AN: Update time!
This one was annoying, but I got it done. sorry for the wait.
At anyrate, Read, discuss, criticize and most importantly Vote!
Also have fun.
You guys know the drill.
You should probably make sure you know what's been done to the armor before you encase yourself in it, so with a few button-presses you access Gary's modification logs.
T-45-50 Modifications Log 1.
The following is a list of unique modifications made to standard Model t-45d power armor to maintain the battlefield relevance of pre-existing t-45 power armor assets.
Current Modifications are as follows:
· Reinforcement of leg servo's and a "Lock" function for said servoes, allowing easy handling of high recoil weaponry.
· Modified sensors in the helmet highlight moving heat signatures even through thin cover, allowing heightened awareness of enemy action even under optical stealth.
· Upgraded servo components throughout the frame, increasing weight capacity of armor by 25 percent, allowing for stronger blows in melee combat.
· Reinforced anchoring mechanisms for the riveted steel plating employed in t-45 suits, reducing the odds of plates being removed by strong impacts.
Projected price increase from standard t45-d suits is 6.23 %.
Potential future modifications (assuming continuation of this project.) include.
· Replacement of riveted steel plating with Metallo-ceramic composite materials like those found in more recent power armor models.
· Incorporated database/scanning device?
· Automated application of medical supplies (stim-packs, med-x, Combat drugs, etc.)
T-45-50 Modifications log II.
In the aftermath of the incident with the other suit and the bio-science lab. I have decided to implement several more modifications, mainly centered around preventing the damages displayed in the now defunct prototype suit.
The modifications performed so far are as follows.
· Reinforced leg servos, particularly around the knees.
· Replaced riveted steel with Metallo-ceramic composite plating.
· Layer of non-reactive ablative coating applied to external armor plating. (the acid damage to the arms and torso section of the prototype suit indicate an acid significantly more powerful than any I know of… I am unsure if this measure is wholly sufficient.)
That's actually pretty much it, my funds have run dry, the company refuses to give anymore.
I'm gonna have to bargain with corporate…
So, these suits had been put through a fair bit of modification, but there hadn't been any mention of anything particularly wrong with the suit… so you assumed that it was safe to wear.
Well at least something was going well for you.
Moving on from the modification records, you decide to look over Gary's personal log, to try and find anything else that may be useful hidden in the workshops.
Gary Simmon's Log August 2073
So… the whole "Break into the military robotics market" plan didn't work out so good, apparently, Joe had a nightmare while "Sleep programming" and now… Well since my predecessor (and half my coworkers) have come down with a chronic case of death by invisible box. I'm the new workshop head… good for me.
First order of business: dispose of any remaining robots from my predecessor's project.
Who the hell is gonna volunteer to fight killer Mime-robots though?
Gary Simmon's log October 2073.
So, after our "Guest specialist" spent… a month and a half, in all out guerrilla warfare with the mime-bot menace, we are finally ready to begin repairs on workshop A3.
Gonna have to give Rambozo some bonus pay. he really did a great job, killed Master-bot Marceau and did it in an absolutely hilarious way.
Gary Simmon's log February 2074.
So, I've been thinking, now that we have finally fully recovered from the "Killer mime-robot" incident… I need a breakout project… something to really prove my worth you know?
And I've got just the thing, the crowning achievement of West-tek Advanced weapons division is the Power Armor. When people think of West-tek they think of our good ol' boys fighting the red menace in Gleaming suits of mechanized Communist slaughter!
Now days the current model of power armor is T-51 and I've heard some rumblings about a new suit being prototyped out on the east coast… But despite being obsolete there are still many active t-45 suits still in use… Why not upgrade them? Make them a bit less obsolete in the face of the T-51's and whatever's coming next?
Yeah, I think this might be a good idea… I'll have to pitch it to Withers soon.
Gary Simmon's log June 2074.
So Withers came through for me, I've got the funding, I've got some suits to work on, and work is underway! Okay sure preliminary upgrades to the frame had broken every bone in my intern's body when I had him test it… but still. Progress is being made, Sweet science is being done.
I am in my element.
Gary Simmon's log March 2075.
Bah! Corporate wants me to put together a bunch of construction robots for some factory on the other side of town.
Can't they see how incredibly trivial that is? All I want to do is finish upgrading this armor, that's interesting, challenging, amazing treading new ground… Building some robots from pre-provided blueprints? Its asinine, it's boring. It's detracting from my project!
But… Corporate writes my pay check… so what they say goes, no matter how stupid.
Gary Simmon's log July 2075,
Twenty-six commissions.
Twenty-six commissions from corporate. Twenty-six interruptions to my project for some inane bullshit!
All I want is to do science in peace, not put together some pre-prepared robotic construction platform's or program the Managers new Mr. Handy unit!
It's not just me, Larry down in B1 and Melissa from upstairs, along with some of the guys in Workshop C agree.
I think I have the solution though, gonna have to talk to the others though. But if it goes well, we wont have to worry about corporate ever again.
Note to self: The Fourth is in two days… better get some fireworks, Linda loves em, and I'd like to get out of the doghouse for almost forgetting her birthday last month.
Gary Simmon's log April 2076.
So, my colleagues have been getting a lot of weird commissions for stuff that's apparently going down to the Bio-science division.
What is corporate thinking?
They really have to go, but the device isn't ready yet, Larry and his pals haven't figured out how to safely shunt the Negative mass field to the upper floors without destroying everything in between, and Burt down in C says it's gonna be at least 6 months before the reactors ready to power the whole thing.
Garry Simons log April 2077.
They broke her… those assholes in down in bio-science requesting one of my babies, and they fucking broke her! She was the demonstration model, I would've been set for life, but now I gotta work double-time to bring the other suit up to snuff and add in the final modifications!
Those chuckleheads up on the top floors are gonna regret this, I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind, and then… well Larry's figured out the field shunt… I wonder how our illustrious managers will take to the inner atmosphere of Jupiter?
Doesn't really matter, the device will shove them there whether they like it or not.
So… Gary was clearly a bit obsessive, and judging by what he was talking about, you should probably shouldn't touch the revenge command.
At any rate, apparently the T45-50 suit is safe to wear, so Gary apparently finished his magnum opus before his unfortunate demise.
Well the enclosure's open, are you going to get into the suit? It would be awful hard to handle terminals whilst inside it.
[] Yes
[] Hold on a second, there's still some things you want to do. (write in what you want to do.)
AN: Yeah I know, another Terminal update, but tis the nature of the beast.
So yeah once vote, discuss, have fun. etc.