Shadowrun: Sins are not Forgotten

Oookay, I think I'm at an impasse here. Using Chummer with Priority and Prime Runner, priorities are as follows:

Priority A: Skills
Priority B: Attributes
Priority C: Resources
Priority D: Metatype (Human)
Priority E: Magic/Resonance

So now I'm staring at the "Common" Tab at the Attributes and... what next? I'm planning on running a Street Samurai with a vested interest in less-than-lethal means of solving problems. Be it using his fists or words.
Oookay, I think I'm at an impasse here. Using Chummer with Priority and Prime Runner, priorities are as follows:

Priority A: Skills
Priority B: Attributes
Priority C: Resources
Priority D: Metatype (Human)
Priority E: Magic/Resonance

So now I'm staring at the "Common" Tab at the Attributes and... what next? I'm planning on running a Street Samurai with a vested interest in less-than-lethal means of solving problems. Be it using his fists or words.

Oookay, I think I'm at an impasse here. Using Chummer with Priority and Prime Runner, priorities are as follows:

Priority A: Skills
Priority B: Attributes
Priority C: Resources
Priority D: Metatype (Human)
Priority E: Magic/Resonance

So now I'm staring at the "Common" Tab at the Attributes and... what next? I'm planning on running a Street Samurai with a vested interest in less-than-lethal means of solving problems. Be it using his fists or words.
Note that a Street Samurai likely won't have high Charisma (due to not having the attribute points to spare), and Essence loss causes your Social Limit (=maximum amount of successes you can get on a check) to go down.
Still, that doesn't mean your Street Samurai shouldn't have good social skills.
My suggestion:
Charisma 3, Willpower 3 and Social Skills you want (Etiquette and Intimidate?) at 4. With an Essence of 2, that'd give you a social limit of 4. You'll roll 7 dice, maybe slightly more with modifiers, which is an average of 2 successes. If you boost your skill to 6, that'd be an average of 3.
That's useful, just don't expect to talk yourself out of tough situations with this. That's why you have specialists - one character can't cover everything.

Other Attributes:
Body should be at least 4. Else you're just too squishy.
Agility should be at least 4. Else you likely won't hit all that well.
Reaction should be at least 4. You need it for defense and Initiative.
Strength should be at least 3 - 3 allows you to add some nice armor add-ons without loosing dice. Not great for melee, but it'll do.
Willpower should be at least 3. You need it for stun damage boxes, and to have at least some defense against many spells.
Logic - you don't need it. You can spare the points there for now, and spend 10 Karma to buy it up to 2.
Intuition should be at least 3. You need it for defense and Initiative.
Charisma - see above, 3 if you can spare it.
All in all, that here would be 17 points - well within your allocation. Spend the other three points on Body, Agility and Reaction.

Alternatively, you could utilize Sum-to-Ten. Drop Attributes to priority C, boost Metatype to Priority C.
That way, you can either be an Ork or a Dwarf.
Dwarves get +2 to Body, +2 to Strength and +1 to Willpower - including higher natural maximums.
Orks get +3 to Body and +2 to Strength - also with higher natural maximums.
So either way, you don't actually loose out on any attributes - indeed, that shift actually gives you attributes (+5 attributes for 4 less attribute points). However, you will loose Edge - from your current (5) to 2 (Dwarf) or 1 (Ork). Still, if you make use of the higher maximums, that can be worth it. It does depend on how highly you value Strength basically - if you just want decent Strength to Carry gear, don't do that. If you want good Strength to go to town with ballistic shields or melee weapons, it's actually a pretty good deal.
(Alternatively, you could just swap out your Resource and Metaype priority, but that'd cost you 60K Nuyen, so it depends heavily on how much 'Ware you want).

As for Skills:
- 6 in at least one weapon skill. With Skills at Priority A, you might want to make it an entire skill group - Firearms 6 would mean that you are well-trained in Pistols, Submachine Guns/Assault Rifles and Shotguns/Rifles.
- At least 2 in Sneaking, at least 1 in First Aid (you really don't want to take that -2 untrained penalty when you're saving someone who is bleeding out), at least 2 in Etiquette and Negotiation. You'll likely want higher in the latter.
- Put some points into Gymnastics. Also, putting points into Running is generally a good idea, 2 or so should suffice.
- You'll probably want to choose one melee weapon type. That will likely depend on whether you have Cyberweapons (then its Unarmed Combat) or not (then you can either choose blades, or clubs. Blades are more stylish, but clubs are great due to stun batons or using your rifle as one).

Also, here's another thing:
Do you want your character to be a leader in combat?
Then you don't actually need much Charisma at all. What you'll want then is Intuition.
You can actually straight-up transfer points from Reaction to Intuition. Both are used equally for Initiative and Defense - sacrificing Reaction will lower your physical limit though (but your mental limit will rise this way, and you'll get more starting knowledge points).
Then, you take the Small Unit Tactics skill. It's a Knowledge Skill, so use your free points or just buy it with Karma. You'll also want the Leadership-skill and at least some Charisma (3 is enough), but that's mostly required if your unit is not actually trained properly in the combat maneuvers you are attempting.

If you get your team to train in the combat maneuver beforehand - which admittedly might be hard with Shadowrunners - then starting a combat maneuver is a free action, with no Leadership-test required. They're described on page 98+ of Run&Gun - and they can provide pretty nifty bonuses, such as +3 to Defense or +3 to attack rolls.

As usual, just a suggestion. But "combat leadership" is a good role for a Street Samurai, and sufficiently distinct from a Face's role that you won't step on each others toes. Also, it doesn't require heavy investment from you.

Well, I watched the video Last posted and I have to wonder if Street Sams need a lot of Resources or whether or not it was just a case of personal preference on the author's part? He swapped Skills and Resources instead of what I had.

And sure, I wouldn't mind picking up the role of "Combat Leader". Just wanted a Street Sam who could do more than just smashing faces in (mechanically speaking), if only in a pinch.
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Well, I watched the video Last posted and I have to wonder if Street Sams need a lot of Resources or whether or not it was just a case of personal preference on the author's part? He swapped Skills and Resources instead of what I had.

And sure, I wouldn't mind picking up the role of "Combat Leader". Just wanted a Street Sam who could do more than just smashing faces in (mechanically speaking), if only in a pinch.
That really depends.

Do you want expensive things?
That really depends.

Do you want expensive things?
Are said expensive things that useful or can I do without 'em? I might go with a Rating 4 SIN and licenses for whatever guns I'm starting with. A home might be in there too if it weren't for the fact that we'd be travelling often.
Are said expensive things that useful or can I do without 'em? I might go with a Rating 4 SIN and licenses for whatever guns I'm starting with. A home might be in there too if it weren't for the fact that we'd be travelling often.
Well, some of the really good augs in bioware can be worth a lot of shine, but the same can be said for all augs. If you were a decker, you'd need the cash just to get the most middling of decks.

But as a street sam, you'll need augs, weapons, ammo and more. At prime runner level, you'll have massive amounts of money anyway. It's not a tippy top priority unless you find yourself spending a lot of money.
Well, some of the really good augs in bioware can be worth a lot of shine, but the same can be said for all augs. If you were a decker, you'd need the cash just to get the most middling of decks.

But as a street sam, you'll need augs, weapons, ammo and more. At prime runner level, you'll have massive amounts of money anyway. It's not a tippy top priority unless you find yourself spending a lot of money.
I'll stick to having Resources as Priority C then, and go from there. There's still some time to fine-tune it all, I suppose.

Character design question, actually.

How do I get my hands on a TacNet PiTAC-III at game start? Restricted Gear's a requirement, of course, and resources A, but can I find enough nuyen elsewhere?
Right, here's my Street Sam's Stat Build 1.0. Feel free to pick apart what I've got so far and I'll just note that I have not delved into Gear just yet, as that will be a headache for tomorrow:

PITACs are pieces of crap, don't bother with them.
Hundreds of thousands of Nuyen - for a stationary piece of hardware that only provides minor combat bonuses to maybe two fire teams? Maaybe worth it for high-security corporate facilities. Utterly unsuited to Shadowrunners.

Instead, ask @Conundrum whether you can use Tactical AR Software from Unwired. At character creation, you could get it at Rating 3 for 9.000€.
That software can support an entire team on the go. Each member (you need at least 3 for the thing to work) needs to contribute Rating x2 sensor channels - so, 6 in our cases.
Each natural sense recorded via Simsense counts as one channel. Each enhanced sense contributed by cyberware counts as one sense (Smartlink, thermographic vision etc.). And last but not least, each type of sensor counts as one sense.
So how do you do that? Well, get everyone a properly installed Trodenet and a Simrig (1.000€ per member), and you already have their natural senses (so, 2 at minimum). Then you simply buy a Hand-Held Sensor Housing for everyone (just 300€) and fill it with something useful, say a Ultrasounds Scanner, a Olfactory scanner and a Radio Signal Scanner (1.800€ if you buy everything at rating 6). Then you strap that to them in a convenient location and call it a day, because you now have 6 sensor channels. But if you really want to be safe, also include a few more channels, say by giving everyone a camera (if glasses don't count, which they should) and a rangefinder or two.
If you want to include Drones in the network, they need a Sensor Rating of 6 too, which costs a bit to upgrade.

So what does that get you?
Aside from easy communication with each other and obviously having additional sensory input? You get a bonus to all sorts of tests - attacks, defense, perception, sneaking. For all members of the team. The bonus starts at +1 with 3 members, and in our case goes up to +3 with 5 members. You can easily run that entirely on your own with your drones, but do include your teammates if you want to.

Of course, that whole thing? Easily something that just keeps pushing numbers. Some people are not a fan of it, because it can be done so cheaply. However, the obvious drawback is that everyone needs the the right gear - and that it's very vulnerable to hacking.
If you execute it properly - Tacnet, a leader to give commands and execute small unit tactics, drones to lay down suppressive fire and drones that can provide mortar fire (or grenade launchers, also works) with proper indirect aiming - that's utterly terrifying.

Character design question, actually.

How do I get my hands on a TacNet PiTAC-III at game start? Restricted Gear's a requirement, of course, and resources A, but can I find enough nuyen elsewhere?

In Debt VX. Adds 75,000 eXtra nuyen at start. Oy downside is that you have to pay it back.
"Bring us the Girl and wipe away the debt" kind of debt.
Thomas Purcell was the only child of a pair of Aztechnology UK middle management employees, David and Margaret Purcell. From birth, he was molded and educated by the megacorp in preparation of one day assuming a similar role as his parents. That was, until the age of 11, when he was discovered in a routine test to possess magical talent. His parents (and the corporation) were overjoyed; while even the mildest magical talents are prized in corporate culture, Thomas was noted to possess truly astonishing raw magical potential. One of the wagemages who examined him under astral perception likened his aura to the brilliance of a sun.

Thomas's life, and that of his parents, underwent a change. The family began to receive preferential treatment by their superiors; promotions, raised salaries, and better educational opportunities became available. Thomas was placed into a specialised educational stream, taught by the finest tutors money could buy, and graduated his high school equivalent studies at the age of 16. Courtesy of a fully paid scholarship by Aztechnology, he promptly enrolled at Cambridge University, studying a Bachelor's Degree in Thaumaturgical Theory. Thomas's future seemed promising.

Eventually however, things went wrong. His parents, who had originally been devoted employees of Aztechnology, had over time been exposed to or sought out information about mages employed by the company. Frightening rumours that they poorly understood regarding Blood Magic cropped up with some regularity over the years, and their subtle attempts to discover more did not reassure them. In spite of company propaganda, Thomas's parents slowly became convinced that a career with Aztechnology was not something they wanted for their only child. As a result of this epiphany, the two quietly arranged for their family to be extracted by a rival corporation; Saeder-Krupp Heavy Industries. Unfortunately, this didn't go as planned.

The extraction was scheduled the night of Thomas's 17th birthday, under the reasoning that their superiors would not find it unusual for the perpetually-overworked parents to both take the night off to spend it with their son. They weren't entirely correct, however, and an agent assigned to the family's security detail interfered with the operation and started a firefight at the family residence. During the course of the fighting, Thomas's parents were hit by stray fire by their former protection detail and killed. Putting his magical talent into practice, the young mage eluded both parties and fled the scene. When he was picked up two days later by the British Police service as a suspected vagrant, he caught the attention of government agents when the system flagged him as Awakened.

Approached by an Intelligence officer of the SIS, Thomas was given a simple recruitment pitch; 'Work for us, and we'll give you a new life as a British citizen that will keep the corporations off you'. He agreed almost automatically and entered into the Service for the next few years, working as a Case Officer overseas in several foreign nations. While he demonstrated great potential over the next few years, eventually he ran into problems. During an assignment where he was posted to the AGS, his cover was blown by members of Saeder-Krupp corporate security after his face was matched to a picture from an old database record that the company possessed of him from their attempted extraction five years ago. With his cover blown, Thomas narrowly managed to skip town before being picked up for questioning, and upon returning to London was faced with the prospect of spending the foreseeable future behind a desk; the price paid for a compromised identity while the service attempted to determine if he was still fit for actual field work. Unwilling to spend the next few years, if not the entirety of his career, analysing data and providing advice on Magical threats to agents in the field, Thomas left the SIS citing the desire to return to finish his academic studies.

Shortly after returning to University to finish his Bachelor degree, he began to rent out his magical services on the side to earn some money to help support himself; academic jobs mostly, such as consulting and tutoring. He also took the occasional job hunting down reagents for Talismongers. As his network of contacts grew, he found himself being approached more frequently with all manner of job offers. Some of these requests teetered on the brink of legal use of magic, and Thomas adopted the professional alias 'Briar Patch' (one of several temporary codenames from his time in the Service), to keep from associating his legal SIN with questionable activities. Eventually, he was approached one day by an 'independent contractor' who hinted that there was some extremely valuable money in research being conducted at Genetique (an Aztechnology subsidiary specialising in Biotech), and wanted to know if it was at all possible that Thomas could use his skills to confirm that for him, for a generous fee. When he said yes, it was the first, but not the last, of his jobs as a Shadowrunner.

==Character Creation; Priorities==

Priority A - Magician (Magic 6, two Rating 5 magical skills, 10 spells)
Priority B - Attributes 20
Priority C - Skills 28/2
Priority D - Human (3)
Priority E - 100,000€

Bod Agi Rea Str Wil Log Int Cha EDG ESS MAG
3 3 3 2 5 6 5 3 4 6.0 7
10 Karma spent to raise Strength from 1 to 2.
15 Karma spent to raise Reaction from 2 to 3.

== Info ==
Street Name: Briar Patch
Name: Thomas Purcell
Movement: 16
Karma: 5
Street Cred: 3
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 1
Human Male; age 24
Height: 176cm
Composure: 8
Judge Intentions: 8
Lift/Carry: 5
Memory: 11
Nuyen: 6,700

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 6.0
Initiative: 8 + 1D6
Astral Initiative: 10 + 2D6
Inherent Limits:​
Physical: 4
Mental: 8
Social: 5
Astral: 8​
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 11

== Active Skills ==28/2 Free Points (Priority C) + 2 five-rank magical skills (Priority A Magician) + Karma purchases
(Numbers in brackets are the final dice pool, linked skill + attribute rating. Numbers shown with a '/' represent the final total dice pool with or without using the specialization.)
Arcana: 5 [11]
Assensing: 6 [11]
Astral Combat: 5 [10]
Con: 1 [4]
Conjuring skill group: 1 [8]
Counterspelling: 5 [12]
Enchanting skill group: 1 [8]
Etiquette: 3 [6]
Negotiation: 3 [6]
Perception: 3 [8]
Pilot Ground Craft: 2 [5]
Running: 1 [3]
Spellcasting: 6 [13]

== Knowledge & Language Skills == (Intuition 5 + Logic 6) x 2 = 22 free points) + 1 Karma spent
Languages: English (N), Aztlaner Spanish - 1 [6], German - 4 [9], Japanese - 1 [6], Sperethiel - 1 [6]
Academic: History - 1 [7], Magical Theory - 5 [11], Parageology - 1 [7], Parazoology - 1 [7]
Interests: Literature - 1 [6], Urban Brawl - 1 [6]
Professional: Codes - 1 [7], Intelligence Services - 3 [9], Magical Threats - 1 [7]
Street: Corporate Politics - 1 [6]

== Qualities ==
Astral Beacon [+10K]
Exceptional Attribute (Magic) [-14K]
Focused Concentration (3) [-12K]
Gremlins (1) [+4K]
Magician (Hermetic Tradition)
National SIN [+5K]
Poor Link [-8K]
Prejudiced (Aztechnology -Specific, Radical; Saeder-Krupp - Specific, Biased; Shamans - Specific, Biased) [+14K]
Records On File (Aztechnology, Saeder-Krupp) [+2K]

== Spells ==
Analyze Truth
Improved Invisibility
Increase Reaction
Magic Fingers
Mind Probe


== Starting Karma ==
35+35 (Neg. Qual.) = 70
Exceptional Attribute (Magic)[14K]
Focused Concentration (3)[12K]
Poor Link [8K]
First rank in Con [2K]
First rank in Perception [2K]
Strength Attribute raised from 1 to 2 [10K]
Reaction Attribute raised from 2 to 3 [15K]
First rank in Professional Knowledge (Magical Threats)[1K]

== Contacts ==
Charisma 3 x 6 = 18 free points

Liliana (Talismonger) (Connection 3, Loyalty 4)
Liliana and Thomas are old flames. Shortly after Thomas left the SIS, he met Liliana through word of mouth around the University, and did a little work for her as well as came to her for most of his magical commercial needs. They hit it off, and for a little while, things were serious. In the end though, they ran into all of the expected problems that come from mixing business and pleasure, and ended the relationship. They're still close, but there's a certain distance between them these days that wasn't there before.

Felix (International Courier) (Connection 6, Loyalty 1)
Felix is an International Courier who smuggles illegal goods for a living, operating across North-West and Central Europe. Thomas has made use of his services before, but the two of them are all business; Felix has no time or patience for people who try to butter him up or make nice.

Joachim (Knight Errant Dispatcher) (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
An asset whom Thomas recruited during a posting to Munich, Joachim is a valuable street level level informant who can usually be counted on to provide a limited overview of the perspectives and activities of local street level criminals, law enforcement and corporate employers.

== Lifestyles ==
Two Months Middle Lifestyle: 10,000 ny

Advanced Magician Pack: 4,000 ny
Magical lodge materials (6)
Fifty drams of reagents​

Fake SIN (5): 12,500 ny (This is Briar's Primary SIN for business and lifestyle use; he uses a rating-4 burner use SIN, which came with his Advanced Runner Pack below, when engaging in criminal activity)

Fake Mage License (6): 1,200 ny (This is linked to the above SIN)

Fake Gun License (5): 1,000 ny (This is linked to the above SIN)

== Armour ==
Berwick Suit: 2,600 ny
Armour Rating 9, Capacity 5, Availability 9
Custom Fit
Increase Social Limit by 1
-2 modifier for Concealability
Wireless Bonus +1 to Social Tests​

Argentum Coat: 3,600 ny
Armour Rating 12/+4, Capacity 14, Availability 10
Custom Fit (Stack)
Increase Social Limit by 1
-3 modifier for Concealability
Wireless Bonus +1 to Social Tests​

== Weapons ==
Ares Pistol Pack: 2,000 ny
Ares Predator V heavy pistol, quick-draw holster, four spare clips
300 rounds of regular heavy pistol ammo
Ares Light Fire 70 light pistol, concealable holster, two spare clips
60 rounds of regular light pistol ammo​

Box of Grenades #1: 2,000 ny
10 fragmentation grenades
10 high-explosive grenades​

== Gear ==
Advanced Runner Pack: 20,000 ny
Fake SIN (4)
Metal restraints
Erika Elite commlink with sim module and subvocal mic
Backpack (20¥)
Armor vest
Flashlight (low-light)
Climbing gear
Diving gear
Tag eraser
Mapsoft (campaign city)
Gas mask
Gold credstick
Respirator (4)
Contacts (3) with image link, low-light vision, and flare compensation
Survival kit
Earbuds (3) with sound link (25¥) and select sound filter (2)
50 meters of rope
Camera (1) with vision magnification
Medkit (3)​

Jammer Pack: 2,000 ny
Area jammer (4)
Tag eraser
Bug scanner (5)
White noise generator (5)​

Rappelling Gloves: 50 ny

Bugout Bag: 4,000 ny
Fake SIN (1)
Metal restraints
Sony Emperor commlink
10 blank datachips
10 security tags
Armor clothing
Dufflebag (20¥)
2 doses of long haul
Streetline Special hold-out pistol with 30 rounds of regular ammo and spare clip
Standard credstick with 1,000¥ pre-loaded

== Vehicles ==
Racing Bike Pack: 10,000 ny (+Morphing Licence Plate: 1,000 ny)
Suzuki Mirage racing bike
Mapsoft (city streets)
Armor clothing
Shopsoft (motorcycles and motorcycle parts)
Two helmets with image link and sound link (25¥ each)
Automotive mechanics kit
Morphing Licence Plate​

Ford Americar: 16,000 ny
Chameleoline coating: 22,000 ny (Body x 2,000)
Morphing Licence Plate: 1,000 ny​

All of my money has now been spent, bar the 5,000 added to my starting funds.​
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I do not have Unwired on my phone so I will have to check it when I get home. I will read over it then.

@Arvin_Larn you guys will travel a bit but shadowrunning is kind of a feast or famine deal so you may do a job then not get work for over a month. You do not need a house but some place to bed down is advised be it a van, a blimp, a railcar.

You guys will travel a bit but shadowrunning is kind of a feast or famine deal so you may do a job then not get work for over a month. You do not need a house but some place to bed down is advised be it a van, a blimp, a railcar.
Noted, though I have to wonder about the logistics of hauling a van across multiple continents if I'm going with the "Mobile Home" route. :confused:

Also, currently got a draft of my Street Sam's stats up there in my previous post. My summary for his backstory should be in the Convo and I'll refine it with your say-so.
PITACs are pieces of crap, don't bother with them.
Hundreds of thousands of Nuyen - for a stationary piece of hardware that only provides minor combat bonuses to maybe two fire teams? Maaybe worth it for high-security corporate facilities. Utterly unsuited to Shadowrunners.

Instead, ask @Conundrum whether you can use Tactical AR Software from Unwired. At character creation, you could get it at Rating 3 for 9.000€.
That software can support an entire team on the go. Each member (you need at least 3 for the thing to work) needs to contribute Rating x2 sensor channels - so, 6 in our cases.
Each natural sense recorded via Simsense counts as one channel. Each enhanced sense contributed by cyberware counts as one sense (Smartlink, thermographic vision etc.). And last but not least, each type of sensor counts as one sense.
So how do you do that? Well, get everyone a properly installed Trodenet and a Simrig (1.000€ per member), and you already have their natural senses (so, 2 at minimum). Then you simply buy a Hand-Held Sensor Housing for everyone (just 300€) and fill it with something useful, say a Ultrasounds Scanner, a Olfactory scanner and a Radio Signal Scanner (1.800€ if you buy everything at rating 6). Then you strap that to them in a convenient location and call it a day, because you now have 6 sensor channels. But if you really want to be safe, also include a few more channels, say by giving everyone a camera (if glasses don't count, which they should) and a rangefinder or two.
If you want to include Drones in the network, they need a Sensor Rating of 6 too, which costs a bit to upgrade.

So what does that get you?
Aside from easy communication with each other and obviously having additional sensory input? You get a bonus to all sorts of tests - attacks, defense, perception, sneaking. For all members of the team. The bonus starts at +1 with 3 members, and in our case goes up to +3 with 5 members. You can easily run that entirely on your own with your drones, but do include your teammates if you want to.

Of course, that whole thing? Easily something that just keeps pushing numbers. Some people are not a fan of it, because it can be done so cheaply. However, the obvious drawback is that everyone needs the the right gear - and that it's very vulnerable to hacking.
If you execute it properly - Tacnet, a leader to give commands and execute small unit tactics, drones to lay down suppressive fire and drones that can provide mortar fire (or grenade launchers, also works) with proper indirect aiming - that's utterly terrifying.

This is perfect. Thank you!

It does mean I will ask you about a bunch of other questions, though ;)
  • Is it worth investing in a RCC/control rig, when I can just use the Control Device action paired with a reasonable Pilot skill, which also buys me extra defense against hostile deckers?
  • Is the Dalmatian worth the extra 5k over the MCT rotodrone?
Well I tried making a character, I think I ended up with something that looks like a Look Out/Covering Fire type.
Magic: E
Metatype: D (Human)
Resources: C
Attributes: B
Skills: A

Bod: 3
Agi: 5
React: 4
Str: 1 (+1 from Karma) = 2
Cha: 3
Int: 5
Log: 4
Wil: 3
Edge: 5
Mag: 0
Res: 1

Bilingual (Russian and English)
Insomnia (Basic)
Dependent (Inconvenience)

Engineering: 3
Influence: 2
Stealth: 5

Blades: 5 + Specialization (Knives)
Computer: 6
Driving: 3
Escape Artist: 4
Locksmith: 6 + Specialization (Voice Recognition)
LongArms: 6 + Specialization (Sniper Rifle)
Medicine: 6 + Specialization (Trauma Surgery)
Perception: 6

Russian: Natural
English: Natural
Japanese: 4
Italian: 3
Business: 5
Underworld: 4
Combat Tactics: 5
Security Tactics: 6

Datajack (Deltaware)
Cat's Eyes (Betaware)

Lifestyle: Medium (+1 Roommate % to pay 200)
Chameleon Suit
-Mod(Thermal Dampening 6)
Auctioneer Business Clothes
Clothing ($2000)
Combat Knife
Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR
-Standard Mods(Stock, Shockpad, Imaging Scope)
-Not so standard Mods (Spare Clip APDS, sniper; Internal Smartgun System; Tripod; Gas-Vent 3)

20 Regular Ammo, Sniper
10 Explosive Ammo, Sniper
10 Tracer Ammo, Sniper
Lockpick set
Keycard Copier (Rating 6)
Goggles (Rating 6)
-Mods (Smartlink, Lowlight, Vision Enhancement [Rating 2], Vision Magnification, Flare Compensation)
Fake SIN (Rating 5) x 2
Fake Licenses (Rating 5) x 6 (Firearms, Small Blades, Private Investigator, Medical, Driver, Restricted Armor)
2 Glue Sprayers
2 Glue Solvents
2 Thermite Bars
Survival Kit
Respirator (Rating 6)

Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit

Is there anything that stands out as not working or that I might still need? Or if there was a direction I should take the Character? I've still got quite a bit of Nen left.
Reading Tacnets and one thing I am thinking is that this is going to be harder to hide from a decker and if you are running a decentralized system where they are all slaved together without a master a mark on one is a mark on all since there is no master to mark. This is also pretty cheap so I will probably need to increase the cost of it. I should note that between SR4 and SR5 costs varied a bit so that is one thing I will often be changing. Then again the listed price is like off the shelf price so you guys will almost never pay that for anything except character creation.

It is kind of weird I think I only remember using a tacnet once, I am surprised it was not more common since this is just cheap bonuses to a decent number of rolls.
Reading Tacnets and one thing I am thinking is that this is going to be harder to hide from a decker and if you are running a decentralized system where they are all slaved together without a master a mark on one is a mark on all since there is no master to mark. This is also pretty cheap so I will probably need to increase the cost of it. I should note that between SR4 and SR5 costs varied a bit so that is one thing I will often be changing. Then again the listed price is like off the shelf price so you guys will almost never pay that for anything except character creation.

It is kind of weird I think I only remember using a tacnet once, I am surprised it was not more common since this is just cheap bonuses to a decent number of rolls.

It's a style of play that needs the right character concept, and even then doesn't give your character the chance to shine very much -- you're not an awesome decker or rigger or street sam or mage, you just make everybody else significantly better at their jobs.

Once you realize how powerful it can be, though...
I was thinking of making a mystical adept ogre to be a super tank.

I' have made characters before, but if you don't have empty slots I won't bother.
@Tekomandor is 'I Dunno' your street name?

Wow, i did not think it would be this popular, I had not planned on a hard cap but I guess I am going to need to at this rate.

@Zedalb you are fine to join but the last person for now until I figure out just how hectic this will be IC.
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Okay, I think everyone with a sheet has had their chacrater added to the first post, I feel like I missed someone though. If you do not have priority listed with your stats I would like you to do so please.