Star Wars: Rebellion

No, and for good reason. Fuck that special snowflake, he's a worse mary sue than Thrawn and Palpy.

Yeah, him getting away with stealing the Eclipse ranks right up there as among the dumbest things to happen in an EU story.

I hope we run into Garm Bel Iblis.

That would be cool, assuming we meet him when he's likely to be our ally rather than our enemy. I can't remember the full details on how things went for Garm.
Yeah, him getting away with stealing the Eclipse ranks right up there as among the dumbest things to happen in an EU story.

Didn't so much steal it as hijacked it for a battle and then strip-mined it's databanks for Palpy's hidden stuff, and then left it for the Empire as stealing it would present a target so big that even the Rebels couldn't ignore. Besides according to EU the Zann Consortium's Fleets are defeated before 11ABY or seven years afterwards, so I think they didn't get away completely scot-free.

That would be cool, assuming we meet him when he's likely to be our ally rather than our enemy. I can't remember the full details on how things went for Garm.

After faking his death he helsd found the Rebel Alliance, but ends up butting heads with Mon Mothma as they disagreed a lot with Bail having to act as meditator. After Alderaan got blown up, he was the only one with the power to stand up to Mothma, but as she began siphon off more political power for herself Garm believed that she was heading down the same path as Palpatine had and would simply replace one tyrant for another.

After Mothma ordered an attack without consulting him or any of their military advisors he called her out because he had intelligence that suggested it was more heavily defended. Several barely concealed threats later and Mothma basically tell him to either fall in line or leave. Garm storms out, and takes what people that are still loyal to him to wage his own war.

He ends up running his own guerrilla war, then goes into hiding after Endor to avoid the Alliance and that Bothan Councilor funds him in return for supporting him in the event of a coup. Comes back into the Alliance during Thrawn's Campaign and gets made a General.
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I did a restructuring/formatting of the information sheet and updated the status for Tellus. Please note I didn't do the links because I can only get to the page not the post:

Character Sheet

Tellus Othello

Age: 33


Senior Padawan- You are aware of the force, and can use it as a Neophyte. (+4 All Stats)
Scholar- You've always enjoyed curling up with a good book after a long mission. (+2 Stewardship, +2 Learning)
Imperial- You once served the emperor and empire, making it a bit awkward when interacting with your fellow rebels. However, that's starting to be a bit less awkward. (-1 Diplomacy)

Jedi Armor (+3 Martial, +3 Piety)

Prestige: 100

The Mad Abolitionist


Diplomacy: 6+3+4-1=12- You aren't a people person. You're getting better, though.
Martial: 23+4+3=30- You are dangerous in battle, and great on the strategic level.
Stewardship: 20+4+2=26- You like math.
Intrigue: 13+4=17- You know how to hide your trail, but that's about it.
Piety: 20+4+3+3=30- You are no Revan, no Barsen'thor, and certainly no Skywalker. However, the Force is strong in you- very much so- to the point that you can perform mighty feats when you put your mind to it.
Learning: 17+2+4=23- You love learning and reading.

Heroes of the Rebellion

Ahsoka Tano


Bright- She's a smart kid. (+1 All Stats)
Brave- She refuses to feel fear. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Guardian- She never technically reached the rank of Jedi Knight. However, her skill is certainly the equal of one- especially in the art of battle. (+6 Martial, +5 Diplomacy, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)
Paranoid- Her life has been filled with betrayal, and though she tries not to let it get to her, it shows. (-1 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
Duelist- She learned from some of the finest masters of the Saber how to duel-including Anakin Skywalker. She got good at it. (+2 Martial)

Diplomacy: 14+1+5-1=20
Martial: 17+6+3+1+2=29
Stewardship: 12+4+1=17
Intrigue: 6+4+2=12
Piety: 20+5+1=26
Learning: 15+1+4=20

Status of the Rebellion:
Credits made per 1/2 year: 8,800
"Donations": 5000
Loans And Banking: 950
Base: 2,650 Credits
Base Upkeep:-500 credits
Military Upkeep: -6,400
Trade: 200 Credits
Treasury: 33,093 Credits
800 Rebel Troopers: Men and women of the galaxy who are tired of living under the yoke of Imperial oppression. (Excellent Morale, High Mobility, Good Training, Decent Gear. 2 credits per soldier)
100 Mandalorian Shock Trooper (Average Morale, High Mobility, Good Training, Good Gear. (800 credits)
1000 Wookiee Warrior (Unbreaking Morale, Low Mobility, Good Training, Decent Gear. 4 Credit Upkeep)
Home Base: Taris

Turn 1
Turn 1 Results
Turn 2
Turn 2 Results
Turn 3
Turn 3 Results
Turn 4
Turn 4 Results
Event: Battle for the Temple
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III
Turn 5
Turn 5 Results
Event: Diplomatic (Or, How Not Be)
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III
- Part IV
- Part V
- Part VI
- Part VII
- Part VIII
- Part IX
Turn 6
Turn 6 Results

Burning Rage
Seriously, can we get a different picture for the main character. He looks like he's posing for a gay porno mag or something and that really doesn't seem like something our character would do.
Seriously, can we get a different picture for the main character. He looks like he's posing for a gay porno mag or something and that really doesn't seem like something our character would do.
I'll see what I can do, but finding better pics is difficult. I'd probably end up giving a reward to whoever found a better picture for Tellus.
I did a restructuring/formatting of the information sheet and updated the status for Tellus. Please note I didn't do the links because I can only get to the page not the post:

Character Sheet

Tellus Othello

Age: 33

Senior Padawan- You are aware of the force, and can use it as a Neophyte. (+4 All Stats)
Scholar- You've always enjoyed curling up with a good book after a long mission. (+2 Stewardship, +2 Learning)
Imperial- You once served the emperor and empire, making it a bit awkward when interacting with your fellow rebels. However, that's starting to be a bit less awkward. (-1 Diplomacy)

Jedi Armor (+3 Martial, +3 Piety)

Prestige: 100

The Mad Abolitionist


Diplomacy: 6+3+4-1=12- You aren't a people person. You're getting better, though.
Martial: 23+4+3=30- You are dangerous in battle, and great on the strategic level.
Stewardship: 20+4+2=26- You like math.
Intrigue: 13+4=17- You know how to hide your trail, but that's about it.
Piety: 20+4+3+3=30- You are no Revan, no Barsen'thor, and certainly no Skywalker. However, the Force is strong in you- very much so- to the point that you can perform mighty feats when you put your mind to it.
Learning: 17+2+4=23- You love learning and reading.

Heroes of the Rebellion

Ahsoka Tano


Bright- She's a smart kid. (+1 All Stats)
Brave- She refuses to feel fear. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Guardian- She never technically reached the rank of Jedi Knight. However, her skill is certainly the equal of one- especially in the art of battle. (+6 Martial, +5 Diplomacy, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)
Paranoid- Her life has been filled with betrayal, and though she tries not to let it get to her, it shows. (-1 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
Duelist- She learned from some of the finest masters of the Saber how to duel-including Anakin Skywalker. She got good at it. (+2 Martial)

Diplomacy: 14+1+5-1=20
Martial: 17+6+3+1+2=29
Stewardship: 12+4+1=17
Intrigue: 6+4+2=12
Piety: 20+5+1=26
Learning: 15+1+4=20

Status of the Rebellion:
Credits made per 1/2 year: 8,800
"Donations": 5000
Loans And Banking: 950
Base: 2,650 Credits
Base Upkeep:-500 credits
Military Upkeep: -6,400
Trade: 200 Credits
Treasury: 33,093 Credits
800 Rebel Troopers: Men and women of the galaxy who are tired of living under the yoke of Imperial oppression. (Excellent Morale, High Mobility, Good Training, Decent Gear. 2 credits per soldier)
100 Mandalorian Shock Trooper (Average Morale, High Mobility, Good Training, Good Gear. (800 credits)
1000 Wookiee Warrior (Unbreaking Morale, Low Mobility, Good Training, Decent Gear. 4 Credit Upkeep)
Home Base: Taris

Turn 1
Turn 1 Results
Turn 2
Turn 2 Results
Turn 3
Turn 3 Results
Turn 4
Turn 4 Results
Event: Battle for the Temple
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III
Turn 5
Turn 5 Results
Event: Diplomatic (Or, How Not Be)
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III
- Part IV
- Part V
- Part VI
- Part VII
- Part VIII
- Part IX
Turn 6
Turn 6 Results

Burning Rage
Thank you very much.

Vote is called, update will be up soon.
Father And Son Bonding
Father And Son Bonding

You pound on his door twice, the old man sure to hear. "Father, it's me!" You hear at least five locks disengage, the hum of a blaster dissipating as he holstered it. Slowly raising, the door finally opened. Your father, Dec Othello, stands in the door. His armor's on, as per usual.

"What exactly do you want, boy?"

"A lightsaber and servants. Possibly my own space station."

Your father simply pinches his nostrils shut, and closes his eyes, before giving a long suffering sigh. "Why are you here, Tellus?"

"I wanted to see my old man. Is 'at wrong?" You take a defensive posture. "I mean I know I haven't been the best son, but I thought the man who liked to whine so much about having to spend credits on his brat might want to see how his investment panned out."

He winces, before rubbing his temples. "What do you actually want, Tellus?"

[] To get to see my old man more. (Try to convince him to join the Rebellion)
[] To hear any new rumors. (Try and get information.)
[] To spend time with my dad. (Exactly what it says on the tin.)
[X] To spend time with my dad. (Exactly what it says on the tin.)

Dad seems like a jackass, but he's our dad.