Stand In Glowing Ashes (Preliminary Title, Fallout CK2 Quest.)

When The Hiatus is Over Should i continue this from where we are, Or should i Reboot it?

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Lars Kohler's Messages
AN: So, my mom, in her hysteric's had apparently overblown my dad's heart problem quite a bit. Not that I can blame her, she really does love my dad.

He should be out of the hospital on Monday. I got back from visiting him much faster than I thought, because I was led to believe he was on his death bed, when he's nowhere near that point.

So yeah update not delayed anymore.

Read it and discuss, these are still terminal entries, so no voting yet.

But you should be getting a short update giving you choices either tomorrow or Monday.

October 23rd 12:00 PM.

To whoever it may concern

This is Lars "Larry" Kohler, Head of Workshop B1, And I am writing this to keep my thoughts from descending into a panic spiral.

About two hours ago, the world ended. So… yeah, not exactly the best way to start the day. Kinda lame I wasn't outside when it all went down though, would've been amazing to watch it all burn down with a mushroom cloud in the backdrop…. Probably still wouldn't have made up entirely for the apocalypse… but it would have helped.

Workshop's B2 and 3 are irradiated as all get out, apparently, they had the particle accelerator running when the EMP hit and knocked the primary power out, so no one's going in there anytime soon. And the plasma huffers down in C1 somehow managed to melt their doors shut, so who knows what happened to them and the rest of the C workshops.

Point is, most of us are dead or wishing they were.

Some of our subordinates are still around too, but I never bothered to get to know their names.

At any rate, there's talk of going to see if anyone's still alive in the other parts of the building.

So, Bill and me along with a few of the grunts are going to the bio-science Division, see if any of the Frankenstein's made it through.


October 23rd 1:30 PM.

This is Larry here.

I need drugs, all of the drugs. Bill's fucking dead, everyone in the Bioscience Division is dead.

I can't say much about the Frankenstein's, But I liked Bill, that old man had some great stories to tell.

Anyways we go down there, looking for survivors, like I said in the last entry you know?

Well everything past Public Floor 1 is fucking covered in blood and entrails… seriously the intestines were strung across everything like some sort of fucked up party streamers or something.

There is blood on everything, just… absolutely everything down there. My boots and pants are covered in it. Everyone who made it out of their fucking reeks of it too.

Anyway, so yeah most of us lost our shit on seeing that, but eventually we decided to go looking for what actually happened.

Lab 1 was as stated before just covered in blood and entrails, the desks and the equipment were pretty much all broken, one unlucky dumbass stepped on some glass and it went through his foot, dudes probably got blood poisoning now.

Lab 2 is when shit started getting really bad though.

Well at least we found the bodies… pretty much all of them had their bellies ripped out and their legs either ripped off somehow, or broken.

And they were all piled high, must have been at least 20 of them just stacked up like firewood.

I'll admit it, I blew chunks, that place fucking reeked something fierce.

The place was still covered in blood, but the bodies were actually… well they had some sort, blueish moldy looking crud growing on them?

You ever seen those beetles with the shiny blue green shells? the vine's kinda were looking like that, all metallic and iridescent and shit.

Oh, and the security bots were wrecked, The Sentry bot the company kept on station had his head ripped off and his torso armor ripped open.

One of the mooks apparently cried when they saw him like that… some of us in the workshops had gotten really attached to it, giving it names and such.

I guess I understand, we did spend like 3 months building things for it here in the workshops.

Our metal friend didn't go out like a pansy though, we found some green colored fluids mixed in with the rest of the blood near him.

Apparently, he went out shooting.

Godspeed, you robotic killing machine, may you eternally murder commies in that great battlefield in the sky.

At any rate, when we got to Lab three… unlike the other two, there weren't any piles of desecrated corpses, nor was there blood everywhere, heck barring a few broken protectron's even the equipment and the terminals in the area were intact.

We were about to look through the terminals, when we heard this godawful shrieking noise, and then something punched through a goddamned wall, grabbed Bill and pulled him through.

By the time, we caught up, Bill had his belly ripped out and his legs ripped off.

We were only about 30 seconds behind whatever the fuck it was.

Now if you excuse me I've gotta discuss our next move with my remaining associate, and then I'm going to get as high as a kite.


October 23rd 2:30 PM.

Yeah fuck all of this, Melissa, Me and the mook squadron are leaving this shithole.

But were doing a bit of public service first, we got some explosives, and were gonna cave in the main entrance as we leave, to keep whatever the fuck is in here with us from leaving.

If you're some looter or other moron coming to take the tech here, I'd advise you to leave… now.

If any other survivors of West-Tek are still in the building and you find this, we're gonna try and Go to Bob's Good dogs and hole up there, I brought some guns with me from B1.

I'd suggest you try and follow us.

There should be Plenty of food and drink to share in that restaurant, we'll plan our next move there.

Lars Kohler signing out, for the last time.

AN: Yep.

You all know the drill by now.
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You all know the drill by now.
Voting? Or waiting for more updates?

Either way, the critter is obviously fairly smart, going after the Sentry Bot's head and whatnot. No idea what the deal with spreading around the entrails or covering the corpses in that stuff is. It could be some sort of nesting behavior? Here's hoping that the critter is male and can't reproduce on its own, though given this is Fallout... yeah.

On the positive side, we have a lead on another group of survivors. Might be worth considering to try and contact them; they apparently have a fair bit of gear, and they're likely scientifically inclined, which ought to be all sorts of useful.
Also here's a little bit about the beastie.

As @Kelenas has noted it's very clever.

Smart enough to possess human like emotions and an "eye for an eye" mentality when it comes to retribution.
Okay, that is on one hand really concerning, since it means a lot of options like luring it into a trap would be much more difficult. On the other hand, it might mean that diplomacy could be possible. At least some sort of arrangement where it leaves us alone while we grab stuff we need to survive.
Okay, that is on one hand really concerning, since it means a lot of options like luring it into a trap would be much more difficult. On the other hand, it might mean that diplomacy could be possible. At least some sort of arrangement where it leaves us alone while we grab stuff we need to survive.

I'm okay with "arrangements" if it doesn't involve leaving any of our friends for "IT". Other low-life are of course on the table.
Hmm... 'Eye for eye' mentality?
So it's guts and legs were modified, somehow?

At any rate, the attack on Bill happened from the other side of a wall, so it had some upgraded senses.

On the other hand, it is... Farming? It might be the rad-resistant crops that Alessandra wanted, we better ask her.
That's for the Bio side labs.

Anyway, Larry is the head of B1, the workshop that made the laser rifles, so his mooks might be equipped with them. And Melissa is head of A1 workshop, the one handling the semi-powered NBC-suit knock-offs. So they might be armed and suited up.

Gary from A3 'took a fall' after punching a head honcho (I don't think he actually jumped though). His workshop might have a retrofitted T-45/T-50 power armor and spare parts.
A2's Bill is dead from the thing, and we have no idea what his workshop were working on... Might be robots.

B2 and B3 are irradiated, while Cs are welded shut.

Also, happy to hear that your dad is okay, but I caution that your mom's panic is kind of warranted. It's hard to differentiate a minor and a major heart attack for a layman, and a major one really need an immediate response.
Hmm... 'Eye for eye' mentality?
So it's guts and legs were modified, somehow?

At any rate, the attack on Bill happened from the other side of a wall, so it had some upgraded senses.

On the other hand, it is... Farming? It might be the rad-resistant crops that Alessandra wanted, we better ask her.
That's for the Bio side labs.

Anyway, Larry is the head of B1, the workshop that made the laser rifles, so his mooks might be equipped with them. And Melissa is head of A1 workshop, the one handling the semi-powered NBC-suit knock-offs. So they might be armed and suited up.

Gary from A3 'took a fall' after punching a head honcho (I don't think he actually jumped though). His workshop might have a retrofitted T-45/T-50 power armor and spare parts.
A2's Bill is dead from the thing, and we have no idea what his workshop were working on... Might be robots.

B2 and B3 are irradiated, while Cs are welded shut.

Also, happy to hear that your dad is okay, but I caution that your mom's panic is kind of warranted. It's hard to differentiate a minor and a major heart attack for a layman, and a major one really need an immediate response.

It wasn't a heart attack, he actually went in because of a shoulder wound, they just found something off with his heart beat so put him in monitoring.

Apparently it's nothing too bad, the doctors are able to fix it with regular old medicine.

Although they do recommend he change his diet and not do anything that might increase his heart rate.

Thanks for the concern though!
wait is it the spore carriers from that vault in fallout new vegas just a idea it said green blood and they were messing with plants
Hrm... Long shot, but was this Bill the bill of Left for dead?
Apocalypse, Old guy, interesting stories...

Also, book it. book it hard.
right change of plan.

Get Power Armor, get emitter, grab crops, RUN LIKE HELL'S AT OUR HEELS!!
Then come back with everyone that can shoot worth a damn and give a lesson of what "MERICA FUCK YAH" looks like.
At the very least, we might be able to get Lars and co., and maybe they have some vehicles so that they can join us.

If we can, we might want to look at B1 for any rifles left behind, and any spare NBC suits from the A1. A3's T-45 retrofit is drool-worthy, but I am worried about Fusion Core supply and noise levels.

Bio-science is probably a wash, so the crops Alessandra wants is probably the same, for now.

EDIT: Paranoia, I wonder if the monster found the entrance we used...
If we get the armor and find a way to wire it up we're basically set on power for the forseeable future
keeping the power armor running isn't gonna be a problem yet.

the fusion cores you find in fallout 4 tend to have been laying around for 200 hundred years without maintenance.

A fair deal of them had been active for the majority of that time, and were still capable of running the armor for a while.

your only real restriction is fusion core availability.

and there are few down there.
keeping the power armor running isn't gonna be a problem yet.

the fusion cores you find in fallout 4 tend to have been laying around for 200 hundred years without maintenance.

A fair deal of them had been active for the majority of that time, and were still capable of running the armor for a while.

your only real restriction is fusion core availability.

and there are few down there.
Given the that original systems for the PA were supposed to run for a century without needing fuel or the like, I don't really think that's going to be any issue whatsoever for a long, long while.

He might've been talking about using the generator of the Power Armor to run other systems/machines in our camp, though. In which case there should be lots of car engines lying around that we could re-purpose for that, if need be.
Yeah thats what i meant we get the armor and those generators will be able to set us up with a literal lifetime of power.
Should you stay or should you go?
AN: Alrighty, it's update time.

Today's update is pretty short, and is pretty much just a vehicle to give you some voting options.

I'd tell you to discuss, but there isn't much of anything to discuss this time.

So just vote, so we can continue into more interesting bits!

After reading Larry's terminal you get up from the desk… if someone saw you you'd probably be pretty damn pasty looking right now.

"Alessandra, we need to move." Yeah, your panicking, just a little bit.

"What? Why? Alex, what the hell was on those terminals, you look like a ghost."

"Apparently, your buddies in the Bio-science labs were messing with something they shouldn't have been and now their little experiment is loose in the building."

"Bio-science labs? I only ever saw the one! What are you talking about?" Alessandra is sounding a bit confused… Apparently, college program's only get you public access.

Your struggling not to shout now.

"Alessandra, we need to grab whatever the hell we can and get out of here as soon as possible. No Arguments. There might be some sort of mutant killing machine in the building right now, Our lives may be on the line here."

She caught on to that last bit, and now she's looking just as scared as you feel.

"Okay, okay, you lead the way then Alex."

What's your next move?

[] Into the Workshops.
-[] Loot them all.
-[] Rush to A3, try and get that armor mentioned in the terminal.

[] Fuck this, "Alessandra we're leaving!" (No more loot gained from the building. Whatever is here will lie undisturbed…. For now.)

AN: Short little thing to give you some options. You know the drill, Read, vote, all that.
[x] Into the Workshops.
-[x] Rush to A3, try and get that armor mentioned in the terminal.
--[x] Then loot the rest.
[x] Into the Workshops.
-[x] Rush to A3, try and get that armor mentioned in the terminal.
--[x] Then loot the rest.
[x] Into the Workshops
-[x] Rush to A3, try and get that armor mentioned in the terminal
--[x] Then loot the rest.