Silent Second Life: War To End All Wars (A Naruto Reincarnation Sequal)

Despite the shit rolls I consider this to be a productive turn. We banged Tsunade, That constitutes a total victory in my book!
What the hell, did we just fail hawk and taijutsu rolls, but succeed at ninjutsu?

I feel a chill creeping down my spine...
[X] Plan Crusader United
-[X]Sakumo… I just don't know.
-[X]S-Rank: To Kumo: I need you to destroy a division in Kumo. This is something I do not expect you to succeed, but if Kumo loses them, we will be able to go onto the offensive. (Continued in: Band of Brothers Arc)
-[X]Bring Everyone (Can only be done in Band of Brothers Arc)

It's been a long time to have all the gang together.
Also, I still didn't want a committed relationship, at least until seeing all possible options.
[X]Plan Let's Rip Them All Apart
-[X]Sure… Let's Try. If it doesn't work, we can always break it off.
-[X]S-Rank: To Kumo: I need you to destroy a division in Kumo. This is something I do not expect you to succeed, but if Kumo loses them, we will be able to go onto the offensive. (Continued in: Band of Brothers Arc)
-[X]Bring Everyone (Can only be done in Band of Brothers Arc)
Despite the shit rolls I consider this to be a productive turn. We banged Tsunade, That constitutes a total victory in my book!

I don't think so, I think they both just passed out and Tsunade happened to do so on top of Ayako.

Anyway, we should choose the Uzushio mission. Hiruzen blatantly said he doesn't think we can accomplish the Kumo mission. Also, it's more important that we remove the advantage in fuinjutsu that Uzushio brings.

I chose Yoshi and Dai, because their taijutsu won't be hampered by enemy fuinjutsu. Jiraiya is there for his own seal savvy.

But replacing him with Sakumo could work too.
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I don't think so, I think they both just passed out and Tsunade happened to do so on top of Ayako
That's exactly what happened. Altough I should say that now there is a rumor floating around that Ayako and Tsunade are lovers thanks to Jiraiya taking that picture.
Anyway, we should choose the Uzushio mission. Hiruzen blatantly said he doesn't think we can accomplish the Kumo mission.
He also wouldn't have offered the mission if he had any other choice. He doesn't have A minato or The Sannin to really rely upon to be super heavy hitters like he did in the other timeline.
[X]Plan Let's Rip Them All Apart

Sorry, forgot to vote. Anyway, this plan seems fine, leading to one hell of a battle I assume.
That's exactly what happened. Altough I should say that now there is a rumor floating around that Ayako and Tsunade are lovers thanks to Jiraiya taking that picture.

He also wouldn't have offered the mission if he had any other choice. He doesn't have A minato or The Sannin to really rely upon to be super heavy hitters like he did in the other timeline.

Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. :)
Band of Brothers 1: An… unusual detour
Band of Brothers 1: An… unusual detour

You took a calming breath, as you examined the border post to Kumo. Going through Fang was a bit of a joke, your skills honed enough to get past any and all security forces that may look your way, your crack team veterans of dozens of high-risk suicide missions that would make any and all but the kage of the villages shudder in fear.

You were all crazy in special ways. Unfortunately one more than others.

"Ren… You need to sleep." You stated to your Uchiha comrade as you wake from your slumber.

"I'm fine." His red eyes were blazing crimson in the light, the pinwheels spinning in the moonlight.

"No your not." You stated as Tsunade arose from her slumber. "You think that you are a failure, but your not. We said we would find that traitor together… but we just need more time."

"They will know we're coming. It happens every time we leave the village on a mission. It's always us."

"And we'll pull through it." You replied. "Besides, you're not the only one who is looking for the traitor."

Ren growled before pulling out a kunai and pointing it at your throat. "You're not the one who had the choice to stop it!"

You narrowed your eyes. "Enough," Sakumo stated as he sat up from his sleeping roll, the White chakra Saber in his hand, glowing in the moonlight. "Put it down Ren."

"I can't stop seeing you all die." He growled.

That was when you noticed that his eyes stopped spinning, and he stood straight. "DOWN!"

Hitting the Deck!:1D100 => 31-50 (The Traitor Debuff)=-21

It was too late though, you felt the world go dark.


You awoke to hear a whirring sound, of machines and electricity.

"The Subject is Awake." A mechanical voice stated.

You tried to do something, but you were silent, your muteness clear in the silence.

Metal arms held you up, and you faced a glowing monitor of a computer. "Ayako Kurama... You will comply with what is asked of you. as you should have done a life time ago."

You tried to remain awake, but you felt something burning. "Begin the procedure…"

You fade to black


Aka was screaming in pain as you come back to the mind Palace. "What's wrong?" You asked.

Aka grabbed you and hugged you. "They're going to destroy me!"

What? "How?"

"They're going to… oh gods, the procedure… it's starting." She paused and held you. "Kagami! Into the subconscious, you need to lead her out so she can take control of her body."

"On it!" Kagami shouted as he ran towards you

"What about you?"you asked. This couldn't be happening, why was this happening.

"I'm going to do what I always do… Protect you." There was silence. "RUN!"


Choose your POV:

[]Ren: What are you doing here Madara?!

[]Sakumo: You saw the Uchiha legend and felt cold. You had been trying to find Ayako for days, but you couldn't find her.

[]Tsunade: "Oh Kami… why are you here."

[]Madara: Why were these children here? Who was manipulating the… no, it was them. You had a chance to end them now.... or cripple their operations here. "It seems we are unlikely allies, Children of Konoha."
[X]Madara: Why were these children here? Who was manipulating the… no, it was them. You had a chance to end them now.... or cripple their operations here. "It seems we are unlikely allies, Children of Konoha."
Well, this should be quite interesting.
[X]Madara: Why were these children here? Who was manipulating the… no, it was them. You had a chance to end them now.... or cripple their operations here. "It seems we are unlikely allies, Children of Konoha."