Star Wars: Rebellion

Voikirium would've posted some sort of evil laugh gif if that was true.

Loping at an awkward pace, you grab your Padawan and sling him over your back. Running, you are a blur of movement, pushing through doors and crushing the automated turrets as they fire at you. You'd love to confirm Lumiya's death, but you are needed elsewhere, now.

First thing's first, the Bay. You pull a sharp left as you haul your apprentice with you, leaping over an unused mine, before opening the door. The scent of burning death and ozone fill the room as fires both great and small burn up the oxygen left in here. Corpses both Imperial and Rebel litter the ground, and cracks throughout the windows and bulkeads that line the facility weep water into the Bay.

Colonel Williams leans on one leg, using a broken rifle as a crutch. "We got the bastards, sir. Mano-a-mano. I hope to hell below it was worth it, cause eight-thousand soldiers and five Jedi died taking it." Kicking a Stormtrooper's carcass over, she sits down on a small ledge. "Sir, I request my men and I be kept here, to defend the bay."

"Granted." Laying Thxan down, you set him on the bedroll of a lost soldier. "When he wakes up, tell him to go to Floor 3." Grabbing an Imperial speeder, you race down the hall, blasting through the Imperial cordon. Finally, you reach the elevator, and leap in. Pounding the button, you are shot up, onto the Third Floor. Your holo beeps, and Om begins reporting on what they found: technical specs for a new Artillery piece, new starship designs, etc. Most importantly, however, is something else found on a huge databank:

[] A Friend's Embrace
[] A Foe's Disgrace
It's a video of Palps flatulence going on for hours in his palace. His guards passed out about 30 minutes in. No amount of discipline can withstand that.

[X] A Foes disgrace

AT-ATs, Strikebreakers, and T1-4Bs move forward, led by one extra large strikebreaker, modified with more cannons and shields. Troopers march in thick columns between them, while the sound of power generators, big ones, thum in the ground. The thick blue bubble of a theater shield protects the Imperial district from bombardment. This is every Rebel piece of armor, thrown together, along with six corps of infantry, brought together with one goal.

Fittingly, the Alliance shoots first. The lead Strikebreaker fires its turbolaser; half-a-second later, an explosion bigger than most goes off as it slams into the shimmering blue field, the signal for the barrage to begin. Red and green bolts fly, slamming constantly into the shield. It waves, it glimmers. Smoke and fire stink up the battlefield as a cacophony of explosives and rockets slam again and again and again into the prison. For five minutes, this continues, until the barrels glow a firey red and can spit out no more fire.

The shield still stands. Cursing, the general begins to order a full scale charge. Then an explosion. Two units of strikebreakers disintegrate as the enemy AT-ATs finally show themselves. Lumbering forward, they begin decimating the Rebels, firing again and again, as the Imperial troopers finally show themselves. Hundreds die in moments as morale falls, while the men scramble for cover.

Meanwhile, deep in the heart of the Imperial fortress, empty of men, a purple blade springs to life.

The men write out quick messages on their datapads, journals,whatever. Many will not live.

Finally, they charge. It is an awesome sight, hundreds of thousands of men and hundreds of tons of steel and death racing forward. Entire Companies fire at once, ruining the sighting for the Imperial Troopers.

The purple blade falls, and the generator powering the shield explodes, knocking Entani back. Her men, the assault troopers, grab the Zeltron, while her partner ten stories up does much the same.

The shield falls. The Imperials curse, but they do not stop fighting- they still outnumber the enemy, still out fight him. Then, four turbolaser towers explode as blue bolts, fired from Acclamators, spare no thought for their battle. Half-a-second later, entire regiments cease to exist as the buildings they were hiding in explode, the Force guiding General Ahsoka's every shot. The Imperials rush out, only to find no succor there, for the Alliance Armor has been brought to bare. Shots fly from afield as red and green lances dominate the air. This battle has shifted, but it could go to anyone.

Morale has equalized, but it will not be equal for long. AT-ATs from the Empire are wiped from the planet with fire and death by the Acclamators, salvos of Proton torpedos rippling through the enemy army. Twenty five times, platoons simply evaporate as the Jedi brings her two greatest weapons against her enemy. Once she runs out of those, she gives very basic orders- aim for opportunistic targets- then head for the hangar, Y-Wing pilots following behind her. Crushing a button on her gauntlet, the canopy slides open, and she leaps in. Engines blasting, she tears out of the Acclamators, followed by every transport they've got to follow her.

Within a minute, she arrives on the planet's surface. Within two, the Acclamators and transports have as well. Dismebarking their cargo- the fifty thousand marines- she head to the front, and leaps onto a speeder bike. Green blade burning, she lead them from it to slam into the left flank, fresh soldiers hitting the enemy hard. She leaps off, stabs through one men, flings her shoto into a second. It lodges, and wills it out with the Force before ducking under the butt of one rifle, and stabbing back with her sabers. Snips leaps over the carcass of one AT-AT, swipes through the three men that hide behind it. Thrusting out her palm, she flings the missile that flies at her back to the sender, exploding the man and his ledge near instantly. Finally, she spots what she was looking for.

The High General, armored from head to toe. He wields a chainsword looted from a Mandalorian, using it with sheer force of will and power. He cuts through one trooper, stabs a second, kicks a third back. She screams, a primal challenge, and he responds by flinging five sticky grenades at her. Ahsoka throws them at a pillbox, blowing it to hell, before leaping at the enemy, sabers lit. She ducks under his blow, stabs him in the front. He laughs, not unexpectedly, for he is Gen'Dai.

She jumps back as his fist slams into the ground, shattering stone underneath his fist. She kicks him, and he backhands her.

Rain begins to fall, as steam curls up from her blades. She ducks under his second blow, cuts his joints. He stabs at her, and she cuts it in twain. Grabbing his blasters, he raises them for only a moment before they are cut in two, getting off only a shot. He grabs a thick pillar, and brings it down to crush her. Leaping up, Tano lands on it and, running up, sabers lit, goes faster than he can think. Finally, she reaches the end and, grabbing her sabers, stabs through the Imperial's helmet. The green ends appear as they poke through, and he roars, attempting to wrench them out, only to be Pushed into the broken remnants of an AT-AT. Reaching out, Snips crushes it around him, tightly constraining him, sabers flying out and into her palms. Sticking them on her belt, she reaches out, palms open, and begins to slowly push the mammoth machine towards two exposed wires. Slowly, slowly, the machine is moved, sparks jumping out, until it touches the wire. Electricity courses through it for minutes, as the Master Jedi cuts through hundreds of men, all the while the smell of burning flesh meets the nostrils of those embattled. Finally, with a huge crack, power dies in the city. The General raises her fingers to an ear piece, giving a three word order: "Bring the Heat."

On command, each Acclamtor focuses at least one of its cannons, continuously, on the burning wreck. For ten minutes, they continue, until nothing is left but a crater. The battle should not take long after that.

Your robes cover you as you step through the crowded streets. Force, thirty years, and it's damn near the same. You've left the suit behind, for the moment, and blessedly, not a soul can tell who you are. That said, a six-foot-eight, black robed, cyborg is still attention drawing. Best be quick. Taking a left turn through the crowded streets, you move swiftly through the Memorial District before you finally

Your wife's final resting place.

You breath heavily, deeply, almost as you would when Vader. You step through the thick stone doors, pushing them open, and into the small reception chamber. Once more, you breath, a weighty thing, before placing your prosthetic on the small lock. It whirs open, before you step into the inner chamber. The mausoleum. The still, the quiet, is unending, a small stained glass window the only source of light.

You rest your palm on the crypt, where your Angel's body rests forever more. You stand in silent contemplation for minutes, hours, you neither know nor give a single damn how long, before you start talking. "Hello, Padme."

You speak for hours, about Luke and Leia, Mara and Han. You apologize a thousand time, you state the truth. You hope to the stars above that, in whatever Heaven took her, that she hears, that she accepts.

That she does not hate you, not even in death.

More than that, you hope you can fix what has been destroyed.