Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Mar 6, 2020 at 2:05 PM, finished with 18 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Test Kouha, if it doesn't do anything use Zio instead.
    -[X] If the others obviously need healing, heal them, otherwise focus on attacking.
    [X] Focus on lightning spells.
    -[X] If the others obviously need healing, heal them, otherwise focus on attacking.
    [x] Just... make sure the others don't die.
    [X] Focus on Bless spells.
It's too bad Koromaru is preoccupied with the Shadows at the back... I had the Priestess marked as weak to Eiha.

-Vote Closed!-

Still... a battle strategy detailed enough to last the whole fight. I guess that's one way to try and get this over with.
Priestess- Part 4
"Persona!" You don't call him by name. He comes into existence all the same, still too blue to be right, even if you've forgotten what the right color is. The others are preparing for their own parts in the battle, or holding off the smaller Shadows trying to attack. You haven't been given a part in this fight yet, but there's only so many things you can do.

Healing, in general, is covered by Yukari-san. She's good at it, and it lets her fall back a little, when she's not trying to decide where everyone should go. She tends to focus on it to the point of neglecting to give orders, but it means you shouldn't have to pitch in unless someone's about to die.

Lightning... that's supposed to be Akihiko-san's job, but he's... busy... right now. You suppose you could cover it if you have to, though.

Physical stuff would be good if you had a weak point to aim for, but you aren't sure you have the time to search one out. Every second counts, and you're wasting them as it is, running these thoughts through your mind like that.

A blizzard of ice shards hits Makoto-san and does absolutely nothing. You do remember him saying he had an ice Persona, though, so you don't give it a second thought.

It's time for you to do what you do best.

"Kouha!" Light slams into the Shadow, though you aren't sure how much it did. It seems to have done something, at least.

(The enemy resists Bless spells.) Mitsuru-san informs you, confirming what you'd already suspected. (Ice won't work, either. Curse might, but I can't tell.) She sounds more concerned by that last part than anything else, but at the same time, this is the most coherent dialogue you've gotten out of her since you got on this train.

...Is it possible to stress so much you snap back to coherency? Questions for later.

Still, she didn't say anything about whether lightning works well or not, and it'll give you more staying power than Cruel Attack would, so Zio it is!

One strike of lightning, two, three... and that's about when your opponent's attention turns to you. You assume it's because getting struck by lightning hurts, but maybe she just realized that pelting Makoto-san with hail chunks isn't actually going to do anything.

This means it's now you getting hit with large fragments of ice in various shapes. The Shadow doesn't seem to notice your Persona, so you can heal yourself, but that's time spent not throwing lightning around, or even light.

It's also cold enough that it hurts to breathe, but you think everyone's dealing with that basic problem at the moment. All you have to do is hit the Shadow until it goes down.

A couple more small Shadows ooze in. They are quickly vaporized by one of Akihiko-san's Mazios. Maybe this means the ones in the back are mostly taken care of? That or he just remembered he could do that. You're hoping it's the first, but you could very easily see it being the second.

The big Shadow makes a noise that you think sounds vaguely offended, and then throws a massive snowball over Junpei-san's head, before calling a couple more Shadows in, who start moving menacingly in Makoto-san and Junpei-san's directions.

...You don't think you'll be getting any more help from Akihiko-san.

[ ] Keep focus on the big Shadow.

[ ] Deal with the smaller ones so the others don't have to.
It's too bad Koromaru is preoccupied with the Shadows at the back... I had the Priestess marked as weak to Eiha.
That was what I had assumed.

"Kouha!" Light slams into the Shadow, though you aren't sure how much it did. It seems to have done something, at least.
Huh. I'm surprised that she isn't flat out immune to Bless.

[X] Deal with the smaller ones so the others don't have to.
[X] Keep focus on the big Shadow.

Muttering Tiaras are weak to Ice, so better to let Makoto-san pick them off. Be faster and consume less SP than having Ken do it.

See @Kkutlord they aren't immune to elements that have insta-kill moves, unlike what you baffling insist otherwise.

Now, can we FINALLY train the element we have a knack for instead of listening to people that keep pulling the "everything moderately powerful is immune to Bless" thing completely out of their ass?

One example doesn't really prove anything, only that occasionally Kouha might actually be useful on a boss. So sure, now that we know there might be Bosses weak to Kouha, training with it seems reasonable. We still won't actually know if a Boss is weak until we test them or Seeker confirms it, though.

Besides that, do you have to be rude? You keep acting like I'm an idiot, even ignored that I openly acknowledged a potential in-universe distinction and just acted like I was insisting there was no distinction.

@SeekerofDreams: Does Ken's Bless Affinity, and for that matter everyone's Affinities, provide a bonus to relevant spells/tricks?
One example doesn't really prove anything, only that occasionally Kouha might actually be useful on a boss. So sure, now that we know there might be Bosses weak to Kouha, training with it seems reasonable. We still won't actually know if a Boss is weak until we test them or Seeker confirms it, though.

Again, having bosses be weak to every element but ours is shoddy game design.
Oh man, i really wonder what the causation of this could be?

Well was it established somewhere that a character's Affinity actually boosts related Spells? We don't have Bless Boost/Amp, or any Passives yet for that matter. Seems weird to just automatically assume we get the effects of Boost and/or Amp, when in-game you have to acquire those abilities.
Well was it established somewhere that a character's Affinity actually boosts related Spells? We don't have Bless Boost/Amp, or any Passives yet for that matter. Seems weird to just automatically assume we get the effects of Boost and/or Amp, when in-game you have to acquire those abilities.
Just based on what affinity means in almost every scenario ive come across it should act as a bonus of some kind, otherwise it wouldnt be called affinity.

You arent dumb but to me at least it was a pretty dumb question.
Just based on what affinity means in almost every scenario ive come across it should act as a bonus of some kind, otherwise it wouldnt be called affinity.

You arent dumb but to me at least it was a pretty dumb question.

Honestly, I don't even know why people call it Affinity, when the character sheets don't even say that to begin with. "Affinity" is clearly referencing what a character naturally resists, and while Ice & Electricty come to Mitsuru & Akihiko so well... they don't have other Elements anyways.
Well was it established somewhere that a character's Affinity actually boosts related Spells? We don't have Bless Boost/Amp, or any Passives yet for that matter. Seems weird to just automatically assume we get the effects of Boost and/or Amp, when in-game you have to acquire those abilities.
How about the fact that it was previously established that Ken has a much easier time Channeling and shaping Bless than everything else? Seriously, if the fact that Bless, the element we trained the absolute least, is the first one with a Channeling trick doesn't tip off that yes, Ken's affinity does in some way, improve either the power, usage, or control of Bless, I don't know what does.
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I mean, Ken is a Natural Channeler, so he has an easier time with this stuff in general. Also, Ken only has 1 Channeling Trick for each of his Spells, with his Kouha Trick literally just being a ball of light. That, and Hama was the first thing Ken practiced with.

We've done Channeling practice more than just four times, and yet the first Spell we've gotten an upgrade for is Dia. I'm not denying Kouha will be useful, I just think you're overestimating how consistently we'll be able to exploit Bless Weaknesses.

Besides, until it is confirmed that Affinity comes with a free Boost/Amp effect, there's really no reason to think Ken's Kouha has an inherent advantage over his Zio. That, and Ken wouldn't get access to Hama Boost until he has Kala-Nemi.
[X] Deal with the smaller ones so the others don't have to.

Adds can be annoying if left to their own devices.
How about the fact that it was previously established that Ken has a much easier time Channeling and shaping Bless than everything else?
That's a "-SP Cost" and possibly a "+Skill Exp" kinda thing. While the question
Well was it established somewhere that a character's Affinity actually boosts related Spells? We don't have Bless Boost/Amp, or any Passives yet
was about "+Damage" kinda thing. Then there's also resistance. Having one OR the other IS implied by the words "Affinity". Having one AND the other is not. So I don't see the question "Does it actually boost damage/hit rate?" as stupid, merely pedantic.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Mar 8, 2020 at 2:02 PM, finished with 16 posts and 7 votes.

  • [x] Deal with the smaller ones so the others don't have to.
    [X] Keep focus on the big Shadow.
    [X] Ask the others which of the enemies you should focus on. They were the professionals after all.
All right. Let's see if we can actually get past this now...

-Vote Closed!-

You'll just... make sure the others aren't overwhelmed. Someone has to do it, since the one who was originally meant to do so is sort of buried under a snowdrift at the moment. Don't worry, though, Koro-chan will dig him out eventually.
Priestess- End
You're actually almost glad to see the little Shadows, ignoring just how dangerous they are to you and the fact that you're technically still in a fight for your life. But then, you're used to that, have never really had the chance to even consider permanently dropping the habit, not when it's a lifestyle the people you care for most keep choosing.

This is... not great. You're fighting Shadows, on a speeding train, with a not-inconsiderable chance that everyone on-board is going to die. It doesn't get much higher stakes than that, at least that doesn't include an actual apocalypse, and you don't think it's time for that quite yet. You wouldn't have any of the memories of an eighteen-year-old otherwise.

The big Shadow... you can help fight her. She's strong, resists the element that you naturally default to, but you're flexible, can do other things.

The smaller ones, though... those you can take out without too much fuss. And it would keep you out of the big Shadow's notice, maybe, which means less chance of getting a Bufu thrown your way... so long as the little things don't have Eiha or Mudo, you think you'll be just fine.

So you start casting. And the light comes easily to you, just as it always has, throwing Shadows into the walls, the seats, and, in one case, against the Priestess.

She doesn't much like that one, of course. And you get immediate feedback in the form of more ice, but you weren't exactly expecting anything else from her.

The blizzard she called up also vaporized her own allies, but more of them just ooze in after that, and you figure that what you're really doing is making sure Yukari-san and the others don't get overwhelmed when they're now less trying to deal with the Shadow and more trying to stop the train.

Honestly, you're starting to wonder how nobody thought of that earlier.

You presume it has something to do with the fact that there's still the giant Shadow to deal with.

One of the littler Shadows actually manages to approach you. It gets a spear to the mask for it's trouble. You almost feel bad about it.

Makoto-san walks up to the Priestess.

He doesn't say anything, of course. He's been in the Dark Hour long enough to know that most Shadows aren't of the talkative type, and you don't think he's had much chance to meet the exceptions. Aside from his own Personas, and at this point you think that might be more a warning about his mental health than anything else.

The Priestess, being herself, throws ice at him. The ice does nothing, and this doesn't surprise you at all. Wild Card or not, you can't see why he'd give up an ice immunity when everything here is so cold the first thing you'll do once you get home is wrap yourself in as many blankets as possible without even bothering to take off your jacket. After tonight, you'd say your little group of Persona Users deserves warmth more than anyone else... aside from maybe Junpei-san. He can make things bearable for himself on his own.

...Actually, he's probably a big part of the reason you're not overly concerned about freezing to death, risk of something much more immediate aside- the flames he's throwing around do a lot to explain why the place hasn't filled up with snow yet. You sort of feel sorry for the people who, after the Hour, are probably going to have to try and think up some sort of explanation for all this. They've definitely got their work cut out for them.

Makoto-san starts swinging his sword at the Priestess, which has the desired response, if his desired response was to be attacked by something other than ice. The train stops at some point during the battle, just before the Shadow disappears... you think. The smaller ones started trying to approach again, so you were kind of busy, and you have no idea why he'd go about messing with the controls of a train while in the middle of a fight that both Yukari-san and Junpei-san were too nervous to join in on, but you didn't crash and die, and that's probably all that matters, really.

Shinjiro-san, when he's finally told what happened- by Mitsuru-san, once she'd finished fussing over all of you and making sure you weren't hurt, which was weird- is not impressed.

This doesn't surprise you at all. Shinjiro-san, when it comes to these kinds of things, is never impressed. You get the distinct feeling he'd like to pretend this stuff didn't exist, but he can't because almost everyone he knows is involved in it. To this day, you're still not sure he has any actual friends outside of the dorm. If he does, he certainly never talks about them.

Yukari-san has also decided that you're all going to Tartarus at the end of the month as preparation for any future incidents- you'll have to mark your calendar for the thirtieth.

But that's for the future. Right now, you have things to do that don't involve fighting for your life... thankfully. (Pick up to three.)

[ ] Spend time with friends.
-[ ] Maiko and Akira.
-[ ] Elizabeth-san and Makoto-san. (+Courage)
-[ ] Junpei-san and Morgana. (+Diligence)
-[ ] Yukari-san and Koromaru.
-[ ] Mitsuru-san, Akihiko-san, and Shinjiro-san.
-[ ] Kyouma and Oyama-chan.

[ ] Focus on studying. (+Knowledge)

[ ] Practice Channeling (+'Expression')
-[ ] Kouha
-[ ] Hama

[ ] There's a small girl with black hair poking around the library...
[X] There's a small girl with black hair poking around the library...
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Maiko and Akira.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Kyouma and Oyama-chan.
[x] There's a small girl with black hair poking around the library...
[x] Practice Channeling (+'Expression')
-[x] Kouha
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Maiko and Akira.

Training magic is kind overdue, talking to the girl looks like it's Futaba, and with this we also interact with Akira.