Star Wars: Rebellion

Turn 4 Results
Turn 4
BBY 12

Jakar Trask. An old friend, part of the militia that old coot Kota put together. You and he got along like a house on fire- he a "Sensitive", diplomatic ponce, you a killer of droids, mercenaries, and any other scum. You have no idea how he could have gotten himself into this mess, but he needs help. You made a promise to each other, once- now is the time to fulfill that promise.

Martial: You may lack numbers- but your men are strong. More than that, they have strong morale, and faith- faith in the cause, belief in you, and in themselves. They're ready to fight.
(Pick 2)

Blasters: Your forces are currently ragtag, under equipped, and you are not even entirely sure that they are all armed with blasters. Of course, it just so happens that you know a guy willing to sell equipment. You've brought the cost down, too, by actually having some idea of what you need to buy, and for whom.

-The small factory you purchased has a few hundred blasters pressed out right quick. Calling them Lancers, you have your forces equipped and trained with them right quick. They're of a good quality, and your men thank you for them.
Reward: Trooper equipment increased to Okay, +5 to infantry rolls.

Assault On Alderaan: Jakar knows you well. He will know where you are, and what you're doing. Fortunately, he also will not break swiftly. However, he will end up breaking. You must free him, quickly, and hopefully stealthily. He is being held in the deserted jedi temple on Alderaan, used now as a weapons facility.
Needed:30 Rolled: 54+20=74

-You get in, your own impressive sniping skills allowing to take down both the guards. With a quick Holo-Call, your men, hidden in the prison transfer ship, burst out. There is no turning back, no surrender- not this day.
Reward: Battle Of The Temple

Diplomacy: You've a few leads to follow. Couldn't hurt to look for help.

Mandalorians: You'd be lying if you said you were fond of the Mandalorians. However, they are mighty warriors. More than that, they have very good reason to hate the Empire. Perhaps an agreement could be reached?
Needed:40 Rolled:82

-A force of a hundred Mandalorian Heavy Infantry, refugees fleeing from Mandalore, are hired. Focusing on heavy weapons, and wearing thick armor, they are expensive. However, they are well worth the expense- even when not in battle, they assist the people of Taris by helping fight off bandits and encroaching wildlife.
Reward: 100 Mandalorian shock troops hired (800 credits per turn)

Sons Of Liberty: There must be other potential rebels around; of course, finding them may be hard, though not so hard now that you've established something of a name for yourself, even if it is as a loan officer.
Needed:40 Rolled:28 Reroll:61

-You manage to make a few inroads with a fledgling Corellian based resistance movement after you save one of their own from assassination. You begin funneling supplies to them, while they pay good credits for each item. You make a bit more money, and manage to get a few Imperials focused on each other and Corellia.
Reward: +300 credits per turn, relations opened with Corellian Resistance (Good)

Stewardship: Your base is reliant on stealth and anonymity for protection. Might be nice to change that.

Hangar: You need a spot to place any ships you may acquire. Having one ready- just a natural clearing with a roof over it- should be a fine start.
-Smugglers, traders, pilots, and men of ill repute head for your port. They bring in Credits and supplies, and a few even agree to an extended contract with you. A few loans are made as well.
Reward: Can hold ships, +650 Credits

Learning: Gavin's quite sorry about the screw up last year, and promises that he won't let his mind wander so much this year.
(Pick 1)

Settling In: The scientists and engineers you saved are quite ready to get to work. However, they need a more adequate facility and to get settled in.You can help with that.
-They're just about settled in and ready to work. They're quite good at their jobs, and should be helpful around the base and for research.
Reward:+5 to Learning, learning options expanded

40K Reasons This Shouldn't Work: Some of your soldiers are, inevitably, going to have to fight something that's not smart enough to know it should die when it's shot, whether it's a Krayt Dragon or a Rancor. Gavin has created rough, rude, and crude schematics for a sort of motorised sword that should put those beasts down by inflicting the kind of trauma that simply cannot be ignored, even by such powerful beasts.
Needed:30 Rolled:53+5=58

-They're not pretty. They're not stealthy. They shouldn't even be safe. Yet all the same they work. These "Chainswords", as the men call them, require specialized training to use, and are hogs for power cells. However they cut and inflict high trauma on most anything. They also have their kind of elegance about them- if one of a violent sort. This has left you thinking on a few more melee weapons you'd like to have, as well.
Reward: Chainwords

Piety: Your studies of the Force proceed well.

Following The Trail-Dantooine: The plain world of Dantooine was once home to a Jedi Enclave. Coordinates you located on Nar Shadda indicate something of interest in the broken remains- the only word you could make out was hawk.
Cost:400 Credits
Needed:35 Rolled:25

-Embarrassingly, you actually forget to set aside time for going to Dantooine. Your mind was slightly preoccupied with saving your best friend, after all.

Why?: You'd quite like to know why, exactly, Vader was dispatched to Mandalore. Something in your gut says it's not good.
Needed:40 Rolled:17

-It's no good- Vader's kept a tight leash on all information going in or out of the system.

Personal:Your knowledge of the Force has grown, intensive training from Ahsoka and Bindo's holocron having taught you how to access it readily- a neophyte. You have sharpened your senses considerably, and you receive vague warnings of danger- enough to keep you from some missteps. (Gain 1 Reroll)

The Holocron: Master Bindo's holocron is filled to the brim with philosophical thoughts, teachings, and tales about the Force. His view on the Force interests the Scholar in you, enough that you have fairly decent odds getting extra from lessons taught by the Holocron.
Needed:1/15/35 Rolled: 79+10=89

-Jolee Bindo was a wise old man. He knew the Force. And now, so do you. You're no Traya, nor are you some sort of Wizened old man. Instead, you're a wise young man- no matter what Ahsoka tries to say. You run through exercise after exercise- and you make it a usual thing to go to the holocron for wisdom. You're not so sure you buy into his Grey Jedi business- but he's still damn wise, and has very good points. His holocron, more advanced than you might think, teaches you- debates you, even- and you hold your own. However, there is still only so much that can be learned with theoretical knowledge.
Reward: +3 Piety/ +3 Diplomacy, Wisdom. Holocron exhausted for this stage.

Heroics: Tales are told of the Hero Of Coruscant, The Exile, and of Revan- how they made time to help the people around them with little thought for their own needs, or desires, in favor of helping the Republic and its citizens. The Republic might have fallen- but the citizens remain, and they need help, now more than ever. How could you not live up to their example?
Needed:20 Rolled:62

-You save people from mugging, help assault prison convoys, and generally make yourself something of a nuisance. Every bit helps, and you soon receive payments-credits, supplies, and recruits- culminating in a lockbox you have no idea how to open. Practical experience and Credits- what's not to love.
Reward: +300 Credits, experience, bonus to Recruit roll, mysterious lockbox.
4 men joined your Rebellion, inspired by tales of your heroism. They settle in with little fuss.
Battle For The Temple 1
The Battle For The Temple

Your blaster strikes twice, lancer striking out through the heart of one guard and then the next. They crumple like flimsi. Grabbing your holocom, you send a three second burst of static- the signal. With a cry for freedom, two hundred and some men burst out of the prison transport, uniforms and weapons held together. Leaping from your perch, you join them. Grabbing an Explosive, you lob it into the front chamber where, with a cataclysmic boom, it blows down the gate and rattles the wall.

(Imperial Preparedness: 14)

These bucketheads are good at their jobs. They don't panic except for a moment, and they hold under the withering barrage of fire you send their way. They return the favor, and it becomes a standoff- the comms on your side, but the prison cells on the other. You fire again and again, putting down two stormtroopers in as many seconds, before you kick over a table, hiding ducking behind it as cover.

Flicking auto on, you point the muzzle just over the table and depress the firing stud, flicking on your comms. "How's the situation down there?"

"Wet, filthy, and it stinks like my old Barracks."

"Quit whining, soldier. You've got a job, after all." See, you've never been much one for sneaking. However, you could be called gifted when it comes to ambushes. With your insider knowledge it wasn't that hard to find a weak point into the temple- the sewers. You set the Mandalorians through the sewers, where they can save Jakar- hopefully stealthily. They may have some secondary goals set by their leader, though...

[] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might find some good work.
[] "Soont, get out alive." Soont is going to save Jakar, then get out as quickly as possible.

"Die, Reb-Urk!" With a quick depression of the trigger stud, you cut off the officer's cry. Hopefully, they won't take too long.
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[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might some good work.

I think your dice hate us mate
[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might some good work.

Also, a helpful reminder that you still need to do Ahsoka's character sheet, which you promised about a turn ago.
Ouch! Those mercs have a costly upkeep... still, we get some more income and a good relation with another group, which helps make up for it.

Is the credit reward for Hanger a one-time thing, or it is per turn?

Unfortunately, we failed following the trail, damnit. And our investigations into Vader. Not a good turn for Piety.

But in turn, we got a maxed bonus from the holocron ("for this stage"), and "Wisdom", so we're still improving on that front in spite of poor luck on rolls. The +3 to future piety tests (and diplomatic) should help.


[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might find some good work.

So wait, the choice is between a fast rescue and spending time stealing what isn't nailed down, right?

Bring the crowbars, boys!
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[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might some good work.
[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might some good work.
[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might some good work.
[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might some good work.
Ahsoka Tano

Bright- She's a smart kid. (+1 All Stats)
Brave- She refuses to feel fear. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Guardian-She never technically reached the rank of Jedi Knight. However, her skill is certainly the equal of one- especially in the art of battle. (+6 Martial, +5 Diplomacy, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)
Paranoid- Her life has been filled with betrayal, and though she tries not to let it get to her, it shows. (-1 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
Duelist- She learned from some of the finest masters of the Saber how to duel-including Anakin Skywalker. She got good at it. (+2 Martial)

Diplomacy: 14+1+5-1=20
Martial: 17+6+3+1+2=29
Stewardship: 12+4+1=17
Intrigue: 6+4+2=12
Piety: 20+5+1=26
Learning: 15+1+4=20
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Ahsoka Tano

Bright- She's a smart kid. (+1 All Stats)
Brave- She refuses to feel fear. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Guardian-She never technically reached the rank of Jedi Knight. However, her skill is certainly the equal of one- especially in the art of battle. (+6 Martial, +5 Diplomacy, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)
Paranoid- Her life has been filled with betrayal, and though she tries not to let it get to her, it shows. (-1 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
Duelist- She learned from some of the finest masters of the Saber how to duel-including Anakin Skywalker. She got good at it. (+2 Martial)

Diplomacy: 14+1+5-1=20
Martial: 17+6+3+1+2=29
Stewardship: 12+4+1=17
Intrigue: 6+4+2=12
Piety: 20+5++1=26
Learning: 15+1+4=20
We are stronger in the force than she is?
Strength in the force is difficult to quantify in anything except generalities. I will say that, in a straight fight- preferred weapons allowed for both sides- she'd beat you like a red headed step-child.
I have no doubt, I suppose the lower piety could also stand for her loss of faith in the Jedi order and the subsequent takeover by the dark side.
[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might some good work.
[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might some good work.
[X] "Ahsoka, try not to die." Save Jakar, then take what Jedi artifacts can still be saved, while torching Imperial work. This could take time, but you might some good work.