Shadowrun: Sins are not Forgotten

if we lack a technomancer I want to do it.

I have an idea for an elf ninjas technomancer
@Arvin_Larn :

Full-Body Armor (2.000€) with Chemical Seal (3.000€, 6 Capacity), Insulation 6 (1.500€, 6 Capacity) and Shock Weave (1.000€, 3 Capacity).
Helmet (+3 Armor, should have 5 Capacity) (1.500€) with Trode Net (70€, 1 Capacity), Smartlink HUD (1 Capacity, 2.000€), Flare Compensation (250€, 1 Capacity) and Thermographic Vision (500€, 1 Capacity)
That's pretty good heavy gear. Immunity to Chemicals, heavy resistance to Tasers, Protection from Flash-Bangs, good HUD. And if you get grappled or attacked in melee, you can activate your Shock Weave and grill them.

Ares FlaShield (+6 Armor) (4.000€) with Microflare Launcher (1 Capacity, 175€), Area Jammer 5 (2 Capacity, 1.000€) and Flashlight (1 Capacity, 25€).
Note that when you are using this together with the Helmet, you'll take a -1 penalty to Agility and Reaction. However, that might be well-worth the extra 6 armor you get from it. To boot, it contains a Flash pack to blind enemies, a Flashlight to just illuminate areas, a Microflare Launcher to give signals (can also be used as a weapon, but you need an exotic weapon skill with it and it only does 5P damage, so don't bother) and it has a Jammer to, well, jam communications. And you can use it as a melee weapon too (Accuracy 4, Str+2 S damage).

Actioneer Bussiness Clothes (1.500€, 8 Capacity) made out of YNT-Softweave (1.500€, +4 Capacity) and with an Electrochromic Modifcation (500€) and Feedback System (500€). Non-Conductivity 3 (750€, 3 Capacity), Chemical Protection 3 (750€, 3 Capacity), Insulation 3(750€, 3 Capacity) and Fire Resistance 3 (750€, 3 Capacity) protects neatly against all elemental hazards you can run into. Good clothing for more social situations.

Ares Victory Wild Hunt - Wasteland Edition (3000€, 10 Capacity). Comes with Chemical Protection 6 for free, an in-built holster (-1 concealability) and easy gear access (complex actions are now simple, simple are free for retrieval of storable gear). Add Non-Conductivity 5 (1.250€, 6 Capacity) and Radiation Shielding 5 (1.000€) and you have gear that you can take into the SOX (as long as your remember to wear a gasmask). Also, it's good armor (12 points) that does not make you look as heavily armored as your full-body armor does.

You don't have to purchase all of that of course, but it looks like you have the money to do so anyway.
I will remain blindly confident in my gear.

Or you know, I buy, steal, craft and loot what I need. Get me the right equipment, I can build and program a bug detector. Or hell, anything that could be called Hardware and Software.
Well, most of it is either small but really useful stuff, or just plain necessary.

A good commlink - well, you can go without one if you go without any gear that can be hacked. You likely won't, so you need some basic defense. Sure, a good hacker will still get in - but you don't have to make it easy for them.
The burners are not as necessary - but they're cheap, and make tracking you that much harder.

A good fake SIN is necessary unless you have a real SIN. Otherwise - well, depending on location you can't even use public transport. And forget going into any nicer parts of any city. Low-rating fake SINs are certainyl better than burning your expensive one, too.

The Medkit (along with First Aid 1) won't heal much damage - but it's enough to stop someone from dying from overflow damage. You can also use the Trauma-patches for that, but those are kinda a last resort. Antidote patches - well, you never know when you run into either a nasty critter or some poison gas/weapons. And Slap patches can keep you going for a few more minutes despite stun damage.

And all that other stuff - well, you don't absolutely need it. But it can potentially make the difference between life and death, and you certainly don't want to die because you didn't spend 100€ on rapelling gloves to escape that building.

Oh, by the way, I actually forgot!

See the World Package: ~7600€
Googles (Capacity 6, 300€) with Image Link (25€, 1 Capacity), Low-Light Vision (500€, 1 Capacity), Thermographic Vision (500€, 1 Capacity), Smart Link (2000€, 1 Capacity and Flare Compensation (250€, 1 Capacity).
Headphones (Capacity 6, 300€) with Audio Enhancement 3 (1.500€, 3 Capacity), Spatial Recognizer (1.000€, 2 Capacity) and Select Sound Filter 1 (250€, 1 Capacity).
Admittedly, there are a lot of other good combinations for the basic visual gear. But this is a good package to enhance your own senses. You can now see infrared and in poor lighting conditions. You can display any information you want on you googles, and have some protection against flash-bangs and the like. And it comes with a Smartlink, so enjoy that extra accuracy. As for the headphones - well, you get three extra dice to audio-perception. And a bonus to recognizing where a sound came from. And you can block out all but one audio source - invaluable for eavesdropping or just blocking out the world.
You can replace that package with Cyberware, at the cost of more money and essence. And you can arguably skimp on it too - you certainly don't need all the features listed here (you can live with a bit less perception, might never eavesdrop, and either of low-light or thermographic vision suffices). But it's generally worth the money.
Dang, and here I converted Skitter to completed already in Chummer. Skitter could have easily afforded all that, although given the source/backstory I dunno if it could all be written off as 'salvage' somehow. I could manually add the gear blocks without hurting anything, I guess, since I had some 35 Karma Chummer wouldn't let me spend (carried 7 over) and 131,000 in cash because Skitter like many rats uses whatever can be found. Even with Priority D in resources. I dunno if that's OK though, maybe was paid for some previous work in shineys and things what go ding? It would still leave me with lots so the 5,020 cash at the end would still be the converted amount left over.

Although *some* of the stuff might be easier to justify, like the gas mask and a mix of SINs.
You could justify the heavily modded gear in three ways:
- payments for runs. This works especially well if she was working for a con who produces such things. Getting high-end gear as payment is actually not that uncommon.
- Barter. She might have traded favors or other stuff for it. Note that a lot of the stuff can be used - okay, maybe not the high-end commlink, but they had fully-modded multi-band googles 20 years ago too, upgrading for wireless would be easy.
- Friends. That can include getting gear from people she was on runs with earlier. Or some people she knows that are good at modding gear and did it for her. Or restored trashed gear she found.

After all, your "starting resources" do not mean "you had this much in cash and spent it all on stuff". It can include stuff you inherited, found, stole, built or worked for.
I'm thinking that part of the story behind Staves' somewhat eccletic choice of gear (including no SINs) is that he was part of a run that went spectacularly bad. The survivors scattered and went to ground, but in doing so Staves lost, discarded, or exhausted many things.
So it seems I missed a part of prime runner stuff that you can get 35 points worth of negative and positive qualities, so have fun with that.

One thing to keep in mind with the usual must haves and survival stuff is that is with Seattle in mind, you guys will have such fun travel locations like the Black Forest, war torn Poland, cold as fuck Scandinavian outback, and potentially desert and steppes. I should also say I really, really like mythology so mythological creatures not mentioned in books even might make a showing. The Black Forest for example is noteworthy for being kind of central in regards to the richer part of Europe while also having A LOT of mythology tied to it.
@Conundrum - quick house rules question: are you fine with people taking two free actions as a simple action? The specific example I'm thinking of is running up to an enemy and using rapid draw for an attack.
Speaking of houserules:

RAW, Adepts leave no Astral Signature (they have one, it just leaves no traces):
A signature lasts for a number of hours equal to the magical effect's Force after the effect (spell, critter power, astral battle, or whatever it was) ends, slowly fading into the background.
Adept powers do not have a force (for that matter, neither do astral battles). So RAW, they can not leave behind an astral signature.

Question is, will that be houseruled?
IMO, it doesn't have to be and works just fine. It's one of the advantages Adepts have over spellcasters.

If you feel that "leaves no astral signature ever" is not fitting, it'd probably be best if only powers that need to be activated leave an astral signature.
Adrenaline Boost, Astral Perception, Attribute Boost, Berserk, Berserkers Rage, Counterstrike, Elemental Body, Elemental Strike, Elemental Weapon, Empathic Healing, Facial Sculpt, Hang Time, Inertia Strike, Killing Hands, Plague Cloud, Riposte, Spirit Claw, Spirit Ram, Toxic Strike, Wall Running
Obviously, none of those refer to "Force" in any way. One could treat their Rank as their Force, but a lot of them only have one Rank so they'd vanish pretty rapidly (not necessarily a bad thing). Treating the Adepts Magics as the Force on the other hand would lead to very long-lasting signatures - at least mages can cast lower-powered spells, the Adept would have no such control.

Adepts can explicitly take Flexible Signature - so there is SOME indication that they are supposed to leave a signature. However, having a signature and leaving one are two different things - Flexible Signature also helps if someone is actively assensing you.

Oh, and 4th edition delivers no answer to this question either, by the way.
You could justify the heavily modded gear in three ways:
- payments for runs. This works especially well if she was working for a con who produces such things. Getting high-end gear as payment is actually not that uncommon.
- Barter. She might have traded favors or other stuff for it. Note that a lot of the stuff can be used - okay, maybe not the high-end commlink, but they had fully-modded multi-band googles 20 years ago too, upgrading for wireless would be easy.
- Friends. That can include getting gear from people she was on runs with earlier. Or some people she knows that are good at modding gear and did it for her. Or restored trashed gear she found.

After all, your "starting resources" do not mean "you had this much in cash and spent it all on stuff". It can include stuff you inherited, found, stole, built or worked for.

Ok, I will add the gear, calling a mix of salvage, scrounging, barter for services, and - ooh, shiny! :) Other than that Skitter's still light on weapons but since it can stunbolt ya, cover ya with a swarm (doesn't have to be bugs, imagine being covered in dozens of rats/mice - since it's an illusion spell it can be anything really) and/or sic a local spirit on you, having a light gun, knife and a length of pipe are all good. :D

No vehicle? Movement spirit power ensures that Skitter is wherever Skitter should be given whatever is happening.

I will fix this by Monday, my weekend of work begins soon and I am due for bed.
Really bad news guys, my laptop is not really working anymore. It does not seem entirely bricked but actually doing anything on it is not possible currently.

This is a 'I buy books off DriveThruRPG so I can't access my books' problem, isn't it?

Not entirely, I buy books of drivethruRPG then upload them to my cloud so I can browse them on my phone but at the same time I am not sure I can run a campaign off my phone.

But this is only a super temporary setback and we'll be ready to go in a couple more days, right? Right?

I really wanna play this game now.

I hope. In trying to think of ways to make this work there is kind of a way for people to play Shadowrun even if a main campaign might not really be possible if people take turns DMing runs.
I hope. In trying to think of ways to make this work there is kind of a way for people to play Shadowrun even if a main campaign might not really be possible if people take turns DMing runs.

As eager as I am to play, that sounds like a pretty horrible solution. Years of tabletop experience tell me that's going to work very, very poorly.

A dedicated GM is a must; no ifs or buts about it.
Awww, damnit :( I hope it's fixable.
And I agree, a GM-less campaign would probably be pretty bad. At most we can have someone else run a few side missions that don't tie into the main story.
Or it could be that we're one of the few organizations of Runners and the main plot is a Metaplot that comes from little bits and bobs we collect during the Runs.