Souls of Beyond, Returned to Protect (Kantai Collection) (Still Open to Submission)

I still haven't seen if i can fit this into my schedule but I've decided to try to participate anyways even if it'll require truly magnificent time juggling later on
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Character Sheet (NMS Regina Maria)
Well, it would seem those things I had to straighten out have sorted themselves out. So I should be fine to participate. Here's my character sheet:

Name: Maria Cercel
Ship Class: Regele Ferdinand-class Destroyer
Ship Name: NMS Regina Maria
Companions: NMS Regele Ferdinand (Regele Ferdinand-class Destroyer) (totally twins, Fir Cercel), NMS Viforul, NMS Vijelia and NMS Viscolul (all three Vosphers-type motor torpedo boats)

Reddish brown hair and hazel eyes. The skirt and collar is blue. The neckerchief is red.
Personality: Incredibly laid back, legitimately difficult to get angry. Can be snarky if bothered when tired though. Mostly quiet but is good at calming people.

Quirks: Will use everything I have to destroy you if you do manage to get me truly mad.

Bio: A regular student who just wants to do what's right and make people happy. Not happy about having to fight Abyssals, but won't complain if it means helping people. Not too bothered by turning into a girl.

  • Launched in 1929
  • Was meant to be built alongside 3 siblings, only one was made, the Regele Ferdinand, an older sister-ship who was build 4 months earlier
  • Never used before 1941 where she assisted in fighting off a Soviet raid on Constanța
  • Was used during the Evacuation of Crimea from April to May in 1944
  • Incorporated into Soviet Black Sea Fleet in August 1944 as Letuchiy
  • Returned to Romania in 1951 and served under the name D22
  • Decommissioned and scrapped in the 1960s
  • Helping
  • Allies
  • Other people being happy
  • Cats
  • People being loud and repetitive while saying stupid things
  • Not being able to help
  • People who are better than me in every way
  • Anger

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Character Sheet (USS NewPort News) (Out)
Are ships laid down during the war but launched immediately afterwards allowed?
Primary option:
Name: Natalia Dreyer
Ship Class: Des Moines class heavy cruiser
Ship Name: U.S.S. Newport News
Appearance: TBD pending approval by GM
  • Does not like being made into twenty thousand tons of anthropomorized naval firepower by a disembodied voice with absolutely no heads-up whatsoever.
    • Really, it's the part where it just happened without her being asked beforehand that rubs her the wrong way. Probably would have said yes if they sent him an email the day before asking if she'd volunteer for such a thing.
  • Disturbed by the idea that she ended up with 29 years of foreign memories crammed into her head. Cue existentialism and unfortunate implications abound.
  • Quiet, organized, and very efficient.
  • Likes to spend time reading or tinkering with things when not "on the clock", as it were.
  • Habit of avoiding social interaction and talking to other people.
    • Basically no voice inflection and minimal facial expressions.
    • This is mostly because she isn't terribly good at it if nothing else.
  • Very ironic and sarcastic sense of humor.
  • Has somehow adopted a New York accent since becoming a Kanmusu, which irritates her to no end because she was originally from Boston, and the ship never had anything to do with that city.
  • Has an uncanny ability to not get hit by enemy artillery from time to time.
    • She's not terribly keen on finding out how effective that is, though.

Bio: Previously an electrical engineer with a minor in Mechanical Engineering named Nolan Dreyer, repairing people's computers and phones for a living after being laid off by Lockheed Martin during the recession. Not terribly pleased at the prospect of randomly being shanghaied into service as a anthropomorphized naval ship, but there really isn't much to do about it.

History: U.S.S. Newport News was the longest-lasting Des Moines-class cruiser in U.S. service. She was ever so slightly too late to be involved in the Second World War, and served until decommissioned in 1975.
  • Deployed in Mediterranean from 1950-1961 with Sixth Fleet
    • Was on station for Syrican Crisis in September 1957
    • Provided aid to Morocco after earthquake in 1960
  • Parked off of Dominican Republic after Trujillo was killed in 1961
  • Part of "Quarantine" during Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Provided Naval Gunfire Support during Vietnam War
  • Decomissioned in 1975
  • Mel Brooks movies
  • British Comedy, especially Monty Python
  • Taking things apart to see how they work, occasionally modifying them.
  • Reading technical documents and schematics
  • Explosions
  • Firearms
  • Military Aircraft
  • Being late
  • Incompetence
  • Disorganized rooms
  • Sloppy manufacturing
  • Syria
  • Budget Cuts
  • Popular music released after 2000
Backup: USS Oregon City, or USS Boston

Companions: USS Leary and USS Belleau Wood

Also, @UbeOne how did you get a companion? Did you have to ask the GM first or did it just happen?
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The hours of the weekdays roll on and now its tuesday.

Looks like we have a decent fleet here. Cruisers, carriers and battleship and even a tender and her destroyer escorts. A few more destroyers for ASW might be nice, but the Combined SV fleet is still looking pretty good. By WWII standards anyway.
Charater Sheet (HMS Prince of Wales) (Out)
Name: Thalia Amara

Ship Class: King George V-class battleship

Ship Name: HMS Prince of Wales


Personality: Wales is a quiet soul, only speaking up when she deems it necessary, or when in company of close friends. Instead, she will be incredibly focused on whatever task is at hand, completing it with an almost single minded fervor.

Quirks: Prefers to be working on whatever project she has rather than socialize, and it takes persistent pestering to really get her away from her drafting computer and misc projects.

Bio: Thalia thought she was going somewhere. She was the first of her family to get into University, and had a full ride scholarship. She was going to become an engineer, and everything was going to go great! But one day, while working on a project outside, the weather turned for the worse and the poor girl got struck by lightning.

History: Prince of Wales had a rather rough career in the Royal Navy. She ended up failing quite miserably in her two major actions. At Denmark Strait, untested weapons jammed and failed, resulting in the battleship being unable to save her companion Hood. And in the Indian Ocean, Repulse and Prince of Wales went down after devastating torpedo attacks from Japanese land based bombers.

Sailing the open seas
Being sociable with her friends
Working on engineering projects

Incoming air attacks
Being unable to help a friend in need
The Japanese (serious trigger for her right here)
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Ok, I wasn't sure if the hellcat would be to much for just starting out. But if it's ok I guess she'll use them.
Then in that case, I'll be using Hellcats and Avengers as well, the same stuff Sara had at Iwo Jima.
What about a post for the first wave of ships and our duo of admirals? Should we attack the abyssals? Although on that note, how're we handling combat and the like?