Shadowrun: Sins are not Forgotten

On a happier note, I talked with my local comic/novelty/hobby shop and they should have the 5E core book in about a week
Since it is an option I may upgrade to Windows 10 and do a clean install.
Good luck with that, I'll be sticking with good ol' Windows 7 for a bit longer. :p

Also, since IRL keeps getting in the way, it may take a while before I can finally finish my Sheet. If the game starts before that happens, I wouldn't mind stepping aside to let someone else have a go first.
By the way, when I hit the Mark Character as Complete Box it asked me to roll for starting Nuyen bonus. Should I do that here or in private?
The difference is honestly not that much, so I don't think anyone will accuse you of fudging it.
However, if you want to be certain, just take the average and call it a day.
Indeed, a decent chunk of your starting cash can be gained from your Johnson just to cover the meal you have during the meeting.
Oh, but food is cheap! For just a few nuyen per day, you can have all the flavor you want, in your own home! You do not even have to worry about your diet, because it will be healthy, fat-free protein from quality-controlled farms. We carefully control our patented, unique bio-cultures to ensure you only get our best products.

What's that? You don't like a mushy combination of mushroom-proteins, mass-produced krill and genemodded soy-extract? After a few days, it all starts to taste the same to you no matter what flavor you add, or how you try to alter it's texture?
Why, you can have real steak - from a cow! - for just 50 Nuyen! Sure it may not be a prime cut, and it's a small slice, but that's a real bargain. It's a miracle of genetech that we can now grow our cows to edible size in such a short time.

Oh, so you really want to indulge yourself? Why, of course! We have an exquisite line of restaurants for all your fancy occasions.
Real wine? Just 80 Nuyen. Yes, that's right - and not just one glass, you get two for that price.
And that meal even comes with steak from a select 20th-century breed of cow. Just 220 Nuyen for that.
We also offer real potatoes as a side dish, with vegetables that were grown under the open sky, in soil that never had to be contaminated, yet is free of any awakened weeds. Just 100 Nuyen!
And for a mere 100 Nuyen, you even get soup, salad AND dessert along wit that (only available in our full three-course meal package).
Please do not tip the wait staff.

Going off the price-lists at the end of Run Faster here. Basic food doesn't really cost more than it does today - you can assume similar prices for fast food. It's just using a lot less natural ingredients - not necessarily a bad thing - and tends to be based on the same ingredients. And there are actually good advances in auto-cooks and artificial flavors.
It's the fancy food that had a severe spike in prices. Just like today, "organic" is seen as better, and people pay more for it - but instead of being an upper-middle-class price range thing, it's not directly an upper class thing.
Oh, and a lot of vegetables and fruits had similar price spikes - presumably because it's just not worth bothering with mass-growing them, so the only way to get them (instead of artificial substitutes) is the "organic" versions.
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Geez, I knew good food was expensive, but I hadn't realised just how so.

In the back of Run Faster a "fancy meal for one" is 500 nuyen, that is like a third of your average starting nuyen from a middle lifestyle. That can easily increase as well. Of course things vary, if you are being hired by Russian mob in Ukraine he might cover you for a couple bottle of top shelf vodka since you are prime runners though a normal crew might just see their drinks while he is there covered, though it is bad form to run up a high tab. Prime runners doing a meet with a known corp Johnson though are not exactly exempt from the courtesy of not running up a tab but the point where it becomes poor form is a lot higher. It the corps who sold you that bioware and cyberware that boosted your metabolism to the point that 10,000 calories is your minimum requirements afterall omae.
Eat garbage, it'll make you strong (smelling). Also, stone soup. Know when stores restock and when the bakeries closes. Skitter knows where to get food, and best part is no one else wants it. Bulk consumption means waste, and waste is shameful. Rat wastes nothing.

(In meeting with Jonhson, asks waiter for trash can from kitchen. Hilarity ensues.)
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What would it take to "evolve" into a Rigger? Cause Blue already has some Engineering skill. I was thinking either that or Demolitions.

EDIT: And I just found out there isn't a "Driving" skill. I had put three points into "Diving." Not quite what I had intended but hadn't finalized yet.
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What would it take to "evolve" into a Rigger? Cause Blue already has some Engineering skill. I was thinking either that or Demolitions.

EDIT: And I just found out there isn't a "Driving" skill. I had put three points into "Diving." Not quite what I had intended but hadn't finalized yet.
You'll want Pilot Ground Craft.
I'm currently revising my backstory so that it: a) sounds more natural, and b) is more interesting, and I've got a question.

Regarding the Corporate SIN Negative Qualities, by taking them does that mean that you need to be a current employee and/or citizen of the Corp in question? I ask because my current backstory is going to be based on the idea of having been a Corporate Born Aztechnology citizen, whose family was involved in an extraction from another corp that went wrong, and who was offered asylum (and employment) by the UK government. If that makes sense.

I'm basically unclear of what the implications of having a Corporate SIN mean in regard to your current situation; you can have a Corporate (Limited or Born) SIN and still have left the corporation in question, right?
Keep in mind that large Corporations (AA and AAA) are nations on their own.
And in Shadowrun, not even figuratively. The legal structure in Shadowrun has changed to such a degree that a corporation (of that size) is now no longer just a legal entity recognized by the government. It's not a legal entity recognized by all governments - in the same way you are a nation recognized by other nations.

Specifically, that means a lot of things.
Extraterritoriality is one of those. Any sufficiently large corporate holding basically counts as sovereign territory of that nation - with it's own laws that completely replace all laws of the nation surrounding it.
But it also means that you can be a Corporate Citizen. Your birth certificate would say "Born in Saeder-Krupp", instead of "Born in Norway". Your passport would say "Ares" instead of "Phillipines". And so on and so forth.

The question is then, basically: "What does happen to your SIN if you change citizenship".
Well, what happens if you change citizenship in real life? You more or less replace your old passports (and birth certificates and social security numbers and so on) with the equivalent in the new nation.
So logically, if you were offered citizenship in the UK, that would replace your old corporate SIN. I suppose you could handle the asylum as "living privileges, but not citizenship" - but that seems unlikely if they offered you government employment and you lived there for a significant amount of time.

As an alternative:
Take a National SIN (+5 Karma). Then take Big Regret (+5 Karma, Run Faster), Records on file (+1 Karma, Run Faster) and maybe Bad Rep (+7 Karma).
Yes, that's less Karma than the 25 Karma you get from a Full Corporate SIN (18 vs. 25), but it represents your background much more accurately. If you want to push it a bit further, take Prejudiced (Specific Target (Aztech), Radical) for +8 Karma, putting you at 26 Karma, to represent your characters dislike for their own Con.
Having a corp SIN just means you have a Corp SIN on record and you never got it burned. The reason this is a big deal is because your SIN is basically your genetic code and your history. If blood is left at the scene and the Azzies get ahold of it even if they cannot hit you with ritual magic they know who you are, everything about you before you dropped off the grid, and everything suspected of being tied to you as well as potentially having a blood sample on file for use in ritual magic.
Even worse are the social implications- most runners look on those with Corporate SINs incredibly poorly iirc.

The social implications are a bit thin though, there is not much trust in the first place for SINless, especially given the karma granted by a corp SIN. I know some GMs who make people maintain their national and corp SINs.
Keep in mind that large Corporations (AA and AAA) are nations on their own.
And in Shadowrun, not even figuratively. The legal structure in Shadowrun has changed to such a degree that a corporation (of that size) is now no longer just a legal entity recognized by the government. It's not a legal entity recognized by all governments - in the same way you are a nation recognized by other nations.

Specifically, that means a lot of things.
Extraterritoriality is one of those. Any sufficiently large corporate holding basically counts as sovereign territory of that nation - with it's own laws that completely replace all laws of the nation surrounding it.
But it also means that you can be a Corporate Citizen. Your birth certificate would say "Born in Saeder-Krupp", instead of "Born in Norway". Your passport would say "Ares" instead of "Phillipines". And so on and so forth.

Yeah, I'm already familiar with all of this. Been reading over a large number of books for the past two weeks or so.

The question is then, basically: "What does happen to your SIN if you change citizenship".
Well, what happens if you change citizenship in real life? You more or less replace your old passports (and birth certificates and social security numbers and so on) with the equivalent in the new nation.
So logically, if you were offered citizenship in the UK, that would replace your old corporate SIN. I suppose you could handle the asylum as "living privileges, but not citizenship" - but that seems unlikely if they offered you government employment and you lived there for a significant amount of time.

The trouble is that the whole reason why Corporate SINs are a bad thing sounds like it has less to do with 'You're currently working for The Man!', and more about past history. Hence it doesn't strike me as a question of which passport you currently hold. That's what I needed clarification over; people wouldn't stop giving a shit about a Corporate Born SIN (I assume) merely because you don't hold a current corporate position (which is almost certainly going to be the case given that you're playing a Shadowrunner to begin with). So if you can't take both (which would be redundant), presumably the worst of the two would be a better choice? That could be Limited or Born, but I wouldn't think it National.

As an alternative:
Take a National SIN (+5 Karma). Then take Big Regret (+5 Karma, Run Faster), Records on file (+1 Karma, Run Faster) and maybe Bad Rep (+7 Karma).
Yes, that's less Karma than the 25 Karma you get from a Full Corporate SIN (18 vs. 25), but it represents your background much more accurately. If you want to push it a bit further, take Prejudiced (Specific Target (Aztech), Radical) for +8 Karma, putting you at 26 Karma, to represent your characters dislike for their own Con.

This doesn't strike me as quite appropriate. For starters, Big Regret just doesn't fit; my PC hasn't personally done anything that he regrets that merits the quality. The problem is about where he comes from and how it might affect him in-future. I'm also leery of Bad Rep given that it comes with Notoriety points when none of the SIN choices do; implying that it has something to do with my PC's character or actions, which, again, isn't something I'm trying to portray.
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