Huh I might have missed that, or forgotten that fact since my last read thru.

I'll read it again later.
Samus is on Tallon IV, Hana is on SR-4somethingorother. And it wouldn't surprise me if the two plots weren't happening at the same time. :V
Invisitext is grrr. At least leave an extra line space to make it obvious that something is there, otherwise I don't know to look for it :V

that said, rebooting Hana! Oh man?
Invisitext is grrr. At least leave an extra line space to make it obvious that something is there, otherwise I don't know to look for it :V

that said, rebooting Hana! Oh man?
Invisitext is easy. What's evil is when you put hidden text inside a bad URL that's attached to a space in the middle of a sentence, like what's hidden in this sentence.
Oh wow, didn't even check for invisitext.
The 'box' finally responded to one of the queries. Not usefully, just with an error message—'RPC error, structural failure'?—but it was something. It wasn't completely dead. If she… no, there wasn't any physical damage, she'd know, and it looked like an I/O interface. Maybe it was just… jammed. Maybe, if she just hit the reset button…


<DDW <-> DHW aux channel established. Structural damage detected. SHS initialization failed.>

…pure optimism, really, except that now it was producing errors in a consistent and timely manner, and… that's how Sasha had put it, and her sister's best friend had claimed it was better that way, and she'd thought that was silly, and it totally wasn't! She hadn't paid much attention, though. She'd been too busy playing a game.

No real idea what it means though. IIRC she's built on a Fog platform right?
Well Baughn, I think we slipped it past them.
I'll admit I wasn't planning to. Usually someone has a highlighter running.
You did, but only because we didn't expect it. Now we'll obsessively highlight and run Invisitext Detectors, just to make sure.
Here's the invisitext, by the way.

The 'box' finally responded to one of the queries. Not usefully, just with an error message—'RPC error, structural failure'?—but it was something. It wasn't completely dead. If she… no, there wasn't any physical damage, she'd know, and it looked like an I/O interface. Maybe it was just… jammed. Maybe, if she just hit the reset button…


<DDW <-> DHW aux channel established. Structural damage detected. SHS initialization failed.>

…pure optimism, really, except that now it was producing errors in a consistent and timely manner, and… that's how Sasha had put it, and her sister's best friend had claimed it was better that way, and she'd thought that was silly, and it totally wasn't! She hadn't paid much attention, though. She'd been too busy playing a game.

It might be a good thing that her body was still frozen, because if it hadn't been, she'd have broken into a wholly inexplicable grin. She'd gone through a dozen microseizures just remembering that scene, and none of them would have lasted long enough to be noticed. She wanted to hug the bird-man again, and spin in a circle.
Wait. I got something.

<DDW <-> DHW aux channel established. Structural damage detected. SHS initialization failed.>

DDW means Dynamic Detail Waves, while DHW is Dynamic Hymmno Waves. For the ones who know even less about the setting than me, that's Ar Tonelico speak for Energy and Feelings. As for the SHS thing, that's the Static Hymno-Server. Basically, Hana doesn't have access her powers as a Reyvateil right now.

As for what exactly the aux channel thing means... I have no idea.
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aux usually is short hand for something like auxiliary. Which in this context would probably mean something like secondary, backup or something like that I think.

So a secondary communication channel between the Dynamic Detail Waves (DDW) and Dynamic Hymno Waves (DHW) was established.

It then detected structural damage after establishing communication between those two and the Static Hymno-Server failed to initialize and bootup.

It's something like that I imagine.
Oh I saw that. Didn't know I should've pointed it out lol. :D
I noticed but didn't comment. Kinda forgot to over squeeing at adorable Hana behavior.
Me either heh. Saw it, had no idea what it meant. Something happened, moved on. :D
No real idea what it means though. IIRC she's built on a Fog platform right?
I had no idea either. I don't really know Ar Tonelico at all. And only Arpeggio from the Anime which I know is inaccurate.
Wait. I got something.

<DDW <-> DHW aux channel established. Structural damage detected. SHS initialization failed.>

DDW means Dynamic Detail Waves, while DHW is Dynamic Hymmno Waves. For the ones who know even less about the setting than me, that's Ar Tonelico speak for Energy and Feelings. As for the SHS thing, that's the Static Hymno-Server. Basically, Hana doesn't have access her powers as a Reyvateil right now.

As for what exactly the aux channel thing means... I have no idea.
Thanks, I know... well something now anyways.
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It's also calling it out specifically as the aux channel, so maybe the primary channel is damaged? And that's why the SHS didn't initialize?

Alternatively, the primary is A) fine, and B) called Hana. :V
It's also calling it out specifically as the aux channel, so maybe the primary channel is damaged? And that's why the SHS didn't initialize?

Alternatively, the primary is A) fine, and B) called Hana. :V
The primary channel is probably damaged right now, and that, along with the errors that prevented the SH Server from initializing means she can't use Song Magic at all right now.

More to the point, Dynamic Hymno Waves are literally her feelings, while the Dynamic Detail Waves are Energy, and from what I understand transforming DHW into DDW is what Song Magic essentially is, but while she has a channel that appears to transform one into the other and vice-versa, if the two way arrow is any indication, she doesn't (or at least shouldn't) have the necessary protocols to make use of that without her SH Server.
I just spent all day thinking about the half of the story that Samus has taken up. Then I reread those parts.

This is currently how I'm feeling.
No, noooooooo don't do this!

This is why I don't let my chained up authors read their own work. :V
No, noooooooo don't do this!

This is why I don't let my chained up authors read their own work. :V

You may joke about this, and that clip may add some humor to my expressions, but I'm serious about the amount of sheer hate I have for how Samus' arc has developed so far.

It is nothing that I wanted it to be. I am pissed beyond words right now, and there are things I want to say that I shouldn't say in public.
That sucks, man. It really does. Maybe take some time to review the outline and see what can be salvaged to get stuff back on track?

A lot of the time correcting the course of the story is, well, not easier than it sounds, but... it's doable.

If you were doing, say, books rather than posting online, I'd say carry on forward to finish the story, then you'd come at Samus's sections with a razor on the review pass.
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I just spent the last few hours with Baughn in a private IRC conversation, and I feel a lot better.

Now I understand exactly what I want to do, and why.
I just spent all day thinking about the half of the story that Samus has taken up. Then I reread those parts.

This is currently how I'm feeling.
Half? I recall a single sequence only.

It needed something to tie it to the rest of the story, but it seemed like you were using it to show how Phazon was something stranger than we thought. Possibly as a springboard to question how that ties into Ar Ciel's physics (and Wills?).
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