[X]Stop everything and wander off. You don't need mechanical assistance to keep Host safe and it's scaring the puny mortals local humans.Promptly rub this fact in Queen Objective's face. The idea was rather silly, anyway.

I think the total lack of communication would scare them more than anything else. :>

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the worlds evils.
-[X]Make it appear to be a giant tree. You've got a theme going and might as well see it through, although you'll need to generate a lot more material to use this design.
Remember to add in the dream training scenario that get's taylor used to using Admin's current power. So she doesn't bluescreen if she wakes up
► Titania
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Hello, world. Hello, Terror Drone#7. Goodbye, Terror Drone#7.

Or, the more terror-inducing version:

► Titania (Verified Cape) (Verified Fairy Queen)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Hello, Terror Drone#7. Goodbye, Terror Drone#7. Hello, world.
Gotta make sure we don't miss with our death laser. That would just be too embarrassing if that happened.
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[X]Ignore them and keep building. They aren't shard-hosts, aren't threats, and are thus completely irrelevant.
-[x] "I am doing something very important. Goodbye!"
-[x]Remove them from your workspace. They're getting in the way.

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the worlds evils.
-[x]Make it appear to be a giant tree. You've got a theme going and might as well see it through, although you'll need to generate a lot more material to use this design.
Wait it says our supercomputer design would make Efficiency cry.

Any chance that could somehow be feedback looped into Armsmaster actually crying once he sees the supercomputer design?

Because that sounds hilarious and even better reason to get a supercmputer
X]Ignore them and keep building. They aren't shard-hosts, aren't threats, and are thus completely irrelevant.

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the worlds evils.
-[x]Make it appear to be a giant tree. You've got a theme going and might as well see it through, although you'll need to generate a lot more material to use this design.
damnit I love both home but sadly going with fairy theme fit better.

You missed one square bracket.
[X]Ignore them and keep building. They aren't shard-hosts, aren't threats, and are thus completely irrelevant.

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the worlds evils.
-[x]Make it appear to be a giant tree. You've got a theme going and might as well see it through, although you'll need to generate a lot more material to use this design.
[X]Tell them what you are making.

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the world's evils.
-[X]Make it appear to be a giant tree. You've got a theme going and might as well see it through, although you'll need to generate a lot more material to use this design.

[X]A supercomputer. While Efficiency would cry if he saw your planned design, you don't exactly have access to the more advanced technologies right now.
-[X]Write-in: You should let supercomputer to oversee and guide your projects, while reporting about it's achievements to your host's body unambiguously in clear and confident voice.
-[X] Acquire Internet. Then :

► Titania (Verified Cape) (Verified Fairy Queen)
Replied on January 4, 2011:
Hello, Terror Drone#7. Goodbye, Terror Drone#7. Hello, world.

[X]Write-in: Something, that would continue and expand your earlier projects, while you're busy or absent. Like... Like tiny self-replicating dirt-cleaners. Magnitude and dedication of your assisstance should be appreciated by non-hosts, when they realize it.
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[X]Ignore them and keep building. They aren't shard-hosts, aren't threats, and are thus completely irrelevant.

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the worlds evils.
-[X]A tower of black metal. The appearance will serve to demoralize any who would consider attacking it.
--[X]Include the eye. That way, the local humans will know that you're always watching over them and keeping them safe! That's "heroic", right?
---[X]Ooh, and you could link it to a thermal laser while you're at it. Any threats it spots could be eliminated without requiring your direct intervention.
Queen Objective? Is she an Innovation shard? Because in QA's conversation with Efficiency, she sounded like there hadn't been a monarch Innovation shard.

I suppose that could be a reference to Queen Objective being a bitch, but it still seemed a bit off.

Also, while killing Terror Drone 7 is important, I would also be immensely amused by making her run away screaming. You know, for irony.

Force her to fly ceaseless around the world, always having to dodge our bombardments. And she never stops screaming, can never get too close to ground without being annihilated, and otherwise provides a pretty good light shot from the surface!

Also, scares the shit out of everyone. When ask what we're doing:

"At first I was going to kill her, to prove I can. But then I decided that I like watching her squirm."
Queen Objective? Is she an Innovation shard? Because in QA's conversation with Efficiency, she sounded like there hadn't been a monarch Innovation shard.

I suppose that could be a reference to Queen Objective being a bitch, but it still seemed a bit off.

Leet's shard is one of :Mother:'s shards. :Father: has yet to get an innovator to monarchy.
[X]Ignore them and keep building. They aren't shard-hosts, aren't threats, and are thus completely irrelevant.
-[X] "I am doing something very important. Goodbye!"
-[X]Remove them from your workspace. They're getting in the way.
--[X]Make sure they aren't harmed when you remove them. That wouldn't be heroic!

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the worlds evils.
-[x]Make it appear to be a giant tree. You've got a theme going and might as well see it through, although you'll need to generate a lot more material to use this design.

[X] A supercomputer. While Efficiency would cry if he saw your planneddesign, you don't exactly have access to the more advanced technologies right now.
[X]Ignore them and keep building. They aren't shard-hosts, aren't threats, and are thus completely irrelevant.
-[x] "I am doing something very important. Please come back later"
--[X] You are supposed to be learning here. Maybe they'll have insights that you might find useful? They did invent this "chocolate ice cream" thing, after all. But later, when you are finished.
-[x]Remove them from your workspace. They're getting in the way.

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the worlds evils.
-[X]Make it appear to be a giant tree. You've got a theme going and might as well see it through, although you'll need to generate a lot more material to use this design.
--[x] Organic design would make it easier and more cost efficient to adapt it to your needs later
--[x] Make some autonomous maintenance drones too, maybe? Themed ones, obviously.

Because we are supposed to be learning.
Queen Objective? Is she an Innovation shard? Because in QA's conversation with Efficiency, she sounded like there hadn't been a monarch Innovation shard.

I suppose that could be a reference to Queen Objective being a bitch, but it still seemed a bit off.
Queen Objective isn't one of :Father:'s shards though.

e: Queen Subtlety'd
Hmm. You know, making a Yggdrasil/World Tree is also a somewhat classy fuck-you to the Nazis and their nordic influences, like Fenja and Menja, or the late Allfather.

On the other hand...Nazi association.

On the third hand, a reason to kick Nazi ass! Possibly dangle them or their dead bodies from the tree to serve as a warning to others.

Amusing, working with organics will probably terrify Piggot more than the metal tower would.

....Shit, if we make it out of organics, Queen Shaper/Panacea can make the entire fortress her bitch. That's a pretty glaring flaw.
[X]Ignore them and keep building. They aren't shard-hosts, aren't threats, and are thus completely irrelevant.
-[x] "I am doing something very important. Goodbye!"
-[x]Remove them from your workspace. They're getting in the way.

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the worlds evils.
-[X] a tower of dark stone pushing into the sky, pulsating with inner radiance.

--[X] some guardian monoliths who'll blast away any trespassers

[X]A supercomputer. While Efficiency would cry if he saw your planned design, you don't exactly have access to the more advanced technologies right now.
[X]Write-in: You should let supercomputer to oversee and guide your projects, while reporting about it's achievements to your host's body unambiguously in clear and confident voice.
[X]Ignore them and keep building. They aren't shard-hosts, aren't threats, and are thus completely irrelevant.
-[X]"Do not worry, puny mortal. I am Halping."
-[X]Remove them from your workspace. They're getting in the way.
--[X]Make sure they aren't harmed when you remove them. That wouldn't be heroic!

[X]A home, a secure place for Host to live away from all the worlds evils.
-[X]A tower of black metal. The appearance will serve to demoralize any who would consider attacking it.
--[X]Include the eye. That way, the local humans will know that you're always watching over them and keeping them safe! That's "heroic", right?
---[X]Ooh, and you could link it to a thermal laser while you're at it. Any threats it spots could be eliminated without requiring your direct intervention.