Squirrel Sect 1.0.1 [Stone Age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]

[X] To the Victor, the Spoils
-[X] Bones of a rank 2 cultivator
--[X] Reseved for the creation of two(2) weapons, one for the Avenger, the other for Stanley.

-[X] Feathers of a rank 2 cultivator
--[X] Reserved for the creation of two(2) Cloaks/Capes, one for the Avenger, the other for Stanley.

-[X] Meat of a rank 2 cultivator
--[X] Randomly allocated to one rank 1 cultivator with a dao. (Drahcir, Paloneia, Jaguar, Space Jawa, Dinfinity, SeQuester, Joker13, Guest99 <@ if I'm missing someone>)

-[X] Bones of a rank 1 cultivator
--[X] If more than 1, use one(1) in the Alter of the Ancients.
--[X] If only 1, store for explicitly only weapon/armor/artefact creation. If more, store rest.

-[X] Feathers of a rank 1 cultivator
--[X] Store for explicitly weapon/armor/artefact creation.

-[X] Meat of a rank 1 cultivator
--[X] Give to Lalm(Guard Lord)
I Think you need to remove the spaces, otherwise they are counted as separared votes.
It knelt among the wreckage of the gods. Around it the last of Hunger's maggots dissolved alongside the evaporating flecks of Death's ice. The Green's vines lingered, twitching as the weapon in Its paws began to crumble.
Experimentally It turned its gaze inward as the sect's cultivators had described. There should have been a place at its center, a small void into which it would pour the power of a qicorn, the blessing of Transcension, in order to begin the process of cultivation.
The void it found was not the small thing that had been described to it, an absence that should take time and effort to find. The yawning emptiness at its core was immediately and inescapably obvious. It could consume the entire sect's stock of qicorns thrice over and thrice that again trying to fill that void and not see a difference.

The void whispered.
Consume end shape linger grow tally cycles discover change burn .
Barely detectable words on the edge of Its consciousness, each but a small hint of a greater presence, a terrible truth just waiting for It to listen.
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Hey, is it okay for new folks to join? Got backlogged on all the things to read and missed the first thread.
I'm considering what the best use for owl parts is. And, like, do you want them to be the cores of honored treasures of the Sect? No, I think it better to use them to create buffoonish effigies of the owls for some kind of mocking festival to celebrate beating their asses, as well as inventing comedy for the sole purpose of mocking owls.
I'm considering what the best use for owl parts is. And, like, do you want them to be the cores of honored treasures of the Sect? No, I think it better to use them to create buffoonish effigies of the owls for some kind of mocking festival to celebrate beating their asses, as well as inventing comedy for the sole purpose of mocking owls.

You jest, but that actually gives me omake ideas. Specifically focusing on the "Fuck You Owls" festival. Still plan on working on more permanent divine artifacts.
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