Star Wars: Rebellion

Burning Rage
Burning Rage

Your hand flies out, backhanding the piece of filth. The acolyte bends in on himself, ribs snapping under your blow. His blade comes at you, but you are too fast. You snap his wrist like glass, grabbing his saber and crushing it. "I hear tell that you consider yourself a nightmare for men like me, Joorus." You kick him hard, once, feeling his leg shatter. The man whimpers, a voice that has haunted your best friend for years. "That you took in joy in breaking men like me- species traitors."

You haul the former CIS lackey to his legs, making sure he puts pressure on the one you broke. "You have no idea what my nightmares are like." You grab the vibroblade he intended to dissect you with, letting it hum right next to his ears. "But if you'd like, I can show you." He does not die quickly.
You wake with a start. Your temper's never been that bad, but in the recent months and years you've gotten a tendency to growl. Shaking your head, you fall back into the familiar motion of meditation. Sep or no, you hope you never even begin to feel half the hate and rage you felt at that moment. That vision did not feel prophetic, but for safety's sake, you set an appointment with an old friend who runs a clinic meant for veterans such as yourself. Still, you have a man you need to save.
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A man we need to slave?

A typo, or a hint as to the future... we must decide...

Also, we perhaps have a bit of a temper problem developing. Could be problematic.
Turn 4
Turn 4
BBY 12

Jakar Trask. An old friend, part of the militia that old coot Kota put together. You and he got along like a house on fire- he a "Sensitive", diplomatic ponce, you a killer of droids, mercenaries, and any other scum. You have no idea how he could have gotten himself into this mess, but he needs help. You made a promise to each other, once- now is the time to fulfill that promise.

Martial: You may lack numbers- but your men are strong. More than that, they have strong morale, and faith- faith in the cause, belief in you, and in themselves. They're ready to fight.
(Pick 2)

Blasters: Your forces are currently ragtag, under equipped, and you are not even entirely sure that they are all armed with blasters. Of course, it just so happens that you know a guy willing to sell equipment. You've brought the cost down, too, by actually having some idea of what you need to buy, and for whom.
Cost:350 Credit, increase in upkeep
Reward:Forces given standardized blaster

Raiding Pirates: You can't and probably shouldn't hit the Imperials too hard, too fast. At least, not yet. Pirates, on the other hand? Are a different story, one full of you stealing their stuff. As a bonus, you'll almost certainly free some slaves and impress enough youth that you will get some recruits.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Loot, the warm fuzzy feeling of killing pirates, Recruits,???

Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance.
Cost:500 credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Credits, freed slaves, materiel

Bang: Most of these men have never so much as seen an explosive, never mind used one. It'd be for the best to train them before they get used. Might take a while, though.
Cost: 200 credits, 1 year

Reward: Soldiers armed with explosives

Assault On Alderaan: Jakar knows you well. He will know where you are, and what you're doing. Fortunately, he also will not break swiftly. However, he will end up breaking. You must free him, quickly, and hopefully stealthily. He is being held in the deserted jedi temple on Alderaan, used now as a weapons facility.
Cost:400 credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Battle Of The Temple

Diplomacy: You've a few leads to follow. Couldn't hurt to look for help.
(Pick 2)

Mandalorians: You'd be lying if you said you were fond of the Mandalorians. However, they are mighty warriors. More than that, they have very good reason to hate the Empire. Perhaps an agreement could be reached?
Cost:500 credits

Chance of Success:60% (Quality dependant on roll)

Reward: Mandalorian mercenaries

Sons Of Liberty: There must be other potential rebels around; of course, finding them may be hard, though not so hard now that you've established something of a name for yourself, even if it is as a loan officer.
Cost: 600 credits

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Contact made with other rebels

Supplies: Running a rebellion isn't cheap. Maybe you could find some backers- or an alliance- with some wealthy folk, see if you couldn't get access to wealth and support that way?
Cost:400 Credits

Chance Of Success:50%

The Underworld: Smugglers, bounty hunters, and mercenaries are, as a general rule, not very fond of the Empire. You and they share that in common, at least. Perhaps some may be found who are not utter scum, to work together and make common cause against the Imperials?
Cost:500 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Stewardship: Your base is reliant on stealth and anonymity for protection. Might be nice to change that.
(Pick 1)

Hangar: You need a spot to place any ships you may acquire. Having one ready- just a natural clearing with a roof over it- should be a fine start.
Cost:500 credits, increased upkeep

Reward: Can have starships, income

Base Defense: The Empire has no idea where you are. Still wouldn't hurt to have a few shield generator and walls up, help keep out the riff raff.
Cost:600 credits, 15 Peragus fuel

Reward: Base more well defended

Base Offense: You have a weapons factory. You could set a few infantry scale turrets around the perimeter, so that you can make sure those darn kids stay off your lawn. Stormtroopers, too.
Cost: 350 Credits

Reward: Perimeter lightly turreted

Learning: Gavin's quite sorry about the screw up last year, and promises that he won't let his mind wander so much this year.
(Pick 1)

Settling In: The scientists and engineers you saved are quite ready to get to work. However, they need a more adequate facility and to get settled in.You can help with that.

40K Reasons This Shouldn't Work: Some of your soldiers are, inevitably, going to have to fight something that's not smart enough to know it should die when it's shot, whether it's a Krayt Dragon or a Rancor. Gavin has created rough, rude, and crude schematics for a sort of motorised sword that should put those beasts down by inflicting the kind of trauma that simply cannot be ignored, even by such powerful beasts.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Motor Swords???

Peragus: Gavin may well manage to come up with some use for the fuel beyond the obvious. Certainly, it never hurt to try.
Cost:1-10 Peragus fuel

Chance Of Success:50%

Reward: Schematics

Piety: Your studies of the Force proceed well.
(Pick 1)

Finding More: Ahsoka might know of perhaps a few individuals who were maybe once upon a time Jedi. She could try to contact these individuals, see if they're willing to make contact with you and your group.
Cost: 100 Credits

Chance Of Success:45%

Reward: Surviving Jedi make contact

Following The Trail-Dantooine: The plain world of Dantooine was once home to a Jedi Enclave. Coordinates you located on Nar Shadda indicate something of interest in the broken remains- the only word you could make out was hawk.
Cost:400 Credits

Chance of Success:65%


Finding: You'd put good credits on at least a few of your men being force sensitive. It'd be smart to have Ahsoka check, and see if she can't teach them a few tricks. At the least she can keep them from going mad like Palpatine or his dog, Vader.
Cost: 300 credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: 1d5 Force sensitives found, ???

Intrigue: Ceinis spends most of this year working on getting info from the bandit scum, but he could focus on something else.
(Pick 1)

Bandits: The Empire is stretched thin dealing with imagined rebels, traitors, and secessionists. So thin, in fact, that they cannot find the resources to deal with the robbers and thieves that so plague the Outer Rim. Naturally, Ceinis has created a plan to use them. First step, infiltrate their territory.
Cost: 600 credits, 1 year

Chance of Success: 80%

Reward: Knowledge on bandits, ???

Lying Like A Rug: You don't just have to feast on information. You can give it, too, through your informant, Jonas Cass. It'll set the Imps to sniffing away from you, and if you get lucky, might even lead them to sniff around a few bandits, pirates, and other scum suckers from the very ends of the galaxy.
Cost:100 Credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Empire distracted

Why?: You'd quite like to know why, exactly, Vader was dispatched to Mandalore. Something in your gut says it's not good.
Cost:300 credits

Chance Of Success:60%

Personal:Your knowledge of the Force has grown, intensive training from Ahsoka and Bindo's holocron having taught you how to access it readily- a neophyte. You have sharpened your senses considerably, and you receive vague warnings of danger- enough to keep you from some missteps. (Gain 1 Reroll)
(Pick 2)

Ahsoka's Path: You could take more time than usual for training with Ahsoka, in hope of taking more steps on the Jedi Path- more practical lesson, generally.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success:100%/80%/60%

Reward: +1/+2/+3 Intrigue/Martial

The Holocron: Master Bindo's holocron is filled to the brim with philosophical thoughts, teachings, and tales about the Force. His view on the Force interests the Scholar in you, enough that you have fairly decent odds getting extra from lessons taught by the Holocron.
Cost: free

Chance Of Success:100%/85%/65%

Reward: +1/+2/+3 Piety/Diplomacy

Parts: You have a crystal for a Lightsaber. Though it will be while until you could openly use one, having the parts- and capability- to make one would be good. You could search for a few in your spare time.
Cost: 100 credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Lightsaber part

Heroics: Tales are told of the Hero Of Coruscant, The Exile, and of Revan- how they made time to help the people around them with little thought for their own needs, or desires, in favor of helping the Republic and its citizens. The Republic might have fallen- but the citizens remain, and they need help, now more than ever. How could you not live up to their example?

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Help the people,???
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Martial: You may lack numbers- but your men are strong. More than that, they have strong morale, and faith- faith in the cause, belief in you, and in themselves. They're ready to fight.
(Pick 2)


Assault On Alderaan:

Risky, but we need HE and to free our bud ASAP.

Diplomacy: You've a few leads to follow. Couldn't hurt to look for help.
(Pick 2)


Sons Of Liberty:

More rebels and dedicated soliders? Worth a try.

Stewardship: Your base is reliant on stealth and anonymity for protection. Might be nice to change that.
(Pick 1)

Base Offense:

Cheap, easy, and good for protection.

Learning: Gavin's quite sorry about the screw up last year, and promises that he won't let his mind wander so much this year.
(Pick 1)

40K Reasons This Shouldn't Work:

Cheap, but WTH, if someone loses a arm, maybe the thread will see the wisdom.

Piety: Your studies of the Force proceed well.
(Pick 1)


Cheap and easy.

Personal:Your knowledge of the Force has grown, intensive training from Ahsoka and Bindo's holocron having taught you how to access it readily- a neophyte. You have sharpened your senses considerably, and you receive vague warnings of danger- enough to keep you from some missteps. (Gain 1 Reroll)
(Pick 2)

Ahsoka's Path:


Good PR and stat boost.
[X] Bang
[X] Assault On Alderaan

[X] Supplies
[X] The Underworld

[X] Base Offense

[X] 40K Reasons This Shouldn't Work

[X] Following The Trail-Dantooine

[X] Bandits

[X] Ahsoka's Path
[X] The Holocron

Blasters: Your forces are currently ragtag, under equipped, and you are not even entirely sure that they are all armed with blasters. Of course, it just so happens that you know a guy willing to sell equipment. You've brought the cost down, too, by actually having some idea of what you need to buy, and for whom.
Cost:350 Credit, increase in upkeep
Reward:Forces given standardized blaster

Assault On Alderaan: Jakar knows you well. He will know where you are, and what you're doing. Fortunately, he also will not break swiftly. However, he will end up breaking. You must free him, quickly, and hopefully stealthily. He is being held in the deserted jedi temple on Alderaan, used now as a weapons facility.
Cost:400 credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Battle Of The Temple
Better blasters for our forces, and time to rescue our buddy Jakar.

Mandalorians: You'd be lying if you said you were fond of the Mandalorians. However, they are mighty warriors. More than that, they have very good reason to hate the Empire. Perhaps an agreement could be reached?
Cost:500 credits

Chance of Success:60% (Quality dependant on roll)

Reward: Mandalorian mercenaries

Sons Of Liberty: There must be other potential rebels around; of course, finding them may be hard, though not so hard now that you've established something of a name for yourself, even if it is as a loan officer.
Cost: 600 credits

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Contact made with other rebels
Mandalorian mercs help for rescuing Jakar, and let's try contacting other Rebels again.

Base Defense: The Empire has no idea where you are. Still wouldn't hurt to have a few shield generator and walls up, help keep out the riff raff.
Cost:600 credits, 15 Peragus fuel

Reward: Base more well defended
Defenses sound good.

40K Reasons This Shouldn't Work: Some of your soldiers are, inevitably, going to have to fight something that's not smart enough to know it should die when it's shot, whether it's a Krayt Dragon or a Rancor. Gavin has created rough, rude, and crude schematics for a sort of motorised sword that should put those beasts down by inflicting the kind of trauma that simply cannot be ignored, even by such powerful beasts.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Motor Swords???
Let's go for motor sword since it might help with rescuing Jakar, and it has the best chances of success.

Following The Trail-Dantooine: The plain world of Dantooine was once home to a Jedi Enclave. Coordinates you located on Nar Shadda indicate something of interest in the broken remains- the only word you could make out was hawk.
Cost:400 Credits

Chance of Success:65%

Dammit, I can't resist this if it could mean us getting the Ebon Hawk :cool:

Ahsoka's Path: You could take more time than usual for training with Ahsoka, in hope of taking more steps on the Jedi Path- more practical lesson, generally.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success:100%/80%/60%

Reward: +1/+2/+3 Intrigue/Martial

Heroics: Tales are told of the Hero Of Coruscant, The Exile, and of Revan- how they made time to help the people around them with little thought for their own needs, or desires, in favor of helping the Republic and its citizens. The Republic might have fallen- but the citizens remain, and they need help, now more than ever. How could you not live up to their example?


Chance Of Success:80%Reward: Help the people,???
More Intrigue and Martial before our first battle interlude, and I'm unable to resist picking an action with Kotor references in it :D
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