[X] Plan Learn and Prepare
-[X] Dig yourself a hive: Space to live comfortably and the ability to spawn slivers before you reach maturity, +1d2 stewardship. [Stewardship roll, DC 40]
-[X] Survey the woods to learn how much you can safely hunt and forage in them: Learn survey cap, maybe receive survey bonus, +1d2 Stewardship [Stewardship roll, DC 35]
-[X] Bond a mana well (Beneath Beacon): Gain a mana bond, +1d2 Stewardship
--[X] If building the hive fails, try again instead
--[X] If the hive succeeds and the survey fails, try that again.
-[X] Participate in the dust experiments with the researchers. (+2d2 Learning)
-[X] Attend lessons at Beacon [Learning roll, DC 20 to 50, depending]
--[X] Combat Practice (+1d2 Martial, +1d2 Learning)
-[X] Attend lessons at Beacon [Learning roll, DC 20 to 50, depending]
--[X] Practical Aura Applications (+1d2 Martial, +1d2 Learning)
+1 Stewardship for living on your own.
You begin this month, just like the last, trying to build yourself a hive. Unlike last month, however, this time you make significant progress and manage to put together enough of a hive to house yourself and a few other slivers - 5, if they were all thrums. You also manage to survey the surroundings - you don't find any particularly easy sources of food, but you do determine that the woods have lots of food in them - a good 130 food a month worth, you think.
Your lessons also go quite well - You make significant progress in both combat capabilities and practical aura applications. You manage to triple the strength of your aura, and learn some valuable lessons when it comes to combat. Better yet, you manage to discover your semblance. By the end of the month, you've finally reached the point where you can actually fight Ruby and win about half the time. It'd be more often than that if she weren't learning new things herself.
You also learn all sorts of interesting things from the experiments. It seems you can use dust in much the same way that Remnants other inhabitants do - You can fire off dust rounds, though you aren't really suited to using a gun like that. Dust crystals work just fine for you - you manage to wreath a scythe in fire, lightning, and other effects, and do impressive damage to things struck. Dust in powder form proves difficult and unruly, but that's no surprise - most humans require significant practice before they can do much with that.
Finally, near the end of the month you take the time to begin bonding the mana well under beacon. You find a nice secluded spot near Beacon and begin laying down the initial basis for the land bond. After a couple of hours, you have enough of a connection to leave, and finish the bonding later. You stretch out of your trance, and are surprised to find the headmaster, Ozpin, standing in front of you, with his hands on his staff and an inquisitive look on his face. "Do you have something you'd like to tell me, Drei?"
Stewardship: +1, +2, +2, +1 (Progress above 25 halved)
Learning: +1, +1, +1, +1 (Progress above 25 halved)
Martial: +1, +2
What do you tell him? Any priorities in the coming conversation, things you want avoid revealing? Any promises you'd be willing to make, or anything like that?
[] Write-in:
Additionally, what form does your semblance take?
[] Aura Well - You can draw on your semblance to fuel your racial sliver abilities. This gives you {5} in
minor mana per point of aura you spend. Minor mana cannot be spent on spawning, enchanting hives, or other major works, only on smaller spells and abilities, like those granted by
Barbed, and
Clot, and those effects only last for about a day.
[] Aura Sliver - You can spend aura to reinforce the Aura of other slivers at a 1-1 ratio, and can awaken the Aura of other slivers 20% cheaper, and may do so at range. You'll still need to build up your Aura a lot first, and will still need to learn how to awaken auras, though that knowledge will come much easier to you.
[] Advantageous Ground - You can imbue your aura into an area in order to gain a vast array of small advantages that give help out you and your allies, and make life difficult for your enemies. very expensive in terms of Aura, but the area is pretty hefty, and the bonuses add up.
[] Write-in: