To: Grand Admiral Thrawn @UbeOne
From: Fleet Admiral Sloane
My compliments on securing Sector Six. How have the mobile yards fared, and have you managed to recover the EX-F? Current IDMR projects could benefit from her telemetry and any data on weapons and propulsion performance. Oh, and how is the native population?
To: Fleet Admiral Sloane
From: Grand Admiral Thrawn


Thank you for the compliments, but the real credit goes to Admiral Tem and the fleets for their exemplary performance during the campaign.

The yards are doing well. Any damage sustained is being repaired.

Unfortunately, the EX-F was destroyed during the battle.

As for the local population, we are dealing with the remaining resistance forces as we speak. A carrot-and-stick approach is being used to have the Yevetha serve the Empire once more without unnecessary casualties.

Meanwhile, I lack the number of personnel required to operate the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Aramadia. I would like to give it to you for whatever purpose you require, for it to properly serve the Empire.

To: Grand Admiral Thrawn @UbeOne
From: Mand'Alor Boba Fett
*Several trade route options are forwarded to Thrawn*
*Thrawn makes his chosen trade routes and does his part to establish and secure them.*
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The Empire Tears Asunder Part Four 5ABY
Mod Report
The Eriadu Campaign

The Battle of Eriadu

Whilst the Empire fought with itself, the Rebel Alliance moved to take Eriadu from the Imperial Warlord Sander Delvardus. Interpreting the consolidation of Imperial assets in the Core as a worrying sign that the Empire might spring back from the Battle of Endor, the Eriadu Campaign would be given top priority by the Rebel High Command. Hoping to prove to the Galaxy that Endor was no fluke, it was believed by the Rebels that a decisive victory at Eriadu would prove to the Galaxy that the Rebel Alliance had what it takes to overthrow the Empire and therefore Ackbar and the rest of the Rebels would throw their all into the attack. To that end, the Endor Battlegroup would gather at Clak'dor VII and prep for an assault on Eriadu where Sander Delvardus was busy preparing for the inevitable Rebel attack on the Eriadu Authority by sticking guns on anything and everything with available space.

And then it began.

Two assaults would be launched in this phase, one towards Sluis Van and the other to Eriadu. While Sluis Van would be the lesser of the two targets, it would by no means be the less contentious with Delvardus' assets above the valuable planet fighting tooth and nail to hold off the Rebel assault in the hopes of maintaining control of the shipyards that ringed Sluis Van. Giving as good as they got, the Imperials would hold the Rebels off for a time before being forced to withdraw or surrender, one ISD and several smaller ships would be amongst those that would surrender, in the face of superior firepower. The battle planet side would be a far less contentious affair with the Sluis Van Congregate negotiating a peaceful surrender for the garrison after it was decided that contract violations and labour disputes had ruined all chances of the planet remaining with the Empire. Per the terms of the surrender, the Imperial garrison would be given leave to depart for friendly space though it would be made to leave it's equipment, including AT-ATs and other weaponry, behind.

The Battle of Eriadu, on the other hand, would be far bloodier and costly for the Rebels. Having had time to prepare for a fight, Sander Delvardus had dug in heavily and turned Eriadu into a fortress world worthy of the name with various turbolaser installations, hangers, and bunkers dotting the planet and making it a tough nut to crack for invading forces. Combined with his forces in orbit around the planet, Delvardus' position was a secure one, at least internally, though as Admiral Ackbar would soon prove, it was far from unassailable. Engaging the Eriadu Authority, the Endor Battlegroup would find itself embroiled in a bitter battle with debris quickly coming to litter the skies above Eriadu as Star Destroyers clashed with Star Cruisers and X-Wings duked it out with TIE Fighters as far as the eye could see. Although the Endor Battlegroup would find itself more than a match for the ships under Delvardus' command, it would fast be discovered that it was the planetary weapons that were the greatest problem with one installation even inserting a large hole into Ackbar's flagship.

As one might imagine, this displeased the Admiral.

Staying aboard his flagship, which would survive the battle, Ackbar would give the go ahead for bombing runs to occur planet-side to take the defences out. Y-Wings, flanked by X-Wings, would descend on Eriadu and begin taking out a number of turbolaser installations whilst the Rebels began the processing of landing troops while under fire in order to expedite the process. Urban fighting would break out and the Battle of Eriadu would subsequently be expanded to the ground as well as Delvardus fought to hold on in the face of overwhelming odds. Bit by bit, however, the Rebels nudged forward and eventually the Imperial fleet broke and with it the rest of Delvardus' forces with ships fleeing or surrendering while forces on the ground staged a few desperate assaults before surrendering to the Rebels. Sander Delvardus would himself be discovered dead in his bunker, poisoned by his own hand, having chosen death in the face of capture at the hands of the Rebels.

The Battle of Eriadu would thus prove a victory for the Rebel Alliance and the stepping stone to something greater.


Sluis Van falls to the Rebels after a fight. Several ships surrender, planetary garrison allowed to peacefully withdraw.

Eriadu falls after a pitched battle with several ships captured in the process.

Sander Delvardus commits suicide.


Charm Offensive

Leia Organa


Proving that not all battles need be fought with words, Leia Organa, daughter of Bail Organa, has moved throughout the galaxy on behalf of the Rebel Alliance hoping to encourage yet more systems to rise up against the Empire and do what was right for the Galaxy. Beginning at Chommel Minor and then making her way to Enarc, Leia Organa would meet with the local leaders on the planets would flatter, charm, and sway the local leadership into joining the Rebellion, a task in which she would be assisted by representatives from Naboo who had taken the initiative independent of the Queen to seek out trade deals with the neighbouring planets. With the two planets voluntarily joining the Rebellion, Leia would then take the Millennium Falcon, which had been passed on to Chewbacca who had nominated himself the Princess' personal pilot in the wake of Han Solo's death, and make her way to Rodia where Navik the Red continued to rule. Sympathetic to the Rebellion, after talking with Leia the Rodian leader would agree to provide more active support to the Rebellion though he himself would keep Rodia from officially joining, a result of his extensive war crimes which rankled more than a few noses within the Rebellion. At the same time, the Princess would also make contact with elements within Rodia who were opposed to Navik the Red's rule and make the contacts necessary to support an uprising against him in the future with support from the Rebellion provided the Rebel High Command consented to such a thing.

After leaving the planet, Leia would then rush to Eriadu for important affairs there.


Chommel Minor and Enarc join the Rebellion.

Navik the Red begins supplying the Rebels with weapons and soldiers.

Contacts made with Rodian dissidents.


Moves in the South

General Hera Syndulla


Having liberated her homeworld from the Empire and secured it's membership in the Rebel Alliance, Ryloth's new leadership would take all of a day before petitioning the Rebel Alliance to join, Hera Syndulla has joined the sweeping Rebel offensives occurring all across the Outer Rim. With Ghost Fleet ready to move, the General has moved on Christophsis where news of the Battle of Eriadu has sparked an all out revolt against the Imperial garrison, a revolt which the General would prove all too willing to assist with. Dropping out of hyperspace, Ghost Fleet would engage Imperial assets in the Christophsis System and assist the locals in overthrowing the Imperial garrison, a task in which she would prove successful with the Imperials being driven out over the course of a few weeks. After liberating Christophsis, and confirming that Geonosis had no active Imperial presence on it, Syndulla would then advance to Druckenwell where the Rebel General would encounter Garm Bel Iblis in the process of raiding the Imperial garrison.

Although Garm Bel Iblis remained separate from the Rebellion, due to his personal dislike for Mon Mothma, he would prove more than willing to work together with the Rebellion on a case by case basis and after learning of General Syndulla's intentions would choose to stick around long enough to make sure the Imperials in the Druckenwell System had been well and truly raided. With the two fleets working together, the Imperial garrison would be driven out, and Garm Bel Iblis would acquire a shiny new Imperial Star Destroyer for himself, and the planet liberated just in time for Garm Bel Iblis' raid to end and for him to make off with his new prize. Having liberated Druckenwell, the General has since hunkered down and begun working with the planet's new government to begin repairing her ships and preparing for yet another push forward in due time.


Christophsis and Druckenwell liberated.

Garm Bel Iblis acquires an ISD for himself.​


Chart a Course
It's a Pun
Love it or the Galaxy Gun Returns

Rebels engaging Imperials over Galidraan


With the Raxus System secure and now a proud member of the Rebellion, Admiral Chart has carried on, charting a course for Galidraan in order to push the Empire back down the Perlemian Trade Route and secure a route into the Core Worlds for the Rebel Alliance. Heading first to Galidraan, Admiral Chart would put his fleet to work evicting the Imperial fleet in orbit around the planet, making heavy use of his new droids in boarding actions, and liberating the planet before heading further down to Columex where Grand Admiral Grunger and Lord Admiral Teradoc were still fighting over the planet. The odd man, or rather Mon Calamari, out at this particular party, Admiral Chart's arrival would throw the feuding Imperial forces into a spin as the Rebel fleet opened up fire on the weakened forces in a bid to destroy them both. If not for the timely arrival of Kosh Teradoc, the younger brother of Treuten Teradoc, and his fleet, Admiral Chart may well have succeeded by the addition of Kosh Teradoc's forces would see both Grunger and Chart driven from the field.

Admiral Chart has since been forced to withdraw to Galidraan while Grunger has withdrawn to Gala.


Galidraan falls to the Rebellion.

Grunger and Chart repulsed at Columex by the Teradoc Brothers.​


The Corellian Campaign

Built On Hope

Ignore the Date


With the Rebellion making sweeping gains across the board, the Rebel High Command has finally taken the next step in seeing the dreams achieved across the Galaxy. With more than a hundred dignitaries in attendance, Chief of State Mon Mothma would announce the creation of a New Republic from the ashes of the Empire and the formation of a new democratic government. With Eriadu as it's temporary seat, until Coruscant could be liberated, the Declaration of a New Republic has received popular support throughout the, now former, Rebel Alliance with planets clamoring to sign up to join it.


The New Republic is formed.​


The Bilbringi Fiasco

TIE Defenders


With the vital Bilbringi Shipyards under the control of yet another group of Imperial rebels, it comes as no surprise that the Empire would move to reclaim them. Under the command of Grand Moff Kaine, an Imperial taskforce would strike out for the planet in what would later become known as the Bilbringi Fiasco with the intention of ejecting the warlords controlling Bilbringi and folding the planet into his own territory. Though the actual battle itself would go smoothly with the SSD Reaper doing terrible, awful things to the fleet protecting the planet, the actual occupation itself would be a different story with a series of events occurring giving the affair it's name. The first would be a firefight in the Bilbringi Shipyards between multiple factions seeking to steal the plans to the TIE/D Defender, no one knows what factions the infiltrators belonged to however, that would turn into a destructive affair that caused extensive damage to the facility. Then, in the process of escaping with those plans, a firefight broke out over Bilbringi that saw a cruiser ram an ISD, several fighters accidentally crash into things, and all infiltrators escape with the plans in tow, an affair that has caused Kaine some measure of humiliation and made it clear that someone is seeking to discredit him.

Due to his proximity, a number of officers are pointing the finger at Zsinj, who is in good stead to move against Kaine, while others believe Isard is the one responsible. Either way, several groups have made off with the plans and Kaine is now looking for someone to blame.


Bilbringi falls without issue.

The Bilbringi Fiasco sees the shipyards and several ships damaged in a firefight between competing saboteurs believed to belong to a rival Imperial faction.​


The Corellian Campaign


Bilbringi, Fondor, Eriadu, all of these planets would prove insignificant in the face of the showdown that would take place in the Corellian Sector. Having declared the Regency Council to be little more than usurpers and seized control of enough ships to make him one of the single-most powerful warlords in the galaxy, Grand Moff Jaeffis has begun to secure his position in the face of a no doubt imminent Imperial attack. Using his overwhelming firepower as the stick with which he might bring planets into line, Jaeffis would swiftly subdue Talfaglio, Jumus, and New Plympto while the Empire mustered it's forces and prepared for an assault on Corellia. With the single largest gathering of ships since the Battle of Endor and one the most unwieldy alliances in the history of the Empire, the Regency Council, several Grand Moffs, Admirals, and Warlords would begin the process of picking away at the Corellian Sector in the hopes of goading Jaeffis into a fight. Braving mines and turbolaser fire, the Red Fleet would jump to Columex, swiftly seizing it, and then Sacorria where they would begin laying waste to it's planetary defenses while waiting for Jaeffis to dispatch forces to drive them away in order to defend his sector, an act which the Grand Moff did just in time.

Just as an orbital bombardment threatened to see the garrison on Sacorria capitulate, six fleets under the command of Grand Moff Jaeffis himself would jump into the system and engage the Red Fleet. Though outnumbered, Jaeffis would have the element of surprise with the Imperials having failed to anticipate that he would strike at them so soon, instead assuming he would hole up at Corellia and hide behind the planet's defences. Using that surprise to his advantage, Jaeffis would quickly close and attack the Red Fleet, destroying or crippling several fleets before then jumping out of the system after receiving word of an attack on Corellia itself. Responding to an attack by Captain Pellaeon, who took three fleets into the system whilst Jaeffis was away, Jaeffis would move to engage the enemy fleet whilst it remained int he outskirts of the Corellian System so as to prevent it from hitting Corellia itself. Outnumbering the fleet, it seemed as though Jaeffis would successfully put down the incursion before it would have a chance to even come close to Corellia and thus deprive the Empire of three fleets with which it might strike out at him.

This was, however, a trap.

With Pellaeon's forces meant only as a distraction, an unexpected distraction as Jaeffis was never expected to intercept them at Sacorria, Jaeffis would find himself tied down in battle right as the rest of the Imperial Fleet began to pour in. Some sixteen fleets in total would engage in battle with Jaeffis' nine and over the course of one bloody battle, even in comparison to Eriadu, tear them apart and drive them back to Corellia where the true battle would take place with planetary defenses and the last of Jaeffis' fleets engaging the Empire in a do or die action over the planet itself. Countless ships would be torn apart by ship batteries and laser fire from the planet, at least one Imperial Star Destroyer would crash into Corellia itself, and the shipyards over Corellia would be dealt unspeakable damage in the fighting. Grand Moff Jaeffis would himself manage to escape with three fleets after it became apparent that the battle was well and truly lost, this would dawn upon him around the same time an Imperial Star Destroyer plowed into Corellia and killed the Diktat, and whilst under fire managed to withdraw from the system and limp to Harrin where he would link up with Carnor Jax. With Jaeffis' retreat, Corellia would soon fall to the Empire with the Regency Council assuming control of what is now a very angry planet.

Outraged by the loss of life, the death toll is currently in the millions and rising, many Corellians are outright rebelling against the Empire now, some have fled to join Garm Bel Iblis, and in general an already hostile planet has turned even more hostile. What's worse is that though the Empire won the day, it came at a heavy cost with seven fleets being lost through the course of the battle, some of the biggest killers being the planetary defenses, which has caused tensions to surface once more within the Empire. Both Zsinj and Kaine believe their forces to have suffered the brunt of the losses, though they now accuse each other for that fact, while Krennal appears more interested in making off with as much as he can take than supporting the Empress. Though Jaeffis has been beaten, the Admiral turned Grand Moff has done more to sow the seeds of dissent within the Empire than any other and even as he limps to Harrin, it is likely that he may very well have the last laugh.


Jaeffis briefly surges before being driven back by the Empire.

Brief skirmish at Sacorria inconclusive.

Battle of Corellia a victory for the Empire though at a heavy cost. Seven fleets have been lost, Jaeffis has managed to take three and fallen back to Harrin and linked up with Carnor Jax, and the Warlords now bicker amongst themselves.

In the background, Krennal seizes Neimoidia and adds it to his collection.​
It begins simply.

Theraan looks at his forces, his fleet, his slaves, and then looks at a readout of the state of the galaxy, and decides that he could not simply barge in paddles blazing.

This would be unthinkable in polite society, but in truth polite society has already written off most of them as dead, so that is acceptable.

From there, he had priorities. Understanding of his foes, maximizing his own resources, expanding the Imperium. Three is unworkable at the current time, which means that one and two are necessary.

He deploys Black Caste into the galaxy at large, outfitted with cargo ships and smuggling freighters and passenger liners salvaged from Bakura. Their role is not to fight, or to assassinate, or even to spy. It is mingle. To trade, legitimately, across the outer rim. To make friends with lesser species. To be the poor, oppressed face, outcasts from some great genocide in the Unknown Regions. And then, to wire all they find home, to Bakura. To find trading partners and criminal syndicates, and what those partners and syndicates want.

He deploys surveyors amongst the surviving human population, waiting to be Enteched. The single force sensitive they found has been an enormous help, and he needs to find more, if they exist. It is a long shot, he thinks, but it is one he is committing to.

Other surveyors scan the planets, stars, and moons of his new empire. If he is to expand, he requires resources. And for that, he must know what he has. Mundane resources are useful, of course, but his true goal are things valuable to the galaxy at large. Trade goods, be they minerals, or gasses, or fauna, or...spare population.

Any species feigning civilization must have a slave-trade, after all.

Then, construction. A small increase in Enteched, going into both Swarm Fighters and defensive installations over Bakura. They are far enough removed from Lwhekk that they must be able to fight without the help of the Holy Fleet. He would not lose Bakura, now that it has been Consecrated.

Lastly, envoys. Not in person, but messages to his new neighbors. He'd fought off the first incursion of these....Rebels, but a second may not be as easy to repulse. And the easiest way to do that would be to ensure that it was never sent at all.

To: Rebel High Command
From: Admiral Theraan of the Ssi-Ruuk


I apologize, Admirals, for the recent skirmishes. The Empire had reneged on a deal with my people, and I was deployed to take Bakura in revenge. Our conflict is entirely with the Empire and its successor states, and we plan to avoid your worlds. We ask merely for peace from the Alliance.
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To: Corellian Dissidents @Sidheach
From: Garm Bel Iblis

I've heard of what has happened from the new recruits, and my heart goes out to those who lost their lives in the battles that have taken place recently. Rest assured, I know of your plight, and the time is coming when I will return and Corellia can be free once again, without having to worry about being a chess piece in the games of Moffs and Admirals who care nothing for the people who live there. Just persevere. Our time will come soon.
To Repair Workers @Sidheach
From: Grand Moff Kaine
We need Bilbringi up and running quickly. How long will it take?

To Jaemus and Yaga Minor @Sidheach
From: Grand Moff Kaine
Please continue the course of building new star destroyers. The losses at Corellia were damaging and the ships from Bilbringi need repairs also. Credit lines already have been sent to do this. Ave Imperatix.
To: Layer of Hands @Sidheach
From: Grand Admiral Thrawn


Beneath the glory and the horror of war, are those whose lives have been devastated as a result. They must not be forgotten.

It is good to see someone who supports them. If you need extra supplies, I can ship them over to you.

To: Refugees @Sidheach
From: Grand Admiral Thrawn

The Empire of the Hand is willing to take in refugees and provide the necessary support for sentientarian purposes.
Ssi-ruuk and the Prophets 5ABY
Mod Report
The Ssi-ruuk Campaign


Advancing onwards from Bakura, the Ssi-ruuk would advance as far as Endor, capturing countless souls to be enteched along the way, before eventually stopping. Intelligence provided to the New Republic only notes what the Ssi-ruuk did rather than the why, the what being that the Ssi-ruuk reached Endor and then swiftly withdrew back to Bakura, largely as a result of the why occurring in regions unknown to the New Republic. Having also struck out at the Chiss Ascendancy at the same time as Bakura, the Ssi-ruuk had managed to invoke the ire of a rather irritable race prone to taking swift and brutal action against anything it perceived as a threat. In response to attacks on several frontier worlds the Chiss Ascendancy would launch a campaign into Ssi-ruuk Space and lay waste to several worlds, bombark Lwhekk itself, and carve a scar deep into the Ssi-ruuk's racial memory before withdrawing back to friendly space. Though the Ssi-ruuk at Bakura would not be touched by the Chiss, largely a result of the Chiss not deeming the fleets there to be a threat, it has proven enough to temporarily halt their expansion and cause the assets in Imperial Space to temporarily withdraw whilst it's leadership determines it's next move.


Ssi-ruuk reach Endor before pulling back to Bakura.

The Chiss blow stuff up, generally remind everyone why nobody visits the Unknown Regions.


The Death of a Prophet

The Crimson Death

Proving that hell hath no fury like that of a Grand Admiral humiliated, Afsheen Makati has continued his one man vendetta against the Prophet Kadann with the Grand Admiral continuing to hunt the Dark Side Prophet down with an absolute vengeance. Tracking Kadann down to Bosthirda at great personal cost to himself, by the time Makati found Kadann, most of his fleet had abandoned him, the Grand Admiral would hire a well known assassin known as the Crimson Death, a name so edgy it has been known to cut people who say it out loud, to clear the way for him to deal with Kadann himself. Interpreting "clear the way" as brutally murder everyone within the modest temple on the planet surface, the Crimson Death would carve a path of bloody destruction through the temple and leave Kadann behind, absent his legs, for Makati to deal with in person whilst she herself departed with her pay.

With Kadann dead, and all the Prophets of the Dark Side for that matter, Makati has since resurfaced at the head of several ships and placed his services at the disposal of the Regency Council.


Afsheen Makati hunts down Kadann and has his followers killed by the Crimson Death.

Kadann now dead at Makati's hands, the Grand Admiral has resurfaced in the Empire's service.​
To: Anaxes @FPSlover
From: Director Isard, Regent of the Empire

The Coalition for Security will be taking up temporary direction of the production orders of the Anaxes deepdock for the time being, owing to the need to coordinate production to recover lost ships. We do not plan to displace any management or employees and the like and this situation is entirely temporary.
Meanwhile, I lack the number of personnel required to operate the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Aramadia. I would like to give it to you for whatever purpose you require, for it to properly serve the Empire.
Thank you, I think we can find something special for it.

To: Grand Admiral Makati @Sidheach
From: Fleet Admiral Sloane, High Command and the Regency Council

Welcome home. Proceed to Coruscant and take up a defensive position there. We'll arrange an audience with the Council and the Empress when the current campaign allows it.

To: Empress Ederlathh I @Sidheach
From: Fleet Admiral Sloane

Corellia is ours.

To Director Isard and Fleet Admiral Sloane @ChineseDrone @Mina
From: Grand Moff Kaine
I would like to request a transfer of Zel Johans and the Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Unit to my command. I see use of their strategies in my attempts to remove the rebels from the galaxy.
Your request will be considered. Strategic objectives may dictate a different disposition of our forces following the results at Bilbringi and Corellia. I'll keep you posted.
I felt a great disturbance in the force, as though thousands of B2's suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly retconned

Due to a misunderstanding, Kol Huro's droid manufacturing has been retroactively modified, and can be seen in an updated version of the original post.

  • Kol Huro begins manufacturing of B2 Super Battle Droids en masse alongside B1's.​

There was a sense of pride in General Kalani as he surveyed the Droid patrols in the streets below him. First battle of the New Droid Army had gone like clockwork, the enemy crushed beneath the metal feet of his troops. These Imperials had never thought themselves a target, even as the Rebellion (or was it the New Republic?) advanced towards the Mid Rim.

He turned back to the office and the occupants sitting across from him. A mixture of Human and Twi'Lek each with caution and a tinge fear on their faces. They'd heard the rumours of what happened to the garrison; Kalani intended for them to stay rumours. It might not be pleasant, but Kalani knew from experience to crush the problem swiftly and decisively. Onderon was ultimately a failure, but he held it to be the fault to be political. King Rash's interference, his demand for theatrics and pompous arrogance had delayed a proper response. In the end Kalani put a blaster bolt through his temple and left his corpse lounging on the throne for the Republic to find.

This time would be different. There was no higher authority, no Separatist Council complaining about margins, no pointless assault on unnecessary world, there was only him and his word.

"You are the representatives sent by the populace of this world," his vocal emitters had been repaired back to the old days, the menacing tones to keep them in check, "you are in charge of governing the day to day business of this planet in the name of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Due to the State of Emergency, with the death of the Council and disbanding of Congress, the Confederation, is a military state. Should you be unable to make a decision, I will issue an executive order to end the petty squabbling by making it for you. Personally I don't have the patience for politics, so I will only use it when absolutely necessary," Kalani started down at them, "and there will be consequences."

"Speaking of Executive Orders, as of this moment all Industries vital to the war effort have been placed under military control. A garrison of Battle Droids will remain to oversee production quotas and help keep the peace alongside any policing force you can raise. I have also voided any outstanding debts to the previous authorities, including those imprisoned for failing to pay docking fees at the spaceport."

"Now, I hope you have a productive meeting," Kalani marched out. Leaving behind the group to soak in what had happened.

- Kal'Shebbol is put under control of an appointed committee to govern the planet.
- All Industries vital to the war effort have been nationalised and placed under Droid observation. Workers will have their pay adjusted to reflect the extra work being put in.
- Data Mining of Mustafar Imperial Facilities Continues.
- Construction of New Ships and continued expansion of Droid Manufacturing Capabilities.
- See PM

To: Elrood @Sidheach
From: General Kalani

Due to recent developments I'd like to extend an offer to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. I understand your casual loyalty to the Empire, but with recent New Republic victories cutting you off from the Mid Rim it seems likely that they will choose to strike your world next. Like the Republic before they'll drag you off to fight and die on some far off planet and your representation will be one voice drowned out by many.

Join with me and I promise you will not leave your planet for this far off war. The Confederacy was founded on the idea of local government, that you are smart enough to make your own choices instead of having to petition some politician you never see. I will not interfere with your planet's government and all that asked is fair access to your planet's industry. I'll even allow the Imperial Garrison to either drop there weapons and go home or leave with them to fight the Rebels elsewhere.
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To: Supreme Commander Carnor Jax @Sidheach
From: Grand Admiral Octavian Grant, Lord of House Mecetti of Tapani, Supreme Marshal of the Tapani Home Defense Fleet (ret.), Hero of the Galactic Empire

Commander Jax, I write to commend you on your skill at the Battle of Fondor. I've fought many over the last couple decades, from the droid commanders and alien schemers of the Confederacy, to the insurgents of the Rebel Alliance, and I can say without question that you are my finest foe. It only goes to show the glory of the Empire -- even at each others' throats we prove to be finer, more nobler, then any of our opponents.

We've met before, actually. On Coruscant, not long after the original Grand Admirals were promoted to our current ranks. You were among the Emperor's guards present. I made note of you, in fact. Pitta, Ill-Raz, and Tigellinus were engaging in their usual decadence, so unfit to their rank and stature, and even I, with no mystic power, could see the sneer in your eyes behind that Guardman's faceplate. The Empire was -- is -- in danger of corruption by the alien, the decadent, and the religious zealots.

I was then surprised to see you fighting alongside Pestage. Sate Pestage was the symbol of everything wrong about the Empire -- a bureaucrat who was determined to take power from the military that made the Empire great for his own personal benefit. You could see the virtues of rejecting him. Please, Commander Jax, return to the true Empire. I see no virtue in warring with talented human men, and I have always been proud of my ability to fight alongside former foes. Accept the rank of Admiral, let me replenish your fleet with ships from Fondor, and join my Emerald Banner Command. You are a Guardsman of the Empire, and a true and loyal son of it. Please, I beg you, do not make us be enemies.
*Rebroadcasting for @Sidheach *

To: Fleet Admiral Sloane and Director Isard
Given the warlord Harrsk's movement toward Fondor I'd request the permanent assignment of Admiral Roek to Emerald Banner Command.
Encounter at Druckenwell (aka "So long and thanks for the Star Destroyer")

Appeal to Reason/Peregrine, Druckenwell Orbit

"Well, it's certainly been awhile since I've had the pleasure to fight with a Corellian." General Syndulla remarked, unable to suppress a grin. It was a bit odd for her, having such a calm conversation even as she directed the first landing parties to ensure the Imperials hadn't left any surprises down below for her. It was even stranger for her to be having such a calm conversation with the man who had gone missing until six months ago, the senator that had either been dismissed or abandoned the Alliance. "I don't suppose you're planning on sticking around, helping with the cleanup?"

Druckenwell had formerly been an Imperial fortress world, but that had not served as a deterrent for Bel Iblis, nor had it been one for General Syndulla either. Together the two of them had been able to clean out the Imperial presence, and for the moment his Movement was assisting the Alliance, or rather the New Republic, in their initial invasion of the planet. It would be of some assistance, though he was not committing to a full scale invasion.

"I'm glad that I was able to be of assistance," Bel Iblis replied with a smile of his own over the flickering blue connection. He knew about Hera of course, since he'd done an evaluation of the Alliance military back when it had first gotten going, up through his dismissal by Mon Mothma. He just hadn't gotten much of a chance to interact with her back then. Still, he knew she was smart, a talented pilot, and she had certainly developed as a commander. To her question though he could only shake his head. "Unfortunately not. I wouldn't want to tread on the Alliance's toes, and I get the feeling it would cause more harm than good to have me around." Especially where Mon Mothma was concerned. Best to save himself the hassle of running off.

She nodded, understanding very well what he was actually trying to say. She knew that he wasn't likely to return to the Republic anytime soon, but she had wanted to at least offer the General that had once been her superior a stepping stone. Fighting together had been one, but maybe if they could just get a chance to talk… "Of course, I imagine you and your men have worries of their own. I was hoping to have some assistance in dealing with their ground forces, but I can understand if you want to save your forces from that hard job." Her eyes flickering over to the other monitors for a moment, making sure that nothing too exciting had happened before noticing an energy spike from one of the disabled Star Destroyers that was now surrounded by Iblis' fleet of Dreadnoughts. "Especially since you probably want to get your payment out of the system before we start trying any salvage operations."

Bel Iblis hadn't really been expecting to hide the fact that he currently was working on one of the disabled Imperial Star Destroyers, which had been safely ensconced in the protection of his Dreadnaughts. They still needed a bit of time to work on it, but they were definitely getting somewhere. "The Alliance has a bit more resources to draw on than I do," he noted before chuckling aloud. "Besides, I was here first if you'll recall. I just decided to claim some war prizes while I was here." He'd need the ships if he was going to liberate Corellia after all.

"Which is why I'm leaving that portion of space under your supervision Senator, as a thank you for warming up the Empire before our big show together. I just want to make sure the rest of the fleet isn't going to disappear as your war prizes. We might need a few of them if an Imperial fleet decides to come recollect their fortress world." She said, watching the last dropships clamping onto the Imperial warships which managed to survive halfway intact. Maybe they wouldn't have to rebuild the defences from scratch like she feared.

That was one of the more amusing things that he had heard today, Bel Iblis would admit. "I suppose I should take that as a compliment," he replied after a few moments. It was hard enough crewing one Star Destroyer. Crewing the entire remaining Imperial fleet was probably beyond his capabilities at the moment, at least to the extent where they would be combat effective.

Following on that was a shift in topic, Bel Iblis figuring that he should address it while he was still here. "If you ever decide that the Republic isn't your speed, I'll have a spot open for you," he offered, not that he imagined she'd accept it right now. But she could hold onto it for later, when the time came.

That was an offer she really should have known was coming, even if she hadn't expected it to be so blunt. She couldn't possibly accept it, not with the victories the Republic had helped her manage, and he knew that. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I've still got some unfinished business the Republic needs my help with. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime, with or without an accidental joint liberation. This was fun, but it's nice to have people to talk with about something other than strategic operations or requisitions."

"I hope so," Bel Iblis agreed with all due grace. He expected that that would be the case, but he had to make the offer. With someone like Hera working for him, he would have been that much better off. Irenez would just have to manage things herself. The energy spike from the Star Destroyer would become a bit more consistent as his engineers got it back into working order. "Well, convey my greetings to Miss Wren," he added. "I've been hearing good things." He might not be a part of the Republic, but he still had his connections in areas besides pure military matters.

"I will Senator, I'm sure she'll be delighted to hear that her exploits have been reaching important ears other than mine." Syndulla conceded, her smile turning into a momentary giggle as she recalled the next person on her call list. She needed to check up on Sabine's strike teams, and the fact that the capital hadn't exploded was at least a good sign. "Until next time then, Senator Iblis."

Bel Iblis nodded, understanding that Hera was a bit busy to engage in idle chit chat all day. She was busy with her campaign, and he needed to be going once they got this new prize operational again. "Likewise, General Syndulla," he agreed before terminating the comms connection. They both had their own jobs to do, and it would be best to not keep those waiting.
Espionage, Exploration, and the Exodus 5ABY
Mod Report
Kaminoan Woes



To say that Kamino has received the short end of a very sharp stick in recent years would be something of an understatement. After attempting to break free of the Empire, the oft-forgotten planet out on the far reaches of space would find itself subjected to bombardment and brought back to it's knees by a vengeful Empire. Since then, Kamino has attempted to repair the damage wrought under new leadership after Taun We was quietly removed by a General Logan, a clone who represents the planet's now very modest garrison, and the new leadership took over. Such efforts would not be enough to spare Kamino from future heartache, however, with a small team of operatives infiltrating the planet and doing damage to what was left of it's cloning facilities, facilities that had only just begun to be put back together. The good news for Kamino would be that little effort had been put into rebuilding the facilities after losing so many of their talented scientists so the damage done was of little detriment to Kamino itself, the bad news is investigations into the sabotage has led back to Zsinj. Though little implicates Zsinj himself in the attack, intelligence presented to General Logan indicates that one of his subordinates may have been behind the attack, no doubt to ensure that Kamino could not be a competitor once his own cloning project gets off the ground.


Saboteurs destroy Kaminoan cloning facilities...again.

Zsinj implicated in the attack.


Infighting in the Empire

A Bounty Hunter

In what appears to be an escalation of the spats between various factions within the Galactic Empire, a number of raids and attacks have begun to occur that have put the Imperial Warlords at odds with one another as paranoia, finger pointing, and the already tense relationships begin to fracture. At Serenno, a group of commandos would blow up an Imperial depot on the planet surface in response to the Fiasco at Bilbringi, an attack that would prompt the local Imperial Moff, a subordinate of Grand Moff Zsinj, to begin confiscating vessels exiting territories held by Grand Moff Kaine. Similar incidents would occur across the Empire, smugglers purportedly on the pay of Prince-Admiral Krennal were caught smuggling weapons to the Corellian underground, an Imperial official was shot and killed on Borosk by a bounty hunter, and on the whole, things have gone from bad to worse. Though none of these actions threaten the control the various factions have over their planets, they have served to further heighten the paranoia often experienced by high ranking members of the Imperial leadership and further weaken the fragile coalition holding it together.


Raids, murders, and sabotage have begun to cause the Imperials to distrust each other.


Uprising on Riflor

General Crix Madine

On Riflor, General Crix Madine has become involved in an ongoing uprising against the Empire on the mining world. Though the uprising is currently in it's early stages, and will require New Republic support to see it through, the presence of the General has proven a boon to the local resistance with his expertise and experience serving to turn what was a disparate and disorganised uprising into a proper rebellion. Such is the scale of the uprising at this moment that shipments from the mining world have been interrupted to the Empire's detriment and the local Imperial garrison put on edge due to hit and run attacks that have killed countless soldiers.


Riflor in open rebellion with Crix Madine's help.


Pirates on the Rise

Captain G'Win of the Pirates of Centares

One of the drawbacks to the ongoing fighting between both the Empire and the New Republic as well as between the various Imperial Warlords has been that pirates, smugglers, and in general crime has been on the rise all across the known Galaxy. In Greater Maldrood, for instance, the ongoing fighting between Treuten Teradoc and Josef Grunger has drawn pirates in like flies with many of them, one such faction being the infamous Pirates of Centares, preying on shipping and even Imperial patrols. Raiders dispatched by Grand Admiral Thrawn, who has begun preying on Treuten Teradoc, would even be targeted by these pirates with one Imperial II-class frigate even being captured by a Captain G'Win, who released the crew on a nearby planet with only a distress beacon and their undergarments after seizing the ship, an incident that would be repeated elsewhere in the Galaxy. With so much manpower tied up in fighting each other, these pirates and other criminals have free reign to do as they please in many sectors with ongoing fighting and have, on at least one instance, even taking to seizing entire planets to serve as bases of operations.


Crime on the rise.


Exploration and the Exodus

"Countess Claria"

Across the Galaxy, exploration efforts continue to go underway with many choosing to head off into the Unknown Regions in search of the ISD Exodus. For those who weren't pursuing the Exodus, things would be quiet with the Kaminoans traversing the Rishi Maze and discovering a small system containing a planet similar to Kamino itself called Jundus and elements of the Empire of the Hand continuing their mission to map out new worlds for the Grand Admiral with little trouble. For those pursuing the Exodus, on the other hand, things would be exciting with Captain Hux, Rogue Squadron, and more all chasing after the Exodus and it's mythical cargo in a treasure hunt that would see them brave great danger and learn the meaning of true friendship. During the search, it would be discovered that Ghes Ordo had a preternatural knack for calculating hyperspace coordinates in his head and that Captain Hux was just the biggest womaniser in the Unknown Regions however the ISD Exodus has so far managed to evade discovery.

As a result, the Rebels sent after the Exodus have established a makeshift base on a small desert moon they have named Luke from which they have conducted further forays into the Unknown Regions while Captain Hux, having the benefit of a vessel meant for exploring the Unknown Regions for prolonged periods of time, has continued exploring the new frontier.


Exploration continues.

Kamino discovers a world similar to Kamino in the Rishi Maze.

ISD Exodus evades discovery.

Rebels set up base on a small desert moon named Luke while continuing their search.​
To the Moffs under my Command
From: Grand Moff Kaine
If I find out who authorized or did the sabotage on Serenno I will have your head!

From the Moffs
To Grand Moff Kaine

It wasn't us, it's clear that Zsinj is attempting to set you up in order to cause you to fall out of favour with the Empress. First Bilbringi and now this, it's clear that Zsinj is no ally of ours.
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From the Moffs
To Grand Moff Kaine

It wasn't us, it's clear that Kaine is attempting to set you up in order to cause you to fall out of favour with the Empress. First Bilbringi and now this, it's clear that Zsinj is no ally of ours.
Or perhaps the Rebels are framing him. They are notorious for this type of warfare.

Regardless things are getting dangerous. Stay sharp and remember your duty, Pax Imperatix.
To: All Neutral Worlds @Sidheach
This is Admiral Ackbar speaking on behalf on the New Republic. After years of battle we are finally beginning to restore democracy to the galaxy. If you do not wish to stop to be threatened by every Star Destroyer that flies overhead then now is the time to act. The New Republic wants members who can supply ships, men, and weapons to liberate the galaxy. We are gaining ground in the Outer Rim we will take more worlds as the months go by. Assist this liberation and we will see to it that the Empire is consigned to the ash heap of history.

To: All Rebel Forces @Sidheach @ImperialRocketeer @CommanderBlade @Dovahsith
We have gained ground in these past few months and we have managed to secure enough space to reform the Republic. But do not think for a moment this is the end. If anything it is the end of the beginning. We must undermine the Empire with new offensives as soon as possible. If we do not then the Regents will march against us as soon as they subdue the nearby Warlords. Make your fathers proud. Make me proud.

To: Mon Mothma @Sidheach
With the recent declaration of the New Republic I would like to know how military operations will be organized in the future and how many fleets can be produced to support the Navy.
Zsinj looked out upon his reflection in the mirror, he would no longer be wearing a Grand Admiral uniform ironically. News from Coruscant, Empress Ederlath with the Approval of the Regency Council, has granted him the title of Grand Admiral, as well as Grand Moff... He chortled to himself, it was quite grand. He sat at his desk overlooking several reports, waiting for Admiral Macte's report, he was usually never late. In a few minutes he heard the chirp of the door. "Enter"

For a brief moment he saw a female Imperial officer of captain rank waiting outside as Macte walked in. Zsinj sipped his caf, "You're late, Admiral"

Macte bowed in salute, "Apologies Grand Admiral" was that a touch of levity? Ah the Admiral now had his actual rank on file. Macte looked up, " Captain Jalek of the 3rd fleet req... demanded a meeting with you."

Zsinj was trying to remember the Captain, "Ah yes, 5th in her class at Anaxes, assigned to the Outer Rim because of some misogynist Admiral. J-5 Security Clearance?"

Macte nodded, "Yes sir."

Zsinj slowly nodded, "...and why does she demand a meeting?"

Macte frowned "Serreno sir."

Zsinj looked to Macte who merely shrugged, "Show her in."

The short-haired captain stepped in and delivered a prompt salute. Zsinj nodded, "Captain... Admiral Macte here has informed me that you demanded to speak with me." he smiled good naturedly, "There's only really one person who can do that and she's a 9 year old girl on Coruscant." and then Zsinj's smiled dropped, "You are not Captain. This had better be good.

The blond captain swallowed, "Sir, I have reason to believe that Admiral Macte is disregarding the threat posed by Ardus Kaine. His men struck at Serreno, and there is significant threat that he will leave the Empire, as Jaeffis did. It is my opinion that we should arrest the Grand Moff."

Zsinj looked back to Macte, then back to Captain, "Captain Jalek, you studied at Anaxes." he queried, "The logical Conundrums of Axanar Prime?" Zsinj stood up and walked to look out the viewport, "You may be right. Kaine seeks to undo me, and in turn the entire Empire." he looked back, "but at this time moving against Kaine would merely bring the Empire to ruin." raising his hand, "We have force parity. Axanar Conundrum 18. If equally matched, we can offer battle. Such a battle would undo us all." he gave a grandfatheresque smile, "It is truly a tragedy that officers of his forces are condoning these actions. I could not do the same, for that would divide us when we need unity. Officially..." he nodded, "I can't condone reprisals."

Captain Jalek smiled, and nodded, "Yes sir. I believe I understand... My apologies for the interruption. I'll take my leave." Once the captain had left he turned to Macte... "Begin the vetting of Captain Jalek for J-6 Security Clearance."

Macte was surprised, "Sir?"

Zsinj chortled and nodded, "It's time something is to be done about this. Captain Jalek may just be the person to do what is truly necessary for success." and he began a full bellowed laugh.

Macte merely stood there, waiting for the laugh to end. "Finished sir?"

Zsinj merely picked up his report, "Yes, oh and make sure the transport for the Empress' Birthday party is filled with toys from Princess Horsey Horse... Intelligence has informed me that she is a fan of that holonet show."

"Yes, Grand Admiral"
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To: Elrood @Sidheach
From: General Kalani

Due to recent developments I'd like to extend an offer to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. I understand your casual loyalty to the Empire, but with recent New Republic victories cutting you off from the Mid Rim it seems likely that they will choose to strike your world next. Like the Republic before they'll drag you off to fight and die on some far off planet and your representation will be one voice drowned out by many.

Join with me and I promise you will not leave your planet for this far off war. The Confederacy was founded on the idea of local government, that you are smart enough to make your own choices instead of having to petition some politician you never see. I will not interfere with your planet's government and all that asked is fair access to your planet's industry. I'll even allow the Imperial Garrison to either drop there weapons and go home or leave with them to fight the Rebels elsewhere.
*Elrood agrees to Kalani's demands mainly to avoid sharing Kal'Shebbol's fate*

To: Grand Admiral Makati @Sidheach
From: Fleet Admiral Sloane, High Command and the Regency Council

Welcome home. Proceed to Coruscant and take up a defensive position there. We'll arrange an audience with the Council and the Empress when the current campaign allows it.
*Makati returns to Coruscant, on the whole seems less irritable than normal*

To: Mon Mothma @Sidheach
With the recent declaration of the New Republic I would like to know how military operations will be organized in the future and how many fleets can be produced to support the Navy.


With my election to the position of Chief-of-State, I and the Senate believe that overall command of the New Republic's military should rest with civilian authority however I, as always, trust in your judgement implicitly, Ackbar. Lead the Republic's military to victory and save the Galaxy from the Empire.

To: Layer of Hands @Sidheach
From: Grand Admiral Thrawn


Beneath the glory and the horror of war, are those whose lives have been devastated as a result. They must not be forgotten.

It is good to see someone who supports them. If you need extra supplies, I can ship them over to you.
*The refugees on Yavin IV accept Thrawn's aid and direct any supplies to a settlement that has sprung up around one of the temples on the moon's surface*
To: Drakkus The Hutt, Tyber Zann, Associated Crime Lords @Ironanvil1 @Sidheach
From: Totally Legitimate Businesspersons


A new market has opened up. We are interested in knowing if you are willing to do business and if you can offer us slaves, droids, and warships. If so, we are curious as to what quantity can be offered.

To: Chancellor Mothma, Admiral Ackbar @Sidheach @Ceslas
From: Admiral Theraan


In light of the official consolidation of the Alliance into the New Republic the Ssi-Ruuvi would like to congratulate you and your people, and to attempt to create normalized relations. As such we would like to know where you consider your sphere of influence to extend to, that we may avoid future...border incidents and skirmishes.

To: The Emperor @Sidheach @Mina
From: The Ssi-Ruuvi


You have reneged on our deal, Emperor. This is unacceptable. Return to the terms of the arrangement, or else we continue to take planets.
To: Drakkus The Hutt, Tyber Zann, Associated Crime Lords @Ironanvil1 @Sidheach
From: Totally Legitimate Businesspersons


A new market has opened up. We are interested in knowing if you are willing to do business and if you can offer us slaves, droids, and warships. If so, we are curious as to what quantity can be offered.

To: Chancellor Mothma, Admiral Ackbar @Sidheach @Ceslas
From: Admiral Theraan


In light of the official consolidation of the Alliance into the New Republic the Ssi-Ruuvi would like to congratulate you and your people, and to attempt to create normalized relations. As such we would like to know where you consider your sphere of influence to extend to, that we may avoid future...border incidents and skirmishes.

To: The Emperor @Sidheach @Mina
From: The Ssi-Ruuvi


You have reneged on our deal, Emperor. This is unacceptable. Return to the terms of the arrangement, or else we continue to take planets.
To: Mon Mothma
As Supreme Commander I recommend against any course of action that leaves these slavers in control of worlds in the known galaxy.
To: Executor Eden @Sidheach
From: Grand Admiral Thrawn

It would be beneficial for both of us if we are friends rather than enemies. To that end, I would like to establish diplomatic and trade relations with you.

*The refugees on Yavin IV accept Thrawn's aid and direct any supplies to a settlement that has sprung up around one of the temples on the moon's surface*
*Thrawn starts sending shipments of supplies*
To: Mon Mothma
As Supreme Commander I recommend against any course of action that leaves these slavers in control of worlds in the known galaxy.
From the Chief-of-State, Mon Mothma
To Admiral Gial Ackbar

We do not know that these beings are slavers nor anything other than that they managed to defeat the Imperial garrison at Bakura. Though it is true that they took Endor as well, they have since withdrawn and seem more interested in battling the Empire than the Republic, a fact we should be grateful for. Though caution is called for, it would be better to see if we cannot defer a confrontation with this race until a later date and direct their attentions towards the Empire in the meantime.

At the very least, talking with them cannot do a great amount of harm provided we approach the matter carefully.