[X] AlectaiAlectai said:[X] "I'm not really sure of how it works yet, and I haven't really had a whole lot of time to think about it" You say, a bit sheepish. "There's... Something--it called itself an Exaltation--that was apparently looking for potential heroes, but it kind of saw that I was in a lot of trouble, so it decided to come to me... Which is kind of helpful, as I had kind of stumbled into a big monster fight earlier--I heard screams and thought I might be able to do something to help . It came to me and gave me it's power though, so I managed to beat the big monster before it do too much damage."
You couldn't help but frown. "Turns out it was a demon of some kind, summoned by a guy who wanted to end the world. And it distracted everyone enough that he managed to get away, and the government people here couldn't track him in time. The Exaltation--uh, I just kind of call it my Passenger right now, if it has a name, it hasn't given it to me--mentioned that there was a big disaster probably going to happen soon, which suggests that the guy was going to succeed... So it provided a couple ideas to us, Miki and I put our heads together with some of the people here, and we figured out how to keep him from fully succeeding."
You deflate a bit at that. "I... Couldn't really stop it totally... It was... Really, really big, really... Really strong... But my Passenger helped, Miki and Ran helped, and I gave it everything I could... And the end of the world gave up first. After that, there's a whole lot of strange stuff that I don't really understand yet, and my Passenger hasn't talked to me since the end of it, but I don't think it's completely gone, I can still use some of the power that it gave me if I have to--that's probably why I managed to get so good at cards--a lot of things that used to be hard for me just come naturally I guess--kind of like a permanent Character Transformation almost? Except it's like that Character Transformation is into myself? I think figuring it out's going to take a while, but maybe I'll actually have a while now? I mean, the End of the World didn't happen and while things are a bit different I guess, I still managed to protect all of you, so that's fine, right?"
Trying to point out that for all her precociousness and Hero Power, Amu is an 11 Year Old Girl who is in Way over her head, and is just trying to make sense of everything with her friends and family. An honest approach is probably the best methinks.
Can't really think of anything to add to that. Easy to understand, seems IC, and gets across the fact that the stakes are pretty high. Works for me.