Silent Second Life: War To End All Wars (A Naruto Reincarnation Sequal)

Remember guys. This is a betrothal, a promise of marriage at a time of the families choosing (I.E when they are of age).

This promise can be broken if bad shit happens, scandal or other stuff, and/or you or your betrothed die.

Edit: Do not be over zealous in the war.
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[X] Plan Something
-[X]Refuse: Mom… It's nice that you care about me… but this is not going to happen. I will Exile myself from the clan if you make me do this.
-[X]Hawk Combat: You want to come up with new strategies using the hawks in conjunction with your abilities.
-[X]Train Genjutsu: Your genjutsu skills are impressive, that just means you need to get better
-[X]Train Taijutsu: Time for some kata's and… Yoshi's new training book?… Oh well, might as well.
-[X]Train Ninjutsu: You need some more ninjutsu in your arsenal, Time to hit the Library.
-[X]Pay Back Kagami: You are going to spoil that brat with ice cream for all the hard work he did.
-[X]Spend time with Nanako: Nanako has some time off to spend in a hot spring right now. Thank goodness.
-[X]Spend time With Orochimaru: Ask him about how his day went.
-[X]Spend Time with Yoshi: The Green-haired man wants to try something with you. Some kind of new super… something.
-[X]Spend Time with Tsunade: Tsunade collapsed on you. How long did the Hokage make her work this time?
-[X]Spend Time with Uchiha Ren: Ren… I know you are looking for the traitor… but this… is not healthy.
Fuckity fuckity nope. You solve it yourselves, I'm out until the shipping wars are over. I'm not against this, on principle, but Ayako? Eeeeeeeh no.

But will vote on everything else:

[X] Plan Fight Your Shipping Wars On Your Own
-[X]Hawk Combat
-[X]Train Taijutsu
-[X]Learn Elemental Jutsu
-[X]Train Ninjutsu
Dunno what it is, but might as well
-[X]Buy a weapon and Learn how to use it
—[X] Glaive
-[X]Spend Time with Tsunade: Tsunade collapsed on you. How long did the Hokage make her work this time?
-[X]Spend Time with Jiraiya: The white-haired boy is… is he writing porn? And did he base one of the characters off of you?!
-[X]Spend Time with Sakumo: Sakumo is still… coping, Hopefully reminding him he had friends to be around will make things okay.
-[X]Spend time with Asahi: Asahi just wants to hang out.
-[X]Spend Time with Mordred: Mordred is like a mother hen… caring but strict and very very violent… Wait, why did you compare her to a mother hen… she's more like a lion.
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This promise can be broken if bad shit happens, scandal or other stuff, and/or you or your betrothed die.
If the promise can be broken if one or the other participants dies. Does that mean that the promise can also not be broken if one or even both are dead?
Because I find the idea of two corpses being married darkly humorous.
[X]Sakumo: Wait… Sakumo wants to what?!

Well, this is the best potential ship with the potential of turning into a real loving romance. Everything else not really.
[X] Plan: Social and Training
-[X]Train Taijutsu: Time for some kata's and… Yoshi's new training book?… Oh well, might as well.
-[X]Train Taijutsu: Time for some kata's and… Yoshi's new training book?… Oh well, might as well. x2
-[X]But a weapon and Learn how to use it(Line Tail Weapon Below): So Sakumo and Yoshi had a bet and you do not want to disappoint them.
--[X] Ninjato
-[X]Train Genjutsu: Your genjutsu skills are impressive, that just means you need to get better
-[X]Spend Time with Sakumo: Sakumo is still… coping, Hopefully reminding him he had friends to be around will make things okay.
-[X]Spend Time with Uchiha Ren: Ren… I know you are looking for the traitor… but this… is not healthy.
-[X]Hawk Combat: You want to come up with new strategies using the hawks in conjunction with your abilities.
-[X]Spend Time with Jiraiya: The white-haired boy is… is he writing porn? And did he base one of the characters off of you?!
-[X]Mirror Mirror on the Wall… That's your Godfather: "Hello Kagami…"
-[X]Spend time With Orochimaru: Ask him about how his day went.

Thoughts: This way, we are managing the most important SL's while doing an impressive amount of work. Taijutsu to balance out our lack of Ninjutsu when Genjutsu just won't stick (I'm looking at you, Jinchuriki) and training in the Ninjato to round our skill set out. Maybe we can even do some fancy stuff with Chakra Flow, which can be really fucking OP. Training with our Hawks is always good and I want us to be there, when Jiraya writes his first Icha Icha.
If the promise can be broken if one or the other participants dies. Does that mean that the promise can also not be broken if one or even both are dead?
Because I find the idea of two corpses being married darkly humorous.

You're thinking Iwa. Konoha has much more sensible traditions.
Fuckity fuckity nope. You solve it yourselves, I'm out until the shipping wars are over. I'm not against this, on principle, but Ayako? Eeeeeeeh no.

But will vote on everything else:

[X] Plan Fight Your Shipping Wars On Your Own
-[X]Hawk Combat
-[X]Train Taijutsu
-[X]Learn Elemental Jutsu
-[X]Train Ninjutsu
Dunno what it is, but might as well
-[X]But a weapon and Learn how to use it(Line Tail Weapon Below)
-[X]Spend Time with Tsunade: Tsunade collapsed on you. How long did the Hokage make her work this time?
-[X]Spend Time with Jiraiya: The white-haired boy is… is he writing porn? And did he base one of the characters off of you?!
-[X]Spend Time with Sakumo: Sakumo is still… coping, Hopefully reminding him he had friends to be around will make things okay.
-[X]Spend time with Asahi: Asahi just wants to hang out.
-[X]Spend Time with Mordred: Mordred is like a mother hen… caring but strict and very very violent… Wait, why did you compare her to a mother hen… she's more like a lion.
You haven't specified which weapon to learn, or did you?
I don't know what it says
Can someone translate, please?
Edit: kay
Why should we use Glaves? Those are pretty useless with our Genjutsu. In contradiction, with a Ninjato we can have one hand free even. That way we can use that for our rudimentary Jutsu for distraction, the Ninjato for Slice n' Dice and our Genjutsu to close the distance. I only added Taijutsu to my training list to get that up to snuff before doing anything else so we have something to fall back on. Glaves are usless, as they are 2-handes. I hope in the future we can get a Ninjato and Wakazashi combo. That with sealless Genjutsu will be a big help.
Glaves are usless, as they are 2-handes. I hope in the future we can get a Ninjato and Wakazashi combo.
If requiring two hands for weapons makes them useless, then how is dual-wielding any better?
Both styles allow you to temporarily free your off-hand for seals, so that's no excuse.

Personally, I don't see the value in learning to wield any weapon mid-war, though.
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[X]Sakumo: Wait… Sakumo wants to what?!

This is the only part of the vote I care about. The rest is up to you all.
If requiring two hands for weapons makes them useless, then how is dual-wielding any better?
Both styles allow you to temporarily free your off-hand for seals, so that's no excuse.

Personally, I don't see the value in learning to wield any weapon mid-war, though.
Because if you're dual wielding then you have two weapons and thats twice as many as one. Therefore its twice as good.

E: Xela, you know this was sarcasm? Just need to check you didn't think I was agreeing with you.
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If requiring two hands for weapons makes them useless, then how is dual-wielding any better?
Both styles allow you to temporarily free your off-hand for seals, so that's no excuse.

Personally, I don't see the value in learning to wield any weapon mid-war, though.
Well, Dual Wielding allows you to react faster since you have one hand on each weapon, not tied up on a single one. Those are important seconds that can decide between life and death. Also, mine is just so we have another option besides Taijutsu. When you dualwield, you can also just choose to use one weapon, if the occasion demands it, which is infinitely better than having to put up with an unwieldy glave.

Also, the Sword Elemental Ninjutsu for Ninjatos and Wakazashis are kickass.
[X]Sakumo: Wait… Sakumo wants to what?!

yeah no way am voting for anything else, this my OTP right there
Onoki Iwa's diplomatic representative

I'm assuming you meant Onoki was the representative, but English is a messed up language so you might want to rephrase in the future. Flipping it around would help clear it up since you didn't use punctuation.


[X]Sakumo: Wait… Sakumo wants to what?!

I'd say the ship and the action plan should be separate votes, and I need more time than I have right now to make a good plan.

@Magoose are there any weapons you would say go well with our Hawks? And how do guns stack up against other ninja projectiles?
@Magoose are there any weapons you would say go well with our Hawks? And how do guns stack up against other ninja projectiles?
Lances are actually pretty good for the hawks, along with a bow and arrow or crossbow.

As for guns... Guns can be a very effective force multiplier if used right, but they are not the end all be all in the ninja world.
Lances are actually pretty good for the hawks, along with a bow and arrow or crossbow.

As for guns... Guns can be a very effective force multiplier if used right, but they are not the end all be all in the ninja world.
So how effective against higher-level targets would be something akin to that? If it's even possible?

Just replace the guns with modern ones, and maybe use machine guns, or shotguns for shorter distances, or something like that.
So how effective against higher-level targets would be something akin to that? If it's even possible?
Possible but a little bit unlikely, especially when we have other skills that would be more useful if that happens.

Just replace the guns with modern ones, and maybe use machine guns, or shotguns for shorter distances, or something like that.
Again, useing the right ones at the right times can give a huge force multiplier bonus.