AN: So here are the message's from the first terminal.
The messages from the other functioning terminal's will be up in a time span ranging from tomorrow to Saturday.
Go over these, it could give you a hint at what some of the various Workshops got up to, and what kind of loot might be in there.
No voting yet though.
Jacob Wither's message's May 2074
To: A3 Workshop Head, Gary Simmons.
From: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
Subject: T-45 Retrofit Project Approval.
Gary, I sent your little proposal up to project management, and they loved it! Trying to squeeze more profit out of old T45 suits? The big wigs were all over that.
It wasn't condition free though, while they've agreed to acquire some suits for the project, they want it to be known that failure to produce noticeable results within a year will result in project cancellation (and a significant reduction of your paycheck.) They also want to make it clear that both suits are still company property and can be commandeered at any time if the company deems it necessary.
So, you best move fast, get those results. I put quite a bit of effort into getting this approval for you, most facilities are moving to the T-60 prototyping process, so getting resources for modifications to a "relic" like the T-45 was a big undertaking.
May 2074.
To: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
From: A3 Workshop Head, Gary Simmons.
Subject: Re; T-45 Retrofit Project Approval.
Jacob, this is Gary, Thanks for getting the project approved. Yeah I know the Fat cats only did it for the chance at sucking Uncle Sam just a bit drier, but still if it lets me keep these old beauties on the frontlines, then so be it.
March 2075
To: A3 Workshop Head, Gary Simmons.
From: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
Subject: It's been awhile, Any results?
Gary, it has been 10 months, and corporate has been riding my ass about what you've done with their money.
Please tell me you have some results on that T-45 suit of your's? or we might have some trouble.
April 2075
To: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
From: A3 Workshop Head, Gary Simmons.
Subject: Relax Jack.
Jacob, don't worry man, I've got results, the rest is in the report I'm gonna be sending to corporate. But just to assuage your fears hears a bit of what I've gotten done.
· Via modifications to the servo's I've managed to get a 22.731% increase in exertion capability with only a 6.224% increase in price per frame. In layman's terms we've increased the amount of weight this thing can carry by almost a fourth for a price increase of less than a tenth.
· I've managed to upgrade the helmet with a new sensor package, allowing for monitoring of living targets even through thin cover.
· Modifications to Leg servo's have resulted in superior bracing ability for better usage of high recoil weaponry.
And, I've got more than that, that I plan on working on, but with what I've got, I'm pretty sure that I've secured a project extension for me and the boys here in A3.
June 2075
To: A3 Workshop Head; Gary Simmons
From: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
Subject: How did you pull this off?
Gary, great work man! I don't know how you did it but the guys up top really like how your projects shaping up, and they have in fact upped both your personal pay, and your budgetary allotment.
Just keep up the good work okay?
December 2075.
To: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
From: A1 Workshop Head: Melissa Chambers.
Subject: About that Requisition Order…
Jacob… would you care to inform me about why, exactly, my division has suddenly gotten a commission for a crane mountable retrieval hook… Made of non-reactive ceramics?
From the Bio-Science Division no less? What are those freaks up to down there?
Corporate already has me and my subordinates working like dogs trying to replicate Big MT Trauma Override technology, and now we have to do this too?
I'm going to be lodging a complaint if this keeps up.
February 2076.
To: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
From: A2 Workshop Head: Bill Morrison.
Subject: The Bio-Science Division needs what?!
Why on earth do those gene-bending wierdo's need Photonic Resonance Barrier's? These are rated to withstand a direct hit from a Fat-man Tactical Nuclear Warhead.
What could they possibly be doing that requires something like that? Don't lie to me Jacob I've been with this company long enough to hear the story about the Mutant Chameleon accident, I swear if they're doing something like that in this building I'm filing for a transfer.
I'm not gonna end up like those poor bastards at West-Tek Los Angeles that got eaten by a giant mutant lizard.
February 2076
To: A2 Workshop Head, Bill Morrison.
From: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
Subject: Calm down.
Bill you've been with the company for 30 years and your service is respected, but according to the big wigs, that does not give you clearance to know what the Bio-science division is doing.
Don't feel bad though, because I don't know either.
Melissa Expressed Similar sentiments a while ago, and on you guy's behalf I'm going to try and get to the bottom of these weird requests, I know you guys have your own projects after all.
Also, corporate wishes you to know that if you so much as mention the "Mutated chameleon" nonsense again, that you will be fired immediately. They don't like people spreading falsehoods like that, you only kept your job due to your long years of service to the company.
September 2076
To: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
From: B1 Workshop Head, Larry Whocares.
Subject: That Commission is done.
So yeah, that commission for the US Army Depot here in Detroit is done. The AER14 prototypes are ready to ship out.
So whatever.
Also, can I get the rest of the day off? I've got a day-trip I'm going on.
April 2077.
To: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Wither's.
From: A3 Workshop Head, Gary Simmons.
Subject: This is ridiculous!
What is the Bio-science division going to do with a suit of power armor? And this one is one of the demonstration prototypes for the T45-T50 conversion process at that, The project can't afford for this to be damaged! We only have the one other working prototype.
I know the deal I signed, but I better get my baby back unharmed, Jacob.
The suit will be ready by tomorrow.
May 2077
To: AWDD Overseer, Jacob Withers.
From A3 Workshop Head, Gary Simmons
Subject: What did they do to her?!?!?
How did they do this! The torso plate is completely shattered! And how did they jam the leg servo's like this?
What did they do to my baby, Jacob?
I'm getting some answers for this, just you wait!
June 2077.
To: All AWDD Personnel
From: West-Tek HR Division.
Subject: Filling the new position.
To all AWDD workshop employees.
Due to an unfortunate incident Involving A3 workshop head Gary Simmons, Who, in what appeared to be a psychotic break, punched our esteemed manager in the face, and then rushed past the security staff to jump out of a ten story window. The position of A3 workshop head was vacated.
The position of A3 Workshop head has now been given to Melissa Chamber's. Both Workshops A1 and A3 our now under Ms. Chamber's oversight. Any inquiries relating to said workshops should be sent to her.
In other news, the T45-50 conversion project has been canceled, the remaining suit will remain in the workshops in the event it is needed for either crowd control or an invasion scenario.
Also, Due to Repeated questions about the affairs of the Bio-science Division, we feel it is necessary to re-inform you that it is against company policy to inquire about actions of a research division other than your own.
At any rate to end said queries we will reiterate that there is nothing unusual occurring in the Bio-science division. Any claims to the contrary are the lies of communist infiltrators and anyone found making said claims will be forcibly volunteered as a test subject in the Bio-science division.
Have a nice day here at West-Tek, Detroit.
And get back to work.
AN: Read, discuss, look for clues. Etc.