. You need some way of gaining galactic scale credits to use in the fight, or you won't last long.

Advanced Offenses: Bigger turrets, meaner traps, and other "Aggressive Defenses" to supplement your current base will do good things for your ability to fight your foe. You would quite like to have something at least equal to a high quality Pirate base.
Cost: 4,000 credits

Reward: More Killy Base

Alcove: You'd like to see what could be done with the high ground in the caverns that you excavated last year. Maybe some bigger guns could be set into the recessed rock? Only one way to find out.
Cost: Varies

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Survey

Learning: Work progresses on the ships, while there is yet more work to be done.
(Pick 1)
Jedi Ship: The Jedi have often produced specialized ships for themselves, their own requirements being generally different from most, if not all, other pilots. The men at Incom and your own scientists could work together to produce something- maybe a modified form of the T-65 that's still in development?

Swording: Chainswords are unwieldy beasts, big and personal. You aren't saying they should stop being so- but getting them controllable for people not laced with muscle could be a gift from above for your soldiers.
Cost: 4,000 Credits, 4 Years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Slimmer, more easily controlled Chainswords

Lightning Fists: A few ideas have entered your head, as you said before. You aren't saying you particularly think having to punch someone right in the face is a thing your soldiers will generally have to do. However, if they have to, being capable of using electricity when they do ought to be pretty nice.
Cost: 3,000 credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Lightning fists

Droid Production: Producing Droids is expensive but very necessary, a key component for any modern fighting force. You have the scientists, the engineers, the keys to the kingdom as it were. Now, you just need to use them.
Cost: 6,000 Credits, 4 Years

Chance Of Success: 50%

Reward: Droid Production enabled

Piety: The Dark is strong. It is tenacious and cunning. Yet all the same, a single candle is enough to ward it off.
(Pick 2)

Scanning The Galaxy: There are sure to be a few Jedi the Purges missed- you yourself failed at least twice. You can try to find them, and hope to the Force they will listen to you. They will join their brethren in striking at the Empire from the shadows.
Cost: 4,000 credits

Chance Of Success: 40%

Reward: Jedi Survivors (Note: can be taken once as a Piety action)

Lightsaber Supplies: You found a good amount of lightsaber parts in Tyber Zann's office after you killed him. However, they will eventually run out. You are hoping that they will take at least a decade to run out- and they will certainly last you a while, at least- but as a wise man once said, "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." You can think of at least a few dealers for some parts- why not contact them?
Cost: 4,000 credits

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Lightsaber parts secured even when Zann supply runs out

Theological Argument: The Jedi before the Purge were not allowed to marry or have relations with a few exceptions. You doubt anyone will particularly care about what you and Mira have- and even if they do, it's none of their damn business- but constant and open communication will be the key to the Jedi Revival. Bring it before your comrades, so that you might put that requirement in the trash, where it belongs.
Cost: 3 years

Chance Of Success: 80% (Must be passed each turn.)

Reward: No Attachments clause of the Jedi Code removed

Begone With It: Decades ago, a veil of darkness was draped over the Galaxy by the Sith like a smothering blanket. The Jedi have the power to tear that veil away- a sure sign, perhaps, but one that will be necessary if ever the Dark is to be forced from the Galaxy like the Poison it is. There is a long ritual to remove it, difficult as well, but it is well worth the cost.
Cost: 20,000 Credits, 3 years

Chance Of Success: 40%

Reward: Veil On The Force Removed

Collection: The surviving Jedi have kept plenty of personal collections over the years, ensuring the survival of sacred texts that would otherwise be destroyed. However, their paranoia likely means more than a few have kept some up their sleeve, instead of at the facility you built on Ruusan. Which is really, really, annoying.
Cost: 4,000 Credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: More texts moved to Ruusan

Intrigue: You've got work to do, still.

Who Wants Me Dead?: The thought had honestly escaped you, but someone apparently wants you dead so badly they'd send a Dark Jedi after you. You doubt they'll try again soon, but even just knowing who has that kind of connection and wants you dead could be useful.

John Star Mission: The good captain would like to help your organization and put down an old target of his- Marlo the Hutt. A member of the Grand Council, he is of some import to them, and their enemies know that, hiring John to kill him, or to kidnap him. The mission went smoothly, and he did shoot the Hutt with enough firepower to bring down a tank, but against all reason and probability, the Hutt lived, soiling Star's reputation. Normally a personal problem, John has an idea to both repair his reputation and to earn some leverage over the Hutts- they are capricious and backstabbing, yes, but to take one of the mightiest hutts, capture him, and to bring his holdings, and possibly Clan, to heel through him? Would send a message they would never ignore, or forget.

Personal: This year, you had strange dreams. Perhaps visions of the future from the Force?
(Pick 2)

Heroics: Tales are told of the Hero Of Coruscant, The Exile, and of Revan- how they made time to help the people around them with little thought for their own needs, or desires, in favor of helping the Republic and its citizens. The Republic might have fallen- but the citizens remain, and they need help, now more than ever. How could you not live up to their example?

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Help the people.

Padawan Training: Put specific focus on training your Padawan even more than usual for the next few years. Jorek could use the help.
Cost: 2 Years

Reward: Jorek becomes a Knight sooner, Stat gains for him

Visions: You received a few less than wholesome visions this year. You could talk about them to someone- there are many healers still in the Order.
Cost Free

Chance Of Success:50%

Reward: Visions

Commander In Chief: As commander-in-chief, you are responsible for the Alliance Military, and have resources dispatched to you and what you scrounge up on your own to get the army of the Alliance ready for battle and to restore Justice to the Galaxy. You can spend more than your budget, but if you do, you can expect to make the difference up yourself out of your own pocket.
(Pick 1)
Current Budget: 80,000 Credits

Chain Of Command: You have the same problem here as you did with your own soldiers- there's no chain of command, no bureaucracy, a necessary component of any war machine. You can change that by instituting office courses and making actual ranks for the army, to assist in performing the duties of the Alliance.
Cost: 40,000 Credits

Reward: Chain Of Command, bureacracy

Separatist Gear: There's plenty of leftover CIS junk just waiting around, waiting to be claimed, Send your men and their ships, and set to taking that for the Alliance, instead of just letting it all rust.
Cost: 60,000 Credits, 3 Years

Chance Of Success: 70% (80% if Separatist Holdings taken; Note, rolled each turn)

Reward: Random Confederate Ships, supplies, etc.

Republic Remnants: Being a former soldier, you know where more than a few holdouts are that hold the remains of the Republican War Machine. These are likely to be protected far better and with far more vigour than the CIS supplies, but are also likely to be both of a greater quantity and quality.
Cost: 70,000 Credits, 4 years

Chance Of Success:45+10=55%(Defector From Decadence Bonus)(Rolled Each Turn)

Reward: Republic Ships, supplies, etc. Each turn

Recruitment: You need more soldiers more than you need anything. There are already plenty of people being funneled into the Rebellion, the joys of being a galaxy spanning organization, but it's slow, and relies mostly on word of mouth. Renovate it, and your life should be far easier.
Cost: 45,000 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Bonus to Rebel Alliance Recruitment, Recruitment increases

Rebellion Morale: Determined

Jedi Knights/Master: 116+15=131/200
Jedi Senior Padawans: 83+14=97/100

Current Imperial Suspicion: 12%

Jedi Roll:54

-They don't know a thing.

Imperial Preparation: Little, War Weary
@NegativeHorizon There's no colors that are really punchy left for me to use. Does the Italicizing work for you?
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Updated Character Sheets

Note that Ventress is said to be around mid-twenties during the Clone Wars, so I went as low as I could. Also ages reflect upcoming date of 2 BBY.

Tellus Othello

Born: BBY 43
Age: 41

Scholar- You've always enjoyed curling up with a good book after a long mission. (+2 Stewardship, +2 Learning)
Imperial- You once served the emperor and empire, making it a bit awkward when interacting with your fellow rebels. However, your heroism on Corellia has earned you some respect.
Pilgrim(Scholar)- Jolee Bindo and T3 have given out a series of locations to journey to. You walked the path, and found meaning in them. (+2 Piety, +2 Learning)
Brave: You simply refuse to fear-after all you've seen, it would be nothing more than undignified. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Sentinel: A constant guardian of the Galaxy, with skills most Jedi will not posess. Cunning, clever, and stealthy. (+6 Intrigue, +5 Martial, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)

Jedi Armor (+3 Martial, +3 Piety)

Prestige: 350

The Mad Abolitionist
Lawman Of Taris
Scourge Of The Hunters


Diplomacy: 9+4=13- You aren't a people person. You're getting better, though.
Martial: 23+5+3+3=34- You are a whirling dervish of death on the field of battle
Stewardship: 22+4+2=28- You like math.
Intrigue: 13+6=19- You know how to hide your trail, but that's about it.
Piety: 24+5+3+2=34- You are no Revan, no Barsen'thor, and certainly no Skywalker. However, the Force is strong in you- very much so- to the point that you can perform mighty feats when you put your mind to it.
Learning: 18+2+4+2=26- You love learning and reading.

Heroes of the Rebellion

Ahsoka Tano

Born: 36 BBY
Age: 34

Bright- She's a smart kid. (+1 All Stats)
Brave- She refuses to feel fear. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Master Ace- Long ago she aspired of joining the Starfighter Corps, but destiny needed her elsewhere. Now a Master in the Reborn Jedi Order, she leads them into battle. (+8 Martial, +8 Piety, +6 Diplomacy, +5 All Other Skills)
Duelist- She learned from some of the finest masters of the Saber how to duel-including Anakin Skywalker. She got good at it. (+2 Martial)
Pilgrim (Duelist)- Jolee Bindo and T3 have given out a series of locations to journey to. She walked the path and found strength in her blade once more. (+2 Piety, +2 Martial)
Devout- Through trials unknown she has emerged as a Paragon of the Light Side (+3 Piety)

Diplomacy: 14+1+6=21
Martial: 17+8+3+1+2+2=33
Stewardship: 12+5+1=18
Intrigue: 6+5=11
Piety: 20+6+1+2+3=32
Learning: 15+1+5=21

Asajj Ventress

Born: 43 BBY
Age: 41

Jedi Shadow:
Hunts the Dark, to serve the Light. (+7 Intrigue, +6 Martial, +6 Piety, +5 All Other Stats)
Hunter: She is the predator, her foes the prey. (+2 Martial)
Poet: Everybody needs a hobby, especially when they're in prison.(+1 Diplomacy)
Master Schemer: She was well trained by Count Dooku when it comes to complex but useful plans. (+3 Intrigue)
Devout: The Dark has lost its luster for her, whereas the Light is naught but luster. (+3 Piety)

5+5+1=11-Not exactly what you'd call a people person
Martial: 18+6+2=26- She was one of the finest soldiers of the Clone Wars, Confederacy or no.
Stewardship: 6+5=11- Can perform most math and keep to a budget, but that's about it.
Intrigue: 18+7+3=28-You're very glad she doesn't want you dead.
Piety: 17+3+6=26-Powerful.
Learning: 15+5=20-Smart.

Initiates Of The New Order
Jorek LaForge

Born: 35 BBY
Neither evil not vindictive- but the man is quite willing to do some truly frightening things in pursuit of his goals. (+2 Intrigue, +1 Martial)
Senior Padawan: A Senior Padawan of the Jedi Order. (+4 All Stats)
Mystic: Aware of certain Evocii Rituals. (+1 Intrigue, +1 Piety)

Diplomacy: 9+4=13-
Okay when dealing with people.
Martial: 11+4+1=16- Decent in a straight fight.
Stewardship: 8+4=12- Not exactly a governor.
Intrigue: 17+2+4+1=24- A very good spy.
Piety: 14+4+1+1=20- He has faith in the Light Side.
Learning: 6+4=10- A former slave, he was not well educated.

Entani Typhe

Born: 28 BBY

Zeltron are born pretty, and she's no exception. (+1 Diplomacy)
Duelist: She excels in blade training, and is very good in Melee Combat. (+2 Martial)
Senior Padawan:
A Senior Padawan of the Jedi Order. (+4 All Stats)
Brave: She's Brave. (+3 Martial)

6+1+4=11- Even more socially awkward than you.
Martial: 16+3+2+4=25- Very dangerous.
Stewardship: 8+4=12- Not much for math.
Intrigue: 16+4=20- Stealthy, when she wishes to be.
Piety: 6+4=10- Oh ye of little faith.
Learning: 16+4=20- Smart.
Martial: As it turns, commanding the forces of a galactic scale Rebellion leave little time for more personal military matters. Who coulda guessed?
(Pick 1)

Get Them Out:

Diplomacy: Time to make some friends.
(Pick 2)

Bread Crumbs:

Separatist Holdings:

Stewardship: Slightly busy, this year- the joys of having work.
(Pick 1)


Learning: Work progresses on the ships, while there is yet more work to be done.
(Pick 1)

Lightning Fists:

Piety: The Dark is strong. It is tenacious and cunning. Yet all the same, a single candle is enough to ward it off.
(Pick 2)

Lightsaber Supplies:


Personal: This year, you had strange dreams. Perhaps visions of the future from the Force?
(Pick 2)

Padawan Training:


Commander In Chief:
As commander-in-chief, you are responsible for the Alliance Military, and have resources dispatched to you and what you scrounge up on your own to get the army of the Alliance ready for battle and to restore Justice to the Galaxy. You can spend more than your budget, but if you do, you can expect to make the difference up yourself out of your own pocket.

(Pick 1)
Current Budget: 80,000 Credits

Chain Of Command:
Begone With It: Decades ago, a veil of darkness was draped over the Galaxy by the Sith like a smothering blanket. The Jedi have the power to tear that veil away- a sure sign, perhaps, but one that will be necessary if ever the Dark is to be forced forced from the Galaxy like the Poison it is. There is a long ritual to remove, difficult as well, but it is well worth the cost.
Out of curiosity, why didn't the Jedi do this when the Veil first went up?
[X] Get Them Out

[X] Bread Crumbs
[X] Separatist Holdings

[X] Advanced Offenses

[X] Droid Production

[X] Lightsaber Supplies
[X] Theological Argument

[X] Padawan Training
[X] Visions

Commander In Chief
[X] Chain Of Command
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Out of curiosity, why didn't the Jedi do this when the Veil first went up?
Because it was being maintained by the sith of the era and appeared to be nothing more than a natural uptick in the Dark Side's power- concerning, but not exactly the sort of thing that you wouldn't expect to see during the waning days of the Republic.
Begone With It: Decades ago, a veil of darkness was draped over the Galaxy by the Sith like a smothering blanket. The Jedi have the power to tear that veil away- a sure sign, perhaps, but one that will be necessary if ever the Dark is to be forced forced from the Galaxy like the Poison it is. There is a long ritual to remove, difficult as well, but it is well worth the cost.

We need to start this either this turn or next if we want it done in time for Army of Light mode. It takes three years, after all.