Shadowrun: Sins are not Forgotten

More on the Character, please tell me what you think.

Zachary Chimer, aka "The Blue," is a wirey man in his late twenties to early thirties. His borwn hair is unkept, but his face is clean chaven. An intense man, few people have seen him smile. Fewer still have lived to tell about it. People often attribute his Slavic antestry with his very brusk demenor. As James Morehouse his work clothes are often stained from the grease of working on countless machines for weeks on end, or blood from patients in need of "Backyard Surgery."

Chimer had very large aspirations growing up. He was going to get to the top! He was going to be an industry leader and revolutionize Bioware, Cybernetics, Computers! You name it, he dreamed of doing it. That all came crashing down at the age of fifteen when his mother discovered Alcohol after his father was killed in a drunk driving accident. Suddenly there was no money for all his big dreams and far too many bills.

His mother was no help, in those brief, fleeting moments of Sobriety, simply screaming her husband's name to the ceiling before diving back into the bottle. Before he knew it he was nicking a couple things here, fudging a couple more there, all trying to keep a roof over his family's head. He might not have tried so hard if it had only been his mother and him. But just before his father passed away, the family had been blessed with a second child, a girl named Mellissa.

But those little things he kept having to do, kept getting bigger, and the bills didn't go away, Jeremy's mother always managing to find some bigger way to kill her liver quicker. And those little extracurriculars... they catch up to you. They always do. When he was sixteen Zachary had to run from his home, lest the police take him to jail or worse.
His mother... didn't last long after that. Though he would never know if she actually had known what he was doing or even noticed his disappearance until the money ran dry... whatever the case, by the time Zachary was seventeen, he was officially an orphan. And so was Mellissa. With her only blood relative a minor and a felon on the run from the law, she would be quickly sent to the foster system.

Zachary was not about to let that happen. He was not about to let his only family, and the only reason he had kept going since he was fifteen be stripped away from him. But Zachary Chimer could not walk away with Mellissa Chimer in his arms. He wouldn't have a way to provide for her... legally.

But, perhaps James Morehouse could provide for his sister, Virginia. James Morehouse was not wanted by the law. James Morehouse had jumped around different professions as a young adult, picking up skills (and licenses that he maintained to the current day) but never managing to find a steady job until he came to a motor shop, just on this side of the tracks.

The shop did decent work, about just as well as the next guy for the same price. But the big draw with its clientele, was the fact that the place could also patch a person up. It wasn't unusual to see mechanics working on a wrecked car and doctors working on the driver in the same room. From scrapes and bruises to gunshot wounds, the shop could take care of it just as well as the hospital, and what was better for their major clientele, keep quiet too.
Right, here goes. Street Sam 1.0:

Enrique M. de la Peña
"De Vega"

5' 8"
Lean Build​

Priority A: Skills
Priority B: Attributes
Priority C: Resources
Priority D: Metatype (Human)
Priority E: Magic

Body: 4
Agility: 5 + 2 = 7
Reaction: 4
Strength: 4 + 1 = 5
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 4
Logic: 2 (+1 from 10 Karma)
Willpower: 3
Edge: 5

Essence: 5.01
Karma Remaining: 0

Firearms: 5
Athletics: 5
Note: Only includes Skills which were given points.

Clubs: 3 + 7 = 10
Etiquette: 3 + 3 = 6
First Aid: 2 + 2 = 4
Gunnery: 3 + 7 = 10
Heavy Weapons: 3 + 7 = 10
Intimidation: 4 + 3 =7
Leadership: 4 + 3 = 7
Negotiation: 5 + 3 = 8
Perception: 4 + 4 = 8
Pilot Ground Craft: 4 + 4 = 8
Sneaking: 3 + 7 = 10
Throwing Weapons: 3 + 7 = 10
Unarmed Combat: 5 + 7 = 12

English (Language): Natural
Firearms (Interest): 7
Security Companies (Professional): 7
Small Unit Tactics (Professional): 7
Spanish (Language): Natural
Security Tactics (Professional): 7

Jujitsu: (-12 Karma)
-> Called Shot (Disarm)
-> Clinch

Ambidexterous(-4 Karma)
Biocompatibility (Bioware) (-5 Karma)
Bilingual (-5 Karma)
Common Sense (-3 Karma)
Guts (-10 Karma)
Quick Healer (-3 Karma)
Code of Honor (Code of Wuxia)(+15 Karma)
Prejudiced (Specific, Biased against Politicians)(+3 Karma)


Jim Bravura/ Beat Cop/ New York, Bronx (Connection 1, Loyalty 4)
"Fade"/ Mr. Johnson/ London (Connection 6, Loyalty 2)(-1 Karma)
"Nikolai"/ Armorer/ Ukraine (Connection 3, Loyalty 2)

Muscle Augmentation (Rating 1)
Muscle Toner (Rating 2)
Orthoskin (Rating 2)

-> Medium Lifestyle

Starting Money:
¥ 6,490

-> 1 x Armor Clothing
--> Chemical Protection (Rating 2)
--> Nonconductivity (Rating 2)
-> 1 x Actioneer Business Clothes
--> Chemical Protection (Rating 2)
--> Nonconductivity (Rating 2)
-> 1 x Full Body Armor + Helmet
--> Chemical Protection (Rating 4)
--> Nonconductivity (Rating 4)
-> Regular Clothing

-> 1 x Ares Alpha
--> Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher
--> Internal Smartgun System
-> 1 x Ares Light Fire 70
-> 1 x Colt America L36
-> 1 x Collapsible Baton
-> 1 x Stun Baton
-> 1 x Shock Gloves
-> 5 x Flashbang Grenades
-> 4 x Flash-Pak Minigrenades
-> 6 x Gas Grenades
-> 5 x Smoke Grenades
-> 5 x High Explosive Grenades
-> 5 x Fragmentation Grenades

Misc Gear:
-> 500 x Assault Rifle Ammo
-> 250 x Stick-n-Shock Assault Rifle Ammo
-> 300 x Light Pistol Ammo
-> 150 x Stick-n-Shock Light Pistol Ammo
-> 1 x Certified Credstick (Silver)
-> 2 x Certified Credstick (Standard)
-> 1 x Fake Automatic Weapons License (Rating 4)
-> 1 x Fake Blunt Weapons License (Rating 4)
-> 1 x Fake Concealed Carry Permit (Rating 4)
-> 1 x Fake Driver's License Permit (Rating 4)
-> 1 x Fake Firearms License (Rating 4)
-> 1 x Fake Military Armor License (Rating 4)
-> 1 x Fake Military Ammunition License (Rating 4)
-> 1 x Fake Military Weapons License (Rating 4)
-> 3 x Fake SINs (Rating 4)
-> Medkit (Rating 3)
-> Renraku Sensei Commlink

-> 1 x GMC Bulldog Step-Van
--> Sensor Array (Rating 2)
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@Arvin_Larn you will probably like stick and shock ammo once you get around to ammo and equipment.
Wait, that's a thing? :o

Friggin' awesome.

I'll have to work on my Street Sam's Bioware, Gear, misc. equipment and Martial Art later after I return from my class. I still have around 31 Karma left from what Chummer tells me.

Also, may I just say that I was very surprised when I found out that Arnis was in the list of available Martial Arts? I was a lot happier than I had any right to be. :p
Ok so I am deciding between two Characters I have back stories and an interest in playing.
Please help me decide!


A nick name because talking to him was like talking to a wall, or so all the mean kids said.

Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks and being an ogre bouncing between foster homes from a very young age as mom was a digital Junkie that couldn't keep up with her addiction. It was always assumed he was stupid, not that he really was. He was just quiet pressured into some small time gang activities he was another hoodlum until a young teach noticed something about him. He had amazing magical potential as a rare mystic adept.

She started to tutor him, Ms. Adams pulled him from being an uneducated street thug forever helped him grasp his gifts, helped him see he could get a real job at a real corp. She was the mom he never had in so many ways, first person to ever really celebrate his birthday, get to know him as more then a big tough troll and want him to be great.

He walked her home after there tutoring, just because the sight of him kept most people away and her safe. Except for an old rival gang who didn't know or care he was moving beyond that commenced with a drive bye. He lived, she did not.

As soon as he woke up in the hospital and found out he went and bought the best armored coat he could. He cast the strongest armor and strength enhancing spells he could get his hands on in preparation.

He slaughtered them, there really is no other words for it, when the police came they saw, two men killed with the door to there hang out. Several hundred shell casings on the ground ,broken guns and bodies littered all over the floor in some cases broken guns shoved through people.

He would of been caught nearly instantly if a group of runners had not been hired to get rid of the same gang for making a nuisance of themselves to the wrong corp. Those runners saw potential (and were in a good mood for there job being done for him) and helped him set up his life as a runner in exchange fir his cut for the first few missions they went on.

They have gone there separate ways now but wall still remembers them fondly.

His runner name because shooting him did as much good as shooting a wall.


A:Mystic Adept (With a focus on defensive spells and adept abilities, making his soak quite frankly ridiculous)
B:Troll (Troll)
C:Atrbuites (Great body! good strength)
D:Skills (Mostly physical)
E:Cash (owns almost nothing but his armored coat)

Jake the Courier


Dad ran a simple business, he was a mechanic and a damn good one. Sadly Corporations don't care who they hurt and he was killed in the cross fire of there wars. I wanted to be just like him as I grew up, even through it always pained my mom to see me working on machines, growing to look just like the man she had lost.

Until she got sick, and we just couldn't afford it. I needed Cash, I was young and new vehicles better then almost anyone I knew. I went onto the combat Bike Circuit. It wasn't enough money treatment just kept getting more expensive. Then I was offered a much more real job, it would require speed, and there would probably be people trying to stop me by force. I took it, it was worth 20 times the bike circuit.

Holy shit the adrenaline! The money, the challenge,and the pride in my moms eyes when I was able to pay enough for her to come home and have an at home nurse. I was fucking hooked, and never looked back.

A: Attributes
B : Adept
C : Skills
D : Currency
E: Human
@Conundrum I'm wondering it I made some mistakes with my current set up

Zachary Chimer
"The Blue"

Zachary Chimer, aka "The Blue," is a wirey man in his late twenties to early thirties. His brown hair is unkept, but his face is clean chaven. An intense man, few people have seen him smile. Fewer still have lived to tell about it. People often attribute his Slavic antestry with his very brusk demenor. As James Morehouse his work clothes are often stained from the grease of working on countless machines for weeks on end, or blood from patients in need of "Backyard Surgery."

Chimer had very large aspirations growing up. He was going to get to the top! He was going to be an industry leader and revolutionize Bioware, Cybernetics, Computers! You name it, he dreamed of doing it. That all came crashing down at the age of fifteen when his mother discovered Alcohol after his father was killed in a drunk driving accident. Suddenly there was no money for all his big dreams and far too many bills.

His mother was no help, in those brief, fleeting moments of Sobriety, simply screaming her husband's name to the ceiling before diving back into the bottle. Before he knew it he was nicking a couple things here, fudging a couple more there, all trying to keep a roof over his family's head. He might not have tried so hard if it had only been his mother and him. But just before his father passed away, the family had been blessed with a second child, a girl named Mellissa.

But those little things he kept having to do, kept getting bigger, and the bills didn't go away, Jeremy's mother always managing to find some bigger way to kill her liver quicker. And those little extracurriculars... they catch up to you. They always do. When he was sixteen Zachary had to run from his home, lest the police take him to jail or worse.
His mother... didn't last long after that. Though he would never know if she actually had known what he was doing or even noticed his disappearance until the money ran dry... whatever the case, by the time Zachary was seventeen, he was officially an orphan. And so was Mellissa. With her only blood relative a minor and a felon on the run from the law, she would be quickly sent to the foster system.

Zachary was not about to let that happen. He was not about to let his only family, and the only reason he had kept going since he was fifteen be stripped away from him. But Zachary Chimer could not walk away with Mellissa Chimer in his arms. He wouldn't have a way to provide for her... legally.

But, perhaps James Morehouse could provide for his sister, Virginia. James Morehouse was not wanted by the law. James Morehouse had jumped around different professions as a young adult, picking up skills (and licenses that he maintained to the current day) but never managing to find a steady job until he came to a motor shop, just on this side of the tracks.

The shop did decent work, about just as well as the next guy for the same price. But the big draw with its clientele, was the fact that the place could also patch a person up. It wasn't unusual to see mechanics working on a wrecked car and doctors working on the driver in the same room. From scrapes and bruises to gunshot wounds, the shop could take care of it just as well as the hospital, and what was better for their major clientele, keep quiet too.

Magic: E
Metatype: D (Human)
Resources: C
Attributes: B
Skills: A

Bod: 3
Agi: 5
React: 4
Str: 1 (+1 from Karma) = 2
Cha: 3
Int: 5
Log: 4
Wil: 3
Edge: 5
Mag: 0
Res: 1

Bilingual (Russian and English)
Insomnia (Basic)
Dependent (Inconvenience)

Engineering: 3 [Total Pool: 7]
Influence: 2 [5]
Stealth: 5 [Palming, Disguise: 10; Sneaking 12(? was there a bonus somewhere I missed?)

Blades: 5 + Specialization (Knives)[ 10(12)
Computer: 6 [10]
Driving: 3 [6]
Escape Artist: 4 [9]
Locksmith: 6 + Specialization (Voice Recognition) [11(13)]
LongArms: 6 + Specialization (Sniper Rifle) [11 (13)]
Medicine: 6 + Specialization (Trauma Surgery) [10(12)]
Perception: 6 [11]

Russian: Natural
English: Natural
Japanese: 4 [9]
Italian: 3 [8]
Business: 5 [9]
Underworld: 4 [9]
Combat Tactics: 5 [9]
Security Tactics: 6 [10]

Datajack (Deltaware)
Cat's Eyes (Betaware)

Lifestyle: Medium (+1 Roommate % to pay 200)
Chameleon Suit
-Mod(Thermal Dampening 6)
Auctioneer Business Clothes
Clothing ($2000)
Combat Knife
Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR
-Standard Mods(Stock, Shockpad, Imaging Scope)
-Not so standard Mods (Spare Clip APDS, sniper; Internal Smartgun System; Tripod; Gas-Vent 3)

20 Regular Ammo, Sniper
10 Explosive Ammo, Sniper
10 Tracer Ammo, Sniper
Lockpick set
Keycard Copier (Rating 6)
Goggles (Rating 6)
-Mods (Smartlink, Lowlight, Vision Enhancement [Rating 2], Vision Magnification, Flare Compensation)
Fake SIN (Rating 5) x 2
Fake Licenses (Rating 5) x 6 (Firearms, Small Blades, Private Investigator, Medical, Driver, Restricted Armor)
2 Glue Sprayers
2 Glue Solvents
2 Thermite Bars
Survival Kit
Respirator (Rating 6)

Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit
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We do seem to lack someone that can just walk into combat and see the reaper unflinchingly THEN PUNCH THAT SHADOWY DRAPE COVERED BITCH STRAIGHT IN THE EYE
Well, I wanted a Street Sam who preferred not to let things descend into gunfire in the first place but has the skills to get him out when drek starts hitting the fan. :p

I'll have to look into using my remaining Karma to bump up his Attributes and grab some Bioware to make him a bit more formidable.
Right now, I'm thinking over backstory and expanding Contacts. Natalia, troll clubowner of a 'private' club who Ciara's got a 'friends with benefits' thing going on (which gives her the side benefit of an auxiliary safehouse if she needs it).

Hrm. Was thinking the Johnson in her contacts actually owes her his life, but you can't really boost a Contact enough to get the Loyalty for that and make him influential enough. Might think a bit more on this, maybe change it to a Fixer.

And finally, the Street Doc. I don't really have any brilliant ideas here to flesh her out, I'll have to think about that a bit.
Well, I wanted a Street Sam who preferred not to let things descend into gunfire in the first place but has the skills to get him out when drek starts hitting the fan. :p

I'll have to look into using my remaining Karma to bump up his Attributes and grab some Bioware to make him a bit more formidable.

Bioware lowers essence, which lowers magic, which makes a weaker street samurai (If your an adept which is the normal street samurai)
I have a sheet and am not listed, but mine isn't complete so maybe that's why?

I listed you as "I Dunno" because it amused m.

@Conundrum I'm wondering it I made some mistakes with my current set up

Zachary Chimer
"The Blue"

Zachary Chimer, aka "The Blue," is a wirey man in his late twenties to early thirties. His borwn hair is unkept, but his face is clean chaven. An intense man, few people have seen him smile. Fewer still have lived to tell about it. People often attribute his Slavic antestry with his very brusk demenor. As James Morehouse his work clothes are often stained from the grease of working on countless machines for weeks on end, or blood from patients in need of "Backyard Surgery."

Chimer had very large aspirations growing up. He was going to get to the top! He was going to be an industry leader and revolutionize Bioware, Cybernetics, Computers! You name it, he dreamed of doing it. That all came crashing down at the age of fifteen when his mother discovered Alcohol after his father was killed in a drunk driving accident. Suddenly there was no money for all his big dreams and far too many bills.

His mother was no help, in those brief, fleeting moments of Sobriety, simply screaming her husband's name to the ceiling before diving back into the bottle. Before he knew it he was nicking a couple things here, fudging a couple more there, all trying to keep a roof over his family's head. He might not have tried so hard if it had only been his mother and him. But just before his father passed away, the family had been blessed with a second child, a girl named Mellissa.

But those little things he kept having to do, kept getting bigger, and the bills didn't go away, Jeremy's mother always managing to find some bigger way to kill her liver quicker. And those little extracurriculars... they catch up to you. They always do. When he was sixteen Zachary had to run from his home, lest the police take him to jail or worse.
His mother... didn't last long after that. Though he would never know if she actually had known what he was doing or even noticed his disappearance until the money ran dry... whatever the case, by the time Zachary was seventeen, he was officially an orphan. And so was Mellissa. With her only blood relative a minor and a felon on the run from the law, she would be quickly sent to the foster system.

Zachary was not about to let that happen. He was not about to let his only family, and the only reason he had kept going since he was fifteen be stripped away from him. But Zachary Chimer could not walk away with Mellissa Chimer in his arms. He wouldn't have a way to provide for her... legally.

But, perhaps James Morehouse could provide for his sister, Virginia. James Morehouse was not wanted by the law. James Morehouse had jumped around different professions as a young adult, picking up skills (and licenses that he maintained to the current day) but never managing to find a steady job until he came to a motor shop, just on this side of the tracks.

The shop did decent work, about just as well as the next guy for the same price. But the big draw with its clientele, was the fact that the place could also patch a person up. It wasn't unusual to see mechanics working on a wrecked car and doctors working on the driver in the same room. From scrapes and bruises to gunshot wounds, the shop could take care of it just as well as the hospital, and what was better for their major clientele, keep quiet too.

Magic: E
Metatype: D (Human)
Resources: C
Attributes: B
Skills: A

Bod: 3
Agi: 5
React: 4
Str: 1 (+1 from Karma) = 2
Cha: 3
Int: 5
Log: 4
Wil: 3
Edge: 5
Mag: 0
Res: 1

Bilingual (Russian and English)
Insomnia (Basic)
Dependent (Inconvenience)

Engineering: 3 [Total Pool: 7]
Influence: 2 [5]
Stealth: 5 [Palming, Disguise: 10; Sneaking 12(? was there a bonus somewhere I missed?)

Blades: 5 + Specialization (Knives)[ 10(12)
Computer: 6 [10]
Driving: 3 [6]
Escape Artist: 4 [9]
Locksmith: 6 + Specialization (Voice Recognition) [11(13)]
LongArms: 6 + Specialization (Sniper Rifle) [11 (13)]
Medicine: 6 + Specialization (Trauma Surgery) [10(12)]
Perception: 6 [11]

Russian: Natural
English: Natural
Japanese: 4 [9]
Italian: 3 [8]
Business: 5 [9]
Underworld: 4 [9]
Combat Tactics: 5 [9]
Security Tactics: 6 [10]

Datajack (Deltaware)
Cat's Eyes (Betaware)

Lifestyle: Medium (+1 Roommate % to pay 200)
Chameleon Suit
-Mod(Thermal Dampening 6)
Auctioneer Business Clothes
Clothing ($2000)
Combat Knife
Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR
-Standard Mods(Stock, Shockpad, Imaging Scope)
-Not so standard Mods (Spare Clip APDS, sniper; Internal Smartgun System; Tripod; Gas-Vent 3)

20 Regular Ammo, Sniper
10 Explosive Ammo, Sniper
10 Tracer Ammo, Sniper
Lockpick set
Keycard Copier (Rating 6)
Goggles (Rating 6)
-Mods (Smartlink, Lowlight, Vision Enhancement [Rating 2], Vision Magnification, Flare Compensation)
Fake SIN (Rating 5) x 2
Fake Licenses (Rating 5) x 6 (Firearms, Small Blades, Private Investigator, Medical, Driver, Restricted Armor)
2 Glue Sprayers
2 Glue Solvents
2 Thermite Bars
Survival Kit
Respirator (Rating 6)

Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit

I will check you over next.

Bioware lowers essence, which lowers magic, which makes a weaker street samurai (If your an adept which is the normal street samurai)

Cliche street sams are chromed to hell.
Hrm. Anyone have any ideas for this Johnson and Street Doc? I mean, Troll Dom/Club Owner (not that that first part'll come up in game) I've got pretty worked out, but the others I'm just a bit stuck on.
Hrm. Anyone have any ideas for this Johnson and Street Doc? I mean, Troll Dom/Club Owner (not that that first part'll come up in game) I've got pretty worked out, but the others I'm just a bit stuck on.
Well my character is supposed to work at a place I'm calling The Body Shop. Doubles as a auto repair and makeshift hospital. Would someone who works there (probably other than my character) work for your Street Doc?
My courier could be an elf it just makes figuring out the priorities a bitch (Something has to be an E, though I could just drop adept and be an elf)

If no one else says anything about my two I'm deciding between Ill post a full sheet for wall on the Morrow.
You guys are prime runners so you Johnsons are willing to cover travel expenses just like how they cover your meals and drinks during meets.
I'll Go with Venice, Italy.

As my character actually speaks some Italian and being on the other side of the channel for a high percentage of runs might be bad for cover.
And in that case, I'll still go with Hamburg.

Actually, maybe Ciara lives above the club in question... that's an idea.