Be a Primaris Marine or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 50.0%

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From the 'he doesn't know what's on it' it sounds like it's meant to be a totally readable STC fragment instead.
[X]Plan Casual

If it's a Standard Template Constructer, then yes. If however it's a Construct, then it's instead the reason that whatever magi are handling the new "Iron Drakes" geneseed tithe aren't going to be looking too closely into the reason why it looks different than the last few sets.
That makes it much better since a full stc would be something which require like 20 100s
Also are we a primaries marine
What in the frakking warp? Since when are people in 40k lucky?

(AN: This entire chain of events has been brought to you by Sage Dice. Sage Dice is responsible for thousands of players crying and screaming in joy at the same time. Please send support for those poor GMs and players that cannot escape the phenomena. Thank you for reading this PSA.)
Amen that.
STC Information
So the quest is over we fucking won with a intact STC
From the 'he doesn't know what's on it' it sounds like it's meant to be a totally readable STC fragment instead.
Do you mean an entire STC? As in the holy grail of the Mechanicus with everything of the DAoT in it?
I think it's just an STC for a single machine. Perhaps medical, perhaps martial. However, it isn't an STC Library, which would contain numerous sub-functions and countless machine schematics.
[X]Plan Casual

If it's a Standard Template Constructer, then yes. If however it's a Construct, then it's instead the reason that whatever magi are handling the new "Iron Drakes" geneseed tithe aren't going to be looking too closely into the reason why it looks different than the last few sets.
There's a Standard Template Construct the blueprint, a Standard Template Construct the holographic blueprint and production plan that includes how to make the tools to make the tools etc., a Standard Template Construct(er) that makes the design and sometimes makes things directly as well, a Standard Template Construct Library, and useful fragments of all of the above that are all called STCs.

It looks like this is either an electronicly stored blueprint, or an original, all fidly bits included, holographic production plan.
Maybe we are in trueth descendants of the loyalist XV? Also, keep the Blood Ravens away from our Reliquary. At all costs.

I'm just waiting for the other shoe to frop and us finding the Omnicopeia.

OK a lesson on what STC are and can be in the 40th millennium:

- Standard Template Construct Library Prime: This is the original STC the one made when humankind first started spreading during the Dark Age of Technology and it was some form of either AI or VI that held all the knowledge of mankind up to that point and could design and adapt designs to be used for colonizations. It could also replicate itself or make lesser more specialized STCs. The standard name for these in the Machine Cult is the Font of All Knowledge. The Omnicopaeia is the name for a suspected STCLP rumored to be on the Daemon World of Hell's Teeth in the Maelstrom.

- Standard Template Construct Library: This is the first generation copy of the original STC that would be found in various forms in specialized colonization fleets that were into specific types of colonization (be it of specific types of worlds or other specific void locations) and as such are lesser than the original, but still capable of designing and adapting a wide array of technology for specific purposes in their adapted biome. This is what the STC onboard the Death of Integrity was.

- Standard Template Construct Library Printout: This is a printout (partial or full) from an STCL that was used during the colonization of a Segmentum Solar planet. They are usually called Standard Template Construct Library Fragments by the Mechanicum and a few of them still on Mars (in the various dungeons/labyrinths) are the main source of knowledge from which the Adeptus Mechanicus draws their technology to this day.

- Standard Template Construct: This is the second generation copy of the original STC that would be found in various forms on colonized planets and served as a source of developing and adapting various industries for said planet. Most of these got destroyed/lost during the Age of Strife, but one is found every once in a few centuries (and in the case of the Panacea STC gets the planet it is found on immediately dragged into the Warp by Nurgle). When found are usually damaged and in need of decoding to get information our of them. Mechanicus has a small stockpile of them on Mars to supplement their STCL fragments with for the purpose of developing/rediscovering new technologies.

- Standard Template Construct Printout: This a printout (partial or full) from an STC that was used to build up an industry on a planet. It is called an Sandard Template Construct Database by the Mechanicus and is the second most common STC type found by the time of 40K. It is also sometimes found and hoarded by Legion Successor Marines for their own personal use like in the case of the Rift Bombs or the Lionheart Jet Engine (both created by adapting partial STCPs to military purposes) and this causes friction between the Mechanicus and the Legion Successors.

- Standard Template Constructor: This is the third generation copy of the original STC and it delineated into three types: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Every Constructor is a full design for a machine.

-- The Primary Constructor is a design that usually thought of as descended from the STCLP or an STCL that for it's purposes isn't different from the STCLP. As such the Primary Standard Template Constructor is a template for a machine or product that is highly adaptable and can be used upon discovery to immediately (within a decade/century of being delivered to Mars) introduce a new standardized piece of technology. This is the type of STC those two Astra Militarum Scouts discovered and why they were elevated into Imperial Nobility.

-- The Secondary Constructor is a design usually thought as descended from an STCL or an STC that for it's purposes isn't different from the STCL. As such the Secondary Standard Template Constructor is a template for a machine or product that requires resources and byproducts of a specific type of biome to be produced. This is the type of STC the other Panacea STC (the one stolen by the Dark Eldar) belonged to.

-- The Tertiary Constructor is a design usually though of as descended from STC or an overly specialized STCL that for it's purposes isn't different from the STC. As such the Tertiary Standard Template Constructor is a template for a machine or product that requires resources and byproducts from a specific planet to be produced. Of course some of the required components may be no different than components found regularly in that planetary biome type across the galaxy, but others are really planet specific. See the Lion Pattern Boltgun or the Baal Predator for this type of STC.

- Standard Template Constructor Printout: This a printout (partial or full) from a Constructor that is used to build a machine and it is at best indistinguishable from a Tertiary Constructor and at worst is even more specific in the components needed to produce from it's blueprints. One of these was found on Mars and led to the development of the Land Speeder.

Edit: How did I miss that error? Fixed now all the same.
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@Uber_Fail_Dinesh What is your opinion on Ahriman actually? Do you think he is all this time trying to undo the Rubric that he cast, like in Swordo's Quest, or do you think he just lives for his own sake at this point with no care for others?
@Xela63 I think that he was mostly just living for his own sake at the beginning of his banishment, but via a Tzeentch bullshitery, he's been 'hearing' the curses of his 'fallen brothers' which has brought him to a psudeo-insanity of just trying to cure them, so the supposed voices can stop.

Sound kinda morbid but that sounds like something Tzeentch would do in my opinion.
Anti other essential quests I just got started questing

An Extra Primarch

The Emperor created 20 sons to serve as his generals during his campaign to reunite humanity...

The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

Before asking any questions READ FAQ [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide]...

The Lost Primarch Quest

In the 30th Millenia, the Imperium has been born. Under the watch of the Emperor of Man and his Primarchs, humanity is recovering from the Age of Strife. Follow one of the unknown Primarchs during the Great Crusade and see if you can make Warhammer a kinder setting.

From the Brink : Blood Ravens Quest [Warhammer 40k]

Take command of the Blood Ravens, a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes who know not their Primarch, shortly after the conclusion of the Third Aurelian Crusade which nearly saw them destroyed by alien and traitorous brothers alike. The Blood Ravens teeter on the brink, and yet the only way to...
Those are the biggest on SV. You can just type into search on either SV or SB "Warhammer" or "Wh40k" and you will get a ton of quests in different states of completion. Of course, you'll have to select that you want to view Quests only.

An Extra Primarch

The Emperor created 20 sons to serve as his generals during his campaign to reunite humanity...

The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

Before asking any questions READ FAQ [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide] [slide]...

The Lost Primarch Quest

In the 30th Millenia, the Imperium has been born. Under the watch of the Emperor of Man and his Primarchs, humanity is recovering from the Age of Strife. Follow one of the unknown Primarchs during the Great Crusade and see if you can make Warhammer a kinder setting.

From the Brink : Blood Ravens Quest [Warhammer 40k]

Take command of the Blood Ravens, a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes who know not their Primarch, shortly after the conclusion of the Third Aurelian Crusade which nearly saw them destroyed by alien and traitorous brothers alike. The Blood Ravens teeter on the brink, and yet the only way to...
Those are the biggest on SV. You can just type into search on either SV or SB "Warhammer" or "Wh40k" and you will get a ton of quests in different states of completion. Of course, you'll have to select that you want to view Quests only.
Thank you gonna bookmark this post
Just ask me a question, and if it's not going to spoil a major plot point, I'll answer it. If it does spoil one, I'll give you another chance to ask a question.
Well that is a vague and complicated boon. I'll need to think about it.
Chapter 1-17 (Part IT'S FINALLY DONE)
You continued on through the floors, making time for you to leave the Fortress. As it was, you could only spend 2 hours each on the 2nd and 1st floors, and then would have to rush out of the 1st subfloor. While this would take a small bit of time, you did feel as if you could do it. Lucas decided to accompany you, citing that you were the one he was most familiar with. Harmut accepted it easily, and then you split off.

(Event Roll: 74)
(Loot Roll: 63)

The first part of the floor didn't have any problems, but it also did not have any great treasures. You did manage to find a small cache of ThunderHammers and Carapace Armors, so that was a plus. The second part of the search...
(Tertius Class Discovery)

(Event Roll: 48 80)
(Loot Roll: 71)

Went much the same as the first, to be honest. Lucas proved extremely helpful with avoiding the Orks, but in return, nothing truly amazing was found. You did manage to find some things, Imperial Guard Chimeras and a Taurox chief among them, but nothing truly jaw-dropping.
(Secundus Class Discovery)
The rest of the squad had...

(Event Roll: 76)
(Loot Roll: 39)

A pretty mediocre time of it. They ran into nothing and found only trashed equipment. Completely unusable, and had been destroyed by them. Moving on to the first floor, you split up once more.

(Event Roll: 83)
(Loot Roll: 75)

What is up with all of these lower floors? Did they some kind of 'hide everything up higher' strategy here? You found nothing in terms of enemies, but nothing valuable in terms of relics either! You did manage to find a medium cache of Plasma weapons, so that is good.
(Secundus Class Discovery)

(Event Roll: 81)
(Loot Roll: 90)

Finally! Something good! Leman Russes are useful and finding 3 of them in usable condition is a boon to the Imperial Guard's efforts. After all, they aren't cheap.
(Primus Class Discovery)

You meet up once more with the squad, and they tell you of their findings.

(Event Roll: 11)
(Loot Roll: 53)

It was near-disastrous. From the beginning, they were beset by Orks, having to fight off patrols and finding near nothing of worth. They managed to tag some crates of supplies and some Plasma Pistols, but nothing else of worth. You have to consider if the Warboss is wise to your presence now, which makes leaving all the more imperative.
(Tertius class Discovery)

When you finish, Harmut rightly decides it's time to leave. You silently as possible exfiltrate to the grate you came in from...

(Guards at Grate? DC 50: 79)

And it's unguarded, just like it was, to begin with. You all file through the Grate, and retreat from the Fortress. A quiet conclusion to a successful Mission.

Mission Complete! EXP and BEXP will be awarded based on discoveries. A Tertius class discovery will net you 10 of Each, A Secundus 50, A Primus 100, and a Primus Extremis 300 EXP and 400 BEXP. Your Discoveries are as follows:

Primus Extremis: 1
Primus: 4
Secundus: 3
Tertius: 2

EXP count: 870
BEXP count: 970

Stand by for final post and campaign Rewards

(AN: In case anyone was wondering, I just removed the vote on the previous post. I reviewed it and it seemed kind of pointless.)
We clearly need to go into Deathwatch when we have the chance and request missions against Orks. Just imagine, we'll Out-Ork the Orks in regards to looting. That would be hilarious.
Well nothing groundbreaking but I don't think anyone will say no to free stuff, course the techmarines have a looot of work to do after recovery

We clearly need to go into Deathwatch when we have the chance and request missions against Orks. Just imagine, we'll Out-Ork the Orks in regards to looting. That would be hilarious.
Maybe after we graduate from the Scouts, though I kinda do want Orm to be a Scout Sergeant. Be the surprise nuke to the face of whoever discovers the infiltrators. Or be a premier assassin and boss killer...You know what that pretty much sums up what we would be doing in the Watch.
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