Space Ninja Summer Camp ( Warframe/Worm )

First of all, sorry for the lack of updates. I'd blame covid, but that's not true. I've just been lazy and not feeling motivated to write. Well maybe some blame can fall on covid since the work from home changed my environment.

What is your feeling about omakes while waiting?

Edited to Add: I've had a couple in mind for a while, could add them to the discussion

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Taylor's frames are limited by the time line in game and in story. She came back to earth bet sometime after the plains of eidolon expansion. (Update 22.8 ) By the time her clan visits, they should be sporting Fortuna weapon and frames. (Update 24 )
That would mean a few frames: Equinox Prime, Hildryn, Mesa Prime, Baruuk and Garuda. And their associated gear, plus the base Fortuna stuff (K-Drives, MOA companions, secondary kitguns).
because Yanesi would be the perfect Warframe for Taylor to do Non-Lethal takedown (if she degrades the water canons)
Some of the frames available to Taylor can already be tweaked for nonlethal takedowns/arrests. Consider the following (note that these would involve dialling ability strength WAY down, while boosting duration and/or range):
Mag: Magnetize
Rhino: Rhino Stomp
Banshee: Silence, if you know how to maximise usage, can be terrifying to go against. There's another fic that focuses on Taylor with a Banshee Warframe, that probably can explain it way better than I can.
Vauban: Bastille and/or Tether Coil.
Valkyr: (Prolonged) Paralysis, possibly War Cry.
Limbo: Banish. Just that.
Equinox: Rest & Rage, Night Form.
Ivara: Quiver (Sleep Arrows).
Titania: Spellbind.
Gara: Spectrorage.
Pity Khora was released just before Tay went back to Earth Bet... oh well.
Hooray! Someone else necro'd! Imma drop a relatively crappy omake once I find it in my brain again!

EDIT: By which I mean I was going to anyway, just this way has less modly smiting.

EDIT2: Non-lethal Warframe abilites are absurdly rare. Remember that most normal humans would probably be around level 1-5 with no armour or shields, so even the tiniest tickle of damage will kill them (see, the 5 damage done to that idiot Merchant). So even normally non-lethal tiny-damage-mostly-CC abilites like Train Man's Tesla Nervos or Sandy-boi's pocket sand are an instantly deadly option. Only actually non-damaging attacks like Mind Control or Sleep would work. Ooh. Nyx uses Mind Control on Sophia, shoots her with an Electrical gun, amps her to heck and she goes to town on actual bad guys for once.
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Necros aren't punishable on SV. Stop perpetuating such nonsense.

If you wanted to post something you should have just posted it.

Everybody loves more content.

The mental disconnect on this one is kinda funny. Everybody else tries so hard to be non-lethal, but nooooooo Taylor had to grow up as a murder hobo, fighting space nazi's, so her approach to the world is to pile up the bodies till the problem goes away.

Ahh video game logic, how we love ye.
Personally I find the most humor in watching the locals wringing their hands over how dangerous and uncontrolled Taylor is, while we the readers know that she's holding back most of her arsenal out of courtesy. Which will swiftly take a flying leap if anyone succeeds in making her mad.
That cover is amazing. I'd buy a copy if I could, alas unauthorized work means no monetization.

Is it weird that Video Game Studios are spawning better music than some actual music studios? League of Legends also makes shockingly good stuff for their tournaments.

Even with never playing the game, I still find Warframe's music very compelling.
One group is primarily making good music for their good (or at least funny to hear rage from) games, the other varies between just trying to make good songs to having to be restrained from trying to tear open their surroundings for the imaginary spare change their bad detection robot thought it found.

Its not too big a surprise.
Hooray! Someone else necro'd! Imma drop a relatively crappy omake once I find it in my brain again!

EDIT: By which I mean I was going to anyway, just this way has less modly smiting.

EDIT2: Non-lethal Warframe abilites are absurdly rare. Remember that most normal humans would probably be around level 1-5 with no armour or shields, so even the tiniest tickle of damage will kill them (see, the 5 damage done to that idiot Merchant). So even normally non-lethal tiny-damage-mostly-CC abilites like Train Man's Tesla Nervos or Sandy-boi's pocket sand are an instantly deadly option. Only actually non-damaging attacks like Mind Control or Sleep would work. Ooh. Nyx uses Mind Control on Sophia, shoots her with an Electrical gun, amps her to heck and she goes to town on actual bad guys for once.
Not only that, but from our perspective even Heroes are super squishy. Hell, I personally would only rate Armsmaster in his armor as having roughly the same armor and health as a level 5 Bombard at most.
My Headcanon as to why the Clan haven't descended upon Bet like loot-devouring locusts yet. Bugger all to do with the actual canon of the fic, but it won't expel itself from my brain.

It was widely acknowledged that Clan Leader Dor'han was a rather lazy fellow. Some even poked him by calling him slothful. He himself admitted that he rarely left the Dojo for more than an occasional loot run because he "couldn't be bothered to fight such weak enemies." This wasn't due to a lack of skill, though. He had Orokin weapons and Warframes galore, looted from the depths of the Void. He had mastered most of the weapons available in the Origin System, killing thousands of Grineer in the process. He had fought through the hellscapes of Void and Infestation. He was called lazy because he'd earned it, dammit!

The major reason he was called lazy, however, was because his clan hadn't built their own Dojo. It actually belonged to a solo Tenno who had created his own clan and just let them take over as long as he got a berth. He was referred to as Old Man or First most of the time, despite looking about as old as any of them, due to acting as old as dirt. This was an amicable relationship. The Clan built on and extended the Dojo, The First dropped weapons, Mods, resources and equipment off for newly-awakened Tenno. No one had ever seen him fight, since he fought solo, but his scores on the Obstacle Course showed at least passable talent. The last time Dor'han had seen him was just after that incident with the Idiot Mad Scientist. Huh, that was a bit back. He was due in for a resource dump.

This was nice because the extra Rail the Clan had deployed had drained them of a lot of resources. That was why he and his team had just been off running Nef Anyo out of several billion credits the obnoxious fool could unfortunately well afford. He rubbed at his chest. Prodman kicked like a Moa! He'd barely been able to keep his eyes open on the Liset ride back. Now all he wanted to do was sit down, have a break and...

"Bikka, why are you in my chair?"

"It's comfier than the floor?"

He sighed as he picked her up and deposited her back in the supplicant's position on the other side of the desk. Where she knelt, bouncing in place until he couldn't take it anymore.

"And the reason you're here?" He flinched as she sucked in a huge breath.

"Simaris is grumpy you evaporated that Corrupted Moa and Clem called about bowling night and the Old Man's back and Crumples ate through the water garden's power hose again and someone beat your Happy Zephyr high score and Shuri's new Lich wants to talk with you and Taylor's Rail yes I put those capital letters in there because it belongs to Big Sis is sending out huge energy blasts and hey come back!"

Shuri stared proudly at the massive energy surges tearing into space. Even according to her clanmate's wildest calculations, they were sure that she couldn't get this much power out of this design. And that idiot Grineer dabbler called her mad! Mad! He didn't realise the true depths of her genius! She'd show him and his stupid space-fists! Just as soon as she could get up!

Dor'han ran into the lab to the sight of two Tenno literally sitting on their squadmate to keep her from reaching the Solar Rail controls. Alyssa waved to Bikka, over Shuri's annoyed yelps. "She got into Taylor's special blend. You know, the one she called Black Blood of the Earth?" Everyone winced.

Elan was by the controls, where Dor'han joined them. "We've tried powering the Rail down, but it's not responding," they muttered. "Something is very wrong. Energy readings are all over the place."

"It's been weeks of acting funny. I thought Shuri had it locked down."

"It unlocked itself, somehow!" Shuri tried to say. Unfortunately, everyone else could only hear in the normal non-time-dilated way, so all that emerged was a high-pitched screech as she tried to catapult her brother and sister off.

"It's been acting strange, even more than usual," Bikka chirped.

"Well, if we're locked out of that, we'll just have to do things another way," Dor'han replied, unsheathing his Amp. The power surge when he tried to jack in blew him across the room. "Well, let's try another another way."

This led to several tense minutes as he used his Archwing to get close to an outside power access panel and another few minutes of hacking the Dojo's power grid to reduce the power gradually. A Solar Rail wasn't something that could just be switched off. The energies that could casually traverse the Origin System and could propel a craft to another star were not to be trifled with, especially with their best scientist hopped up on enough caffeine to drown a Hyekka.

Finally, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Then Shuri wriggled free and attacked Ker'al. Crumples thought she was playing and drowned her in Kubrow slobber.

The scientist had had the indignity of being slapped several times with Vazarin healing to burn through the unholy beverage (which had eaten through her mug while no one had noticed). "I've never seen anything interact with a Rail this way. It's been like this for weeks, interference shifting almost to counter my design changes. But this? This is a new step up. This... this wasn't me." Shuri whispered, checking the readings again.

"These readings..." They all turned. The Old Man was there. He looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"You know what these are?" Ignoring Shuri, the man stormed out, heading for the Armoury. They all followed, alarmed. They'd never seen even so much as a glimpse of fear on the other Tenno's face.

"Hey, Old Man!" He was ignored as the First drew forth his gear.

"We have maybe... oh no." The First stared out of the viewscreen. Following suit, Dor'han felt his blood freeze as a Murex tore its way into realspace mere light-minutes away from the Dojo.

"At the Sentient's current speed it'll only be days before it reaches Earth," Shuri whispered. "Their arrival was what was interfering with the Rail."

"Looks like it's time again," said The First, taking up his Glaive and suiting up in his Warframe.

"What do you mean?" Bikka cried. "Tell me, Hayden!"

Excalibur Prime walked from the Armoury. "Go get your wayward sister, we need all the Tenno. We go to a New War."
Can the Tenno move their Dojo's? Like we've seen them kinda as a vaguely shaped floating pillar thingies with the two side protrusions. I ask because if it can move it would make one hell of an entrance. Plus at this point Clan Dojo's are probably much much larger than we think considering the hangers, expansions ect ect ect. You get the idea.
Just what do Tenno Dojo's look like anyway? The Lore seems vague on the matter. In my mind they resemble the Foundation Stations from the anime Stellvia. At least at their "base" form, before FashionFrame is applied to them.
She means Yareli and Sevagoth I believe. Or at least that's my guess.
Thanks, I don't understand where these made up names those two wrote came from :\

Yansei? The hell does that have anything to do with Yareli? Reaper is a goddamn Scythe not a Warframe! And the fuck's a Janusi? Do you mean Janus key? Is @hakunoX secretly corrupted Vor?
Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.
I blame Shy for getting this idea into my mind. When it comes to the Origin System, there may be dialect and pronunciation differences. Resulting in perhaps something like this...

Be warned, Quite Shallow antics within. :)

Wook at them, they come to this pwace when they know they awe not puwe. Twenno use the keys, but they awe mewe twespassews. Ownly I, Vow, know the twue power of the Void. I was cut in hawf, destwoyed, but thwough it's Janus Key, the Void cawwed to me. It bwought me hewe and hewe I was webown. We cannot bwame these cweatuwes, they are bewing wed by a false pwophet, an impostow who knows not the secwets of the Void. Behowd the Twenno, come to scwavenge and desecwate this sacwed wealm. My bwothews, did I not tell of this day? Did I not pwophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, webown through the enewgy of the Janus Key. Fowevew bound to the Vwoid. Let it be known, if the Twenno want twue sawvation, they will way down theiw awms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these twespassers the wedemptive power of my Janus key. They will leawn it's swimple twuth. The Twenno awe lost, and they will wesist. But I, Vow, will cweanse this pwace of theiw impuwity.

I found it in the comments section of one of her videos. Brilliant work. Took me awhile to stop laughing.:rofl:

This video, if one should be curious.
