Silent Second Life: War To End All Wars (A Naruto Reincarnation Sequal)

calling the vote in 2 hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Jun 20, 2019 at 2:07 PM, finished with 25 posts and 10 votes.
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calling the vote: Sending sakumo and blowing shit up wins.
Planning A Way Out
Planning A Way Out:

"Sakumo Get moving. I have an Idea." You stated.

Sakumo nodded. "Stay safe."

You nodded, and broke the genjutsu, before standing up and walking towards the Entrance. You needed a few ways out, and the best way you could think of in this situation were explosives. Lots of explosives.

"Kagami, time to get some boom boom up." You stated to your friend and mind palace buddy.

Kagami chuckled. "Regular or Extra Strength?"

"Kagami. We need something modern and untraceable." You shot back.

"C-4?" He asked.

"That will work, but make it wireless, to a cell phone detonator." you replied.

"What the hell is a cell phone? I may live in your head but I don't know everything." Kagami replied.

"A box that calls things that make things go boom. Like in that movie I showed you." You replied.

In your hand, appeared a cellphone and a small block of C-4. Well, time to get to work.

Planting the Explosives… Quietly: 1D100 => 21

You walked to the entrance and used your genjutsu to make the block look like some money. You dropped it in one of the plants.

Wait a second? You felt the chakra rising behind you.

Oh, Fuck!

You ducked and saw Aka the Red Wave standing before you, her blade only giving you an impromptu haircut. Armed to the teeth with seals, sharp knives and what looked like a very pissed off expression.

Shadow Detachment:1D100 => 89

It was quite thankful that you had mastered the art of looking like a deer in headlights because your shadow was hijacked by Kagami to do god knows what.

"We meet again you little brat." She growled. "I'm finally going to get what I owed!"

You cast a genjutsu over the entire concert hall and crossed your arms. She didn't react, as the seals glowed. "You can't escape, the seals prevent almost all Genjutsu you can use, save for your little talking one."

Wow… She's prepared for you this time. And you enjoyed making her punch herself while you bravely ran away to rescue the wounded. "Really? You're still mad about that whole punching yourself thing?" You held the cellphone in your hand and hid it in your palm.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you die, for ruining my reputation."

"I added to your reputation, you crazy bitch!" You replied, trying to consider your options. The C-4 was right next to you, you had no weapon, and you were pretty sure that the seal would be on your head and exploding your mind before you could cast another genjutsu. "Who else could survive punching themselves three hundred times at full force?"

"Look I know we're both very busy women, and I want to be able to go home and relax in a hot spring, while you do what you need to do." You replied, trying to invoke the unwritten rules of Shinobi. Like complimenting someone you know can kill your ass and hoping they are merciful today.

"Hey, Ayako… I placed some C-4 all over the building." Kagami stated as your shadow reattached to your body. "You owe me ice cream for this."

The wonders of having a separate personality who can literally pull anything out of his ass through genjutsu.

Although there was the problem of your family being so batshit insane from your bloodline that you needed a separate personality to control said ability…

Yeah, best not dwell on it. You owe him ice cream.

Sakumo's Success: 1D100 => 100

There were screams of terror and a thud in the concert hall. "Murderer!"

"Kill the Kumo nin!"

"Get Him!"

Sakumo it seems had his job and did it well. And it seems Goro has been blamed for the job.

Well, that's one problem dealt with. The mission was now over, now you need to get the hell out of here and get home.

Preferably without dying.

What do you do?

[]Call Sakumo and Fight!: You're going to end this crazy bitch, one way or another!
[]Blow Shit up and Run!: The Mission is Over, time to Run like hell!
[]Blow up Aka: Maybe the C-4 will work… Maybe… Hopefully?
[]Run Away!: Um… best not chance it and do a very sensible option… running away. Hopefully, Sakumo can get his own way out of here.

AN: Enjoy.
[]Call Sakumo and Fight!: You're going to end this crazy bitch, one way or another!
[]Blow up Aka: Maybe the C-4 will work… Maybe… Hopefully?
Yeah... She is Uzumaki, right? No way, she will survive everything we throw at her.

[]Run Away!: Um… best not chance it and do a very sensible option… running away. Hopefully, Sakumo can get his own way out of here.
No leaving Sakumo!

[X]Blow Shit up and Run!: The Mission is Over, time to Run like hell!
The best option, really.
My sentiments exactly.

[X]Blow Shit up and Run!: The Mission is Over, time to Run like hell!
[X]Blow Shit up and Run!: The Mission is Over, time to Run like hell!
Getting Out
Getting Out

You held the cellphone so that Aka could see it. "What is that?" She asked. "Another trick?"

You smiled and broke the genjutsu, pressing the call button.

Explosions ripped through the building, dozens of explosives exploding in clear smokeless fireballs. The smell of plastic explosives filled the air.

Cover to Escape:1D100 => 99+10=109

Aka's disappeared behind the thick cloud, and any attempt of her seals and throwing weapons to find you only hit the wall.

The civilians, however, were screaming in terror, pushing their way out of the concert halls main doors. Pushing you out with them.

And in the crowd, you disappeared.

Sakumo met you outside of the town, dressed in his jounin uniform. "Ayako, everything okay?"

You nodded, before casting a genjutsu. "Yeah. Ran into Aka the Red Wave again."

Sakumo sighed. "Again. Seriously, you'd think she'd give up after you made her punch herself in the face a thousand times." He then threw over your uniform.

He even got the wrinkles out of it. Thanks, Sakumo. "We need to get moving. We might meet Yoshi on the way back to the Village."

"Did the Hokage make him go on another Suicide mission?" You asked sarcastically.

Sakumo frowned. "No. just a border patrol mission." The joke clearly making him upset.

"Hey. He'll be fine. He's got Dai watching his back." You replied.

Sakumo sighed. "I know."

You got back into your uniform and took a deep breath. "Let's go home."

It had been a long few months since the Village attack. Sure no one died directly in the attack, but the aftermath of the attack, with hunter teams harassing the enemy back across the border, along with the border rats not getting any help for a week… There were bodies that had to be buried or burned when it was all over.

Sakumo's father was among them, somehow taking over one hundred ninja with him as he and a dozen shadow clones detonated a thousand explosive tags, creating a wall of fire and death.

There was hardly a body to bury, when his team brought him back to the village, nothing more than a torso and a mangled head attached to sinew and bone.

Sakumo had broke… but only for a little while. Between the Crusaders and Might Dai, he bounced back from his funk of depression… though he was a bit more somber than he was before… a bit more cautious during missions and a bit more protective of the crusaders when you all were with him.

But that was it. He was still his normal self.

Meetings along the way: 1D100 => 91+10=101

You met Danzo-Sensei at the border treehouse, along with a few members of the border rats resting after a long patrol. "Danzo!" Sakumo was quite surprised to see your teacher in the field. "I thought you were in the village?"

Danzo had a sour look on his face. "The border patrol was short-handed, so I was sent to relive a few of the injured."

"Anyone hurt?" You asked.

Danzo nodded. "No, but we do have some intel we need to send to the Hokage." He looked to one of the Rats, who threw down a scroll. A large one, big enough to hold a body in it. "Do you mind if you take this with you?"

"Of course," Sakumo replied, catching the Scroll and put it onto his back. "What's in it?"

Danzo gave a smirk, showing genuine emotion. That was something he only ever showed around Mordred… or when he did something he felt warranted it. "Someone who the Hokage really wants to meet."

Oh… that means Danzo and the rats bagged a high ranking badass from the enemies.

Good for them…. Wait a second…

"And is there anything else?" You asked. "Any crazy bastards trying to hunt us down because we happen to capture a high ranking badass?"

Danzo was not amused. "Do you really think we are that careless as to leave a trace of our attack on the enemy?"

Well, this was the border patrol he was with, and they were known for making huge explosions while trying to kill as many people as possible to keep the borders secure… "Yes."

Danzo frowned, going back to his normal grumpy self. "Get out of here."

You and Sakumo Saluted the Jounin, and then started to run towards the village.

"He was in a good mood." You stated.

Sakumo frowned. "He looked like he wanted to kill you."

You smiled. "That just shows you that he cares."

You arrived in the village a few hours later.

"I'll take the scroll to the Hokage, and pick up the paycheck, and meet you at your house. Wanna come with?"

What do you do:
[]Go with Sakumo: "Sure why not."
[]Don't go with Sakumo: "Sorry Sakumo, I've got a few things to do. See you at home."

If you do not go with Sakumo, what do you do:
[]Find Jiraiya: That white-haired prick owes you money… that and he said he had some info from The Daimyo.
[]Find Yoshi and the Suicide Squad: The boys in green are probably at the bar, drinking themselves silly. Might want to make sure that they don't get to wild.
[]Find Asashi: Well, she's in ANBU… what was her code name again, Mantis?
[]Help Tsunade: Hopefully Tsunade isn't busy… but you know that she needs help.
[]Find Team Orochimaru: Oro, you son of a bitch, if Shiro and his friends learned Shadow Clones, you're going to kill him.
[]Greet Nanako's Angels: Is that Nanako's Fanclub following her around again?
[]Go home: Your beat. Time to go home and see if Mom is babysitting the newly born clan members.
[]Minako?: What the hell? Is that Minako?
AN: Enjoy.
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[X]Don't go with Sakumo: "Sorry Sakumo, I've got a few things to do. See you at home."

[X]Find Team Orochimaru: Oro, you son of a bitch, if Shiro and his friends learned Shadow Clones, you're going to kill him.
[X]Don't go with Sakumo: "Sorry Sakumo, I've got a few things to do. See you at home."

[X]Find Team Orochimaru: Oro, you son of a bitch, if Shiro and his friends learned Shadow Clones, you're going to kill him.
[X]Don't go with Sakumo: "Sorry Sakumo, I've got a few things to do. See you at home."

[X]Minako?: What the hell? Is that Minako?
[X]Don't go with Sakumo: "Sorry Sakumo, I've got a few things to do. See you at home."

[X]Find Team Orochimaru: Oro, you son of a bitch, if Shiro and his friends learned Shadow Clones, you're going to kill him.
[X]Don't go with Sakumo: "Sorry Sakumo, I've got a few things to do. See you at home."

[X]Find Team Orochimaru: Oro, you son of a bitch, if Shiro and his friends learned Shadow Clones, you're going to kill him.

Cute little brother and chocking Orochimaru over shipping! FIGHT ME!! TAKE ON MY RAGE!!!:rage::rage::rage:
Explosions ripped through the building, dozens of explosives exploding in clear smokeless fireballs. The smell of plastic explosives filled the air.

Cover to Escape:1D100 => 99+10=109

And the smoke covered you in a haze. Aka's disappeared behind the thick cloud, and any attempt of her seals and throwing weapons to find you only hit the wall.

So, which is it?
posting a tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Jun 24, 2019 at 1:34 PM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X]Don't go with Sakumo: "Sorry Sakumo, I've got a few things to do. See you at home."
    [X]Find Team Orochimaru: Oro, you son of a bitch, if Shiro and his friends learned Shadow Clones, you're going to kill him.
    [X]Go with Sakumo: "Sure why not."
    [X]Don't go with Sakumo: "Sorry Sakumo, I've got a few things to do. See you at home."
    [X]Minako?: What the hell? Is that Minako?