Star Wars: Rebellion

Honestly I want us gaining both Dark & Light Side Powers, since being grey and having access to everything would be nice. Following Revan's Path could help us in that and we got a good start.

I think that part where we gain the Crystal Bone Arm is from the SWTOR's Jedi Knight class Campaign.

Also better Chainswords, nough said.
Reward: +10,000 credits, experimental blasters, generators, 100 Wookiee Warriors

So worth that re-roll. Enough budget for a few years, some arms, some tech to research and good (if... distinctive) warriors. And best of all, there's no evidence left behind. Let's do it again! :p

Patronized by Houses Organa and Trask (+400 credits, recruitment rolls improved, upkeep reduced)

Ah, reduced upkeep, how much I love you.

Reward: Light armor
Reward: Chainsword maintenance easier, logistics simplified

Standard arms and armor get!

A sharp, electronic beep makes them stand down- and an ancient droid- a T3-M4 model, if you aren't wrong- drives out from the shadow

YAY! No HK-47, but he's perhaps a touch murderous and all that.

Reward: Mysterious Lens, The Ebon Hawk, Revan Holocron (+1 Reroll at +10), T3-M4

... another reroll? At a *bonus*?

Hell yeah! And we promptly gain from it too ^____^

Although now I wonder what we could have gotten with a critical here ^_~

Interrogation goes well. Myself I'd prefer that she were dead, to be honest - a complication she be.

Reward: Lose Trait: Maimed, Gain Trait: Wounded, Crystal bone arm

And the neat mysteries continue. Eh, sure, we didn't get the lockbox, but I'm fine with that all things considered.

As an extra bonus, we pulled Vader away from Mandalore for the moment. All in all, a lovely turn. Now for the mini-turn... hopefully we don't screw things up.
She also has a history with Asoka, who is probably one of the few people in the galaxy right now that understands her on any level. Who, notably, is already a strong member of your inner circle.

Sure, she's probably a fixer-upper, but I think that with time and some proper therapy, psychological help, and trust-building, you can help her help you (help her help you, etc etc).

Bonus points if you can get her a crystal hand somewhere down the road, too.
Who's got anger management issues and is likely holding a grudge for some missing limbs...

We'll get her a new pair. I mean Ventress has been shown to work with her former enemies on the reasoning of her own selfish goals. Getting revenge on the Empire and Sidious is one we can accept.

Getting on to the rest, we're looking as though we are becoming the shock corps of the Rebellion with the ability to smash in and the Empire's day that much worse by going toe to toe with elite stormtroopers.

Then we have the goods from the Revan path, which I believe might end with us donning the mask, taking the title and starting up an Order of both Light and Dark to protect the galaxy. Oh and we got a good ship for personal use, plus our own R2D2 with weapon attachments.
My main concern is that with the Alderaan raid, we've skipped the 'minor annoyance' phase and gone from 'who are these guys?' straight to 'I want these guys dead now!' in Vader's mind.
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I don't think we've made ourselves that huge a nuisance yet :p

I think for the most part the Imperials think they have a mole in their ranks, as how else could this group of ragtag rebels destroy the base. I expect the ISB will be conducting a search for information leaks.

Of course the Emperor knows otherwise, but good old Palpy isn't going to tell Vader that until he has a clearer picture of who or what the enemy is. There are more important matters at hand for his apprentice to deal with than chase off after Jedi ghosts... again.
Diplomatic (Or, How Not To Be)
Diplomatic (Or, How Not To Be)

You step off the transport, the freighter giving the all clear. Your robes- a gift from the Wookiees you saved- warm, and soft. This is to be a quick meeting- three days, one to allow for arrivals from off planet. You see the banners of a dozen Princely Houses- Panteer, Thule, and Organa, most prominently.

"Greetings, sir. I was sent here to collect you." You turn from your thinking, a golden Protocol Droid tugging on your robe. "I am C-3P0. Master Organa sends his regards and asks that you take the time, if possible, to speak to him today, once you are settled in."

"Thank you." Getting into lockstep with droid, you follow him to your guest quarters- a small, but quite comfortable room, with a Holotable much like your own dominating the center.

You have time for two conversations, today- weary from travel, bones aching in your new arm, you are not at your best. Still, you've a few people you wished to speak to:
[] House Organa- Bail has asked for your presence. Given he is funding a not insubstantial part of your Rebellion, and putting hi family and planet on the line, the least you can do is speak to him.

[] House Thule- Power hungry, arrogant, and sick and tired of Palpatine- ironic, given that it was only by his will that they were allowed back onto Alderaan after the Cold War.

[] House Panteer- A house known for neutrality in most matters, excepting where the Jedi are involved, they dislike Palpatine. However, they are somewhat weak, the distaste being quite mutual.

[] House Ulgo- Militaristic, arrogant, and with a hate for both Jedi and Empire, they are where Jakar hails from. They might hate Palpatine more than they do you.
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Awwww yea, comfy Wookie-made robes :D

C-3PO! :)

[X] House Organa

Bail's cool, let's start with him.

[X] House Panteer

Neutral's better than jedi-hating and arrogant and power hungry.
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[X] House Organa- Bail has asked for your presence. Given he is funding a not insubstantial part of your Rebellion, and putting hi family and planet on the line, the least you can do is speak to him.

Easy pick, him being the host.

[X] House Panteer- A house known for neutrality in most matters, excepting where the Jedi are involved, they dislike Palpatine. However, they are somewhat weak, the distaste being quite mutual.

The weakest of the remaining three, but one of the others is described as "power-hungry" and the last hates Jedi, so us having a couple in our ranks (and ourselves having Force powers) might be a problem. Panteer's neutrality might help with indirect diplomatic work - that is, them acting as a quiet go-between for us and another party.