That rather implies that it originally WAS our kind of matter. Is this part of your excuse for letting the fog potentially end up on Earth?
Possibly taken from the similarities in quantum physics and rebuilt from there. We do know that they have the quantum realm in common because they have the digital plain which by default exists on the quantum realm. Data, difference, 1s and 0s, even if just in conception, those are similarities. The Fog unlike the people of Ar ciel, Ra ciel, or the Chozo don't deal with any of the spiritual or mental aspects of reality at all. The supernatural is just as much a part of our world as the physical.
That rather implies that it originally WAS our kind of matter. Is this part of your excuse for letting the fog potentially end up on Earth?
When you expose things to a different physics and one is unstable in the other, then typically speaking you don't expect it to form neat complicated designed structures. That's typically a matter of intentionally doing so. So I don't expect that would be exactly how that would happen, more likely the Fog would have engineered something together on their own. This seems kind of likely anyway, as the Ar Cielan didn't really have a reason to go to this reality, so the research to be able to do so probably came from the Fog. (Also I guess @Baughn just said it was a bad choice of words anyway)

Well that certainly explains a few things, so it is due to not having the materials or something similar to that end. Though how is she preventing the nanomaterials that she has from further degrading? "snip" I also edited my original comment so that it would be easier to read. I hope it helps.
Now that I think about it again Ar Ciel it self is actually unstable, being kept together by the Wills. Considering Hana can see at least one of those, she might be a pseudo-Will, a Reyvateil who was specifically engineered to be able to keep things some what together. So that might be how she's preventing her matter from getting converted.

And a brief look at the post makes it look more readable now, yes.
It might be something like a warp ring? Alcubierre drives at least tend to be displayed having them. So it could be part of an FTL setup.

Here's an image of a proposed Alcubierre drive setup. Though considering how theoretical those are, this is probably quite a speculative design.

I was expecting more of a combination of design elements from the fog and Ar ciel, they both do have unique design philosophies and constructions. The ring if I were to guess helps creates artificial gravity as well as additional power due to the centrifugal force and friction between materials and forces. Also it would be a superb place to install a ton of defense systems and weaponry. Though I was expecting a more unique design due to the technology and the design elements being from Ar ciel and the Fog, with Chozo technology integrated in and the entire thing upgraded as a whole later. All three has very distinct and unique design elements and technologies (right down to the fundamentals) so Hana's ship body would also look completely unique. It is also possible that her ship body also doubles as a mobile tower which would change the design even more.

When you expose things to a different physics and one is unstable in the other, then typically speaking you don't expect it to form neat complicated designed structures. That's typically a matter of intentionally doing so. So I don't expect that would be exactly how that would happen, more likely the Fog would have engineered something together on their own. This seems kind of likely anyway, as the Ar Cielan didn't really have a reason to go to this reality, so the research to be able to do so probably came from the Fog. (Also I guess @Baughn just said it was a bad choice of words anyway)

Now that I think about it again Ar Ciel it self is actually unstable, being kept together by the Wills. Considering Hana can see at least one of those, she might be a pseudo-Will, a Reyvateil who was specifically engineered to be able to keep things some what together. So that might be how she's preventing her matter from getting converted.

And a brief look at the post makes it look more readable now, yes.
Thank goodness that helped. I don't think that she is a pseudo will but the unique combination of Fog mental body and reyvateil might be the reason why she can see a will. A will is very much like a ghost or embodiment (it is what the name implies), a strictly supernatural entity. Humans have always been sensitive to such matters. The fog elements certainly help with reconfiguring which we see in regards to her mind and having a core helps when the nanomaterials do burn out for the lack of a better word as reactivation at a later date is possible. The Chozo might then hook her core up to a machine to materialize her soul or something. Having fused technology with spirituality allows them to do such things. They essentially have ghost tech, or supernatural tech, not quite sure what you would call it.
A will is very much like a ghost or embodiment (it is what the name implies), a strictly supernatural entity.
I'm not entirely sure where you're going with the term 'supernatural' here. With in the Ar Tonelico universe I'm not sure I'd call them that, it's got a rather worked out kind of internal physics, one that also has an explanation for souls.

Aside of that, typically I'd say a Will is more like a God really, the creator of a world or possibly worlds and the caretaker of it. This typically so far I know includes the life on it as well, even the intelligent ones. Though those latter ones can occasionally create quite the problem. So I'm not sure ghost or embodiment would cover this correctly?

So is this supernatural for you then? It's not how I'd look at it, but peoples perspectives differ.
I'm not entirely sure where you're going with the term 'supernatural' here. With in the Ar Tonelico universe I'm not sure I'd call them that, it's got a rather worked out kind of internal physics, one that also has an explanation for souls.

Aside of that, typically I'd say a Will is more like a God really, the creator of a world or possibly worlds and the caretaker of it. This typically so far I know includes the life on it as well, even the intelligent ones. Though those latter ones can occasionally create quite the problem. So I'm not sure ghost or embodiment would cover this correctly?

So is this supernatural for you then? It's not how I'd look at it, but peoples perspectives differ.
When you are dealing with ghosts, souls, embodiments and the like, then it falls under supernatural. Something like the wills which are more akin to embodiments as they are literally the will of the place, there is however nothing divine about them.
What makes something divine then in your opinion?
In short God but that isn't exactly easy to explain or that I am just bad at explaining. There is a difference between having a divine disposition and divinity. Those polytheistic deities aren't divine at all, they are however powerful entities that deserve respect, but by no means are divine. Not quite sure this helps.
In short God but that isn't exactly easy to explain or that I am just bad at explaining. There is a difference between having a divine disposition and divinity. Those polytheistic deities aren't divine at all, they are however powerful entities that deserve respect, but by no means are divine. Not quite sure this helps.
Not really, as what is divine? So it basically just moved the question on to the next word. If I look at the Wikipedia version of it, I'd think the Wills would count more or less. But it seems different from how you want to use it.
Not really, as what is divine? So it basically just moved the question on to the next word. If I look at the Wikipedia version of it, I'd think the Wills would count more or less. But it seems different from how you want to use it.
I don't think that I can really answer that. The wills have a divine disposition, but they aren't really divine themselves. They are simply wills. God is divine, his love is divine. One can be as flashy and powerful as they want but it wouldn't make them any more divine. I am doing a horrible job at explaining.
I don't think that I can really answer that. The wills have a divine disposition, but they aren't really divine themselves. They are simply wills. God is divine, his love is divine. One can be as flashy and powerful as they want but it wouldn't make them any more divine. I am doing a horrible job at explaining.
Perhaps you're operating under the concept of a one true God system? In which case there can be but one and all others are thus lesser? Based on that I believe you seemed to exclude polytheistic variants of divinity.
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Perhaps you're operating under the concept of a one true God system? In which case there can be but one and all others are thus lesser? Based on that I believe you seemed to exclude polytheistic variants of divinity.
To me they aren't divine. Powerful entities yes but they are by no means divine. They still however deserve respect just as to how you give respect to a king.
Cocona's life, Metafalica's thoughts
Sidestory: Cocona's life, Metafalica's thoughts

I waved enthusiastically, one final time, then stepped inside and shut the door of the airship behind me.

The sound of the crowd outside immediately subsided, and I slumped against the door. Fighting Antibodies? Sure. Pitting myself against a military AI, subroutine against subroutine? Been there, done that, kept the mental bruises, still don't feel quite human. Singing my soul out, all to convince a hurting and desperate planet that, please, we're here to help?

All of that happened, but none of it compares to the feeling of being hero-worshipped, chased down and begged for autographs. I hate it. I hate it, but I couldn't just… I couldn't tell them I don't want that. No-one would understand.

My knees were still quivering.

"—ocona. Cocona!"


I gave my best friend a glance. She looked worriedly at me, then hauled me to my feet, and I let her pull me along. She quickly found the way to our cabin.

It was a nice one I guess, all padded with expensive-looking upholstery and even some leather. Only the best for the saviours of the world, even on the first inter-tower passenger flight ever. Two beds, which immediately left me feeling uncomfortable.

I took a deep breath. There was no call for panic. Without Saki and the others— but I'm almost literally the last person the Wills would ever hurt. Not that it was ever about that.

Sasha gave me another look, then gently turned me around and peeled off the backpack I was wearing. I took comfort in her touch, the safety of it.

"Do you want to find some food?" she asked. "Or, maybe… there's an observation lounge. We didn't get to see anything when we came, but the fog of death is gone now."

"Just give me a minute," I said, not really wanting either. I slumped bonelessly on one of the beds, on my back. Mine. Sasha watched it happen, sat down next to me and squeezed my hand, a slight frown on her face.

"They mean well, you know."

"I know." I sighed, lifting a hand up towards the ceiling. The lighting shone brightly through my fingers, letting me confirm that the trembling in my limbs was finally subsiding. "It's just overwhelming. I've never seen that many people in one place before. I'm not sure if Metafalls even has that many people. They all think I'm such a great person, and I'm just… I'm not a goddess. Tyria's a goddess. Saki is literally a goddess. Finnel is…" I shrugged, as much as I could on the bed. "I'm just me. If they knew me, they wouldn't be that glad to see me."

"Really?" she said, a laugh in her voice. "I'm hurt. Say, do you think I should tell your brother you don't think he likes you? Or Ms. Jakuri, I'm sure she'd want to know—"

"Don't you dare!" My eyes widen, and I flipped myself around, the better to grapple Sasha. She wouldn't seriously tell Jakuri that… but she absolutely might conspire with Cro.

Later, after my inevitable victory, we were back to back on the bed. It's a compromise between my need for hugs, and my need to get over my need for hugs, and one I was never entirely sure made sense even to myself.

"...What do we do when we get back?" I wondered. "After saving the world, what's next?"

Sasha's response came slowly. "I have absolutely no idea."

"Save some other world?"

A muted giggle. "Maybe the moon?"

"Bring Ar Ru, go sightseeing?"

"Absolutely impossible."

We were quiet, while I thought about Ar Ru. I hadn't seen hide nor hair of the poor girl since we won, and I should have felt happy about that, but I found I actually missed her, just a little. We were finally starting to really get along. I knew Aoto missed her too, and more than just a little. I wondered if he'd miss me?

I guessed Saki would take all his attention.

"I'm going back to Jakuri and Cro," I said, just to say something. "I need a break. My knees still hurt. Frankly, I might be done with this 'fighting' thing—maybe I'll study agriculture? Being 'Cocona, savior of the world' is tiring."

There was another minute of silence.

"—wasn't Jakuri going back to Ar Tonelico?" Sasha asked, confusion in her voice.

"Sure, so she can invite all her friends to the wedding," I snickered, and I'm sure Sasha could feel my suppressed laughter. Oh, there was no way she'd be staying away. Maybe all three of us would move.

I'd be happy to hear her voice again. I'd be happy to have someone I could ask for help, to not do everything myself. Truth be told, I'd be happy just to be there with the two of them.

I liked 'Cocona, Jakuri's protege and Cro's little sister' a lot more.


Clip. Clip. Clip.

The sound of the scissors was my first clue. My stomach tying itself into knots was the second, guilt lurching upwards as I acknowledged what I'd been feeling for ages. There was a guest in our house, in our living room, in fact right here.

I looked upwards from my book, frowning as I tried to parse the sight in front of me. Fauri stood there, her face set with concentration as she moved in a slow circle around an empty space in the middle of the room, making clipping motions with a pair of scissors as she went.

My little sister could be every bit as strange as mom sometimes, but cutting an invisible friend's hair was a little odd even for her. I grimaced. To judge from the height and the guilt, the friend in question was obviously Metafalica, which made this the fourth time this week that our house had been invaded by the spirit that was both still upset with me and, in a certain sense, always and forever a part of me. As I was thinking that, the feeling surged.

"Hey, hold still! You're going to ruin your hairdo."

I looked away. I had plenty of experience working through guilt, and more importantly, Fauri needed some advice. I tapped the table to attract her attention.

"You do know that you'll have to clean that up yourself, right?"

"I know," Fauri chirped, not quite looking at me. "I'll clean every bit that's still here when I'm done."

She had an impish grin on her face. I narrowed my eyes. "Which means?"

"It'll all evaporate." She threw her arms out to the sides, for emphasis. "Poof!" Fauri grinned. "I wish my hair did the same. Ah, Parsnip, lean down a bit? I can't get at—Thanks."

I shook my head, smiling despite myself. Good, we wouldn't have invisible hair all over the floor. "That'd be convenient, wouldn't it."

"Wouldn't it?" Fauri echoed, returning to her work. "But it's a little sad, too. She can't leave anything of herself behind. Well, except for a giant continent-sized tree, and half a dozen pre-built cities, and… um, what else was there?"

"Lush valleys, rivers and forests?"

"Those are parts of the tree," Fauri dismissed. "What were you reading?"

You wouldn't understand—

"An analysis of some of the options for sustaining Ar Tonelico while the main anti-gravity system is down for repairs." I frowned at the pages. Frankly, Fauri might be more likely to understand this than I was.

"Aunt Sasha was here? Is she coming back?" Fauri had tensed, and was looking all around. She looked simultaneously eager and terrified.

"Not until tomorrow, I think."

"Oh phew…"

Fauri went back to her haircut, me to my reading. For a while I had Fauri's soothing chatter for a backdrop, Parsnip this and Parsnip that, but eventually that reduced to just the whisper of her scissors. I felt downright fuzzy inside, a common danger of sitting too close to the adorable little girl.

So long as I didn't ask myself what this amount of cutting was doing to Metafalica's hair, anyhow. I solemnly swore never to let Fauri cut my own hair, the consequences didn't bear thinking about. It was a pity that I wouldn't be able to see.

I frowned at the paper. Had this been printed upside down? I'd never thought of myself as an idiot, but being around Sasha too much made it easy to doubt that.


Clip, clip. Fauri seemed to be trying to even out the hair on either side. By the looks of it, she'd succeed once she'd reached a buzz-cut.

"How come I'm Cocona, anyway? You call Metafalica Parsnip, and Shurelia, Turnip. You've got a nickname for everyone you've ever met, including Mom, Cro and yourself. So why am I just Cocona?"

Fauri shot me a quick, impish grin. "Did you want something else? Mom always said you were hard-headed, so… Coconut?"

"No, that's fine," I answered quickly. "But…" Something clicked. "Cocona? Are you saying I don't get a nickname because my name is already a fruit?!"

Fauri nodded quickly, giggling as she answered. "Cocona's your nickname. It's just also your name."

I supposed I should be happy I hadn't fallen victim to Coconut, legendary head-seeking fruit or not. Although, that was a worryingly narrow escape.

"What if my name hadn't been a fruit?" I paused. "Don't tell me… Coconut?"

Fauri looked at me like I'd just claimed that apples fell upwards.

"Of course not! If it hadn't been a fruit, then I wouldn't have used fruit in the first place. Or… vegetables." She frowned. "Plants?"

I felt the sudden, unbearable urge to cuddle my sister.

I didn't. If I had, then I might get blamed for that hair.


"Ninety-nine point three percent match across both scenarios, and I think most of the loss was caused by those papers, she didn't give up nearly as fast. She's going to be smarter, there's no way around that. Isn't this good enough?"

"Sasha, you're crying..."
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Poor Sasha... I guess she's having it difficult with all this.
Sasha was intimately involved with Fauri's creation. She's also Cocona's best friend, and visited at least twice per week. (Sasha and Cocona are better cooks than Mir will ever be.)

She'd be taking it hard even if they'd "only" lost Fauri.
I don't think I fully understand what the first bit of the last part means, but I'll just increase the number of hugs Hana (and her family) should get by one, just to be safe.

I liked the insight into how Cocona is (was?) dealing with being a celebrity, her insecurities and her relationship with Hana Fauri Hana.
Sasha was intimately involved with Fauri's creation. She's also Cocona's best friend, and visited at least twice per week. (Sasha and Cocona are better cooks than Mir will ever be.)

She'd be taking it hard even if they'd "only" lost Fauri.
Well we can't leave her in sadness forever. Hopefully the Chozo can have a chat with her. That conversation would be interesting to be sure.
Only the best for the saviours of the world, even on the first inter-tower passenger flight ever.
First ever? So how did Cocona and Jacuri get to the third Tower from Ar Torelico and the second tower respectively? Heck, wouldn't Jacuri's trip to said second tower be the first inter-tower flight?
First ever? So how did Cocona and Jacuri get to the third Tower from Ar Torelico and the second tower respectively? Heck, wouldn't Jacuri's trip to said second tower be the first inter-tower flight?
Military aircraft in both cases, I believe. Even if you don't dip into the sea of death, inter-tower flights still weren't exactly safe.

This is the first passenger flight using actual passenger aircraft, designed to ferry people / cargo and nothing else. I wanted to say "first commercial flight", but it probably isn't commercial; that'll come later. She also managed to catch one of the few flights that were launched from Tyria's tower before that tower got dismantled, as Tyria's breakdown is still in the (near-term) future.
Military aircraft in both cases, I believe. Even if you don't dip into the sea of death, inter-tower flights still weren't exactly safe.

This is the first passenger flight using actual passenger aircraft, designed to ferry people / cargo and nothing else. I wanted to say "first commercial flight", but it probably isn't commercial; that'll come later. She also managed to catch one of the few flights that were launched from Tyria's tower before that tower got dismantled, as Tyria's breakdown is still in the (near-term) future.
Well, first since the apocalypse.

There was probably some passenger flights between the towers before the Sea of Death appeared :V
Your threadmarks seemed to be backwards. Also, did the Fog know that Fauri's ship is a time bomb waiting to happen? Haruna's segment implied that and that they didn't say anything and still went on ahead with it.

Fauri means shimmering right? I wonder if we're going to stroke it or squash it.
Military aircraft in both cases, I believe. Even if you don't dip into the sea of death, inter-tower flights still weren't exactly safe.

This is the first passenger flight using actual passenger aircraft, designed to ferry people / cargo and nothing else. I wanted to say "first commercial flight", but it probably isn't commercial; that'll come later. She also managed to catch one of the few flights that were launched from Tyria's tower before that tower got dismantled, as Tyria's breakdown is still in the (near-term) future.
A pretty awesome scene just came to my head recently. Would you like to hear it?

Your threadmarks seemed to be backwards. Also, did the Fog know that Fauri's ship is a time bomb waiting to happen? Haruna's segment implied that and that they didn't say anything and still went on ahead with it.

Fauri means shimmering right? I wonder if we're going to stroke it or squash it.
Time bomb!? What do you mean that she is a time bomb?
Your threadmarks seemed to be backwards. Also, did the Fog know that Fauri's ship is a time bomb waiting to happen? Haruna's segment implied that and that they didn't say anything and still went on ahead with it.

Fauri means shimmering right? I wonder if we're going to stroke it or squash it.
The threadmarks aren't backwards, but the 'Recent threadmarks' list is sorted with the most recent ones on top.

Fauri's name doesn't precisely mean anything; it's just a name, but it does allude to a lot of concepts. If you tried to "translate" it you'd get "Impatient little bird (of light)", or thereabouts. Which is, admittedly, the sort of name she might be a little put out by once she's older.

But then, Hana's name just means "Flower".
A pretty awesome scene just came to my head recently. Would you like to hear it?
Time bomb!? What do you mean that she is a time bomb?
She's not. >_>