Star Wars: Rebellion

[X] DD on Examining the Generator

Generator and Guns have the lowest chances of success everyone.
No they don't.

Finding More: Ahsoka might know of perhaps a few individuals who were maybe once upon a time Jedi. She could try to contact these individuals, see if they're willing to make contact with you and your group.
Cost: 100 Credits

Chance Of Success:45%

Reward: Surviving Jedi make contact

Examine The Generator: Gavin wishes to examine the Hutt power generators. He may be capable of coming up with something- if nothing else, he could might come up with something interesting.
Cost:400 credits

Chance Of Success:50%


Examine The Blasters: You captured an experimental Hutt blaster. Might be something you can take from it.
Cost: 300 Credits

Chance Of Success: 50%

Reward: Hutt blaster examined

And besides, I'm inclined to put more importance on getting in contact with additional Jedi.
Turn 6 Results
Turn 6
11 BBY

You and Ahsoka both cut into thick steaks, seared and spiced to perfection. A rarity, on Taris- being that it is still a damaged world- but it is your birthday, so why not? As you reflect from the table in your hut, the steak and wine tasting wonderful together, you toast Ahsoka. "To more years of screwing over Palpatine!"


Martial: You well and truly made the Hutts bleed last year, hitting them hard and fast. Ten thousand credits, flowing into your treasury… you've seen Soont cry, once or twice, but before this, never from happiness.
(Pick 1)

Bang: Most of these men have never so much as seen an explosive, never mind used one. It'd be for the best to train them before they get used. Might take a while, though.

-Your men are finally equipped with the explosives. Capable of blasting a durasteel door in half, they represent a marked improvement in the average gear of your men. More than that, your thoughts have started going to even more explosive ventures.
Reward: All troops equipped with explosives. Gear Increased to Decent

Removing Corruption: The Hutts profited off of misery, woe, and hate. No more. The Alderannians want them gone- you want them gone- hell, even the Empire wants them gone. Assist the Alderannian forces arrayed against the Hutts, by sending some of your men to assist.
Needed:60 Rolled:69+28=97

-It's a blood bath, your men killing and being killed. The Hutts were distinctly unprepared for the wrath of your men- and soon found themselves being perforated by Bolts and Blades. You lead them into battle, the crystalline nature of your arm finally compensated for. More than that, five-thousand beings, illegally kept in slavery, are freed. You now have some galactic renown as Tellus Othello "The Mad Abolitionist." The forces of the Dark Side are beginning to sit down, shut up, and pay attention- those aware of you, at least.

All in all, a few warehouses worth of weapons, narcotics, and spice are found and turned over to the proper authorities- the weapons "Mysteriously" disappear on the way to Imperial Center, as does the spice, and if an accountant were to go over your reported finances they would find some irregularity.

Also, six-hundred men and nine-hundred wookiees end up joining your Rebellion- impressed by your work against the Hutts, Alderaanians of a more violent temperament than is socially acceptable and former slaves, mostly.
Reward: +20,000 Credits, Reduction in upkeep costs due to surplus of weapons and bacta,+600 Rebel Troopers,+900 Wookiee Warriors,Lose Trait Wounded

Diplomacy: You really are starting to get better at this- why, only you've only been smacked twice so far this year! A new record.

Corellian Connections: You've made connections with the Corellian rebels- they have supplies pumped to them from your port. Maybe you could go, try and make nice with the locals? You have been missing Dad, after all, and he is on leave there.
Needed:40 Rolled:94

-As it turns out, the Corellians really, really don't like the hutts. Hearing that you've been beating them down in Alderaan earns you more than a few congratulatory back patts at the local bar, and you soon have half of a dozen new deals with Corellian rebels.You also got an offer- a few of the more hutt hating pilots have offered their services. Numbering about one hundred in total, with twenty freighter ships, their main benefit would be economical- but oh how large a benefit it would be.
[] Accept- Access to Corellian Merchantman fleet, Costs:800 credits a turn, +600 Income a turn in trade.
[] Don't accept.
You also speak with your father. It… doesn't go well, but it goes better than it had any right to. (Continued in interlude.)
Reward: +200 Income, closer ties to Corellia

Generous Loans: Arsus, your "Accountant", is generally left to the base, maximizing the flow of credits and keeping the loans flowing. He has a few potential clients lined up- you are, however, slightly more persuasive than him, so it may be a good idea for you to make the deal
Needed:30 Rolled:27 Reroll:61

-You nearly put your foot in your mouth at least twice. However, a Sullustan and Twi'lek end up carrying their business with you- and they pay good credits, while also funding infrastructure on Taris. Useful.
Reward: +150 Income, ties on Taris

Stewardship: Arsus mostly does his own thing, these days- especially now that you have a base. Makes his suggestions and keeps the credits flowing, mostly. He's become quite efficient. (+1 Stewardship pick per turn)

Base Defense: The Empire has no idea where you are. Still wouldn't hurt to have a few shield generator and walls up, help keep out the riff raff.

-Finally dipping into the Peragus fuel supply you established, you build some basic shield generators, covering them in Durasteel sheets and keeping them within sensor range of your base- which you jack up. You won't keep out a dedicated Imperial Army-but you could delay it.
Reward: Basic Base Defenses, +200 Base Upkeep

Infinite Power: You took the Hutts generators. They seem more effective than yours, and you'd like access to some proper power yourself. This would allow you to things that were, up till now, pipe dreams.

-You splice the Hutt Generators into your own power grid,and already you've noticed an increase in efficiency. You are now capable of running some very big projects. Also, some people end up tapping into your grid- being that you are an honest businessman, it's cheaper and and less likely to fund atrocities.
Reward:+300 base income, Military options available

Learning: Gavin has been a busy fellow.

Examine The Generator: Gavin wishes to examine the Hutt power generators. He may be capable of coming up with something- if nothing else, he could might come up with something interesting.
Needed:50 Rolled:53+5=58

-Amusingly, the hutt generators are actually fairly boring as far as new innovations. However, they scale down very well; let's just say the next time your boys in blue and the bucketheads end up in a fight, they might very well face a shocking surprise.
Reward: Armor Upgrade action at high chance of Success and reduced cost.Can apply electric upgrade to weapons at higher chance of success and reduced cost.???

Examine The Blasters: You captured an experimental Hutt blaster. Might be something you can take from it.
Needed:50 Rolled:93+5=98

-The blasters are far more interesting. High powered, accurate, and deadly, they are certainly very nice. However, they are also finicky, hard to maintain, and are awkward for a human body plan. Give Gavin a few months to a year along with enough supplies, and he should be capable of some very nice things using them as the template.
Reward: Great Upgrade action available for Blasters,???

Piety: With the many things you've found, you've gotten pretty good at this "Jedi Thing." Certainly, you've got better at the big tasks.

Finding More: Ahsoka might know of perhaps a few individuals who were maybe once upon a time Jedi. She could try to contact these individuals, see if they're willing to make contact with you and your group.
Needed:55 Rolled:58+20=78

-You and Ahsoka receive an invitation to the planet Nar Shadda, courtesy one Rahm Kota. There, things are awkward between you, but, eventually, a sort of treaty is pounded out- he would share what he knew, and ensure cooperation between your groups in return for not screwing your plans over, and, when victory is gained over Palpatine, his assistance in rebuilding the Order.
Reward: Made Contact with Rahm Kota.+1 Piety action, ???

Intrigue: Ceinis is pretty damn good at his job, as it turns out- he's tracked a few people down on the side, your old unit.

Why?: You'd quite like to know why, exactly, Vader was dispatched to Mandalore. Something in your gut says it's not good.
Needed: 40 Rolled:83

-Apparently, the Death Watch has been stirring up something on the planetary surface, something leading to a name you know is a front for a petty thug working for the hutts named Tyber Zahn. Looking further, you find a dozen bribes, enough credits to make you snarl at the waste, and go through half a bottle of very nice brandy. To boil it down to why Vader is there, rumors have been planted of General Kenobi hiding on the planet. You doubt it- too obvious- but in the face of emotion, few men are entirely rational.

Ahsoka's Path: You could take more time than usual for training with Ahsoka, in hope of taking more steps on the Jedi Path- more practical lesson, generally.
Needed:1/20/40 Rolled: 36+10=46

-Ahsoka, as it turns out, is a very good teacher. You learn well under the student of Skywalker, adding a few dozen new tricks to an already expansive repertoire. She also teaches you how to use stealth, how to hide,and how to use the force to remain undetected. All in all, valuable work that you are happy she undertook.
Reward:+3 Martial/+3 Intrigue, Ahsoka exhausted for this tier

Revan's Gift: Revan has given you in death a gift- the droid T3-M4. Covered in technology, he could teach you many things.
Needed:1/20/40 Rolled:18+10=28

-This does not go as well.You are a naturally smart fellow-but T-3 seems to be dumbing himself down for you- which is nice for your ego, but poor for learning.
Reward: +2 Learning/Stewardship, T-3 Not exhausted

Imperial Rumors:

Empire Strikes Back: A series of crushing defeats was handed to the Mandalorians this year, Imperial forces back under the command of Vader quickly dominating them. Though they have not lost- yet- they lose many men.

Their hidden benefactor has been revealed as the Hutts, the Emperor managing to make them over extend their hand in a political ploy that few details are known about. Already, a dozen fleets march on Hutt space, where the next great galactic war seems sure to take place.
Oh shit, hey Master Kota! :D

[X] Accept- Access to Corellian Merchantman fleet, Costs:800 credits a turn, +600 Income a turn in trade.
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[X] Accept- Access to Corellian Merchantman fleet, Costs:800 credits a turn, +600 Income a turn in trade.

With the +200 income, we don't really lose anything with this choice. It should give us a lot of favor though.
[X] Accept- Access to Corellian Merchantman fleet, Costs:800 credits a turn, +600 Income a turn in trade.

I can only imagine this would be useful towards eventually building a military fleet. And might even open up options towards improving said fleet to eventually get a net bonus to it's income levels.
Mmmm... steak...

Okay now, we've got... well, a lot of credits. The sheet is a touch unclear, but it looks like we have about 14.7k in the treasury and almost as much in half-year income.

Our troops' morale is as good as we could wish, mobility and training is sufficient, but gear could do a bit of work. The wookies could use something to help their mobility and gear as well.

Our stats are quite nice - we could use more diplomacy and intrigue though.

You now have some galactic renown as Tellus Othello "The Mad Abolitionist." The forces of the Dark Side are beginning to sit down, shut up, and pay attention- those aware of you, at least.

This is... a bit worrying. We just need to keep the number aware of us fairly low, I guess.

Worth it though, with massive credit bonus, upkeep help and (most importantly) a large number of troops.

You also got an offer- a few of the more hutt hating pilots have offered their services. Numbering about one hundred in total, with twenty freighter ships, their main benefit would be economical- but oh how large a benefit it would be.

A hundred? Yikes! A no-brainer.

[X] Accept- Access to Corellian Merchantman fleet, Costs:800 credits a turn, +600 Income a turn in trade.

It might be worth starting to put down agents and cells on other planets, by the by.

Can apply electric upgrade to weapons at higher chance of success and reduced cost.

Daddy like. The blaster upgrade too, of course.

Made Contact with Rahm Kota.+1 Piety action

Another piety action is *very* welcome. Rahm Kota, eh?

Looks like a good pick to help rebuild the order properly.

Also... he's on Nar Shadda, eh?

To boil it down to why Vader is there, rumors have been planted of General Kenobi hiding on the planet.

Whew! It's something to think about, but doesn't seem immediately threatening.

+3 Martial/+3 Intrigue, Ahsoka exhausted for this tier

Intrigue +3, nice! I guess she can take a break :p

+2 Learning/Stewardship, T-3 Not exhausted

Still a boost, and we can try again for the rest.

A series of crushing defeats was handed to the Mandalorians this year, Imperial forces back under the command of Vader quickly dominating them. Though they have not lost- yet- they lose many men.

Their hidden benefactor has been revealed as the Hutts, the Emperor managing to make them over extend their hand in a political ploy that few details are known about. Already, a dozen fleets march on Hutt space, where the next great galactic war seems sure to take place.

The Empire is quite welcome to stomp on the Hutts for a bit. The "Mad Abolitionist" is more likely to show up on intelligence reports, but is unlikely to be considered worth attention.

I hope.
Empire Strikes Back: A series of crushing defeats was handed to the Mandalorians this year, Imperial forces back under the command of Vader quickly dominating them. Though they have not lost- yet- they lose many men.

Their hidden benefactor has been revealed as the Hutts, the Emperor managing to make them over extend their hand in a political ploy that few details are known about. Already, a dozen fleets march on Hutt space, where the next great galactic war seems sure to take place.

And the script gets thrown out the window and lit on fire.

The Empire never invaded Hutt space because they feared a Vietnam/Iraq situation. I guess we kicked the Hutts a little too hard and the Empire smelled blood in the water.
[X] Accept- Access to Corellian Merchantman fleet, Costs:800 credits a turn, +600 Income a turn in trade.
[X] Accept- Access to Corellian Merchantman fleet, Costs:800 credits a turn, +600 Income a turn in trade.

This was a good turn. Not really much more to say.
So am I the only one worried about Tyber Zann apparently making an appearance?

Well Zann's more anti-Imperial than anything else (getting kicked out of the Imperial Academy for suspected weapons theft and he never lets a grudge go), and is really only interested in money (his entire campaign is simply the preparation for one big heist of Palpatine's secret vaults and a large chunk of the the Imperial treasury). Well that and maybe humiliating his enemies. He only really targets the Rebellion when they have or are in the way of something he wants (unless you're like me and simply want to turn the map yellow).

Currently he's still with the Hutts, but his allegiance is always ultimately to himself. Zann is probably poking around with other criminals to see who would be willing to spilt with him when some of the Biggest Criminal Organisations in the Galaxy get hammered by the full force of the Empire.

I recommend we treat Zann as a possible business partner. I doubt we'd like his business model and Zann couldn't care less about restoring the Republic, however, he has a personal vendetta against Thrawn of all people, so we can say he won't sell us out to the Empire and he does get some pretty cool toys we'd be interested in.
And the script gets thrown out the window and lit on fire.

The Empire never invaded Hutt space because they feared a Vietnam/Iraq situation. I guess we kicked the Hutts a little too hard and the Empire smelled blood in the water.
That, or they feel like getting good PR for once.

So am I the only one worried about Tyber Zann apparently making an appearance?
Nah, agree to a meeting with him, then "accidentally" give him some live detonators to try out.