Squirrel Sect 1.0.1 [Stone Age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]

[X] Wooden Huts [0/20] (Costs 20 wood)

It was good, he felt, to be back to making things. It was particularly good to be making something that wasn't a bow or arrow. He heaved the plank of roughly hewn wood upright to make a wall. He had fought in the attack, of course. He hated it, but had done so nonetheless. He cut at the plank, using a sharp rock to trim the length into what was needed. This, in comparison, was simply soothing. Yes, perhaps digging burrows to live in would be easier, but this was making something. This was Creation, in it's truest form. This was what he lived for.
jj1111fg33 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Hut Making Total: 7
5 5 2 2
[X] Deep Burrow [46/50]

The Owls had been beaten back, but only by luck and so much death. So many dead squirrels. So much lost, or almost lost. They needed defenses. Someplace to hide. Or someplace to strike back from. Burrows… Burrows would work for the first.

Edit: only slightly better.
blankmask threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
blankmask threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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[x] Cultivate: (Cost 1 Qi Acorn and requires an omake. Omake still grants reroll.)

Still alive? Strange... Impossible, really... He had thrown himself against the owls as one of many in a maddened mass. Determined to die fighting instead of cowering. And then... He did not die. So many others did, but not the one who likes rocks, but keeps being pulled by responsibility, by this strange thought called 'duty', to something else...

Just luck, wasn't it? Now that the terrible determination and fury of that night is gone, everything feels unreal. He remembered being flung away from the fight, his spear pressing through a mat of feathers but barely seeming to be an annoyance to the owl they had targeted. Whap, a batting wing, and he was tossed from the fight, tumbling in open air and nearly breaking his back on impact with the ground. That's the power of qi. To make bodies like stone and muscles full of immense power...

...He really should be contributing properly. But. He's done that for the last few nights. Everything leading up to this was done for other squirrels. And now the threats are gone, for now. It's the best stime to grow stronger, so that-

Is it a twisted, bloated, greedy thought to think that he will contribute more later, if he is greedy now? Perhaps he will. Perhaps he is being a fool. But still, he will try to grasp that same power that saved the squirrel sect, the terrible and awesome force of cultivation.
Rockeye threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 10
4 4 6 6
[X] Cloth Costs 4 leaves: (every 3 progress makes 1 cloth)

Edit: Used @yannoshka Reroll, second reroll used: @KSn5Ynoh

Green-Eyes never expected to find the act of creating cloth soothing to their soul, they've always busied themselves with harder work to keep the Sect afloat, but a off the paw decision to take time and just thread through the Leaves has left the Squirrel thinking of better times, of the before when their mind was simple and soul younger.

Snip Snip

They do not regret becoming what they are now, they are quite thankful for all they have, The Green and all it's bounty laid bare to be understood. But of course nothing is without threat. The Owls and their dripping talons tried to slay them, to kill each and every one of them.

Swish Swish

But now, now their Sect has won against them, struck down several of their number and added their meat to be eaten. They were no longer prey, no longer part of that cycle where they had no power. Now the Sect stood together, strong and against their foe...but what now? What is next for their kin, will their legacy end just with the defeat of the Owls...Green-Eyes does not know and does as they always have, work.

SteelWriter77 threw 6 10-faced dice. Reason: Cloth Making Total: 34
10 10 10 10 4 4 5 5 3 3 2 2
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[X]Qi Pathways Understanding [0/25] (Only Cultivators)

The Avenger stood, watching the remnants of the carnage of the battle. Still, he heard the voice of the Gods whispering into his ears. The Green called for blood, even as Glory commanded order in his mind. Looking down, at the broken spear in his hands, and the blood soaking into his fur, he realised: It was never coming out. His path had been set, the Gods themselves having whispered the secrets necessary to initiate himself into his ears, and now, his pelt had been forever dyed in the colour of the Owls blood. His revenge had been accomplished, the Avenger was no more, now, there was only Redpelt.

Rerolls used:
Fearsome Hill
Guest99 threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Research the Path Total: 9
2 2 1 1 1 1 5 5
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This squirrel considered itself a practical minded sort.
There was a lot of importat things to do, and not enough squirrels to do everything that needed done.
And most of the rest of the clan were idiots.
Kind hearthed, well meaning, hard working, nuts-of-the-trees, wonderfull folk.
But still idiots.

With a squirrely sigh, This Squirrel set out to look for the best ways to contribute to the wellbeing of the clan that it could see.

"Hey you! Chew this! Yes, I know it is very tart! Do it anyway, it is good for you!"

[X] Cooking Mastery 1

@SteelWriter77 you can have my reroll
yannoshka threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Cooking Total: 6
6 6
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No cleaning actions this turn?
I assume you already butchered the owls and buried the squirrels. No one breakthrough last turn.

Oh yeah, you are right. Two cultivators broke through during the battle.

Going to add them next turn because sounds wrong to put now after other people have already voted.

You get a reroll for noticing the issue, good job.
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[X]Dao: Dreams
[X]Dao: Dreams 2; Electric Boogaloo
Edit 2: Better, I guess?
Bloms threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Dao pls Total: 4
1 1 3 3
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The cleaning squirrel can finally get back to cleaning, scouting against the owls gave them the fright of their life. They welcome the normalcy and see.... no impurities??? Didnt two of their own become cultivators? Should their be.....!!!! Ouch that hurts, for some reason the cleaning squirrel is unable to think on this further, they decide to clear their minds by gathering Qi Acorns.

[X]Gather QI Acorns

Edit: wow that meta reroll saved me
SeaTheTree threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Qi Acorns Total: 7
1 1 1 1 5 5
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[X]Gather QI Acorns
With acorns falling from the trees one squirrel went looking for special ones. He hoped to find many. But did he manage to do so?
It went well enough he had time to help another if someone asks(who wants my reroll?)
sunrise threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6
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[X] Ghosts and Faith [81/X?]
The Pale Squirrel finally has time to return to its pondering on the forest that lies beyond death.
It is clear, of course, from the nature of it that the forest is of Hunger,
and it should be clear that the light of the sky above is of Death, and that is why the dead hide amidst the shadows.

and yet, just as Hunger lurks within the forests roots, so too, does it rest in the heavens above.
In fact, the vision of all of those divine places them upon the firmament,
as if grand constellations, beyond our reckoning and understanding.

Perhaps it is metaphor, a representation of how they are above us in all ways.
Or perhaps it is of a more literal nature, and this world is but a glimmer of dust
that we are one day destined to ascend from, seeking to be ever closer to the Divine.
re-roll given to @Guest99
Worm_that_Walks threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Ghosts Total: 12
10 10 2 2
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The night of blood was finally over. Mimic had turned up after the fighting had already started but had thrown himself into the fight to try and defend his fellow squirrels. Unfortunately he had failed. Many had been lost, each one a unique and priceless part of the community and he hadn't done enough. Next time, next time would be different

[X] Choose a Dao: Dao of Protection

Edit: 16 Ain't too bad
MightbeaMimic threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Dao (+1) Total: 20
5 5 10 10 5 5
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[X]Gather QI Acorns
With acorns falling from the trees one squirrel went looking for special ones. He hoped to find many. But did he manage to do so?
It went well enough he had time to help another if someone asks(who wants my reroll?)
I'd like to give the disection another try, to get above a three.
But there is also someone at two 10s who could use it to try and force a third 10 to get an inspiration (link to their post)
Now that the night ended and peace returned, I decided to devote myself to attempting to improve my cultivation. I say down in meditation, and began trying different methods of breathing. If successful, I would make cultivation far easier for us.

[X] Breathing Techniques [0/50] (Only Cultivators)
Paloneia threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 13
1 1 4 4 8 8
Half-Tail is frustrated by her ignorance. The beautiful dance of blood and claw she had danced for hours under the red moon. The lightmist spear that had been there for a moment and gone the next. It had all seemed so natural to her in the moment, and yet, it was beyond her grasp now. She had no understanding of when and how the breakthrough happened. She knew not how to induce that miracle again, or show it to others. But, just as she mastered the spear, she would master this wisdom. To protect. To slay.

[X]Research Qi Pathways

Edit: sorry Guest, I got a horrible result as well
HBInquirer threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: path of the... spear??? Total: 9
3 3 6 6
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[X] Deep Burrow [46/50]

The battle was over. No more would die today. But tomorrow was another story. The owls were still out there, and while they would likely be cautious from the loss they took this battle, it would not hold them back forever, or at least not all of them.

And it does not need to be a full-scale attack to hurt them. This squirrel watched the owls during the battle, predicting their moves. And he saw glimpses of Darkwings. Such an owl could kill any isolated squirrel they came across out in the open without anyone noticing.

They needed someplace they could be unexposed, even if only while resting. And so, this squirrel performed the finishing touches on their research into deeper burrows.

Edit: Deep Burrows finished. @SteelWriter77, use the reroll.
KSn5Ynoh threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Deep Burrow Total: 6
6 6
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It was a time of joy and happiness in the sect like never before. Yesterday, Squirrelkind rebelled against the heavens and the natural order of the chain food, and we stood strong like before, and maybe more. We had defeated the owls so hard that they went back to their nest to cry like pidgeons, JE!
The branches and leaves of the trees moved for the joy of the squirrels running through them and gosiping about the heroes, martyrs, and merits during the war, and I could also hear talks like this.
S1: And there I was, surrounded by 10 owls. It was me and my spear. I had to kill three of them until I could open a path through their blood and feathers. For a brief moment, I thought I was dead, but I survived, and thats how I lost the fur of my tail.
S2: Stop lying. You were keeping the flame of the torch alive. I watched you almost peeing yourself and hiding while the owls almost got the torch! You were so scared that you dropped the torch and burned your tail!
S1: You bastard! You are trying to make me look bad in front of sister, Mei!!
S2: I don't need to do anything, Je!
S1: *drops the first punch*
Aaa that also leads to lyres and tergiverse the story Maybe when the next moon changes and a flower blooms again, the story will be about how we were fighting against a legion of phoenixes. I'm watching you, squirrel, who escaped from 20 snakes.
The thought of forgetting our achievements and losses makes me sad, so I started to wonder: how could we avoid this? Maybe we paint the trees with our history, but sometimes we understand different things from a painting, and the information we could put into it is limited. Besides, drawing in threes is not the safest way to preserve history. Cmon, Alonsus, you got this. I think I have an idea. Then I looked for some water and threw it into the earth, making some mud. I started giving a similar shape to a square, or that was the idea. Then, with a branch, while it was still wet, I started making shapes, and then when it got dry, we would get our story safe. Maybe we had to think of a place to keep it safe and a better way to do this.
[X] Develop scripture for the squirrel kind.
1Arthas1 threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 5
5 5
1Arthas1 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Omake Total: 9
9 9
1Arthas1 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Art Total: 5
5 5
[X] Gather Bugs

A scarred russet squirrrel searched for the smallest of critters and thought to itself; if the wonder of qi could do this to them, and that to the one-thousand-times-damned winged vermin, what could it do to the little centipedes it pulled from the forest floor? They couldn't eat an acorn of course, but maybe if they found a way to break it into pieces sized for them? They didn't want another rival, or worse a hunter to come after them, to repeat the night of blood, but maybe a friend? An ally? A protector?

They use their strength to push over another rock (well pebble really) and scoop up another infant centipede, feeling the glossy chitin as it wriggles and writhes in their grip. This one maybe? They chitter under their breath, "Friend? You friend little wriggler?" It tries to drive it's underdeveloped fangs into their fur and they sigh. "Not today." A bite of the head and the wriggling stops. Another attempt then.

(@Abyssius for context this is meant to be me trying to find a way into the beast-tamer cultivation route, but not knowing how.)

EDIT: RIP those rolls. You got any book-keeping you want done @Abyssius so I can get another? I got nothing to do today.
Shane_357 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Wriggle-Friends Total: 4
1 1 3 3
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The battle was over. The squirrels had won.

Against all odds, the squirrels had won. They hadn't just 'won', they had 'triumphed'. The owl's chief now lay dead.

It would have been natural to take to celebration over the victory. And a little celebration was probably warranted.

But while they had won the battle, they had not yet won the war. New battles would come, and destiny demanded that the squirrels win every battle before them, or else be scattered and forgotten to history.

So the Squirrel of Awareness took little time to celebrate. Rather, he took time to prepare for the future and the battles that were yet to come.

With autumn having returned, the squirrel took to the acorns. Now was a favorable time for gathering them, and so he gathered all he could.

[X] Gather QI Acorns (+1)
[X] Take 1 Qi from the Fulgurite (Free action)

@Space Jawa Forgot to include in the post:

Your Awareness doesn't perceive any threat for the moment.


So...what about the bonuses that were collected before the battle and that the owls and squirrels fought over during the battle?
Space Jawa threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Qicorn Collection (+1) Total: 15
6 6 9 9
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Foolish Leaf had survived the battle, with some difficulty. No honor or glory was achieved as the foolish squirrel thought they would. Was this it? Would Foolish Leaf be resigned to mediocrity for the rest of their life?

Well, the sect did need shelters... No!

No this squirrel said.

It was time. Time to follow the path so many other squirrels did.

It was foolish, yes, but it was time for this foolish squirrel to climb the great acorn tree whose top could not even be comprehended.

Edit: The failure was expected, but boy that nine is painful.

[x] Cultivate: (Cost 1 Qi Acorn and requires an omake. Omake still grants reroll.)
bluefur87 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Acorn Consumption Total: 13
9 9 4 4
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