Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

"Does this happen to you a lot? Side trips turning into dungeon crawls?"

Amu blinked at the phrasing. "No, this is…" She paused. Utau's concert. The ski resort. Fumi's office and, oh god, that last trip to the park with Mom, and… a lot of other things. She could feel her cheeks heating up. "Um. Maybe?"

"Fuck. I think I see why Hotsuin thought you needed a guard."
Protagonist woes.

Never take a vacation
Protagonist woes.

Never take a vacation
In Amu's defense, there's a good chance the world will start unraveling at the seams if she takes a day off. And besides, everyone knows no Hero can have a peaceful vacation, ever. Asking for a vacation is the same as begging for a villain to attack you or put his plans in motion while you have your guard down.
No idea of how strong a Fomorian is in this and if getting some power ups in fighting skills would help us or not. So lets go for the "close portal so not more complications end up dropping on our lap" thing.
This might be useful: Fomor
@Baughn Cramming Craft(Vacuum) is going to cost us two training slots, right?
This is when a wiki would have come in handy. I'm seriously going to make one, once I'm back to civilisation.

I can't seem to find a ruling on this, but right off the bat I'd say... 'no'. Just one. If you want to contradict me, though, I won't mind.

If I remember correctly, you have three slots left.
In Amu's defense, there's a good chance the world will start unraveling at the seams if she takes a day off. And besides, everyone knows no Hero can have a peaceful vacation, ever. Asking for a vacation is the same as begging for a villain to attack you or put his plans in motion while you have your guard down.
Yesterday? ...probably. Definitely, if you count Ran, Miki and Su as part of Amu.

Right now? It actually wouldn't, which isn't to say that this would be a good time. Sorry, Amu.

— — —

So, because I do seem to be short an internet connection, and Docs isn't working, this chapter was basically unbeta'd.

I'm not usually too worried about that, but scenes like the one with Utau always make me nervous. How did it come across? Overdone? Muted? Just right?
Six points. For convenience:

The first dot of any ability costs two, subsequent dots one. Attributes are untrainable in this manner. Since these are mental alterations, you'd need to convince Amu that it's worth it. Some are more personality-related than others; Resistance is almost all physical, while bumping Socialize would be... odd.

Excellencies cost two-thirds of a point. Other charms are one each.

You can push it if you want, but try not to break her ability to speak again.
Since then, I think we've bought the First Lore Excellency, God-Mind Algorithms and Dream-to-Reality Methodology, which would leave us with 3 and 1/3 training points.
With that in mind, I don't want to spend any training points since it would really limit what we could buy after the training time we were promised we'd get at the end of this and we've broken portals before just by hitting them with Chaos Repelling Pattern. We only need Craft(Vacuum) if we want to create a specific effect.

@Baughn Does Dia's Craft(Magatsuhi) help at all here? What happened to her anyway?

I don't think we're currently merged, so we don't have any useful attacks, so we should leave the actual fighting to our guard. Her default strategy of attacking from range is probably correct.

[X] You discussed how not to get in each other's way, for increased battle effectiveness.
[X] Shut that portal down.
[X] Get Io out of harm's way. Both of her. You'll worry about the doubling later. (2x)
@Baughn Does Dia's Craft(Magatsuhi) help at all here? What happened to her anyway?
She's asleep.

The skill would be helpful, but she's pretty tired from earlier, so Amu wouldn't want to wake her up. Generally speaking, Amu will succeed at whatever she tries to do anyway. (At least in a literal sense.)

If you vote to wake her, she will... not sure how much use she'd actually be right now, though.
With that in mind, I don't want to spend any training points since it would really limit what we could buy after the training time we were promised we'd get at the end of this and we've broken portals before just by hitting them with Chaos Repelling Pattern. We only need Craft(Vacuum) if we want to create a specific effect.
That's a good point. Hmm... Unless Mab or someone else is holding the other side open maybe? If we need to fight them holding it open, in order to close it then we might need the knowledge.
That's a good point. Hmm... Unless Mab or someone else is holding the other side open maybe? If we need to fight them holding it open, in order to close it then we might need the knowledge.
I'd be really surprised if Mab could directly contest Chaos Repelling Pattern. I'd be more concerned about damaging the space we're in like we did the last time we entered a portal, but I think we've had IPP active on this side already and we don't care (much) what happens on the other.
I'd be really surprised if Mab could directly contest Chaos Repelling Pattern. I'd be more concerned about damaging the space we're in like we did the last time we entered a portal, but I think we've had IPP active on this side already and we don't care (much) what happens on the other.
What would that do to the Io twins actually? CRP I mean. You should also probably specify using CPR on it in your vote to close the portal.
Being to specific can be dangerous, that leaves less room for Amu to use a more creative and wise approach then. And just by discussing it the option has already been placed I think... Or am I misremembering how things work in this Quest?
Again just disable or kill the demon and screw the portal. I'd rather face two demons that turn my back on one and work on something else that is complicated, please think!

Also the training points will be important later as said.
Again just disable or kill the demon and screw the portal. I'd rather face two demons that turn my back on one and work on something else that is complicated, please think!
The second demon could be Mab, who is interested in us and not someone we want to tangle with.

Hitting the portal with CRP doesn't require us to turn our back to the demon, we just have to get within four meters of it and as long as we see an attack coming it's literally impossible for us to get hit.
Yeah, and more than half the votes want to waste training on craft(void) to help with that, while the DM hasn't been definitive that CRP is the best idea to solve it and dangled training bait on top (which i disagree should be used especially since one of our party has redundancies in the form of Craft(Magatsuhi) even if it can't be used now).

Now if you're not certain you're even going to succeed at the task you set yourself before getting backstabbed (literally since you're about to turn your face to either the portal or the demon) why not take care of one threat first.
Now if you're not certain you're even going to succeed at the task you set yourself before getting backstabbed (literally since you're about to turn your face to either the portal or the demon) why not take care of one threat first.
Chaos Repelling Pattern is omnidirectional. We don't need to turn to face anything, we just need to be within four meters of the portal. This demon cannot hurt us as long as we watch it. We have no magical attacks right now, so there's not much we can do to get rid of it anyway.

Does this assortment of statements help, or are you confused about something else?
Is that supposed to be a refutation? 'Omnidirectional' indeed. The fact is that you're banking on CRP collapsing the portal; and watching the demon at the same time while hoping he doesn't engage Io and not getting ambushed by the 'demon reinforcement' you expect to come screaming out of the portal for it to be any kind of priority.

Your whole argument is a bandwagon on top of a bad assumption on top of bad tactics. Frankly if you're so convinced you can deal with both things at the same time i'd prefer pushing the demon into the portal and collapsing it then. Yuraki even has wind element which would probably help and at least you'd be collaborating instead of dividing forces in the face of a hostile element and putting yourself in the middle of the line of fire. Duh!
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Is that supposed to be a refutation? 'Omnidirectional' indeed. The fact is that you're banking on CRP collapsing the portal; and watching the demon at the same time while hoping he doesn't engage Io and not getting ambushed by the 'demon reinforcement' you expect to come screaming out of the portal for it to be any kind of priority.

Your whole argument is a bandwagon on top of bad assumption on top of bad tactics. Frankly if you're so convinced you can deal with both things at the same time i'd prefer pushing the demon into the portal and collapsing it then. Yuraki even has wind element which would probably help and at least you'd be collaborating instead of dividing forces in the face of a hostile element. Duh!
And you being an asshole about it isn't helping your argument.

I wouldn't vote for you even if you had a point as it is now.