Did we ever find out what happened to the furlings?
I remember one episode that had Koala/Ewok bear things that were said to be them, but I had my doubts.

That was basically a character imagining what they must look like based solely on another chqracter deciding they sound cute and fuzzy.

I don't think we ever had a confirmed sighting of them, and it's kinda nebulous if they even still exist by the time of SG-1.

I have seen some fanfics of them, which tends to either have them be another near-human progenitor race that may be slightly amused by the imaginings of the primitives to actually basically being anthropomorphic animals, mostly cause they're a convinient never-seen but presumably powerful race that you can make do and act however you want.
Did we ever find out what happened to the furlings?
I remember one episode that had Koala/Ewok bear things that were said to be them, but I had my doubts.

Wormhole X-Treme! depicted them as furry humanoids with giant koala heads, but no canon depiction of Furlings has ever been given. According to the writers, Furling technology and legacies have appeared in the show, but not the Furlings themselves.

They be chilling. Nothing happened to them. They decided they didn't want to be involved with the universe and after saving the Tolans who got stranded on earth basically disappeared back into their invisible flying cities on an invisible planet and stayed there.

They beat death and so could not ascend. They didn't fall into the Asgardian trap through, so didn't die off ether.
That was the Nox, not the Furlings. We know basically nothing about the Furlings beyond that ~50 million years ago they were one of 4 'major' races alongside Asgardians, Ancients and Nox.

IIRC it is also implied that the Nox have invisible city-ship-things all over the place, but they usually stay away from everything.
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Ok. I've read a few fanfics and one used Goblins for the stand-in for the furlings.

Sucks that they never took it anywhere. even part of a ship or a piece of tech should have been left lying aro...

Neruz, oh. well... that feels like a coup out from the writers. but I wasn't on the writing staff so, ehh.
Which (if any) of the unidentified alien thingies that appear throughout the story are Furling in origin is a debated subject, though IIRC there are a few definite things that have script that matches the Furling writing in that temple place that talks about the four Great Races: the Transport Portal and its dialing device, the Touchstone and the diary discs.
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Wormhole X-Treme! depicted them as furry humanoids with giant koala heads, but no canon depiction of Furlings has ever been given. According to the writers, Furling technology and legacies have appeared in the show, but not the Furlings themselves.

That was the Nox, not the Furlings. We know basically nothing about the Furlings beyond that ~50 million years ago they were one of 4 'major' races alongside Asgardians, Ancients and Nox.

IIRC it is also implied that the Nox have invisible city-ship-things all over the place, but they usually stay away from everything.
Right, I got confused. I think it was implied at some point that the various alternate dimension tech that got found was furling in nature. This would imply they fucked off sideways to greener pastures.
Didn't the Asgard have a 7 million year old alteran library as well (if the lanterns didn't update it after leaving Pegasus)? I wouldn't be surprised if the Asgard added it as well and simply hid it behind their own database. Who would notice a HUGE database within a HUGE (if slightly smaller) database?
Damn was going to go, YES Taylor has the database. but did a quick look and the computer core is on the very first 304 and not on the odyssey. which throws a ship size monkey wrench into my enjoyment gearing.
Well, Odyssey impacted and mostly merged with some Shard (QA, possibly?) during the combination with Taylor, so it isn't impossibly she has access to enough ET civilization data to fake the computer core. Plus, with Sam onboard, you can be pretty sure that they'll be able to fill in just about any gaps using her knowledge and science MacGyver-ing techniques, especially if Taylor is facing a hard deadline to accomplish a task. :whistle:
You know, if QA is involved, Taylor might be a Titan at this point... unless Ward was thrown out. I mean, Odyssey + QA + Taylor = Scary
Didn't the Asgard have a 7 million year old alteran library as well (if the lanterns didn't update it after leaving Pegasus)? I wouldn't be surprised if the Asgard added it as well and simply hid it behind their own database. Who would notice a HUGE database within a HUGE (if slightly smaller) database?

According to Thor, the Asgards had barely scratched the surface of an Alteran repository, and that was after a very long time of research.
So the Atlanteans failed when they fought an enemy who simply tanked drones until they gave up, and even then it took the Atlantean civilization basically shutting down due to plague for their industry to be weak enough to not be able to simply supply Pegasus with enough Drones to win.
Except that, you know, the plague had nothing to do with losing to the Wraith, because it's why they went to Pegasus in the first place?

The Atlanteans lost because they didn't do their best to hide for a few thousand millenia, building up their drone stockpiles, until they could reappear with a million drones for every Wraith dart.

Because they had the technology to do that.
For people that don't know the surface of the brain is where the higher function is. The wrinkler the brain surface is the better the intelligence and such.
Except for the minor problem that, for example, Einstein's brain had _fewer_ wrinkles than average.

We still have no idea what physical characteristics, IF ANY, correlate to higher intelligence.
According to Thor, the Asgards had barely scratched the surface of an Alteran repository, and that was after a very long time of research.
Yeah, the Alteran databases were designed to interface with Alteran brains, and only Alteran brains. Humans, being technically an Alteran subspecies, are theoretically capable of understanding the contents of Alteran databases if their brains could handle the strain of so much knowledge. But the Asgard had to basically manually decrypt everything in the database piece by piece, and Alteran encryption is ridiculously good; for compression purposes rather than security purposes, but it works for security as well.

So despite having the Alteran database for millions of years, plus whatever the Alterans shared back when they were active in the galaxy, the Asgard have only worked through a small part of its contents because the system just wasn't designed with Asgard in mind.

We still have no idea what physical characteristics, IF ANY, correlate to higher intelligence.
Not entirely true; certain characteristics have been shown to at least correlate with intelligence, though any potential causation is still up in the air: Synapse quantity\density is the most obvious, people who rank highly for 'intelligence' almost always have an above average quantity of connections between neurons.

Whether this is a cause or a symptom is unclear.

Except that, you know, the plague had nothing to do with losing to the Wraith, because it's why they went to Pegasus in the first place?

The Atlanteans lost because they didn't do their best to hide for a few thousand millenia, building up their drone stockpiles, until they could reappear with a million drones for every Wraith dart.

Because they had the technology to do that.
But not the attitude; as we can see from the many, many, many unfinished projects the Ancients left lying around, including an entire engineering team that had completed the work on Destiny and gone into stasis, expecting to be retrieved by their kin later on when the Destiny was 'activated', which never happened.

If they had tried to hide for a few thousand years, building up their weaponry, they'd probably have forgotten entirely about the Wraith before the end of the first century and been distracted by whatever SCIENCE! project they were currently working on.

Expecting the Ancients to stay on task for any significant length of time is a fool's errand.
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So despite having the Alteran database for millions of years, plus whatever the Alterans shared back when they were active in the galaxy, the Asgard have only worked through a small part of its contents because the system just wasn't designed with Asgard in mind.
More like ~100,000 years at most (the approximate age of Asgard civilization, at least according to one of the surviving/exiled Vanir in Pegasus).

EDIT: Okay, I underestimated the value by one-half; had to re-read The Lost Tribe's episode transcript to refresh my recollection.
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More like ~50,000 years at most (the approximate age of Asgard civilization, at least according to one of the surviving/exiled Vanir in Pegasus).
Yeah, that's one of the timeline things that doesn't make sense; the Asgard were somehow members of the Alliance of Four Great Races along with the Ancients, but the Ancients left the Milky Way 5 - 10 million years ago and thus could not have been involved with the Asgard if they are only 50,000 years old.

And the Alliance was implied to have been a long-term thing, which means it can't have been founded when the Ancients returned 10,000 years ago because they didn't stay around for long enough before ascending. The Alliance is stated to have met periodically to discuss matters of importance as well as maintaining order in the galaxy, but 10,000 years ago Ra was in control of Earth, which was one of the major reasons why the returning Ancients realized they couldn't rebuild their civilization; they were a small group of surviving refugees and lacked the numbers to fight Ra's empire. But if they'd been part of the Alliance and the Alliance was fully active, then why the hell did they leave Earth in Ra's possession?

So either the Alliance is from 10,000 years ago and collectively decided not to do anything about Earth, despite putting plenty of other human worlds under protected status and telling the Goa'uld to fuck off from them, which makes no sense. Or the Alliance is from before the Ancients left millions of years ago, in which case the Asgard's claimed ~50,000 year history makes no sense.

I'm inclined to put this one down to the writers cocking up the timescales involved, it wouldn't be the first time they accidentally contradicted themselves; Stargate's storyline and 'lore' was very much largely improvised on the fly and not really planned out long-term. (That's also why there's a bunch of episodes with mysteries that never get explained, those are unused plot hooks that fell by the wayside as the story progressed.)
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Yeah, that's one of the timeline things that doesn't make sense; the Asgard were somehow members of the Alliance of Four Great Races along with the Ancients, but the Ancients left the Milky Way 5 - 10 million years ago and thus could not have been involved with the Asgard if they are only 50,000 years old.
*cough* I edited that post; guess you didn't catch it before typing up your reply.
Weird that the Destiny somehow had stasis pods that works for millions of years, when the ones on Atlantis and the Antarctic Outpost (which should be newer and better variants?) time dilutes around 50-60 years per 10 000 years actual time.
Maybe the Asgard position in the alliance is basically heredetary, and the Tau'ri weren't the first ones to become a member via getting uplifted via a tech-dump when they're considered worthy?
I'd say it is more likely the writers just hadn't decided what the Ancient and Asgard histories were exactly, timeline-wise, when the Alliance was first introduced.
But not the attitude; as we can see from the many, many, many unfinished projects the Ancients left lying around, including an entire engineering team that had completed the work on Destiny and gone into stasis, expecting to be retrieved by their kin later on when the Destiny was 'activated', which never happened.

If they had tried to hide for a few thousand years, building up their weaponry, they'd probably have forgotten entirely about the Wraith before the end of the first century and been distracted by whatever SCIENCE! project they were currently working on.

Expecting the Ancients to stay on task for any significant length of time is a fool's errand.
Exactly. In addition to running away when faced with something they couldn't immediately defeat (immediately here meaning 'in the first thousand years or so), the Ancients had the attention span of an ADHD ferret on crack. And speed. And, given some of the things they left laying around, LSD.
Except that, you know, the plague had nothing to do with losing to the Wraith, because it's why they went to Pegasus in the first place?

The Atlanteans lost because they didn't do their best to hide for a few thousand millenia, building up their drone stockpiles, until they could reappear with a million drones for every Wraith dart.

Because they had the technology to do that.

Except for the minor problem that, for example, Einstein's brain had _fewer_ wrinkles than average.

We still have no idea what physical characteristics, IF ANY, correlate to higher intelligence.
Yeah, and Einstein was in many ways an idiot. He was briliant in some areas, but damned if he wasn't dumb in others. Intelect isn't just ability to visualize physics problems. He ended up farming out the actual math to his wife because she was better at math.
I missed that when I was watching SG1 recently when did this happen?
Season 4, Episode 22: Exodus.

Sam decides that the way to stop Apophis is to cause a star to go supernova, so she damn well makes that star go supernova. (By throwing a Stargate that is connected to another Stargate that is currently falling into a black hole into said star.)
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Though I would expect endbringers to be sufficently transdimensional such that they cannot be simply beamed into the sun.
That is one area where Entity tech seems to outpace Asgard/Ancient tech: the only tech SG has shown that can interact with other universes is the quantum mirror, with it's awkward analog interface. I mean, there's no doubt that Carter will be able to wizard up something, but at least in the beginning I doubt Taylor will be able to instantly depower anyone.
That is one area where Entity tech seems to outpace Asgard/Ancient tech: the only tech SG has shown that can interact with other universes is the quantum mirror, with it's awkward analog interface. I mean, there's no doubt that Carter will be able to wizard up something, but at least in the beginning I doubt Taylor will be able to instantly depower anyone.
Well, also Merlin's Shroud, but that was not a piece of tech intentionally designed to do as such, and ended up sending Carter to another world on accident because she was fiddling with it.