To Screed's Successor Warlord at Null and Halmad
From Oversector Quelli

I ask for you to identify yourselves and implore you to surrender.


Orders are placed at any available Imperial shipyard for the forces to repair Screed's former fleet and integrated into Zsinj's forces

Imperial Security is asked the fleet disposition of these successors, especially since Screed barely had a fleet.

*Replies appear garbled, as though they were going through a tunnel or crinkling a packet of chips into the communicator*

*Imperial Security offers Zsinj a slip of paper with four cruisers and a Victory I-class Star Destroyer on it*
From Mand'Alor Fett
To Grand Admiral Thrawn @UbeOne

While we have the basics as far as trade stuffs goes, our main resources are: Military Gear, Ships, and Mercinaries. We would be willing to discuss the prices of these commodities.
To: Mand'alore Fett @MS-21H 'Hawke'
From: Grand Admiral Thrawn

What I have in mind is to start with the basic trade goods, and establish trade routes. Later on, we could proceed with the other commodities such as mercenary contracts.
From: Hzar Vressk
To: Durkteel Planetary Government @Sidheach
Greetings to the people of Durkteel. I am Hzar Vressk, leader of the Vressk Clan current Ruling Clan of Trandosha. The Saurin of Durkteel and the T'doshok share a common past, and in these troubled times we have come forward to see if you would not be interested in a common future between our two worlds as well. Imperial Warlords and Ambitious Hutts abound in this region of space, and we would all be more secure if we sought mutual protection. Moreover, there is mutual gain to be had in further trade, we have been working to secure trade deals and trade routes with a number of worlds around the galaxy, many of whom can provide goods and services less common in this area of the Galaxy. We would be willing to establish these routes, already heading through Trandosha, on the Durkteel Loop, and help put you in contact with some of our trading partners.
To: Military Advisor of Kamino @Sidheach @Mina
From: Surface Marshall Varinius

I have recently received an order for starships from the government of Kamino. In light of their recent rebellion and their status as a semi-self governed world, I request your input on this before any such transaction takes place.
From: General Crix Madine
To: Senator Organna @Kristopherw

Senator, i request clarification on our protocols regarding pre-starfaring civilisations, namely the inhabitants of the forest moon of Endor.

....Senator, please desist laughing over the comms.
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From: Hzar Vressk
To: Durkteel Planetary Government @Sidheach
Greetings to the people of Durkteel. I am Hzar Vressk, leader of the Vressk Clan current Ruling Clan of Trandosha. The Saurin of Durkteel and the T'doshok share a common past, and in these troubled times we have come forward to see if you would not be interested in a common future between our two worlds as well. Imperial Warlords and Ambitious Hutts abound in this region of space, and we would all be more secure if we sought mutual protection. Moreover, there is mutual gain to be had in further trade, we have been working to secure trade deals and trade routes with a number of worlds around the galaxy, many of whom can provide goods and services less common in this area of the Galaxy. We would be willing to establish these routes, already heading through Trandosha, on the Durkteel Loop, and help put you in contact with some of our trading partners.


We would be willing to trade but protection is something that we are currently looking to the Hutts for. Bubba the Hutt has already promised to keep the pirates and Imperials off our backs and our dealings with the Hutts have, in the past, been fair enough that we trust this Hutt to carry out his end of the bargain.

To: Military Advisor of Kamino @Sidheach @Mina
From: Surface Marshall Varinius

I have recently received an order for starships from the government of Kamino. In light of their recent rebellion and their status as a semi-self governed world, I request your input on this before any such transaction takes place.

*Screaming can be heard from the Military Attache to Kamino*
To: Military Advisor of Kamino @Sidheach @Mina
From: Surface Marshall Varinius

I have recently received an order for starships from the government of Kamino. In light of their recent rebellion and their status as a semi-self governed world, I request your input on this before any such transaction takes place.
Deny the requisition. You may fill their request with basic scout craft and comms equipment.

*Screaming can be heard from the Military Attache to Kamino*

The SSD Aggressor is fully armed and operational, the ISDs Mercy, Misery, and Iron Hand are battle-ready while the ISD Charity is undergoing repairs.
Secret: Excellent. You are being reassigned to reinforce Grand Admiral Grant at Fondor, please make your way there post-haste. The Fondor Shipyards should he able to repair the Charity. Admiral Jaeffis has gone rogue and seized Corellia, he must be dealt with... and Corellia Command will need a replacement soon enough
Clearly the blasted Longnecks aren't-

"Commander, remember your sensitivity training."

-the blasted Kaminoans are trying to buy ships again. Probably up to no good, these aliens never are up to any good.
Your analysis will be noted. Please refrain from non-syllabic use of official channels in future and remember your comms discipline in addition to your sensitivity training.
Secret: Excellent. You are being reassigned to reinforce Grand Admiral Grant at Fondor, please make your way there post-haste. The Fondor Shipyards should he able to repair the Charity. Admiral Jaeffis has gone rogue and seized Corellia, he must be dealt with... and Corellia Command will need a replacement soon enough

I'll move as soon as an able replacement for the former Moff is dispatched from Coruscant.

Your analysis will be noted. Please refrain from non-syllabic use of official channels in future and remember your comms discipline in addition to your sensitivity training.
*More cursing can be heard before someone points out to the officer that the "thing" is on and it is promptly turned off*

Concept for planned Varinius Station on Kol Huro III
With the newly minted legions of battle droids integrating, with minor difficulty, into the menial tasks of the Imperial military in the Kol Huro system, the Seven Factories have warmed up to the idea of further automating their production lines. This mass of unpayed, uncomplaining menial labor threatens to lead to mass unemployment, but Chief Manufactor Varinius' proposed solution should both take the edge off of the unemployment crisis and make the general citizenry happier on the whole. A series of pleasant, clean, and beautiful vacation arcologies are under construction across the planets of the Kol Huro system. Once completed, laborers whose positions are threatened will receive an annual two-week vacation in these arcologies, away from the hustle and bustle of urban Kol Huro. These Varinius Stations will take the worker population on in shifts, operating all year round, and creating a new, highly sought after position. They will also be easier to monitor.

  • Droid workers begin staffing the Kol Huro factories in force.​
  • Series of arcologies under construction across the seven planets, in order to prevent unemployment-based rebellions and increase general happiness.​
  • 150 scout craft sold to General Logan of Kamino @GandalftheGrey.​
  • One (1) AccuTronics TDL Nanny Droid purchased by SM Varinius, to be sent with his aide as a gift.​
The Mystery of the Exodus 5ABY
Mod Report
The Mystery of the Exodus

The ISD Exodus

One of the more pressing mysteries in the wake of the Battle of Endor would be that of the ISD Exodus. An Imperial Star Destroyer, the ISD Exodus was known within intelligence circles to have been a mobile vault, of sorts, for the Emperor with a number of top secret designs, artifacts, and weapons located on board the vessel. Although it was initially believed that the vessel had been destroyed at the Battle of Endor, new information gathered by factions across the galaxy indicates that the ISD Exodus survive and managed to make the jump to Bakura from which point things become unclear. Evidence would suggest that the Exodus survived the Ssi-ruuk Invasion, and a garbled communication sent out on a distress frequency would support this, however it's precise location is unknown with the only known factor being that under the command of a "Countess Claria" the ISD Exodus made a last minute, un-calculated jump into the Unknown Regions before vanishing.

For obvious reasons, the fate of the ISD Exodus is considered a top priority by many.


Goody bag filled with top secret stuff vanishes into the Unknown Regions.​

It was almost unrecognizable to her, a world free of the war, her homeworld free of the endless slavery and occupation that had turned the sun-blasted planet of extremes into nothing more than a supply of exotic creatures and people for the richest gangsters and Imperials. While the Hutts had negotiated a deal with the new Ryloth government for the distribution of Ryll, the entire world seemed to be ablaze with excitement at their newfound independence. That excitement and passion that had fueled the rebellion needed to be put to new use, .ut that was the job of the newly-elected First Speaker Yendor. Her job was to highlight the importance of the Rebel Alliance to her people and then accomplish her greater mission.

Petition that Ryloth join the Rebel Alliance.
Encouraging those with considerable skills (particularly in piloting) to volunteer for the Rebellion.
Work with Yendor and create contacts to rebuild and improve Ryloth's infrastructure.
The Empire Tears Asunder Part Three 5ABY
Mod Report
The Drumbeat of War

Imperial Soldiers on Coruscant

With the Mutiny at Corellia, the Galactic Empire has found itself forced to prepare for yet another conflict as the Empire continues to unravel at the seems. On Coruscant, the Regency Council has begun preparations not only for a potential assault on Coruscant by rogue elements of the Empire but also for a campaign into Corellian Space. Nearly a dozen mothballed Venators have been reactivated and, in the skies above Coruscant, retrofitted with Imperial engineers gutting the iconic Star Destroyers, tearing out the hyperdrives and other unnecessary equipment, and turning them into orbital defense platforms. Meanwhile on the Imperial Center itself, Ederlathh Pallopides, the Galactic Empress, has officially inspected the Imperial Navy with the young monarch bearing witness to the might of the Empire whilst the last remaining loyal Imperial Guardsmen remained close at hand. Though the Empress remains young, naive, and prone to hyperactivity, displays such as this combined with the grudging praise afforded to her by Kenonds Vet and Kir Kanos, the two having decided to split the task of teaching her the art of war and brutally murdering people, indicating an ability to excel when applied.

Elsewhere on Coruscant, the Imperial Security Bureau has cordoned off a section of the planet's surface so that one of the several planetary shield generators on the planet's surface can undergo maintenance. Due to the size of the generator and the nature of the work, the entire area has become a demolition site with buildings being removed and heavy security ensuring no rebel saboteurs can do any harm to the vital installation. News of the maintenance work also comes as word from a remote facility in the Outer Rim reveals that the ISD Executor has survived the Battle of Endor and, as announced by Director Isard, shall soon be returning to the Imperial Center.

Similar efforts and preparations would be embarked upon all across the former Galactic Empire. Admiral Roek, Captain of the SSD Aggressor, would depart from Moorja after receiving a new Moff from Imperial Center and make his way to Fondor where he and his fleet would place themselves at the service of Grand Admiral Grant. Grand Moff Zsinj, one of the most powerful men in the Galaxy, would begin his own preparations with assets taken from Taris being integrated into his own substantial forces and the planet itself placed under new administration whilst his subordinates prepared for yet another campaign. Grand Moff Kaine would likewise begin his own preparations for a military campaign, warlords in the Mid Rim being his target, while further locking down his own territories in the Outer Rim so as to ensure his own security.

Even the various Imperial Warlords would not be left uninterrupted with many of them undergoing their own preparations. On Eriadu, Sander Delvardus began work on fortifying Eriadu and preparing for the inevitable Rebel assault on his position, preparations that would see Eriadu turned into a veritable fortress with countless turbolasers, fighters, and ships placed at the defence of the vital Outer Rim junction. Having limped away from Coruscant, Emperor Sate Pestage would name Carnor Jax the new Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces and charge him with preparing to take back the Empre from those who had wrested it away from him. To that end, the Imperial Guardsmen would consolidate his forces and order makeshift repairs made to those vessels damaged during the coup while drawing up plans for a fight with Grand Admiral Grant over the fate of Fondor. In the Deep Core, Admiral Eden would take the title of Executor of the Deep Core and assume control of Empress Teta, with the Regency Council's blessing, before preparing for a fight with Blitzer Harrsk who was preparing to break out of the Deep Core and head south into the Core Worlds.

Finally Admiral Jaeffis, whose decision to break with the Regency Council has proven the spark for the latest round of fighting, has prepared for a campaign of his own. Now the Grand Moff of the Corellian Sector, as named by Emperor Pestage, Jaeffis has begun preparing to secure his rear with a strike southwards so that he might move his forces north to counter any Imperial assault towards Corellia. In the skies above Corellia, countless ships would be moved into position, untold amounts of weaponry and ammunition ferried too and fro, while slave labour saw the shipyards of Corellia repaired at a breakneck pace in order to fuel the Grand Moff's war effort.


The Galaxy prepares for all out war.

The Empress appears vaguely regal. Kenonds Vet and Kir Kanos definitely not beating common sense into her nor highlighting the poor parenting styles common in the galaxy as a result of no Spock.

The ISB begins work on a planetary shield generator on Coruscant while the Executor is revealed to have actually survived Endor and will be returning into service soon, no doubt when the work on the shield generator is done.

Roek joins up with Grant.

Generally shit is about to hit the fan.


Tigellinus' Retirement

Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus

Before the Corellian Campaign could commence, there would be the matter of Rufaan Tigellinus for the Regency Council to settle. Suspected of treason, gross incompetency, and the misfortune of holding onto planets that the Regency Council sought for itself, Rufaan Tigellinus would find his name on a list of the Regency Council's enemies and, as a result, a very large target. Unaware of this, or perhaps no longer concerned by it all, Tigellinus would willingly make his way to Coruscant ahead of his forces aboard a single ship and meet with the Regency Council in private, ostensibly to discuss future moves. With the Death Troopers present in the room, Tigellinus would be given a simple choice by Fleet Admiral Rae Sloane and Director Ysanne Isard; Retire to Manaan with his honour and reputation intact willingly or do the same but only after passing through the Lusankya. Unwilling to die or suffer intensely for little to no reason, Tigellinus would take the honourable way out and give the Regency Council what they asked for before departing for Manaan where he would fade into obscurity, never to be seen again.

With Tigellinus removed, the Regency Council would then appoint the Moff of Kiribi, a stalwart man more known for his risk averse nature than his bravery, as the new Acting-Grand Moff of the Imperial Oversector to ensure continuity of rule while Tigellinus' former fleets were subsumed into the armada gathering above Coruscant.


Tigellinus quietly removed to Manaan and made to disappear after officially retiring.

The Moff of Kiribi takes over the Imperial Oversector and Tigellinus' fleets joined to the Imperial Armada.


The Fondor Campaign

The Battle of Fondor

Amongst the earliest engagements would be those between Emperor Pestage and Grand Admiral Grant. With the two competing for resources and infrastructure in a relatively small section of space, conflict between the two forces would prove inevitable especially as both understood full well that there was no hope of cooperation or reconciliation between the two. As a result, both would begin taking actions meant to undermine the other with Carnor Jax launching several raids into space controlled by Grant and Grant retaliating with similar raids. It would be Grant who would make the first true move, however, with the Grand Admiral leading a strike force to Giju, a Rebel stronghold, in order to force the wayward planet into submission, a feat he would accomplish with minimal damage done to the planet. Meanwhile, believing Fondor to be undefended as a result, Emperor Pestage would order Carnor Jax to assault the planet over his Supreme Commander's objections, a decision made at the behest of his other advisers who were hoping to rid themselves of the Imperial Guardsman with a resounding failure, a decision that would prove costly for the Emperor.

Although the Grand Admiral had taken the majority of his forces to Giju, this in no way meant that Fondor was undefended. Faithfully obeying his orders from the Imperial Center would be Admiral Roek and the SSD Aggressor who would, upon sighting Carnor Jax's fleet, engage their foes whilst sending word to Grant at Giju. Outnumbered, Roek would hold on valiantly in the face of a force more than twice his number with the SSD Aggressor suffering heavy damage due to sustained fire taken from several ISDs under Carnor Jax's command. The damage taken and time bought would prove enough to delay the fall of Fondor long enough for Grand Admiral Grant to return to Fondor and join the fight, allowing the loyalists to overwhelm Carnor Jax's forces and turn the tide of battle back in their favour. Outnumbered and outgunned, Carnor Jax would ultimately choose to retreat with only half a fleet left to his name and, disgusted with Pestage, flee east to Harrin where he would take control of the planet after executing the former Moff.


Giju falls to Grand Admiral Grant.

Assault on Fondor a failure, SSD Aggressor suffers heavy damage before being rescued by Grand Admiral Grant and pushing Carnor Jax out of the system.

Pestage abandoned by the Imperial Guard, Harrin taken over by Carnor Jax.


Operation New Dawn

Blitzer Harrsk

In the same vicinity, the Lord High Admiral of Zero Command, Blitzer Harrsk, would begin his own offensive. Seeking to secure his position away from Executor Eden, whose numerical superiority made the Admiral wary, Harrsk would lead three fleets south engaging loyalist and warlord forces at Gama and Cortina before coming upon Abregado-Rae. With the loss of his fleets, the position of Emperor Pestage would be best described as week and as a result, Harrsk would find the territories of the so-called Emperor easy picking for his own forces. Abregado-Rae and Belgaroth would both fall in short order before Blitzer Harrsk came upon Cilpar where the last of Pestage's forces had consolidated and launched a furious assault upon the planet, tearing through what ships the Emperor had at his disposal before landing ground troops and doing battle planetside. After furious fighting between the two forces, Emperor Pestage and his backers would be surrounded and taken into custody where Blitzer Harrsk would see to their slow and protracted execution, a favour both to Coruscant and to himself.

This, however, would not be an end to the fighting in the region.

Having made a deal with the Regency Council that saw his authority over the Deep Core recognised, Empress Teta handed over to his control, and the title of Executor of the Deep Core bestowed upon him, Executor Eden has moved to assist the Empire by dealing with Harrsk. In a terrifying display of power, Executor Eden would first cut Kalist off from the outside, activating a net of gravity wells and sensors that littered the Deep Core in order to prevent anyone from entering or leaving uninvited, and then dispatch nearly six fleets to deal with the small outpost. In an event that would go unnoticed by most, Eden would brush away those forces left behind to protect the planet and then land forces on Kalist VI in order to secure the prison world for his burgeoning empire in the Deep Core. Though Eden would not pursue Harrsk any further than Khomm, as the Executor is seemingly unwilling to leave the Deep Core, observers from both the Rebel Alliance and the Empire have managed to use this as an opportunity to ascertain the nature of Eden's forces.

Which has proven to be far from reassuring.


Blitzer Harrsk takes Gama, Cortina, Abregado-Rae, Belgaroth, and Cilpar.

Pestage is captured and then killed.

Eden ejects Harrsk from the Deep Core with an overwhelming display of power.


The N'Zoth Campaign

Admiral Randos Tem


Tasked with dealing with the Yevethan Crisis, Grand Admiral Thrawn would task one of his more trusted Admirals, Randos Tem, with leading a strike force to N'Zoth to put down the problem before it could spiral out of control and pose a threat to the Imperial Center. Considered to be a competent officer, Admiral Tem would lead several fleets to the system and engage the Yevethan Black Fleet with the aim of not only putting down the uprising but also securing as much of the captured fleet as possible for the Empire of the Hand for the benefit of the Grand Admiral. Beginning with a series of raids on Black Fifteen meant to disrupt the Yevethan efforts to repair and crew the captured vessels, much of the initial N'Zoth Campaign would involve isolating the Yevethan from their colonies throughout the sector in order to deprive them of much needed supplies and manpower. Such moves would be considered characteristic of the Admiral after Kamino, Tem would rank amongst the most outspoken critics of the loss of life at Kamino and is considered by some of his peers to be a xenophile which is no doubt why he is so trusted by the Grand Admiral, and would ultimately save many lives in the long run.

With the Yevethan in disarray and their ability to adequately crew Black Sword Command hampered, Admiral Tem would then launch an assault on the Black Fifteen hoping to quickly subdue the Yevethan before they could sabotage the facilities or the ships in orbit around N'Zoth. Marines would board the Black Fifteen and engage with Yevethan soldiers while the Imperial forces dealt with Black Sword Command, crippling the SSD Intimidator, outright destroying the SSD Aramadia after the ISD Exile rammed the command bridge, and capturing the SSD Black Sword through the course of the battle. Though losses would be heavy, at least thirteen ISDs would be destroyed or crippled along with countless auxiliary vessels, the loss of life is considered nowhere near as high as it might have been had the fleet rushed the problem head on. With N'Zoth now subdued, Admiral Tem has ordered the transfer of the SSD Black Sword to Nirauan while putting the Black Fifteen to use repairing his fleets as well as using it as a staging post for forces dispatched planetside to subdue the population.


N'Zoth subdued.

Empire of the Hand has gained the SSD Black Sword, the SSD Aramadia has been captured, while the SSD Intimidator has been destroyed.

Black Fifteen under Thrawn's control.​


The Fall of Contruum

The Defiance


In the Expansion Region, forces under the command of Grand Moff Zsinj and Admiral Oxtroe have moved to subdue the Rebel shipyards at Contruum in order to deny the Rebel Alliance yet more ships. Although the two were initially unaware of each others plans, necessity and a mutual desire to step on Rebels would see a temporary partnership form with both Zsinj and Oxtroe agreeing to jointly take Contruum. With some fifteen Star Destroyers at their command along with dozens of support ships, the Imperial forces would fall on Contruum like a bat out of hell and engage the comparatively lacklustre Rebel forces in orbit above the planet. Led by the Defiance, a Contruum built and crewed frigate, the Rebels would put up a valiant fight and buy time for Rebel officers and soldiers to escape the system and flee to friendly ground before being put down by the Empire. With the shipyards captured and Contruum under Imperial control once more, the question now is who shall receive control of Contruum with both Zsinj and Oxtroe eying the world's valuable shipyards for themselves for obvious reasons.


Contruum falls to Imperial forces.

Both Betle Oxtroe and Zsinj seek Contruum for themselves.​


Refugees and Miracles

The Layer of Hands


Even as the galaxy burns and countless souls go off to war, life goes on. In the wake of conflict, refugees move in their thousands to safer worlds, once sparsely inhabited planets turn into veritable metropolises in order to support the soldiers fighting in their vicinity, and lives are made and destroyed in the midst of it all. On Yavin IV, a planet once abandoned by the Rebel Alliance, a number of refugees have begun to congregate seeking shelter from the conflict that plagues the surrounding sectors and have established a makeshift settlement in the shadow of one of the many Massassi Temples that dot the moon. With the refugee settlement having received little attention, a report would reach Grand Moff Zsinj's desk however it has raised few concerns for the time being, it has also become a safe haven for those fleeing more than just war. Exiles, political dissidents, and more have begun making their way to the moon including a so-called miracle worked called the Layer of Hands who originally hailed from Tund before being forced to flee after disaster struck the planet. Hailing from an unknown race, the Layer of Hands has become the de-facto leader of the refugees on the remote moon due to his reputation as a miracle worker and a man of supreme patience, wisdom, and serenity.


Refugees on the move across the galaxy.

A group of refugees establish themselves on Yavin IV under the leadership of an alien named the Layer of Hands who is known for his healing abilities.​
To: Grand Admiral Thrawn @UbeOne
From: Fleet Admiral Sloane

My compliments on securing Sector Six. How have the mobile yards fared, and have you managed to recover the EX-F? Current IDMR projects could benefit from her telemetry and any data on weapons and propulsion performance. Oh, and how is the native population?

To: Empress Ederlathh I @Sidheach
From: Fleet Admiral Sloane

Thank you for performing the review your Imperial Majesty. I hope it wasn't too dull and that your lessons are going well.

To: Grand Moff Zsinj, Admiral Oxtroe @Firebringer2077 @ChaosTheVoid
From: Fleet Admiral Sloane

Congratulations. High Command recommends shipyards at Contruum be assigned to Admiral Oxtroe to facilitate her operations in the Outer Rim until such time as a deepdock facility can be located or procured and attached to her fleet.
To: Grand Moff Zsinj, Admiral Oxtroe @Firebringer2077 @ChaosTheVoid
From: Fleet Admiral Sloane

Congratulations. High Command recommends shipyards at Contruum be assigned to Admiral Oxtroe to facilitate her operations in the Outer Rim until such time as a deepdock facility can be located or procured and attached to her fleet.
To: Fleet Admiral Sloane
From: Admiral Betl Oxtroe

While I desire the system, I realise my current situation where I don't have the forces to hold it. I am willing to concede the system the Grand Moff in exchange for expanding my strike force (one or two fleets) and docking rights.
To: Admiral Roek @Sidheach
From: Grand Admiral Grant
Bring the Aggressor to the spacedocks of Fondor -- repairs commence immediately. All commendations to you and your crews on the valor shown in the fight against the Usurper-Emperor's soldiers.

To: The Herglics of Giju
From: Grand Admiral Grant
Now that you have realized the folly of your ways, and returned to the embrace of the Empire, we would have representatives of your species report to Fondor R&D for work on hyperdrive research.
From: General Crix Madine
To: Senator Organna @Kristopherw

Senator, i request clarification on our protocols regarding pre-starfaring civilisations, namely the inhabitants of the forest moon of Endor.

....Senator, please desist laughing over the comms.
*The laughter dies down slowly throughout the reply*

They were a big help to us in our struggle at Endor, and are almost certainly in danger from the Ssi-Ruk. If they can be convinced to allow us to evacuate them, then do so, otherwise ensure they understand our warning and help them to prepare for an invasion.

Regardless of an evacuation, if any do volunteer to help us bring them up to speed on the galaxy and make use of them as you see fit.
To: Empress Ederlathh I @Sidheach
From: Fleet Admiral Sloane

Thank you for performing the review your Imperial Majesty. I hope it wasn't too dull and that your lessons are going well.

They are going just fine.

*the sound of her tutors preparing another instructive beating/sparring session intensifies in the background*

To: Admiral Roek @Sidheach
From: Grand Admiral Grant
Bring the Aggressor to the spacedocks of Fondor -- repairs commence immediately. All commendations to you and your crews on the valor shown in the fight against the Usurper-Emperor's soldiers.
Thank you, Grand Admiral.

To: The Herglics of Giju
From: Grand Admiral Grant
Now that you have realized the folly of your ways, and returned to the embrace of the Empire, we would have representatives of your species report to Fondor R&D for work on hyperdrive research.
*The Herglics reluctantly comply*
To: Grand Admiral Grant, Admiral Roek
From: Director Isard, Regent of the Empire

For your heroic victory at Fondor, you have been awarded the honor of a Hero of the Galactic Empire

To: Admiral Tem
From: Director Isard, Regent of the Empire

For your decisive victory of the Yevetha rebellion, you are being awarded the Imperial Medal of Honor
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To: Supreme Commander Carnor Jax @Sidheach
From: Grand Admiral Octavian Grant, Lord of House Mecetti of Tapani, Supreme Marshal of the Tapani Home Defense Fleet (ret.), Hero of the Galactic Empire

Commander Jax, I write to commend you on your skill at the Battle of Fondor. I've fought many over the last couple decades, from the droid commanders and alien schemers of the Confederacy, to the insurgents of the Rebel Alliance, and I can say without question that you are my finest foe. It only goes to show the glory of the Empire -- even at each others' throats we prove to be finer, more nobler, then any of our opponents.

We've met before, actually. On Coruscant, not long after the original Grand Admirals were promoted to our current ranks. You were among the Emperor's guards present. I made note of you, in fact. Pitta, Ill-Raz, and Tigellinus were engaging in their usual decadence, so unfit to their rank and stature, and even I, with no mystic power, could see the sneer in your eyes behind that Guardman's faceplate. The Empire was -- is -- in danger of corruption by the alien, the decadent, and the religious zealots.

I was then surprised to see you fighting alongside Pestage. Sate Pestage was the symbol of everything wrong about the Empire -- a bureaucrat who was determined to take power from the military that made the Empire great for his own personal benefit. You could see the virtues of rejecting him. Please, Commander Jax, return to the true Empire. I see no virtue in warring with talented human men, and I have always been proud of my ability to fight alongside former foes. Accept the rank of Admiral, let me replenish your fleet with ships from Fondor, and join my Emerald Banner Command. You are a Guardsman of the Empire, and a true and loyal son of it. Please, I beg you, do not make us be enemies.