Long chapter is long.
Also I'm having to project about twenty plot lines right now, including Lucifer's, just in order to figure out precisely how Dia should be acting. But it's getting there. Then again, I was proofreading the earlier parts of the chapter, and it occurs to me that there's one point where you really should be getting a choice.. so here, have part one!
knew she should go see if there was anything she could do to help. If there was a demon killing people, then playing around with her friends was the last thing she should do; she deserved to have fun as well, of course she did, but she was just a single person.
Shut up and multiply, in the words of… someone she couldn't remember, or more likely than not someone she'd never actually met. Pointless to wonder about.
She should be doing something, but only if there was something she could do, and she still felt terrible. Tired, sore… ideally she'd rest the rest of the night, so she'd be better able to help tomorrow. Right?
Amu looked around, at Mom's hopeful face and Nadeshiko's frustrated one, not to mention all of her other friends. Ikuto and Utau counted as part of that group - they had to - and both of them were completely conked out; Mom had gotten a little loud, and they still laid there unmoving. Then, it had to be okay if she - what?
She opened her mouth, unsure of what to say, until her eyes fell on the pack of cards spread across a table.
"- Do you want to play a game?"
Her voice sounded uncertain even to herself, but Mom's smile was almost enough to make her think she'd done the right thing.
The room was quiet, silence only broken by the far-off noises of a busy bureaucracy. For four of the five children, chatter had long since given way to intense concentration; for the fifth, the fallout from her almost casual victories was precluding any of her normal attempts at merrymaking.
The first few times she'd won, everyone had thought it was amusing; pure luck, since she was usually so bad at card games. Truth to tell, Amu had agreed. The mood had changed after her fourth straight victory, with Tadase deciding to give his all to defeat her, then again when the other three had allied against her at the sixth.
After she'd won the seventh, all four had gone into a huddle and were now sitting on the same side of the table. She'd even offered to go easy on them, not that they'd accepted. She was almost certain this was cheating, but…
Amu glanced up at the counter-Amu alliance, then smiled sickly and quickly looked down at her cards as Yaya
glared at her. She could almost make out their whispered conversations, but from the intense and ongoing argument she didn't think they had a good plan for this hand either. The way things were going, she'd probably win again.
The score was 75-68 in her favour, Nadeshiko holding the 75, and she was almost certain Yaya held the queen of spades; there was no other way to make everything add up. Statistically, maybe… um, four-fifths chance?
She really wanted pen and paper, itching to figure out the exact number, but that was silly. Besides, Miki was already…
Well, if she was wrong she'd be behind, but not by that much. Hopefully they could stop after she'd won for the eighth time.
"I'll raise another ten." Miki smiled confidently, then involuntarily yawned. "No, make that twenty. I think this'll be the last round for me."
"Um, Miki? I don't
have…" Daichi said.
"Then call?" She grinned maliciously. "Of course, after you woke me up just because Amu was awake, I can't possibly let you go that easily. How about you raise with your shirt?"
Daichi blinked, looking startled. "Uh…"
"Miki!" Su sounded so scandalised, she had to chuckle.
"Oh, don't worry about it. Who wants your shirt anyway?" She said. Besides, he'd just make a new one. It'd be fun to watch him embarrassed without it, but there was probably no way she'd get him to agree to that kind of bet without matching it, and she wasn't going to do
that. No way, no how, and especially not with everyone else here. Nope. At least Yoru was still asleep… too bad she wasn't, but she'd already cleaned them out of… well, admittedly she was the one who'd made the coins, so nothing, really. It was still fun.
A few seconds passed.
She looked tetchily at Temari. "Heey. Are you going to play, or what?"
Temari blinked, shook off her slight blush and shook her head. "Um… right, sorry. I'll… raise that bet by another five!"
Daichi groaned, and the game went on; six sort-of-friends, sort-of-accessories mirroring their origins by playing poker at a tiny table set on the middle of the larger one. Six, because Pepe wasn't playing - it was generally acknowledged that she was useless at pretty much everything, even if they'd never say that.
"Ace of hearts, Amu? Really? Well, I guess we'll win this one."
"I only have aces left, see." Amu shrugged, and watched Tadase pale. She'd already taken all the penalty cards except the queen, and she had every ace in the pack. That was the only reason she'd risked this gambit.
"Which means… you've already won," Yaya said.
"Afraid so." She hadn't expected Yaya to immediately realise that… no, that wasn't a nice thing to think. Yaya wasn't dumb, just sometimes childish.
"Aaagh!" Yaya threw her hand on the table. "When did you get this good?"
"Now, now, it's just a game," Tadase said while comforting Yaya with a hand on the shoulder. "I think I'd like to know that too, though. Did you find a book explaining it, or something?"
His eyes told her that an answer had better be forthcoming.
"Well, that's…" Amu said. How should she put it? "That's actually…"
"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to," Nadeshiko gently told her. She'd been fidgeting, listening to the sounds of the building and paying close attention to the charas' poker game, and Amu thought she probably already had a good idea that something was off.
"No, I want to," she said. "I don't want to keep this many secrets. Besides, it could be important." She eyed Mom, who'd holed up in one of the free beds and was reading a book again, to all appearances ignoring everything. She knew better than to think that was really the case, but that was okay, so long as she kept to her usual strategy of noninterference.
[ ] Tell them just enough to satisfy them.
[ ] Tell them everything.
[ ] Write-in
A/N: All your other votes are still valid. Think of this as a nested scene.