To: Sector Authorities @Sidheach, @ChaosTheVoid, @NothingNow, @ChaoticGenius
From: The Regency Council

The following promotions and accolades are announced:

-Grand Admiral Afsheen Makati: Hero of the Empire, 3rd Class; Defender of Coruscant
-[REDACTED]: [REDACTED]; Defender of Coruscant
-Marshal Voda Dessala: Grand Moff, Oversector Outer
-Moff Wullf Holt: Defender of Coruscant
-Moff Renn Felswoop: Imperial Directorate Distinguished Service Award; Moff, Ukio Sector and TAPO DSS
-Fleet Admiral Crato Flesk: High Admiral, Oversector Outer Command; Hero of the Empire, 1st Class; Defender of Coruscant
-High Admiral Betl Oxtroe: Oversector Command, Kuat
-Governor Baron Soontir Fel: Moff, Corellia Sector
-All Commissioned and Enlisted personnel involved in driving Deep Core forces from Coruscant: Defender of Coruscant
Bpfaash, Timora, and the Tolanda Association 8ABY
Mod Report
The Order of Bpfassh

Lord Kothari

With the membership of Bpfassh in the Confederation of Independent Systems confirmed, the Bpfasshi having little love for either the Republic or the Empire, General Kalani has found himself in the odd and arguably unenviable position of having his own order of force-sensitives to call upon. Naming themselves the Order of Bpfassh, the force-sensitives in question appear to be the descendants of those Bpfasshi slain by the Jedi Order sometime during or before the Clone Wars who have used half-remembered teachings to instruct themselves in the use of the Force. Under the leadership of Lord Kothari, the Order of Bpfaash has sworn itself to General Kalani's service on the proviso that they are given the opportunity to, in their own words, "water the ground with the blood of the Jedi and dance amidst the bones of their temple" a request that the General has not yet seen fit to refuse.


The CIS goes back to basics and recruits Dark Siders to aid in dreams of galactic domination.


The Duel on Timora

On Timora, now a world under the control of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, the Children of Theraan have begun to spread. Led by a mixture of Hounds and non-homicidal priests, a tall order all things consider but the Ssi-ruuk would make do, the strange, almost fevered tenants of those slaves enthralled to Theraan has begun to spread outside of Xhwee at the behest of Admiral Theraan who is rather enjoying the whole godhood deal. With Timora falling within the bounds of the Imperium, their work to date has not been as difficult as it might have been with a number of converts being made, including ones that didn't have their minds torn apart by the Hounds with their clumsy efforts to influence the faithless with the Force, though a raid upon the planet would prove somewhat troublesome.

Seeking to take the fight to the Imperium, Ky'enai and a team of hired mercenaries would launch a raid upon Timora in the hopes of damaging infrastructure and sticking it to the (lizard)man. Ever eager to please their god, the Xhwee Hounds on Timora would be among the first to respond to the raid, flying ahead of the Ssi-ruuk themselves to engage the Sith and her escorts in a duel outside of a refueling station on the planet's surface. Though the details of the duel are unknown, as the Ssi-ruuk are not in the habit of sharing such details and Ky'enai herself has not proven willing to speak of it, it is believe that wounds sustained by the Sith during the course of the duel were inflicted by a former lover turned Xhwee Hound. Whether this is true or not is unknown, once more due to the lack of detail, though if it were, the body of said lover would not be amongst the three Xhwee Hounds slain during the course of the duel by Ky'enai and the accompanying mercenaries.


The Children of Theraan begin to spread.

Duel on Timora occurs, Ky'enai leaves after killing three Xhwee Hounds.


Tightening Regulations

A Tusken Mercenary

Concerned by the corruption prevalent in the Tolonda Association for Public Order, Drakkus the Hutt has moved to clean up shop and make the corruption slightly less evident to the Empire whose cooperation in the Devolved Sector Scheme is considered vital in order to keep it running. Sending in several loyal lieutenants and a number of mercenaries, the Hutt has quietly had a number of troublesome administrators fed to rancors and generally put in place new officials able to maintain some discretion when it comes to fleecing the Imperials. Although this is a largely minor event, more administrative than anything else, the presence of Tusken Raiders among those mercenaries sent to right the ship has proven somewhat eye catching with the normal aloof and unseen denizens of Tatooine suddenly appearing on the scene after secret talks between Drakkus the Hutt and the Sand King. Quickly proving their worth as sharpshooters, these Tusken Raiders have fast become known for their quirks, often adding captured Stormtrooper armour to their garb and taking in children found orphaned or otherwise unattended, to occasionally humorous effect as parents attempt to retrieve them, and for their immense fascination with weaponry.


Drakkus the Hutt rights the ship in the Tolanda Association.

Per terms with the Sand King, a number of Tusken Raiders have signed up as mercenaries for the Hutt and been used in the aforementioned righting of the ship.

Tusken Raiders quickly garner a reputation as sharpshooters prone to looting armour and kidnapping children.​
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  • Crisis! A people's jury acquitted a group of progressive Senex landlords in the capital today, after extensive testimony by former serfs and other witnesses as to their innocence of all charges. As soon as the verdict was called, a mob broke into the courtroom chanting "moff" and grabbed the entire group of landlords. Charging into the prisons and seizing other landlords, they were encouraged by a coordinated system of ringleaders who call themselves "Marrites" after the deceased former intelligence commissioner Prenda Marris. The ringleaders led the crowd and their victims to Revolution stadium in the central capital, and then turned up the speakers. Apparently, their plan was to slaughter all of the prisoners and landlords to the tune of a popular cantina theme in the Outer Rim, to "show the farce that was the lives of these scum". However, the 5th​ Revolutionary Brigade, overhearing the commotion whilst on a parade march, surrounded the stadium. After the mob began to barricade entrances, the Brigade stormed the stadium, stunning most of the participants in the riot.14 are dead, and about 300 rioters are said to be in the hospital. Akar Prost promises that justice will be done to these "insurgents".
  • Horror and awe! A new holofilm is sweeping the Revolution, after the disappointing finish at the holobox office by Sovereign Immunity. Imperial Baby Snatchers: When Fel Attacks! is a frightening look at the abduction of the children of those against the Imperial regime. Soontir Fel, the main antagonist, shows his terrifying prowess with the TIE fighter by snatching a baby while flying through the air in his TIE. The baby, now Ula Fel, becomes his protégé, only realizing her false parentage when she is already an imperial officer. Confronting herfather, she challenges him to a TIE duel and he accepts; she defeats him by using his own trick against him, grabbing him and throwing him out of his fighter in mid-flight. A sequel, exploring what Ula Fel will do after her fight against her father, is promised. The film has garnered complaints and controversy from some parents, who say that their children are emulating Ula and attempting to claim that they were snatched up as babies from their real family and therefore they don't need to do chores. The Commission for Integrity in Family Life recommends that children and parents work out arrangements to protect their mutual sovereignty.
  • Akar Prost, Galactic Cook! The most esteemed citizen and founder of the Revolution can now be reliably seen as the head cook of his own holoshow, The Citizen Chef. Divided into two segments, one that trains young revolutionary cooks, and one that explains how to make one dish every week, the show is a monster hit. A particularly popular part is his mysterious dedications, where he dedicates an episode to someone who he has met. Past dedications have included "the man with the golden blaster" and the "rebel who was extremely poor at cooking on Lothal", along with the particularly exciting "the woman whose heart and ship I stole", where he explained how to make a very good Gorba Melt; each is the subject to endless speculation about who the dedications are referring to. Interspersed with the baking and cooking are revolutionary sermons dipped in both physical and metaphorical Bunto sauce.
That is all for now. Stay free, citizens!

Actions for this turn:

  • Construction of defenses on Akar and Saw continue apace along with shipyards. Droid support staff are used to help expedite the process.
  • The Revolutionary commissars are brought under central control by the foundation of the Frontier Commissariat, which acts as a police force in newly liberated revolutionary planets.
  • Major reforms are made to the citizens' councils, bringing them under more central control and using the armed forces to break up anti-tax riots and apply large direct taxation on all planets.
  • A new education system is rolled out to help freed slaves and poor citizens acclimate to their new conditions. After much infighting, attempts to declare math an Imperial construct have failed, and The People's Math has been rejected as the official textbook.
  • Droids are integrated into revolutionary armies as they would choose; both official droid-only combat units for specific situations and Droids as integral parts of other units are available.
  • Political reforms are better clarifying the role of the Legislative and executive, and the judicial system has been reformed to be a tad more independent.
  • The holonet communications system is under major renovation, with funds from the LOCUST droids purchased from Geonosis partially going towards creating a stronger and more secure communications system.
  • A major crackdown begins on lax and incapable intelligence officers, after the death of Prenda Marris. Offenders are sent to prison or worse.
  • Offer special education to parents with force-sensitive children and rewards for them in exchange for registering their children as force-sensitive.
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From: Mon Mothra
To: Duroplast Chef Akar Prost @Cetashwayo

Loyalty officers? Commissars? Given the rights and duties of the police? Akar, I understand that the spirit of the First Restoration is as unto a wild flame but are these truly the means by which you would tame that fire?

- MM
From: Mon Mothra
To: Duroplast Chef Akar Prost @Cetashwayo

Loyalty officers? Commissars? Given the rights and duties of the police? Akar, I understand that the spirit of the First Restoration is as unto a wild flame but are these truly the means by which you would tame that fire?

- MM

There is still major political chaos in many of the liberated worlds; former slaves are going beyond attacking landlords and settling grievances with groups they dislike. The major purpose of the commissars is exactly as stated; they are a police force that will deal directly with the citizens of these worlds and ensure political stability.

-AP History
There is still major political chaos in many of the liberated worlds; former slaves are going beyond attacking landlords and settling grievances with groups they dislike. The major purpose of the commissars is exactly as stated; they are a police force that will deal directly with the citizens of these worlds and ensure political stability.

-AP History

From: Mega Moth
To: Master Mathemagician Akar Prost @Cetashwayo

As you will indubitably find out, trying to reform a popular movement of disparate groups united by a common enemy - the Galactic Empire - into a nation is fraught with challenge. Chief amongst them the transition from rebel cell to government; but after that, the post-Palpatinian default assumption that anyone who leads does so solely for their own good.

Directing the surging emotions unleashed by the injustices heaped upon us by the Empire is, and has always been, the greatest of these challenges, whether we give that anger free reign or attempt to clamp down on it. Steering righteous anger without letting it fester into the seething, sneering contempt that so characterizes the Empire is perhaps the most important thing we can do in these times.

- MM
Corellia News Network
  • Moff Soontir Fel and Wynessa Starflare's publicist announced today that the understandingly private couple have had a third child, a daughter named Ula, reportedly after the protagonist of a recently released and banned Holofilm. Requests for confirmation on the part of Mrs. Starflare, or comment from the Imperial Palace have not been responded to by press time.
  • Moff Fel announces, alongside Corellian Protat Thrackan Sal Solo, improvements to the Planetary Shield's back-up generators and emitters.
  • Other news from the Office of the Protat includes the announcement of "Corellian Content" (CorCon) Laws coming into effect for media on the planet, with a revised points scheme to supplant earlier proposals.
  • A reminder has been issued to all spacecraft to stay clear of designated training areas, for their own safety.
Lhwekk 8ABY
Mod Report
Coup on Lhwekk

Admiral Theraan's Spirit Animal

In a move that would go largely unnoticed by the rest of the galaxy due to the secretiveness of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, the leadership on Lhwekk have been suddenly and violently overthrown by supporters of Admiral Theraan. The circumstances behind the coup, as of yet, remain unknown though some reports suggest that some sort of messianic figure and a number of angry Xhwee Hounds were behind the move, having chosen to entech the previous leadership as tribute to the glorious and divine God-Admiral, Theraan the Magnificent. With the coup proving a success, Admiral Theraan now controls the entirety of the Imperium and all of it's fleets bringing him up to some thirty fleets in total now.


Theraan takes over the Imperium.​
New Republic Ministry of War Internal Dissemination
Shea Hublin, MoW, NR​
All Leave cancelled until further notice.
Tyrant Lizard:

Assembled Populace of the Ssi-Ruuk Imperium
From: Theraan

For too long, we have waited in our heaven and squandered her resources. For too long, we have stat still, terrified of the rest of the galaxy, and let them march on while we stagnated, burned our asteroid fields, culled our slave populations, blunted our growth on the words of idiots.

No longer.

The Keeramak has come. The caste system is obsolete. The Isolation has ended. Our destiny is not in the Fourth Egg, but now, and all Ssi-Ruuk will reach it for my spies have been consecrating worlds across the galaxy since we took Xwhee.

Now that the Theomachy is over, things will change. The new government will be instituted soon, and resources shall come flooding in from our new colonies. Let your wrath be sated with the wealth that awaits us in the wider galaxy. We shall be the prime force in the Unknown Regions, an unchallenged shining star in the rim, and when we have an empire worthy of us we shall solidify our borders, and not be isolated but a peer power on the galactic stage.

We will not make the mistakes of the past. We will not run down our slave populations into nothing, we will not burn our worlds, our asteroid belts, our gas giants, for resources because it is convenient and easy. We will not allow the galaxy to pass us by and surpass us in technology. We will have an empire that will last for a millenia, with slaves, and goods, and resources to match our exalted status.

The caste system is to be lessened. Inter-caste relations are no longer criminalized, and the Brown Caste are to have a new role in society, as our contacts with the outside world. They will be explorers, diplomats, traders, and part of our iron fist as we subjugate new territory. Their efforts will give our Black Caste valuable information, our Golds knowledge of alien technologies, our Blues the resources they need to govern, our Greens those they need to create, and our Reds new methods of war. They are no longer to be our scorned, half-forgotten children.

As your new leader, the one who will bring this reality into being, I am no longer Admiral Theraan, but Theraan Rex. My second is the Keeramak himself, and the rest of the new order will be installed over time.

To: Diplomatic Contacts
From: Theraan

Due to recent events the political situation in Lwhekk has changed considerably. I assure you, we will maintain existing diplomatic relations to the best of our ability, and to the degree that you keep up your end.

To: The Chiss Ascendancy @Sidheach
From: Theraan

We recognize the importance of USEF to your people's long term future, and propose the establishment of standard operating procedures for when our explorers meet so as to avoid border conflicts.


Theraan's Grand Plan revealed.

Theraan is now Theraan Rex, Imperator.

The new fleets begin rapid modernization

Non-Xwhee Hound priests begin spreading into the wider galaxy.

Sustainable Colonization Plan goes into full effect, mandating population ranges, cull rates, and resource extraction rates on all Ssi-Ruuk worlds, effective as of the end of the year.
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To: Aristocrata Chaf'orm'bintrano "Formbi" @Sidheach
From: Ky'enai

I know the Chiss don't like pre-emptive strikes, but I need to know- does the current situation change that? Because Theraan will not be staying put. I'm wiring some data on the Ssi-Ruuk current situation along with this, if that changes anything.

To: Grand Admiral Thrawn @UbeOne
From: Ky'enai

I've asked the Chiss as a whole this, but I need to know- given the current situation, what could you do to aid against the Ssi-Ruuk in the event of a war? If it helps, here's data on the current Ssi-Ruuk situation.

(Both messages have the fleet data Ky'enai managed to pic up during her raid attached)
To: Aristocrata Chaf'orm'bintrano "Formbi" @Sidheach
From: Ky'enai

I know the Chiss don't like pre-emptive strikes, but I need to know- does the current situation change that? Because Theraan will not be staying put. I'm wiring some data on the Ssi-Ruuk current situation along with this, if that changes anything.
*the information is registered by the Chiss though no response is given*
Expanding The Yards

Due to a slow but ever increasing demand and a projected increase in usage in the future due to heightened levels of trade and increased need for civilian craft on the part of the Hsskor Dominion, the steady pace of construction on the shipyards above Trandosha will be increased as DoshWorks Heavy Industries takes on the yards as the subsidiaries own first largescale project, as proof of capability and their ability to take on the role of the main manufacturing corporation of Trandosha. DoshWorks heavy industries will be using some of its starting capital as well as a loan from the Hsskor Dominion treasury to begin hiring additional crews from Trandosha and Wasskah as well as those from nearby space willing to work on the project, as well as to procure from Ubrikkia and the Roche Asteroid Fields more industrial supplies and droids to ratchet up the Dominion's construction speed, as well as ordering parts specifically from those two industrial locations to help speed up the project. Aware that Coruscant was not built in a day, all of these efforts are carefully planned out in a detailed expansion plan to take place over the course of the next few years. The speed and scale of the production of Trandosha's shipyards will hopefully increase to a significant degree with the efforts of DoshWorks Heavy Industries, but the fledgling division is being careful not to put the cart before the Eopie, and is keen to avoid economic and industrial blunders that could set back their efforts.

-DoshWorks Heavy Industries made an official partner in ownership and management of the Trandoshan Shipyards
-Work on the shipyards set to increase with a number of steps being taken towards that end
-Additional work crews to be hired from the local region, with particular emphasis on those from similar projects and background like those from Ubrikkia and the Verpine of the Roche Asteroid Fields
-Industrial supplies and equipment to be purchased for the project from nearby manufacturing centers, including Ubrikkia and Verpine
-Industrial and construction droids to be purchased for the purpose from same
-Flexible and thorough plan and schedule is being written up to try and handle increases reasonably and keep the pace of expansion steady and without major economic or industrial screw ups​
Turn Nine Begins 8ABY
Mod Report
The Economy

The Gyndine Shipyards

The flight to the safer regions of the galaxy by corporate entities and refugees has continued apace with the damage done to Foerost, the Imperial Centre, and most recently Abregado-Rae continuing to fuel the flight away from more war torn regions and towards stabler sectors. Among the biggest beneficiaries the past six months have been Taris, whose secure position continues to be a draw to many, and various worlds such as Gyndine whose shipyards have not only managed to avoid nationalisation but also devastation at the hands of both the New Republic and the Galactic Empire.

Taris - The devastation of the Corporate Sector Authority and the Battle of Coruscant have proven to be a boon to Taris which has snapped up a number of corporations seeking safe harbor as it continues on the up and up.

Gyndine - Taking advantage of the damage done to more prestigious shipyards like the Kuat Drive Yards, the Khel Corporation, which owns the Gyndine Shipyards, has begun taking on a number of contracts previously held by Kuat, Corellia, and Lianna while playing up their own security. Largely overlooked by the war, such fortunes appear indicative of the growing importance of worlds outside of the Core.

Oplovis - Remaining neutral under the leadership of Gaen Drommel, who, though considered a rebellious warlord, has refrained from engaging the Empire, Oplovis has proven a somewhat attractive option to a number of smaller and more hard done by corporations seeking safe shelter. Although it has not surged in the way that Taris has, Oplovis has nevertheless grown thanks to it's position as the capital world of the Empire of Oplovis.

Ubrikkia - One of the more overlooked planets as of late has been Ubrikkia which has recently fallen under the control of Drakkus the Hutt. Benefiting from an injection of credits and business from the Hutt, Ubrikkia has experienced a shipbuilding boon that has revitalised the ailing world as many in Hutt Space and the criminal underworld begin to go to Ubrikkia to meet a significant portion of their shipbuilding needs.


Peace in our Time?

Sian Tevv

On Eriadu, standing amidst the ruins of buildings destroyed during the Second Battle of Eriadu, Sian Tevv has announced his intentions to run for Chief-of-State and in the process touched upon a growing and very powerful movement both in the New Republic and the Galactic Empire. Speaking of peace, of an end to the Galactic Civil War, in his speech, Sian Tevv would tap into what has become a rapidly growing movement in the New Republic that seeks peace with the Empire and an end to the conflict as the death toll continues to skyrocket, worlds are devastated, and many politicians continue to speak of fighting to the bitter end. Replicated in the Empire where many now advocate, openly and behind closed doors, for a ceasefire with the New Republic, it has fast become apparent that the tolerance for bloodshed is not so great as it once seemed as planetary devastation, genocide, and more become standard in the arsenals of many a power. In the New Republic, these members of the Peace Faction are often aliens from Outer Rim worlds who are reluctant to die for the Core, while in the Empire, it is often the lower classes who speak in favour of peace as the number of refugees, crippled veterans, and orphans and widows grow.


Calls for peace begin to be heard.


Turn Nine Begins, Latter Half of 8ABY

To: Diplomatic Corps of both the Empire and Republic @Mina @Kronz @Sidheach @Cornuthaum @comradepitrovsky @Firebringer2077
From: Diplomatic Offices of the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium

Honored sentients, let not the cries for peace go unheard. Though we are neutral in your war we see the plight of the people, the flight of corporations from the Sector, the influx of refugees, and the ends gone to by the ever more desperate. As a neutral arbiter we would moderate a new round of peace talks, more structured than the abortive attempt at Merkat, and perhaps one that would look to the safety of the allies and neutral parties of all involved.

The following speech was delivered at a campaign rally on Clak'Dor VII

Alderaan. Caamas. Eriadu.

The names are etched in our memory. The words are carved on our very souls. The events are part of the collective consciousness of every being across the Republic.

Toprawa. Fondor. Falleen.

The sights are unforgettable. The debt, unpayable. The atrocities of the Empire are endless.

Geonosis. Jabiim. Ghorman.

We will never forget. We will never forgive. While the blood of Palpatine sits on that mockery of a throne on Coruscant, while the will of the people continues to be suppressed, while the freedom and democracy that so many – Bothans, Mon Calamari, Sullustans, Geonosians, the assorted champions of a thousand thousand worlds – have fought and died for remains a distant goal for so many in the galaxy, 'peace' is a lie.

Abregado-Rae. Prakith. Byss.

We have seen the lie that is the Empire's version of peace. We have seen the devastation brought by those who profess the ideals of the Empire. We have seen their order, their justice, in the bodies of innocent children, in the screams of shattered worlds, and the annihilation of species.

Rae Sloane. Ardus Kaine. Ysanne Isard.

Child murderer. Rapist. Genocidal maniac. These are the elite of the Empire, the men and women making the choices in that body. Do the victims of Rae Sloane's death squads want peace? Do the innocent women of Oversector Outer want peace? Do the countless hundreds spirited away in the dark want peace?

I know we've made sacrifices. I know that we have bled and bled and bled to throw back the Empire just one more inch. Every X-Wing and every corvette, ever soldier and every mechanic that has paid with their life for our cause is a dagger in my heart. The questions are only natural. Why should we bleed to liberate humans? Is privileged Corellia worth as much blood as poor Clak'dor?

Luke Skywalker. Count Dooku. Bail Organa.

Each one was human. Each one had all they could wish for. A loving family. Incredible power. Respect of millions. And each one gave it up. Each one gave up everything. These humans made the ultimate sacrifice for their principles, for their beliefs. Luke Skywalker died so that no one need live in fear of ultimate annihilation. Count Dooku died so that no one need live in fear of a government that hates and persecutes them. Bail Organa died so that the galaxy would know the power of a man, a being, with faith.

I will not be the first to spit on these ideals, the ideals that guided and founded our New Republic. Will you?
The Return? 8ABY
Mod Report
The Return

The Emperor

Appearing to the Regency Council and the Republic Senate via hologram, Emperor Sheev Palpatine has issued a statement to galactic leaders informing them of his return and of the consequences for those who fail to submit. While many remain skeptical of this "sudden" reappearance by the Emperor, whom many were quite confident was dead, the fact that no one witnessed his death and sheer wishful thinking on the part of some has stopped everyone from dismissing the transmission out of hand.


Palpatine returns?​
To: The Senators and People of the New Republic @Sidheach @Cornuthaum @comradepitrovsky
From: Queen Leia Organa of New Alderaan

With the election coming up I feel it is the perfect time to thank Chief of State Mothma for the wonderful work she has done, both since the founding of the New Republlic and in the time before. She has worked hard and her dedication to the people of the New Republic and its ideals is to be commended and aspired to. I offer her my utmost gratitude and truly hope she will continue to serve the New Republic for many more years, we will all be better off for it.

In the same vein I would like to congratulate Borsk Fey'lya on the impressive job he too has done, both for the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic. His efforts proved vital in freeing us from the tyranny of the Emperor Palpatine, and he has continued serving with distinction. I am confident that if he is elected the new Chief of State he will lead the New Republic into a better future. He has my support.
"Hi, yeah- look, yes, I'd like to make a complaint."

There was an unintelligible clicking and popping on the other end of the line, like an old man cracking his knuckles while he sucked his dentures.

"What? Come on, look, I want to complain. Or get a refund, or..."

A more mechanical click followed from the speakers, before an actual voice rasped out its reply.

"we are sorry to, hear that, sir. what seems, to be the nature of your, complaint?"

"Well, alright! I bought this, uh, this Larva droid system from one of your dealers, okay? And it's broken or something."

"please explain, the fault in the larva, droid sir"

"Listen, okay, so your marketing droid said this was some kind of Bothan army knife droid, okay? Like an all-in-one-type deal. But I can tell you right now, it's not even good for anything, much less everything! I can't get it to do jack or shit, except trundle around the house."

"pathfinder, programming does come, as standard on, all larva droids, sir"

"Yeah, but what about the other stuff? It doesn't cook, or clean, or do repairs, or translate, or anything! Hell, I don't think it has the parts for that!"

"larva droids are, engineered for, maximum customisability sir. which of these, functions your droid, performs is up to you."

"...are you saying I've got to buy more crappy droid parts from you!?"

"not, at all sir. larva droids are, designed to be fully, compatible with most-if-not-all droid hardware, from existing manufacturers, with only minor, engineering modifications necessary to suit the chassis."

"I don't know how to make 'minor engineering modifications', you dumb bug!"

"language please, sir."

There was an audibly exasperated pause on the other end of the line.

"i am, afraid a lack of engineering skills, was not considered. however starting next month we can, send you a free starting, guide to droid customization, through your Chrysalis Corporation account."

"Well... damnit, alright then. And what about these pictures? The, uh, squiggly sharp lines here, on the readout."

"to account, for potential modifications, all larva droids are, fully reprogrammable. unlike competing, hardwired droids, new code can be, developed and deployed, by users."

"Well, I'm not a slicer, so I don't- wait, you're telling me I'm going to need to learn how to program a goddamn droid just to use it?"

"i am afraid, a lack of coding skills was, not considered. however, starting next month we can, send you a free, starters, guide to droid programming, through your Chrysalis Corporation account."

"I am getting mighty tired of this bullshit, let me tell you that much. How am I supposed to code in... in damn squiggles, anyway?"

"i am, afraid a lack, of geonosian comprehension was not, considered. however we can-"

The line cut off, and Ponomoli returned to itching at the seam between his carapace and his newest implant. No geonosian, he could understand, but no engineering, no programming? What was he supposed to believe they did all day?

He sighed, waste gas hissing from air-filtering mechanical gills. The sooner they could automate these outlandish complaints about a perfectly good droid system, the better. He was getting assembly line withdrawal symptoms.
From: King Kyp Durron of Cron
To: Baktoid Industries @Sidheach
I wonder, would you like to investing in a resurrection of your previous holdings within a resurgent local economy and aid the reorganisation of my security forces with the usage of your reliever and effective product line?

The Moff's homeworld, Anaxes. Following the weakening of Coruscant and Alsakan, the Anaxsi Faction has moved to position Anaxes as the more influential core world.

Moff Holt's flagship, Dauntless, represented in a holovid filmed on the date of here maiden voyage. The Moff is proud of his ship, not to mention his fleet, as it is a depiction of his status in the Empire.
Despite descending from a famous lineage of Imperial and Old Republic officers, a lineage of seven generations, the young Wullf Holt never really garnered any attention. His overshadowing by relatively distant family members masked his extremely successful graduation from the Academy, his efficiency in the ranks during the earlier years of the Galactic Civil War, and even his promotion over time to the position of Moff was glossed over in favor of tales of Fleet Admiral Holt, despite the fact that Moff is a position higher than Fleet Admiral.

In the prescience of this lack of recognition, Wullf Holt developed a strong sense of duty to the Empire while holding his post at the Alsakan Sector, going that his work, rather than his name, would be evidence enough for a mention in the upper echelons of the Empire he served.

The opportunity to distinguish himself became a reality for a fortunate Moff Holt, and he made his name known through the act of arriving at the Imperial Center, Coruscant, during the infamous attack headed by the Purity.

By racking up a few confirmed kills (flaunting his command skills while he did so) as well as assisting to contain a situation that could have become worse, his wish of realization of his abilities had finally come, even if this long awaited recognition would only provide the ground to continue improving the fane of the name 'Moff Holt'.

Shortly after receiving the title "Defender of Coruscant" for his smooth battle movements, the Moff came to the conclusion after a serious reflection that it was his duty to bring glory to the family name Holt, even if it is the last thing he ever does.

Ambitions of this Moff do not stop there: loyal to his home world as much as he is loyal to the Empire, he is a part of the Anaxsi Faction, a movement to replace Coruscant and Alsakan as the key core world, a movement given strength by the fact that many officers and soldiers are drawn from the planet.

Calm, collected, and reasoning (traits he picked up through his patient wait to expose himself in the light of battle), he is a moralist who strongly feels about right and wrong, although he is willing to bend the definition under certain circumstances.


I want to be absolutely sure we are in full operational capacity before we fulfill further orders. Can you guarantee this state of readiness? What are the stats of our various systems?

I want a general report sent to me as rapidly as practically possible so that I may review our current situation.

Thank you.


Me and my fleet eagerly await your orders. We have spent the time between the recent attack and now replenishing our supplies and repairing any damage done, and as of now I await reports on the fleet from my officers, although I can tell you their reports will not differ from mine greatly.

Thus, we wish to continue our service to the Empire quickly, with your permission, of course.
The Jewel Reset

The damage to the ecumenopolis of Coruscant was extensive. While the shields had held and prevented the ravaging the Executor's son had intended for the seat of Imperial power falling debris, assaults by clone forces and in-atmosphere combat by lighter craft took a heavy toll. Emergency funds were released from the planet's coffers to deal with the worst of the infrastructure damage and the old Senate building was quickly converted in to a refugee center along with several other large government facilities across the city. The Imperial Corp of Engineers was immediately mobilized to support rebuilding efforts and to ensure that the millenia old wedding cake of past construction, foundations and yawning gaps beneath the city was properly shored.

In the pursuit of this goal they discovered critical weaknesses in the Imperial Palace's foundations. There again the ground based shielding had done an admirable job in staving off the worst of concerted bombing runs and artillery fire but what had gotten through risked much of the structure. The Supreme Commander quickly ordered the building closed and authorized demolition work immediately thereafter. The Imperial Residence would be moved in to the old Temple site in the mean time, with renovations and expansion planned to make it a proper and somewhat less oppressive seat for the Empress.

Reportedly futures trading for Wayland and Selonian marble as well as body-wood saw a flurry of action just prior to the official word.​

*Broadcast repeatedly on various frequencies in New Republic territory*
Anyone else that would reasonably pick it up

"This message is for Senator Sian Tevv.

My name is Nolaa Tarkona. I flatter myself that you know of me...or perhaps not. It matters little, in truth. Far more important is what I know of you.

I know what you did for your people. I know how you struggled and strove. How you refused to heed the voices around you.

The voices that spoke of the cost. Of Palpatine's wrath. Of worlds burned and souls cast screaming into the void, of how it was better to live with your faces pressed into the filth, better a life beneath the lash, better to starve and freeze and condemn your children and their children to the same fate, all better than to fight.

You were a hero, Sian Tevv.

You were.

And now you speak of peace.

You say that if we but lay down our arms, the Empire will give us peace. Hundreds of worlds will be crushed beneath its bootheels. Billions will know nothing but slavery. But we will have peace.

Sian Tevv, you are a fool.

What war did Sullust wage, when Palpatine threw your people in chains? What battles did Kasshyk fight, that the virtuous, the peace loving Empire butchered and enslaved them? Did the sentients of Dac, of Ryloth, of planets beyond counting draw blades against the Empire's peace and force noble Palpatine and his lackeys to ravage them? To drown them in slavery and genocide?

Lackeys...they are beasts, Senator. Sloane. Isard. Dooku. Fel...where there is plenty and prosperity they reave and pillage to sate their greed. And where there is weakness and want they enslave to quench their pride.

And you think they will give us peace. Sloane spoke of peace, and when you fools took her at her word and withdrew your warships she positioned hers to kill your children.

Look to the Core. Look to Fondor and the worlds around it, swept clean of all life. There is your peace. Do you think, are you so deluded as to dream Sullust cannot suffer that fate?

Whichever beast prevails, Empress or Executor, it will come for us next. Lie to yourself. Tell yourself that your noble masters Sloane and Isard would never do such a thing. If you can fight no more, crawl back to Sullust and hide. Crawl to Imperial Center and slobber upon your Empress' boots!

But for the hero you once were. For whatever courage, whatever honor you may still possess...I am asking you. I am begging you.

Do not speak Rae Sloane's lies from your lips. Do not spread her poison, her plague, to rot us all from within. Do not become a Mas Amedda, a Thrawn, hurling lives, hurling whole worlds, whole species into the beast's maw to save your own skin.

Elsewise you are lost. Lost, and damned."
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To: Nolaa Tarkona, pulsing on a select few Outer Rim frequencies. (@Wade Garrett)

"You're still a slave, Nolaa. Enslaved by your past, blind to the future. Too hateful to learn. Too spiteful to prosper. -ST"