Shadowrun: Sins are not Forgotten

One question before posting. I gave her both the Firearms and Close Combat skill groups at 4, and Chummer's saying I'm -2 Skill Groups now. Did I miss a change between 4th and 5th edition here?

Depends on what priority you put you skills at. Skills B only gives you 5 points to put into skill groups, while Skills A gives you ten. You also get good chunk worth of regular skill points.
For those of you using Chummer5 I just found something odd with it, it seems that Chummer5 is default set to give (Int+Log)x3 when RAW is x2 and errata says nothing on this. If you used chummer to generate your character double check this by openning tools->options->house rules and seeing if it gives x2 or x3.
For those of you using Chummer5 I just found something odd with it, it seems that Chummer5 is default set to give (Int+Log)x3 when RAW is x2 and errata says nothing on this. If you used chummer to generate your character double check this by openning tools->options->house rules and seeing if it gives x2 or x3.
What is this for?
For those of you using Chummer5 I just found something odd with it, it seems that Chummer5 is default set to give (Int+Log)x3 when RAW is x2 and errata says nothing on this. If you used chummer to generate your character double check this by openning tools->options->house rules and seeing if it gives x2 or x3.
Checked mine, it's on x2.

Also, anything else about my Sheet that I should fix? Would it be feasible for my character to have been born in the US only to migrate to Europe to escape his pursuers and ply his trade as a Runner there?
Checked mine, it's on x2.

Also, anything else about my Sheet that I should fix? Would it be feasible for my character to have been born in the US only to migrate to Europe to escape his pursuers and ply his trade as a Runner there?

Doing final checks of sheets now, this week LOOKS free so I should have everyone who has submitted a sheet fully done over by the end of the weekend. Did you have your sheet still in the screenshots or did you submit it in another format somewhere?

it is fine to have migrated to somewhere from the US for whatever reason.
Doing final checks of sheets now, this week LOOKS free so I should have everyone who has submitted a sheet fully done over by the end of the weekend. Did you have your sheet still in the screenshots or did you submit it in another format somewhere?

it is fine to have migrated to somewhere from the US for whatever reason.
This should be the new one.

I still have around 10 Karma, 5.19 Essence and 52,000 Nuyen by my last reckoning.
And I'll get my backstory up... sometime today/tomorrow.

It's interesting to note that when I got Run Faster, I immediately had a look at the Combat Medic and was sorely tempted to make one for a moment. Another game, perhaps.
@Conundrum made some changes.


Zachary Chimer
"The Blue"

Zachary Chimer, aka "The Blue," is a wirey man in his late twenties to early thirties. His brown hair is unkept, but his face is clean chaven. An intense man, few people have seen him smile. Fewer still have lived to tell about it. People often attribute his Slavic antestry with his very brusk demenor. As James Morehouse his work clothes are often stained from the grease of working on countless machines for weeks on end, or blood from patients in need of "Backyard Surgery."

Chimer had very large aspirations growing up. He was going to get to the top! He was going to be an industry leader and revolutionize Bioware, Cybernetics, Computers! You name it, he dreamed of doing it. That all came crashing down at the age of fifteen when his mother discovered Alcohol after his father was killed in a drunk driving accident. Suddenly there was no money for all his big dreams and far too many bills.

His mother was no help, in those brief, fleeting moments of Sobriety, simply screaming her husband's name to the ceiling before diving back into the bottle. Before he knew it he was nicking a couple things here, fudging a couple more there, all trying to keep a roof over his family's head. He might not have tried so hard if it had only been his mother and him. But just before his father passed away, the family had been blessed with a second child, a girl named Mellissa.

But those little things he kept having to do, kept getting bigger, and the bills didn't go away, Jeremy's mother always managing to find some bigger way to kill her liver quicker. And those little extracurriculars... they catch up to you. They always do. When he was sixteen Zachary had to run from his home, lest the police take him to jail or worse.
His mother... didn't last long after that. Though he would never know if she actually had known what he was doing or even noticed his disappearance until the money ran dry... whatever the case, by the time Zachary was seventeen, he was officially an orphan. And so was Mellissa. With her only blood relative a minor and a felon on the run from the law, she would be quickly sent to the foster system.

Zachary was not about to let that happen. He was not about to let his only family, and the only reason he had kept going since he was fifteen be stripped away from him. But Zachary Chimer could not walk away with Mellissa Chimer in his arms. He wouldn't have a way to provide for her... legally.

But, perhaps James Morehouse could provide for his sister, Virginia. James Morehouse was not wanted by the law. James Morehouse had jumped around different professions as a young adult, picking up skills (and licenses that he maintained to the current day) but never managing to find a steady job until he came to a motor shop, just on this side of the tracks.

The shop did decent work, about just as well as the next guy for the same price. But the big draw with its clientele, was the fact that the place could also patch a person up. It wasn't unusual to see mechanics working on a wrecked car and doctors working on the driver in the same room. From scrapes and bruises to gunshot wounds, the shop could take care of it just as well as the hospital, and what was better for their major clientele, keep quiet too.

Chimer was Sixteen when he had to run. With only moderate skills in infiltration and retrieval, an lesser education, and a criminal SIN, his most likely homes would have been a local street gang or the Russian mob. But Chimer was never one to think small. He was never one to settle. And he often seemed to catch the right break when he needed it. So it happened that the first people to catch up with him wasn't the police, but some of the locals going on a Run. They weren't even full Shadowrunners. But Chimer had caught there attention, and they thought they could use another quick pair of hands for their next Run.

His first job with that crew saw him walk into a building and swipe the information off an ID card off a security officer. Chimer did his work, didn't freak out, got paid, and got a glimpse at the cracks in the world. Then just as the money was starting to get tight, the Runners called again with another job. Same style as the last. Before it really hit him he had become a regular member of their crew.

Chimer Ran with them for three years, watching as Age, Chance, and Arrogance picked them off one by one. But, Chimer has a teenage sister to take care of and money doesn't flow too easily in the light, especially when you don't have the right SIN.

Magic: E
Metatype: D (Human)
Resources: C
Attributes: B
Skills: A

Bod: 3
Agi: 5
React: 4
Str: 1 (+1 from Karma) = 2
Cha: 3
Int: 5
Log: 4
Wil: 3
Edge: 5
Mag: 0
Res: 1

Physical 4
Mental 6
Social 5

Bilingual (Russian and English)
Insomnia (Basic)
Dependent (Demanding)
Code of Honor (Hippocratic Oath)

Engineering: 3 [Total Pool: 7]
Influence: 2 [5]
Stealth: 5 [Palming, Disguise: 10; Sneaking 12(? was there a bonus somewhere I missed?)

Blades: 5 + Specialization (Knives)[ 10(12)
Escape Artist: 4 [9]
First Aid: 6 [10]
Locksmith: 6 + Specialization (Voice Recognition) [11(13)]
LongArms: 6 + Specialization (Sniper Rifle) [11 (13)]
Medicine: 6 + Specialization (Trauma Surgery) [10(12)]
Navigation: (2 from Karma) [7]
Perception: 6 [11]
Pilot Ground Craft: 3 + (2 from Karma) [10]

Russian: Natural
English: Natural
Italian: 3 [8]
Business: 2 [6]
Underworld: 4 [9]
Combat Tactics: 3 [7]
Security Tactics: 6 [10]

Cat's Eye's
Synaptic Booster (Rating 1)

Lifestyle: Medium (+1 Roommate % to pay 130)
Chameleon Suit
-Mod(Thermal Dampening 6)
-Mods(Smartlink, Vision Enhancement (Rating 1), Flare Compensation, Low Light, Vision Magnification)
Vashion Island: Ace of Diamonds

Combat Knife
Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR
-Standard Mods(Stock, Shockpad, Imaging Scope)
-Not so standard Mods (Spare Clip APDS, sniper; Internal Smartgun System; Tripod; Gas-Vent 3)

Fairlight Caliban
280 Gel Ammo, Sniper
120 Regular Ammo, Sniper
100 APDS Ammo, Sniper
40 Capsule Rounds
30 EX-Explosive Ammo, Sniper
20 Flechette Ammo, Sniper
10 Tracer Ammo, Sniper
10 Tracker, Stealth Tag, Sniper
White Noise Generator (Rating 6)
Lockpick set
Keycard Copier (Rating 6)
Autopicker (Rating 4)
Cellular Glove Molder (Rating 4)
Maglock Passkey (Rating 3)
Gas Mask
2 Glue Sprayers
2 Glue Solvents
Subvocal Mic
AR Gloves
Medkit (Rating 5)
Medkit Supplies x3
Fake SIN (Rating 5) x 2
Fake Licenses (Rating 5) x 4 (Firearms, Medical, Driver, Restricted Armor)

Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit

Gregory Davis, Mechanic [Location: "The Body Shop"] (3/4)
Juan Moore, ID Manufacturer [N/A] (4/2)
Kattie Bertulli, Armorer [The Decorated Sheath] (3/2)

Remaining Karma: 0

Nuyen: 5,000 +(1,500 Starting) =6,500
Essence: 5.40

Physical Condition Track: 10
Stun Condition Track: 10
Initiative: 10+2d6
Ast Int: 0
Matrix Int (AR): 10+1d6
Armor: 11
Composure: 6
Judge Intentions: 8
Lift and Carry: 5
Memory: 7
Movement 10/20(? Screen cuts off and I can't maneuver the thing to see it.)
Swim: 0
Fly: 0
Last edited:
I've still got to finish up my Contacts, I've got 3 Karma to spend (but I'm thinking of taking another negative quality to get some more) and I've technically still ~3,000 nuyen to spend, but I can't be arsed figuring out what to use it on. Maybe just say it went to charity, or taxes, or something.

Might also do some minor edits or changes to my backstory, but the broadstrokes there are probably solid at this point.
Oh, right.

There's always the minor-but-helpful stuff. An extra fake SIN, eraser tags, stuff like that.
Right, finally managed to square away my Contacts. One of them is in the US but I'm hoping that my Street Sam can consult him when it comes to matters pertaining to Law Enforcement. As we discussed, he was the one who helped my char escape when the Police were coming for him.

Here's my Sheet so far, now I can finally start cracking on my Backstory. Finally.
QQ: If I cast Fling (pp. 293) on a grenade, would it do the kinetic damage as listed in the spell description, and then go off as normal? If so, you can just about consider that to be Briar's signature combat technique (and in which case I should probably buy some grenades).
QQ: If I cast Fling (pp. 293) on a grenade, would it do the kinetic damage as listed in the spell description, and then go off as normal? If so, you can just about consider that to be Briar's signature combat technique (and in which case I should probably buy some grenades).

Yes, you can attempt to hit someone directly instead of just trying to get it close and you can also use motion sensor detonation mode so your grenade goes off on impact.
QQ: If I cast Fling (pp. 293) on a grenade, would it do the kinetic damage as listed in the spell description, and then go off as normal? If so, you can just about consider that to be Briar's signature combat technique (and in which case I should probably buy some grenades).
So you're taking the "Distinctive Style" Negative Quality?
Well, I've just expanded my Contacts, added Street Cred and Public Awareness.

Next, I'll actually get backstory up.