Shadowrun: Sins are not Forgotten

@Conundrum was thinking of adding the Hippocratic Oath negative Quality for an extra rank in Piloting ground craft, two Ranks in Navigation, and a spare Karma point. Is that something your alright with?

After a bit of reflection, I have to hang my hat and step down from the roster. I've found myself biting off more than I can chew with Shadowrun and I'd like to stop before I find myself being overwhelemed by it.

Regardless, I'd just like to thank everyone for being helpful and to Coundrum for the experience. It was fun while it lasted. Good luck with the Campaign, guys. :)

After a bit of reflection, I have to hang my hat and step down from the roster. I've found myself biting off more than I can chew with Shadowrun and I'd like to stop before I find myself being overwhelemed by it.

Regardless, I'd just like to thank everyone for being helpful and to Coundrum for the experience. It was fun while it lasted. Good luck with the Campaign, guys. :)

Sorry to see you go, if you ever want to try another go I hope you have seen there are people here willing to help.
Just reread Corporate SIN and realized I had it wrong, a Corporate SIN negative quality means you are still an active member of the corp.
Done. I'm 4 Karma behind what I was, but that'll do. It'd probably be slightly more appropriate to take Wanted rather than Spirit Bane, if we're being obvious, but it's too much of a hassle to deal with frequent bounty hunter attacks. If it was quite rare, maybe then it'd be fine, but that's not how it works. Also, negative qualities that you're obliged to eventually buy off annoy the shit out of me; I like roleplaying as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to take a Quality for some extra Karma only to have to pay it back twice over down the line.

On the bright side, I'm not liable to get shanked by my own teammates now once they find out about my past! Go team!
@AbZHz101 You mean Xiualas?

Well, as her character sheet states:
Languages: +1 to all tests. German (Native), Sperethiel (Native), English 5, Japanese 5, French 2, Russian 2, Arabic 1, Czech 1, Danish 1, Dutch 1, Finnish 1, Gaelic 1, Latin 1, Italian 1, Norwegian 1, Or'Zet 1, Polish 1, Portuguese 1, Spanish 1, Swedish 1, Turkish 1, Yiddish 1, related Sign Languages 1

She grew up in the Herzogtum Pomorya - which is basically a small elven nation inside the ADL (=Germany). As such, she is Bilingual, and has both German and Sperethiel as Native Languages.
I also grabbed the Linguist positive quality, which allows me to gain 2 points of Languages for every point of Knowledge Skills at character creation. So 5 points give her English 5 and Japanese 5 - both international languages she has studied. I took French and Russian in addition to that, can't hurt.
THEN I took the Linguistics adept power - which allows you to learn any language at Rating 1 after a few hours of exposure to it. I asked @Conundrum whether it would be okay to just grab a bunch of languages at Rating 1 with that - after all, Xiula would logically have been able to pick up quite a few languages just from living in the multicultural Rhine-Ruhr Megaplex.

Of course, all that investment (9 BP and 0.25 PP) could have been replaced with 12.000€ and 0.1 Essence. Well, and some more Nuyen per language.
Because Chrome Flesh contains the excellent Translat-Ear Cyberware. For a minimal essence cost, it basically gives you a Rating 6 Skilljack for Languages only - sure, you need to spend 6K on every language, but that's often better than spending Karma.

Languages are pretty important for Face-characters.
Oh sure, there are rules for rolling for languages and potential misunderstandings and such.
However, the real importance of Language is simply that all your social skills are capped at your language skill (the one you are using, obviously). You can be the best negotiation in the world (Rating 13), but if you only have a bare grasp of the language (Rating 1) you'll only throw your Charisma+1 dice.

Right now, Xiula should cover a good bit of our language needs. If we need another language at a high rating - well, she can learn Rating 1 for free. Rating 2 would cost 3 Karma, Rating 3 would cost 5, Rating 4 would cost 9, Rating 5 would cost 14 and Rating 6 would cost 20 - so getting a Language to Rating 6 would cost a total of 55 Karma.
However, Learning Stimulus Nanites would cost that down to 2, 1, 3, 8 and 14 Karma, for a total of 28 Karma.

Yeah, the Translat-Ear is waaay cheaper - costing no Karma at all, and a manageable amount of money. If our campaign really has us traveling around a lot, I might just have to spring for that, it's just that superior.
I was stuck on my phone for a bit and couldn't access the actual sheet, but could see the Char gen parts, like where everything was spent. Didn't see what languages were Natural.

Also my phone is old so it might just be a problem for me. Probably is.
If communicating across languages happens a great deal, then even if we have a Face who's fluent in just about everything (whether through skill and/or gear), I'll probably pick up the Translate spell, myself.

Probably a smart idea to get it now even, but I don't know yet how much foreign languages will come into play outside of the Face's duties.
It's probably a nice thing to have multiple languages you can call on at any time, shows a level of professionalism.
If communicating across languages happens a great deal, then even if we have a Face who's fluent in just about everything (whether through skill and/or gear), I'll probably pick up the Translate spell, myself.

Probably a smart idea to get it now even, but I don't know yet how much foreign languages will come into play outside of the Face's duties.

General utility spells like that are pretty useful for most mages, though it does depend a bit on your style.

It's probably a nice thing to have multiple languages you can call on at any time, shows a level of professionalism.

English, Japanese, and German are expected. Chinese and Russian are a good idea as well as Elven and Orc language

The reason for this is Ares, Japanese corps, and Saeder Krupp. This is especially important with Japanese corps. Professionalism and respect are big with them in how they view you. I put a lot of importance on knowledge skills because little things can help a lot like knowing details about Japanese tea ceremonies can get your Mr Tanaka to raise his view of you.

Chinese and Russian because the major corps of those nations are generally less stringent about things and less professional or willing to drop big nuyen on runners.

Spanish is not too big because Aztlan/Aztechnology usually avoids letting people know they are the employer given what is said about them and known about them in most Shadowrunning communities.
@Conundrum, I was looking through my knowledge skills after getting Blue into Campaign mode and for some odd reason, whenever I Mouse over the Improve Button, the only Knowledge Skill that costs Karma is Business. (And Russian and English but since they're Nat skills I ignored that.) I don't think this is right and I haven't made them go up yet. Do you know what's going on?

I have Knowledge skills under Professional, Language, Academic, and Street; yet all save for one so long as I have a rank in them don't seem to cost Karma to improve. If it helps figure out what happened Business is the only Skill I have at 2, everything else is 3 or higher.
@Conundrum and @ everyone here who is new to Shadowrun:

If the recovery of your computer takes longer, I had an idea in order to keep this going.
Specifically, a "Beginners Run" for those who are less familiar with Shadowrun. However, before I throw that together, I'd like to check whether it's okay with you - and of course whether there is interest.

Scenario-wise, I was thinking of a standard open-ended extraction run. Get a valuable person away from a megacorporation and deliver then to your employer (presumably another megacorp). Those do vary from "is willing to come along" over "needs to be persuaded" to "will fight you tooth and nail." Like most runs, this involves infiltrating a corporate facility of some sort - but since you're not there to wreck mayhem, you can basically choose between open-day or late-night infiltration, or anything in between.

I'd try to keep it reasonably short and self-contained:
  1. Meet with Mr. Johnson. Check his credentials and background, accept the job.
  2. Planning Phase. Get intel on the target person, their schedule and decide where and how to extract them
  3. The Run: Get to the target person. Grab them by whatever means available, get out of the building.
  4. The Delivery: Possibly evade pursuit and get the target to your employer. Then get paid.
If done well, we could wrap that up reasonably quickly. I'd keep it short on fighting - maybe two fights, one simple (no magic or matrix-based opposition), one more complex (with said opposition). Since this would be a practice run, it'd not involve too many pitfalls - but I will try to point out reasonable security measures and errors.

As I said, this is an interest-check first and dependent on whether @Conundrum is fine with it.
Familiar with Shadowrun, but out of practice and have never played 5th edition. I'm down for the "dry run" so to speak.
Well looking over the book I had some flub ups in regards to Chimer's Inconvience, Mellissa/Virginia. By backstory she should be a 9 due to the Full Custody thing. And well I messed up on the lifestyle increase that creates being that even with where I had it I still paid about 70% too much. The money I don't care about that much. The Karma I do. Might have to redo some stuff. Fun. But shouldn't take too long.
Finished Edits, if you want to check out my sheet again @Conundrum. Biggest changes were getting Pilot Ground Vehicles to 5 and adding/subtracting gear and ammo.
I will check sheets over a bit and PM everyone before the IC is up, I will have questions and comments for everyone, like for everyone I will need to know where you live exactly. For others I need to make sure that you understand how many governments have your DNA on file.