Shadowrun: Sins are not Forgotten

Staves, the speedy sneaky sniper. Not that this is just the stats, and I've also got a Technomancer I've been mucking about with (With Arsenal, I will have the Segway OF DOOM) Thinking about maybe swapping my LOG and INT around

A Attributes
B Nuyen
C Skills
D-Metatype: Elf
BOD 4 AGI 7 REA 5(8) STR 4 CHA 4 INT 3 LOG 4 WIL 4 EDG 2
PHYS 10 STUN 10 Initative 8+4d6 Essence 3.60 Armor 9
Physical 7 Mental 5 Social 6
Athletics 1 (+2)=3
Influence 1

Armorer 2
Automatics 5
Biotech 1
Blades 2
Cybertechnology 1
Escape Artist 2
First Aid 2
Free-Fall 1
Heavy Weapons 2
Locksmith 1
Longarms 5
Palming 1
Perception 1
Pilot Ground 1
Pistols 2
Sneaking 2(+2+2)=6
Unarmed Combat 2

German (N)
English 4
Japanese 3
Russian 2
Firearms 3
Literature 4
Music 1
News 3
Gaming 1
Positive: Ambidextrous, Catlike, Natural Athlete
Negative: Addiction {Mild, good cigars}, Dependent {Nuisance}, Distinctive Style, Prejudice{Mild, Technomancers}
24 pts
Smuggler Boss: Loyalty 3, Connection 6
Doc: Loyalty 2, Connection 3
Go-gang Fix-it person: Loyalty 1, Connection 4
Bartender: Loyalty 2, Connection 3
Cyberears, rating 2 (Sound Link, Balance Augment, 4 Capacity)
Cybereyes, rating 4 (Image Link, Low Light, Thermographic, Flare Compensation, Smartlink, Occular Drone, 2 Capacity)
Synaptic Booster, rating 3
Elechtrochromic Chameleon Suit
Survival Knife
Heavy Crossbow (Smartgun, Airburst Link) 0 Ammo
HK 227 (Stock, Smartgun, Sound Supressor) 50 SMG Ammo
Enfield AS-7(Laser Sight, Smartgun) 40 Shotgun Ammo
Remington 950 (Imaging Scope, Smartgun, Silencer) 20 Sniper Explosive Ammo
Monofiliament Chainsaw
Miniwelder+fuel canister
Hermes Ikon
2x Meta Link {burner comlinks}
Nuyen 30
"The Johnson set us up. Most of the crew is dead, our fixer's dead, the safehouse burned down, and most of my gear is either melted, exploded, or at the bottom of a river."

"If somebody with lot's of chrome is gettin' ready to screw you over, you can tell, or at least fight back when they do. Harder to tell when someone with the mystic mojo is gettin' ready to hose ya, but you can still fight back. A decker? No if the decker goes bad, you won't know until some wage-slave goon has you face-down in the muck and none of your toys work. You're blind, deaf, and paralyzed."

"If it was targeted, it was targeting the whole team. Maybe the Johnson was using us as a smoke test. Maybe the Johnson wasn't satisfied with our work. I can tell you some things that aren't maybes: If I see Diode again, I've got some bullets waiting. Manny, Jack-0, Trish, Slats, Pi, and Guppy never made it to the safehouse or any rendezvous points. Fast Pete upped sticks and fled, cutting all ties with us."

"Unless they've set it up way in advance, which pretty much nobody has the patience to do, a spell-slinger can only mess with one or two at a time unless she want's to be really obvious. And mages that try and screw over their team and get found out have a tendency to dissapear into itty-bitty pieces. A mage can blind and deafenyou sure, but they won't be so sure they got your buddy. That's why I said you can fight 'em if it comes to it. But if the decker decides to fuck you over, you won't know until everybody's everything gives a little cough and starts leaking white smoke."

Well the general idea is to know who you are,​
I'm Staves. No other name, no SIN, no particular attachment to my face. Just another shadowrunner, though one rather handy with guns if I may say so.
where you came from,​
Around. Some little town that you never heard the name of, and whose only export of note is talented people. Enough nameless towns in the desert that they all started to blend together. The slowly gentrifying shantytowns by the sides of the gleaming towers. Where I've been isn't as important as where my mind has been. I can kill, when I have to. I can fight, when I want to. And the hardest lesson of all, I know when to run.

Fuck Diode sideways with a rusty spork. Let's see you out-hack a bullet, smartass.
where you are going,​
After I get enough money? Not sure. Definitely need to find a better place for the kid, find a good school.
what you are doing​
Odd jobs for Stahlstrasse. Lady knows talent, and we respect each other enough to know that this is purely business. She might sell me out, but at least she'd give me a heads up because she has standards. We even do small favors for each other, like passing my name on to some Johnson, or me willing to serve as extra muscle on short notice.
why you are doing it​
For the short term, me and the kid gotta eat. Need to keep the lights on and the landlord paid up. Need money for bribes.
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Bug spirits would, no joke, be the point at which Ciara started to use tactics that she'd normally avoid because of her Code of Honor. :p

Unless you mean she rescued the Johnson from the UB.

I've always thought you could get a lot of mileage over someone who genuinely believed in the UB's mission -- network of contacts that shared a traumatic experience -- but that's neither here nor there.

Also, isn't Hamburg a flooded radioactive hole in the ground?
From what I read of Hamburg, it wasn't the nicest place to live, but was far from unlivable in.

She probably should live somewhere in the AGS to justify her high skill in German, though.
Hamburg is a flooded radioactive hole in the ground with some of the worst scum in the country and is wholly corporate owned BUT is a place where everything is for sale from the skills of very competent individuals to hardware that is difficult to find elsewhere in the AGS without getting noticed.
Okay, she's not going to live in Hamburg then.

Maybe Stuttgart.

Stuttgart has very, very low crime rate the police corp StemSchutz keeps the whole place in line and the corps keep the place boring since it is a large sprawl but rather inclusive on the corporate level. In the Germany sourcebook one person remarks on their initials and it seems they earn them so as long as ou do not bring trouble with you then you are fine but they may not take kindly if problems end up on their doorstep.

Hamburg got flooded with toxic waste in 2011, and has not fully recovered. There are livable parts though - those that are cleaned up. Those that aren't - yeah, you basically have "Venice, only with toxic waste in the water" in those. Oh, and the buildings are of course normal buildings where the lower parts are now flooded. Though you have that in other parts too, only without the toxic waste.

The northern Inner City is still flooded, and has in large parts been rebuilt and cleaned up. However, the middle-class that lives there lives in con-owned underwater buildings (which also partially extend above the water).
Sankt Georg turned into a refugee harbor, you can imagine what it's like there.
Sankt Pauli is still the red light district.
Neugraben is still flooded too, and....well the worst area really. Think "Redmond Barrens, only you need a boat to go around or swim in toxic water".
City Nord is con-territory, with lots of offices and very tight living space.
Ohlsdorf is in ruins, with a lot of ghouls.
Stade has a lot of metahumans without being a total slum - but watch out, there is a old nuclear power plant under there.

Stuttgart didn't change radically.
Which of course means that it's still is "Baden-Würtemberg large". In other words: tons of racism, tons of security, tons of emphasis on not being weird. At the same time, it does have a lot of culture, as long as it moves within those guidelines.
Since I feel like a decent number of people might be aiming for England be aware A LOT has changed there if you have not read any source books with England in it.
I've read the Sixth World Almanac, which is part of why Ciara doesn't live in, say, London. Basically, while she legitimately enjoys running the shadows, she also likes living in a place that isn't too... connected to them, shall we say, now that she has the means to do so.

I'm just figuring out where that is. :V
I've read the Sixth World Almanac, which is part of why Ciara doesn't live in, say, London. Basically, while she legitimately enjoys running the shadows, she also likes living in a place that isn't too... connected to them, shall we say, now that she has the means to do so.

I'm just figuring out where that is. :V

I can help a bit, what are the main things you are looking for in a place to live now?
Basically, somewhere she can live in relative comfort without too much official scrutiny is her main requirements.

Also, somewhere that isn't too restrictive in terms of metahumans, although that's mostly in terms of her contacts (I'm going to go ahead and make Natalia her landlady).
Stuttgart works for that.
Munich works too, it's kinda similiar.
Both have pretty shallow shadows, both also have problems with racism and the like.

If you want shallow shadows AND open-minded people, I suggest Thüringen. It's basically magical hippy land - with two university cities with a lot of money from various cons. It's not very urban though, but in those two cities (Jena and and Weimar) you have sufficient (student) population that you can easily have a nightclub owner as a contact. Also, it's actually a pretty good location for a prime runner - if you get a job, it's likely to take you travelling and pay very well. You just have to be worth hiring, compared to the significant number of mages there.

Plus, you have large urban areas where you can live without any scrutiny. Laws are pretty lax, Jena has lots of Chrome thanks to Zeiss and you have a 7% troll population, with more for other metahumans. And since the local weirdness is determined by Witches, Mages and a once-per-year biker festival, nobody will think you're that weird if you're a runner.
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Stuttgart shadows are REALLY shallow though it is mentioned that in Wurttemberg which is the region Stuttgart is in elves tend to get surgery on their ears to fit in better so is not the best place for metahumans.
Might go for that, then- which books are they detailed in?

Germany Sourcebook has a bit on Munich, the region it is in is kinda racist but Munich is a pretty open place, @Serafina has a book that was only ever published in German, unless her book is also 2054 I will chalk up most differences between the books to changes over time since hers seems to haave more details while mine is Germany as a whole and minor bits about regions and major cities while hers has districts.

There is also a Europe sourcebook, Shadows of Europe.
Actually the Germany sourcebook has a decent bit on Munich, how the hell is almost the entire city A and up for security? It is supposed to be poor and full of castoffs. Neupertach is rated as D and Olymplstdt is ranked as E as the only bad areas. Meanwhile Redmond in Seattle is mostly E ranked with many areas ranked as Z. I guess you do not need to worry about some troll go-gang bashing your head in and eating you in Munich.

I should find out where the ghouls hide out in Germany.
Bioware lowers essence, which lowers magic, which makes a weaker street samurai (If your an adept which is the normal street samurai)
Actually, the 'typical' Street Samurai uses heavy cyberware to get by, IIRC.
Unfortunately, my Street Sam took Magic as his Priority E so he's as mundane as they get. :p

Also, from what Last's vid taught me, it seems Bioware gives one more bang for his buck. I could be wrong though.

You guys all know what country and city you live in right?
Well, given that my character knows both Spanish and English equally, I'd say one of the hispanic communities in the US. I'm thinking the Bronx in New York, if that's acceptable? Unless most of New York suddenly became middle-class-and-above sprawls with little in the way of lower-income communities.
Well, given that my character knows both Spanish and English equally, I'd say one of the hispanic communities in the US. I'm thinking the Bronx in New York, if that's acceptable? Unless most of New York suddenly became middle-class-and-above sprawls with little in the way of lower-income communities.

Uhh, Arv? The game's Europe-based, remember?

I doubt there'll be much in the way of US accomodation, except in the sense of a backstory if you just recently moved to Europe.
Uhh, Arv? The game's Europe-based, remember?

I doubt there'll be much in the way of US accomodation, except in the sense of a backstory if you just recently moved to Europe.
I forgot, actually. I could roll with my Street Sam coming from Spain then and fix my Contacts accordingly.

Also, for Bioware, I'm thinking of going with Bone Density Augmentation (Rating 2), Muscle Toner (Rating 2), Orthoskin (Rating 2) and Platelet Factories. I'm knocked down to 4.30 Essence and I've only got around ¥102,000 left to spend if I do that.

EDIT: I don't suppose I can get both Muscle Augmentation and Muscle Toner simultaneously, can I?
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