Shadowrun: Sins are not Forgotten

Actually probably going to scrap the Power Foci I bought; In terms of raw power I've already got plenty on my side, and that's valuable Karma that could probably be better spent elsewhere.

So you're taking the "Distinctive Style" Negative Quality?

I probably would, but I already have 25 Karma worth of Negative qualities; the hard limit, according to pp. 71.
Hmm, actually I forgot that prime runners did not increase their potential negatives to 35 with their karma. How do you guys feel about homerule allowing 35 karma worth of negative traits since karma was bumped to 35? In real life I often homerule unlimited negative traits because quite frankly I am a roleplay heavy GM and a lot of negative traits amuse me but online I am going to be a bit more careful about it.
Hmm, actually I forgot that prime runners did not increase their potential negatives to 35 with their karma. How do you guys feel about homerule allowing 35 karma worth of negative traits since karma was bumped to 35? In real life I often homerule unlimited negative traits because quite frankly I am a roleplay heavy GM and a lot of negative traits amuse me but online I am going to be a bit more careful about it.

I'd be fine with it, personally, but I'm not a Shadowrun veteran, so I don't know if the potential amount of Karma you could end up with there just during chargen is gamebreaking or not. If you think it's fine, I have no issues. I assume Positives are still capped at 25?

Also, is your starting Karma valid for determining street cred?
I'd be fine with it, personally, but I'm not a Shadowrun veteran, so I don't know if the potential amount of Karma you could end up with there just during chargen is gamebreaking or not. If you think it's fine, I have no issues. I assume Positives are still capped at 25?

Also, is your starting Karma valid for determining street cred?

Street cred is gained when you earn Karma in game.

We do get a little Cred boost at the get go because of us being Prime Runners, but the rest we earn.
More edit's because of Contact things and apparently Thermite bars are 16R, and Advanced Ware isn't allowed at Char Gen. Didn't know.
I'd be fine with it, personally, but I'm not a Shadowrun veteran, so I don't know if the potential amount of Karma you could end up with there just during chargen is gamebreaking or not. If you think it's fine, I have no issues. I assume Positives are still capped at 25?

Also, is your starting Karma valid for determining street cred?

Starting karma is not a part of street cred, honestly, streed cred, public awareness, and that whole system is a mess I usually cut from the game in real life campaigns I prefer to just ally situational modifiers.

If negative traits increased to 35 so would positive.
Hmm, actually I forgot that prime runners did not increase their potential negatives to 35 with their karma. How do you guys feel about homerule allowing 35 karma worth of negative traits since karma was bumped to 35? In real life I often homerule unlimited negative traits because quite frankly I am a roleplay heavy GM and a lot of negative traits amuse me but online I am going to be a bit more careful about it.
I wouldn't have any problems with it, as long as having *that* many Negative Traits won't cause a TPK right off the bat. We are trying to weave a story here and not re-enact XCOM in a Cyberpunk setting. :p

I won't avail of it though, and I think my Char Sheet's good for the most part, mechanics-wise. Just need to get cracking on Enrique's backstory.
Actually, it looks like we have enough shooters. I am also considering a Rat shaman, inspired by Gollum. A creepy, twisted thing that knowns and sees and hears a LOT, with a serious street level presence. Fond of riddles and rings, although no idea why. Probably has an eclectic collection of spells dealing with detection, info gathering and evasion/stealth, while calling on spirits for offense and diversions. So many ideas, actually. I will make the shaman instead of the soldier. I should have something posted within the next couple of hours.
Current team setup

Firehair: Gun Adept
Jester: Face Adept
L0v3-L@ce: Decker/Street Samurai
Rabbit: Razorgirl
Briar Patch: Mage
Staves: Gun Samurai
The Blue: Combat Medic
De Vega: Street Samurai

Zedalb also seems to be making a frontline combatant
@Shojifox you are now the last person in this since another person dropped. This will give us two teams of five or three teams of three with a fourth ringer as jobs come in. God damn, if i put up an interest check for this I could probably run a freaking persistent world with the numbers this thread is pulling down.

Currently we are looking at 5 frontline combatants, 1 face, 1 mage, 1 decker, and 1 support with everyone able to contribute well in a fight. A good amount of stealth as well. Only 1 mage but two adepts who can deal out magic damage and only one decker running an older deck so covering everyone may be harder. I use character information to decide what kinds of jobs you guys will be hired on, like this currently setup tells me you guys are not getting picked up for particularly magic heavy or cyber heavy jobs but infiltration is a big option. First run is the only run you guys are likely to all be together on.
Firehair's actually a Mystic Adept.

Your spells help you shoot better, terms like 'gun adept' are general role terms. A mage is someone like Briar Patch who uses more versatility spells like invisibility and mind probe and his highest pool is astral combat at 10 while his best pool for shooting, stabbing, or punching is 7.
OK, went with a street shaman. The character is a wreck and I think I screwed up the karma/prime runner aspect. Also, I tried to make a character who had very little in worldly goods, so we have Skitter, the Rat Street Shaman!

NAME/ALIAS: Skitter (Skitter) PLAYER: Shojifox MOVEMENT: 4/8
METATYPE: Human (barely)
AGE: Yes, have some. (honestly doesn't know, but medical exams would probably make Skitter out to be about 20 or so)
SEX: Female (it thinks)
NUYEN: 5020
HEIGHT: 4' 11"
WEIGHT: 165 lbs
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Dark brown/pale blue
SKIN: ghastly pale


STREET CRED: 0 (or 7, with carryover. Not sure)


Talismonger (3/3)
ORC Policlub Member (3/2)
Fixer (4/3)





ASTRAL INIT: 6 + 2d6
RIGGER INIT: 6 + 1d6
MATRIX AR: 6 + 1d6
MATRIX COLD: 3 + DP + 3d6
MATRIX HOT: 3 + DP + 4d6

Animal Handling 5 0 6 (CHA) -2
Blades 4 2 2 (AGI) 0
Clubs 4 2 2 (AGI) 0
Con 5 0 6 (CHA) 0
Disguise 4 3 3 (INT) -2
Etiquette (Street) 10 (12) 4 6 (CHA) 0
First Aid 6 4 2 (LOG) 0
Impersonation 5 0 6 (CHA) 0
Instruction 5 0 6 (CHA) 0
Intimidation 10 4 6 (CHA) 0
Leadership 5 0 6 (CHA) 0
Locksmith 3 1 2 (AGI) 0
Navigation 5 2 3 (INT) 0
Negotiation 5 0 6 (CHA) 0
Palming 3 3 2 (AGI) -2
Perception (Hearing) 7 (9) 6 3 (INT) -2
Performance 10 4 6 (CHA) 0 (Potential centering skill!)
Pilot Ground Craft 2 0 3 (REA) 0
Pilot Watercraft 2 0 3 (REA) 0
Pistols (Holdouts) 3 (5) 3 2 (AGI) 0
Running 2 2 2 (STR) -2
Sneaking 5 3 2 (AGI) 0
Survival (Urban) 4 (6) 2 4 (WIL) -2
Swimming 2 2 2 (STR) -2
Throwing Weapons (Non-Aerodynamic) 3 (5) 3 2 (AGI) 0
Tracking 3 2 3 (INT) -2
Unarmed Combat 1 0 2 (AGI) 0

Skill Groups
Summoning 8 4 4 (MAG) 0

Spellcasting 8 4 4 (MAG) 0

Ritual Spellcasting

Enchanting 6 2 4 (MAG) 0

Language: English 5 2 3 (INT) 0
Language: Or'zet N N N N
Language: German 5 2 3 (INT) 0
Area Knowledge: London 7 4 3 (INT) 0
Area Knowledge: London Underground 7 4 3 (INT) 0
Magical Threats 6 4 2 (LOG) 0
Sprawl Life 7 4 3 (INT) 0


(Gotta update but there are likely several...)


Common Sense RF 145
Deformity (Quasimodo) RF 120
Magician SR5 69
Mentor Spirit (Rat) SR5 76

Clothing 0 SR5 437
Lined Coat 9 SR5 437
Insulation 3; Thermal Damping 3


Walther Palm Pistol (5) 4 7P - SS/BF 2 2(b) SR5 425
S: 0-5 M: 6-15 L: 16-30 E: 31-50

Melee Weapons
Knife 3 5 3P -1 0 SR5 422
Telescoping Staff 5 4 4P - 2 SR5 422
Unarmed Attack 1 3 2S - 0 SR5 132

Tradition: Shamanic Resist Drain with WIL + CHA (10)
Combat Spells
Stunball M LOS (A) S I F SR5 284
Stunbolt M LOS S I F-3 SR5 284
Detection Spells
Detect Individual M T S F-3 SR5 286
Health Spells
Heal M T P F-4 SR5 288
Illusion Spells
Bugs M LOS S F-3 SR5 290
Improved Invisibility P LOS S F-1 SR5 291
Swarm M LOS (A) S F-1 SR5 290

Sony Emperor (Commlink) 2 0 0 2 2 SR5 438
Bug Scanner 1; Earbuds 1; Monocle 3; White Noise Generator 6
Additional equipment pasted at bottom of sheet...
Street Permanent SR5 268

Ammo: Regular Ammo (Holdouts) - 30 SR5 434
Concealable Holster - 1 SR5 431
Crowbar - 1 SR5 447
Lockpick Set - 1 SR5 448
Magical Lodge Materials 6 1 SR5 326
Maglock Passkey 4 1 SR5 448

A twisted thing, this human is sometimes mistaken for a ghoul or goon of some sort. Some sort of calamitous deformity that went unchecked for years has lead to a gangling thing that crouches and glares at the world through mismatched eyes. The legs and arms have developed in odd proportions to the trunk, giving it a lopsided look. Black hair is worn in a ragged short cut that looks like it did so itself with a poor quality knife. And yet the intense, almost unblinking stare of those dark eyes shows power, and in its own way it can be scary as hell. It looks like its clothing was salvaged from a dump, with an oversize armored coat and various armored and unarmored clothing bits, covered with hand and paw prints. There's a rather well-cared for knife in its right boot that anyone can see. If there are other weapons, the warped torso makes them very hard to spot.

When this person was born, it was discarded in the sewers of London, and forgotten about. A child of the streets, with a poor prostitute mother and an unknown father, the child had been smothered and tossed down a manhole cover. But even then, something was watching out for the bundle of ill luck. Collected by an orc Rat shaman named Gourmet, the child grew up in the Underground, and every day was steeped in survival and magic. From a surprisingly early age, the waif grasped the principles of the shamanic way, a way that had been imported from North America. More of a druid or feral spirit, the young Skitter adapted in spite of being hideously deformed, and grew to adulthood. Although it never received formal schooling, it was smart enough to learn fast, learning to speak, read and write as well as the basics of the Overworld. Soon, Skitter was protecting the Underground from those who abused it. It helped those Underground, and bravely ventured Topside to deal blows for the oppressed. Ideally from the shadows. As far from danger as could be arranged. Because things.

Over the years, Skitters developed a rapport with several key underground groups, always moving to benefit the denizens of the lower city. she helped set up safe houses, care for the sick, and teach people valuable lessons. But Rat's a pragmatic teacher, not a trickster mentor. She ran the shadows because, technically, she didn't exist and there was no legitimate route for her. And she became *very* good at it. She provided a sort of covert magical support for teams, causing the entire team to just vanish into the urban wilderness. She bargained with free spirits and negotiated truces between Underground gangs and factions. And she expanded her working territory. she delighted in taking from the wealthy and redistributing, for she had little in the way of wants and needs.

This began to develop as a bit of a legend in the London Underground, and ever further afield. when the whole of existence seems to think it turns on neuyen and power, she disrupts the status quo. It was when she was engaged in these actions that she proved to be a cut above other so-called shadowrunners. She was a thief, sure. and a liar. and a malingerer. but she was also the person who kept community grounded, leading from behind with sage advice and the occasional crazy rat lady act. she called to the forgotten, of all races, and she tried to help them organize and defend what little they had. and yet, in spite of all this generosity, she never seemed concerned with herself.

She found a grand way to deal with the Overground, Topside or whatever you want to call it, as a street performer. In spite of her physical deformities, she has a beautiful operatic alto singing voice, and can manage a commending stage presence. Busking and simple slight of hand were child's play to her, and she learned more with card tricks than with sorcery. Of course, she listens more than she talks, and often seems noncommittal.

For all her skittishness, she can be terrifyingly intense. This, coupled with just a touch of illusion and a wicked streak gives her an edge in some social situations. She can stare down things that lack eyes... or so it's said.

She suffers from and advanced case of scoliosis that has left her body twisted, so she wears baggy clothes. Now, she knows it can be fixed, even now. bio-sculpting, massive surgery and lionization could rebuild her. BUT she will not sacrifice her magic, not yet.

Gollum meets The Rat King. With magic.

Equipment every Shadowrunner should have!
Aside from the obvious stuff such as weapons and armor:

Secure Communications Package: ~9.000€
Fairlight Caliban (8.000€). Several Meta Links (100€ a piece). A Subvocal Microphone (50€) and a Trode-Net (70€). A Bug Scanner (rating 6, 600€) and a Tag Eraser (450€). And a White Noise Generator (Rating 6, 300€).
You'll use the good commlink to secure all your wireless devices - they'll be slaved to it, so enemies have to hack the commlink first, which has a good firewall. The Metalinks will be used to actually place commcalls that might get traced - they're burners you discard after risky activities. The Bug Scanner makes sure you're not being traced or overheard, the Tag Eraser destroys RFID-tags that might trace you, and the White Noise Generator makes sure you're not overheard during important communications (unless they employ lip reading or a laser microphone, but still worth having).

Urban Suvival Package: ~4300€
A Survival Knife (100€). A Miniwelder. (250€) A Flashlight (25€). A Gas Mask (200€). Rappelling Gloves (50€). 100m + 2x50m Microwire (100€). A Medkit (Rating 6, 1500€), A Biomonitor (300€), two Trauma Patches (1000€), two Antidote Patches (300€) and four Stim Patches (300€). A bunch of plastic cuffs. Gluie Sprayer and some Solvent (240€)
This stuff will safe your live!
The Knife and Miniwelder have 1001 applications. Breaking locks, marking walls, cutting handcuffs, welding locks shut and more. The knife even has GPS and can place comm calls in case of an emergency. You can use the Glue Sprayer for the latter too. The Gas Mask protects you from gasses (duh) - ever heard of tear gas? Still a thing in the 2070s. The Rappelling Gloves are necessary to use the microwire without cutting your hands open - and as the name suggests, that wire is small and lightweight. You can easily carry the amounts listed here - don't jump out of that 9th-story window to escape that SWAT team, rappel down instead! (provided they don't have snipers covering that exit). All the medical supplies will likely save your (or somebody else's) lives in more direct ways). As for the handcuffs - not the type you'll use in bed, but if you ever want to secure somebody you just knocked out, they're good for that. Easy to break out, but hey, better than nothing still. Also can be used to tie other stuff together.

Social Camouflage Package: ~18.000€
Get a good false SIN. (12.500€ for Rating 5). You'll need that to move through a lot of the sixth world - basically everywhere but slums. Get one or two burners too - don't waste high rating on them, use them when you go in and will be flagged as a criminal afterwards (5.000€ for two Rating 1 SINs). And a Disguise Kit (500€) to make you harder to recognize by mundane means (even if it just protects against random passerbys).

Sorry for the wall of text, not sure how to get the html sheet on here. also, there may be errors in various places due to coming from 4th edition but having played 3rd and 2nd , and rarely ever making a Prime Runner candidate. Edited to show the perceived gender and add the essential gear. it's all shiny stuff traded for magic stuff. Pretty easy to justify it when you are a full magician - even if you DO smell like a cesspool.

Also, the character sheet above was a mess, with attributes and skills scrambled due to my copy/paste skills, so I regrouped the skills, attributes and abilities for slightly better readability.
Last edited:
@Arvin_Larn :
Your character sheet seems to show dice pools instead of skill ratings in your listed skills. While it can be back-calculated (you list "Gunnery 10", have Agility 7, so you probably bought it at Rating 3), that's a PITA to do constantly. I suggest changing it - and won't review your skills in-dept until that's done, too much work. From a cursory glance, you seem to be covering the necessary stuff though. However, you might want to alter a few things, but again that requires a more in-depth look.

Your attributes seem to be a solid spread, well done.

Qualities seem to be good too. Surprisingly few negative qualities. I think Conondrum already warned you about your Code of Honor, won't repeat that.

- Why did you buy every piece of armor twice? Back-up in case it gets damaged?
- You have not modified your armor at all. That is generally very valuable - just sticking some electrical insulation or chemical protection on them is already pretty good. I can help you there if you want.
- Take an AK-98 instead of the AK-97. Same stats, comes with a grenade launcher. Or, better yet, grab an Ares Alpha - more damage, larger clip, more accurate, also with a grenade launcher.
- You have invested into the Thrown Weapon Skill, but possess no grenades whatsoever. Go buy some, grenades are awesome! Flashbangs and Gas Grenades are amazing non-lethal weapons, while Frag and HE-grenades are very lethal.
- You still need stuff like Medkit, a Commlink, some audio/visual devices and so on. Most of that stuff is essential, I'll make a list later.
@Arvin_Larn :
Your character sheet seems to show dice pools instead of skill ratings in your listed skills. While it can be back-calculated (you list "Gunnery 10", have Agility 7, so you probably bought it at Rating 3), that's a PITA to do constantly. I suggest changing it - and won't review your skills in-depth until that's done, too much work.
Yeah, I wrote down just the combined Dice Pool instead of the Skill Rating itself. :oops:

From a cursory glance, you seem to be covering the necessary stuff though. However, you might want to alter a few things, but again that requires a more in-depth look.
Probably, I have no idea what to do hence why I'm asking for a bit more help.

Your attributes seem to be a solid spread, well done.

Qualities seem to be good too. Surprisingly few negative qualities. I think Conondrum already warned you about your Code of Honor, won't repeat that.
Well, I wanted to bump up Reaction and/or Body by another point but I don't have the Karma for it.

As for my Negative Qualities, it ties in to my Street Sam's backstory (which I haven't written down yet). I will admit that Code of Honor is a pretty hefty Negative Quality but hopefully I can buy it off once I accrue enough Karma.

- Why did you buy every piece of armor twice? Back-up in case it gets damaged?
I didn't know what to spend my remaining money on. So yeah.

- You have not modified your armor at all. That is generally very valuable - just sticking some electrical insulation or chemical protection on them is already pretty good. I can help you there if you want.
I'll start with those two, but if you have other modifications in mind, that'd be nice.

- Take an AK-98 instead of the AK-97. Same stats, comes with a grenade launcher. Or, better yet, grab an Ares Alpha - more damage, larger clip, more accurate, also with a grenade launcher.

- You have invested into the Thrown Weapon Skill, but possess no grenades whatsoever. Go buy some, grenades are awesome! Flashbangs and Gas Grenades are amazing non-lethal weapons, while Frag and HE-grenades are very lethal.

- You still need stuff like Medkit, a Commlink, some audio/visual devices and so on. Most of that stuff is essential, I'll make a list later.
Just poke me in PM with the list and I'll have them written down onto the sheet.
Okay, here it goes:
Equipment every Shadowrunner should have!
Aside from the obvious stuff such as weapons and armor:

Secure Communications Package: ~9.000€
Fairlight Caliban (8.000€). Several Meta Links (100€ a piece). A Subvocal Microphone (50€) and a Trode-Net (70€). A Bug Scanner (rating 6, 600€) and a Tag Eraser (450€). And a White Noise Generator (Rating 6, 300€).
You'll use the good commlink to secure all your wireless devices - they'll be slaved to it, so enemies have to hack the commlink first, which has a good firewall. The Metalinks will be used to actually place commcalls that might get traced - they're burners you discard after risky activities. The Bug Scanner makes sure you're not being traced or overheard, the Tag Eraser destroys RFID-tags that might trace you, and the White Noise Generator makes sure you're not overheard during important communications (unless they employ lip reading or a laser microphone, but still worth having).

Urban Suvival Package: ~4300€
A Survival Knife (100€). A Miniwelder. (250€) A Flashlight (25€). A Gas Mask (200€). Rappelling Gloves (50€). 100m + 2x50m Microwire (100€). A Medkit (Rating 6, 1500€), A Biomonitor (300€), two Trauma Patches (1000€), two Antidote Patches (300€) and four Stim Patches (300€). A bunch of plastic cuffs. Gluie Sprayer and some Solvent (240€)
This stuff will safe your live!
The Knife and Miniwelder have 1001 applications. Breaking locks, marking walls, cutting handcuffs, welding locks shut and more. The knife even has GPS and can place comm calls in case of an emergency. You can use the Glue Sprayer for the latter too. The Gas Mask protects you from gasses (duh) - ever heard of tear gas? Still a thing in the 2070s. The Rappelling Gloves are necessary to use the microwire without cutting your hands open - and as the name suggests, that wire is small and lightweight. You can easily carry the amounts listed here - don't jump out of that 9th-story window to escape that SWAT team, rappel down instead! (provided they don't have snipers covering that exit). All the medical supplies will likely save your (or somebody elses) lives in more direct ways). As for the handcuffs - not the type you'll use in bed, but if you ever want to secure somebody you just knocked out, they're good for that. Easy to break out, but hey, better than nothing still. Also can be used to tie other stuff together.

Social Camouflage Package: ~18.000€
Get a good false SIN. (12.500€ for Rating 5). You'll need that to move through a lot of the sixth world - basically everywhere but slums. Get one or two burners too - don't waste high rating on them, use them when you go in and will be flagged as a crininal afterwards (5.000€ for two Rating 1 SINs). And a Disguise Kit (500€) to make you harder to recognize by mundane means (even if it just protects against random passerbys).

Yes, together that is quite a bit of cash - over 30k Nuyen. But you start with at least 100k as a Prime Runner, so there is really no excuse to not at least have that gear. You might not carry everything with you at oncem, but generally you should carry most of it when going on a run.