Self-Insert Idea Thread

Bayonetta Lumen Sage SI.

is aware of the plot and wants to stay far away from it
knows both sides arent really good
Hesitant to trust his summons but is slowly teaching some how to be less....evil...
on his travels away from the plot, walks right into the plot of the Devil May Cry series.
Alternatively, he and his summons get transported into another world, alongside a way to create more summons.
shenanigans ensue.

With the death of Blader, does this mean he become the Right Eye of the World?
Has there ever been a SI, or maybe even an actual original fiction about a guy reincarnated in an typical isekai world.

And then just be a normal human with an average Class?

Nothing special. No cheat ability. No divine intervention.

Just a guy with average knowledge of our world and then becoming an [Archer], [Knight] or even a [Barbarian].
Same way the others did i suppose.
Born into it, and then hid when the war was going on alongside some of the angels he was able to bring to his side.
The problem it's that Angels in Bayonetta are all dead set in resurrecting Jubileus during that era, all of them are ancient beings with the intentions of awakening their Lord/Lady and are the one that tricked Balder and the Rest of the Lumen Sages and disposed them all.

They are indifferent on humanity, including the Lumen Sages.
The problem it's that Angels in Bayonetta are all dead set in resurrecting Jubileus during that era, all of them are ancient beings with the intentions of awakening their Lord/Lady and are the one that tricked Balder and the Rest of the Lumen Sages and disposed them all.

They are indifferent on humanity, including the Lumen Sages.
Wasnt there a scene in bayo 1 where people killed themselves and create angels?

Plus the smaller versions of the bosses meaning they could be made?

I was thinking the ones he had were still in the impressionable stage...
Compassion's Light
Awakening 1.0
Date: ???
Location: ???

Ah...weight in my hand- what- what?! Body weightless! No ground! What? That's Earth! Space! I'm in space! What? No? How?


Uhbuwhu- oh. Okay. That...that was a voice. Vaguely feminine, but more mechanoid than anything. Something like EDI from Mas- okay, stupid thing to focus on here, Joseph! That's the Earth! I'm floating in space! my pajamas, the looser ones, blue t-shirt, so I still have clothes. Bonus there, I guess. What's especially noticeable is the purply glow around me, that must be related to the...hand. Check the hand.

In my left hand, there's...a staff? It looks sort of like...well, any of the vaguely magicky staves in Skyrim, except with a...pronounced...purply- oh. Glow. I'm...oh. That's really something. You know, you read about stuff like this, maybe you even fantasize a little about it, but when it actually happens, it just...catches you off guard?

The Staff...I'm floating in space, right above Earth- I think the Pacific judging by the shapes of the coastlines, but it's surprisingly hard to tell with the cloud cover. I should be more scared, and the isolation and inability to escape should be triggering my anxiety. I should be mid panic attack, but I'm not. That means it must have altered my mental state.

I suppose me succumbing to fear and panic wouldn't be very practical for my continued use as a host. This is an Indigo Staff. I think. Not like I have any other idea of what it could be, and I'd rather try to at least pretend to be in control of this situation, to have my wits about me.

I take a closer look. It's not made of any particular metal that I know of (not that my experiences with metal are that varied), but I run my hands along it, getting a genuine feel for it, not daring to actually remove them from the Staff- occasionally shooting not-quite-paranoid looks down below- and it feels solid in my hands. It's around four feet long, I'd say, and it almost looks wooden. Feels like it too. There's a sphere in the center, pulsating in and out, a bit brighter than the rest of it, before the rest of the ambiguous glowing solid matter rises up beyond it, not quite covering it, but like a hoodie half-covering the head.

Alright. Well, I oughta talk to the Staff's AI. I already know it can talk. But can it talk back? "Staff?" I ask, speaking in space. Environmental shield, I guess. Those come with power rings, and apparently these, too! Good. I don't relish the idea of what would happen to normal humans in vacuum happening to me. But...I'm not feeling especially confident. Maybe this is just a normal passive feature for a power ring? I shake my head. Getting off topic. "Staff, respond, please."


The voice is clearly audible...could others hear it were I not in a vacuum? Not the place to test it...oh, there's a ring on my right hand ring finger, too. I don't remember the Indigo Tribe having those, but...shit. The Indigo Tribe's powers liked to brainwash criminals and turn them into super-compassionate people, which is great, but I happen to prefer the way I am now. Something I need to ask it. Add that to an ever-growing list. "Staff, where am I?"

"This Staff is currently maintaining your position in geosynchronous orbit around the third planet from the nearest star. You are within the boundaries of said planet's exosphere."

Uh huh. Okay. "Do you know how I got here? To Earth- that's, ah, the planet's name, I think- Earth's exosphere?"

"This Staff's memory only extends to fifteen point nine <small-units-of-time> ago." considers itself a Staff? And that word, what was it? "Sorry, what was that? The word in between...nine and ago."

"<Small-units-of-time> refers to smaller units of time located within progressively larger units of time. This Staff has no other frame of measurement for time measurement."

Ugh. It's like Farscape with metras and cycles all over again. Makes sense, but still. "Staff, are there internet signals coming from down on Earth?"

Internet signals. There's gotta be a better technical term for that. Wi-fi, that's it. "Define 'internet'."

Oh jeez. How am I understanding it if it doesn't have a full archive of modern English? "'s sort of a world wide web of information. Usually involves computers in some way, the transmission of information. More advanced than radio...oh boy, ah, could you just absorb any and all artificial signals from Earth?"

"Such a task is achievable with sufficient compassion. Host has not yet demonstrated such an appeal to the Proselyte."

The Embodiment of Compassion. Like the Butcher for Rage, or Ion for the Guardians. It's asking me to feel compassion. Okay...ah...I have superpowers now. I have in my hands one of the most powerful tools in the universe. I could help people. I could make lives better, avert disasters, improve the lives of others. I could help people.

I feel a sudden...rush...before it fades. Come on, come on...there are people down there, drowning in floods that they might not even know are coming or be able to escape. There are people down there dying to diseases that I could prevent or cure. I can help them, but not while I can't communicate with the Staff on how best to help! I need that information so I know what I'm getting into down there, to best make myself useful and save those in need!

"Parameters met. Staff has now intercepted all artificial signals originating from Earth and absorbed them into the Staff's database. All instances of malware have been preemptively purged."

Um...I don't think this will be a major problem, but… "How much data space do you have in there, by human measurements?"

"Forty one gegobytes."

" many gigabytes is that?"

"A gegobyte is a gigabyte, multiplied by ten to the twenty-secondth power."

Fuck me, I can't even comprehend that. "Um...alright. How much did you absorb from that data transfer?"

"Twenty two hundred petabytes."

Jesus. I've actually heard of petabytes, so I'm assuming that they're a lot smaller than...whatever a gegobyte is. "Right. What is the current top news story on that planet?"

"General Secretary Fai Fang has issued a statement commending the Great Ten for their role in averting a metahuman attack on the outskirts of Suzhou. News report appears to be altered from actual events on the ground."

Oh wow. I guess I was just assuming that this was a modern Earth, so I'm glad I was right. That would have been embarrassing. And that mention of the Great Ten- this is a DC Universe. Fuck. That's...really worrying. The Staff is still suppressing my emotions, and I guess that's why I'm not in an outright panic.

Okiedokie. Well, I can't stay in space forever. Power will run out even- shit. Do I have a lantern? "Staff, how do I recharge you?"

"Through ambient compassion, theft of other colors of the spectrum, or through attaching your Ring to the Staff and reciting your oath."

Oh, is that what the ring is for. I don't remember if Indigo Staves did that in the comics, but it's not like I was a super-big GL fan. "Power remaining?"

"Ninety nine point eight seven five percent remaining."

I purse my lips. "Staff, please locate a location in the United States within a metropolitan area where there are no recording devices, with a low regional crime rate, and without any other humans around for...start with four hundred feet."

"Acknowledged. Locations found. Which is preferred?"

"Somewhere on the West Coast, please, since we're over the Pacific, right?"

"Host is currently located over the Pacific."

"How exactly will we get down there? Teleportation? Flight?"

"Controlled descent. Environmental shield will be reinforced for the duration of the descent."

"Estimated power consumption?"

"Between two point four percent to two point nine percent, depending on what location is chosen."

"From the list selected? Ah...give me a name and present me with some information."

Bandon, Oregon. Population of thirty two hundred, quiet tourist/fishing/timber town- what time is it over there? "Eleven forty-six in the evening."

"Thank you."

The Staff's given me a location by the beach, empty thanks to some ongoing construction in the area, and thanks to disputes between the contractor and the town of Bandon, entirely unoccupied as the workers refuse to work. Reason seems to be recalcitrance on the part of the town to pay the contractors what was promised, but the promised amount was from a corrupt city councilman, and both sides are pointing fingers, and it just seems like a tedious mess I don't care enough about to want to get involved in.

But it's close to town, and not even roped off, while being distant enough that (presumably) no one will see the indigo glow. The indiglow, if you will. "Staff, will the locals see our arrival?"

"A basic analysis of Bandonite social media patterns indicates that is unlikely."

"Great. When my compassion reaches appropriate levels, please begin the drop," I say, bracing myself for the worst.


I need to get down to Earth. If I stay up here, then I won't be able to help those in need. I'll get my bearings, look into some extra self-defense, which might even involve helping to liberate a slave and then try and get into contact with people who can help me save lives. Like the heroes of this Earth who probably exist, I actually haven't checked, fuck, train of thought derailed, I can save lives. I can make the world a better place. I can provide an inspiration for the downtrodden and be a sword in the heart of the oppressor.

And the Earth moves closer!

Something I've wanted to do for a while, and only just began. Compassion's Light will take place in a DC Universe of my own devising, and I'm looking for beta readers. Extensive DC knowhow not required, but it would be helpful. Mostly looking for beta readers for grammar, word choice and the like. Please PM if interested!

I'll only post this update for now. When the first few arcs are finished and I have around 80/100 pages on GDocs, and I know my motivation is sufficient, I'll start posting for real. Don't want to disappoint anyone, as at the moment, only two updates are finished. But I would like a beta reader to help me look it over sometime in the next week or so.

(Reposting this here, mostly because I really would like a beta reader for this story. Or just general advice from you guys!)
Gridiron Gone

The sun reflected off the hex nut-shaped end of my barrel, and whatever anxiety I felt dropped slightly as I saw the Witch Elf pause in her approach to Number 24 as he laid groaning on the pitch. For a moment, her eyes locking onto the sight of my cut-down Hochland poking out of our team's dugout and aimed right at her as time froze as the game went into slow motion. Just out of the corner of my eye I could see the team medics rushing to get onto the field, and from above I could hear the tramp and yell of the fans as they called for blood. 24 was only a few feet away from the edge of the field and getting himself surfed into the living mass of crazed humanity that was the stands if he was unlucky. If the Dark Elf tried for him and I missed, she would probably just kill him if she was in a hurry and a god was smiling on him.

If not, there was a lot a Dark Elf could do to a man in ten seconds or so to make him wish he was dead.

Time resumed as the medics hit the green, and through my scope I could the Witch Elf pout before she turned away and headed back into the game and suddenly I could hear Coach Fulbin screaming instructions from right beside my ear.

"Get 'em in here you louts! Hurry it up!" He bellowed, even as he motioned for the team Apothecary to move up. "Waterboy! Get the lead out and put the gun down! Good work, but get the man some damned towels so we can clean him up! Now, NOW! Before I cuff ya!"

I half muttered an affirmative, hung up my Hochland, and bolted for the supply closet. I didn't mind the threats and screams, part of his job after all, and he was nice enough to take on a functional nobody off the streets of Wirtbad and give him a job as Waterboy. Sure I was older then 20, and had a fantastic beard to prove it, but still. It was his job. And grabbing an armful of towels in one arm and a pail of water in the other, this was mine.

After all, had to get by somehow.

Go Wirtbad Wreckers! Go Bloodbowl!

Got to keep and show the spirit after all. Not being properly excited about the sport, or at least pretending you were, could get you dead in some towns.

At least I'm not in actual Warhammer Fantasy. That is a good thing, right?


Just a short sweet idea. Everyone does normal Warhammer Fantasy. I thought why not something different?
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Just a short sweet idea. Everyone does normal Warhammer Fantasy. I thought why not something different?
Oh the poor doomed fool... He's in Bloodbowl. Sure, he doesn't have to deal with Daemons or Skaven taking over the city/town/whatever he's in and slaughtering everyone, but he does have to deal with vampires unafraid to leave anyone they deal with half dead from blood loss. If they can get away with it, and water boys are far from the most protected role...
Wasnt there a scene in bayo 1 where people killed themselves and create angels?

Plus the smaller versions of the bosses meaning they could be made?

I was thinking the ones he had were still in the impressionable stage...
They were transforming into Low ranked affinities which it's from the First Sphere.

I highly doubt that the clones of the Auditios are replicable by Human sacrifices.
They were transforming into Low ranked affinities which it's from the First Sphere.

I highly doubt that the clones of the Auditios are replicable by Human sacrifices.

"Ranked sixth in the angelic hierarchy, Worship is a Second Sphere Power with the body of a giant warship.
In contrast to Kinship, a Power used for transporting angelic armies across the battlefield, Worship uses the divine power of God to decimate his enemies. Worship's entrance into the fray is a sign that the battle is reaching its climax.
Past followers of Laguna believed to sacrifice their souls and become part of the ship was to receive the highest form of bliss."

So its possible for followers to become part of an angel...maybe multiple souls are needed?​
Oh the poor doomed fool... He's in Bloodbowl. Sure, he doesn't have to deal with Daemons or Skaven taking over the city/town/whatever he's in and slaughtering everyone, but he does have to deal with vampires unafraid to leave anyone they deal with half dead from blood loss. If they can get away with it, and water boys are far from the most protected role...

Having read the bloodbowl novel series (which does exist) and having some experience in the Lore, it's a bit of a tossup. Supposedly, Warhammer Fantasy stuff still happens. It just happens on a slower and smaller scale. Each time bloodbowl season starts up, everything else shuts down. But the same is also true in the other direction. Each time bloodbowl season ends, Warhammer Fantasy stuff starts up. This means that for a few months each year, everything from wars to conflicts and what-not is just dropped in favor of Bloodbowl and picked up again later.

It has had the strange effect that for the most part, the Bloodbowl version of Warhammer Fantasy is indeed nicer then normal Warhammer Fantasy because no one gets really invested into the whole thing of war and what-not.

As for position, Waterboys are far from the most protected, but they are the most out-of-the-way position. It is almost like inverse-protection. You matter so little that you are often ignored for other parts of the team. Plus, when someone wants to sabotage your team, they almost always will bribe the Waterboy, because after all, the Waterboy has access to everything and is generally trusted to handle all the gear, food, and water of the players.


"I'm afraid that Lord Hammet and Lady Layana are out in town at the moment, so you will have to wait for them to return." The... butler standing by the middle of an intersection in the palace answers Jingi, waving a hand vaguely towards the exit. He has streaks of grey in his black hair.

"Ah. Of course." Jingi nods, then turns to me and gestures at one of the nearby chairs in the carpeted stone hallway. "Shall we take a seat?"

I tap my foot for a moment. "Actually, the palace is open to wander, right?"

"That's right." The butler answers me. (Wanting to wander the palace. Whyever for?)

I give them a broad smile and hop back a step, grasping my hands together behind me. "Then I think I'll go find some trouble... and by trouble I mean Ivan."

The well-dressed butler cocks an eyebrow at me. "I believe you should be able to find him upstairs in his room. The stairs are just behind me, next to the audience hall. Take a right at the top." (Ah. Not a thief. Jingi is a better judge of character than that.)

"Spoilsport." I pout at the older man.

He only gives me a small twitch of the lips that might have been a smothered smirk in response.

"Hmph." I huff with a smile, then nod to the men. "Please let me know when they're back."

"Certainly." The well-dressed butler answers.

"I'll let Lord Hammet know why you're here when they return." Jingi says, walking over to take a seat. (Going to talk to Ivan about the prophecy, I suppose.)

"Mm." I agree with a hum, then skip down the hall and up the stairs.

It's a simple walk to the open door where I can hear papers being turned, and I make an effort to stop using psyenergy for a moment as I knock on the edge of the door frame and step inside.

Only a few steps away and sitting at a table covered with papers and books across from a bed, a blonde-haired youngster pauses in looking at what appears to be a report and looks up at me, revealing his purple eyes. A moment later, he greets me. "Hello? A visitor?"

The tell-tale ripple of psyenergy reaches out from Ivan and then ripples back towards him, and I take the moment to answer. "Hello, and yes. My name is Ashali. I thought I'd meet you while waiting for your parents to return from their walk around your town."

You're actually really cute, Ivan. In fact, looking closer, I just wanna eat you right up!

A hint of pink appears on Ivan's cheeks as he struggles not to make a face at my teasing. "Oh. Is there anything specific you want to talk about?"

Yer a wizard, 'arry. Just kidding. You're a Jupiter Adept like me, and I wanted to talk about psyenergy.

His eyes open wide and I take the moment to stop suppressing my natural inclination to Mind Read. Ivan's eyes pull away from my face and he watches the ripples twist out from him to me. (Is-Is that what it looks like from the outside? So... people with powers like ours are called Adepts?)

I wait while he sucks in a gasp and recovers from his shock. Eventually, he blinks and looks at me again with a hunger in his eyes. "These powers I have are called psyenergy, and you have them too?"

"That's right." I nod, leaning against the wall next to the door. "I came here to teach you a bit about how to use your powers and talk to you and your parents about the whole prophecy thing, and maybe lore and history. I... believe that I may be one of the most knowledgeable people about Psyenergy on Weyard, which isn't saying much. Which would you want to talk about first?"

By unspoken agreement, we both gradually stop using Mind Read, and the ripples filling the air between us fade away. Ivan turns his chair and gestures at the bed across the small room with an eager look on his face. "Please take a seat and tell me everything!"

...The people of Weyard are so trusting. It's rather heartwarming.

Ivan's practically on the edge of his seat as I step over and sit on his bed. It's remarkably comfortable, and I prepare myself by raising my finger in what I call one of the Rin Tohsaka lecture poses. "So, I guess I'll start with psyenergy... To begin with, there are four kinds of Adepts, linked to the four elements of Alchemy. Venus, with power over earth, Mars, with power over fire, Mercury, with power over water, and Jupiter, with the power of the wind." I waggle my fingers a little, glancing at Ivan to see that he's completely focused on listening to me. "As Jupiter Adepts, our psyenergy is opposed by Venus, neutral to Mars, and is strengthened by Mercury."

"Uh-huh." Ivan nods, following. Then his eyes sharpen. "So, the other elements are strong and weak to the others like that too?"

"Yeah. The interaction is simple to remember, because the opposing nature and enhancement is similar. Just like a Venus Adept would be weak to Jupiter psyenergy, we would be weak to, say, one of the Venus Adepts of Vale attacking with the earth. A Mars Adept and Mercury Adept would be extra effective at harming one another, and so on." I shrug. "But the powers we have aren't so straightforward as, 'wind' and 'earth.' Sufficiently strong Venus psyenergy, like the Sanctum Healers from Vale use, can raise the recently dead or cause instant death, Mars can bolster or weaken the physical attributes of themselves and others, Mercury is particularly good at healing and can make things invisible, and Jupiter can see the unseen, read minds, and view the future and past."

"So the Healer is an Adept?" Ivan asks.

"Ehh, maybe." I make a face. "People who aren't Adepts can use psyenergy, but it takes them years and years and years of training, or special tools made by an Adept. That's why the Healers in most towns are old. It usually takes them half their lives to learn the psyenergy that a Venus Adept could learn in handful of weeks or another type of Adept could learn in a few months, and we should all be grateful to them."

"Whow." Ivan murmurs. "I didn't know about that. No wonder their services are so expensive..."

"Mmhm." I agree, then move on. "Anyway, besides the whole esoteric stuff like mind reading that comes super naturally to us, we can control the wind and lightning and heal with the wind with some focus. Which is pretty important, what with the monsters that you can run into if you travel anywhere."

To put action to words, I raise my hands before me, and with a mental twist that causes the space around me to shimmer lightly, a buzz and crackle fills the air as thick streams of lightning suddenly begins to leap between my hands. Despite being live electricity, it doesn't hurt in the slightest. In fact, it feels perfectly natural to be handling enough energy to taze your ordinary person.

...Master Feh doesn't count as ordinary.

I release the lightning and shake out my hands as thin streamers of steam rise off of my fingers. "So, that's the generals about our power. I would offer to teach you how to say, cast the powerful bolt of Plasma, or heal with the wind... but we would probably end up sending all your papers flying around."

Ivan looks at his desk with a sheepish smile before looking back at me. "Then, shall we head outside?"

I laugh. "You know, I'll be here in Kalay for a day or two with my traveling companions, we're not in that much of a hurry! Besides, it would be better to do that after I talk to Hammet about the prophecy."

Ivan blinks. "...What is this prophecy you're talking about? This is the second time you've said something about it."

At that, I blink. "He didn't say anything about it to you? You're sort of its focus." I raise my hands to stall his quick reply and continue. "Hold on and I'll just tell you now. Basically, the relevant part goes something like this: 'The Anemos siblings beset by misfortune shall leave their home of Contigo, and after a great time, just over three years after Mount Aleph is Struck by an unnatural storm, they will return to ignite the Elemental Lighthouses against the darkness and prevent Weyard from crumbling away.'"

Ivan seems to digest that for a moment. "So... I am one of these 'Anemos siblings?' ...Does that mean I have a brother or sister?"

I nod, sharing his grin. "Your elder sister, Hama, lives about a day or two away from Xian. She's incredibly talented at seeing the future, and she's... sort of afraid of meeting you for fear that she'll ruin the prophecy and doom Weyard. And I do mean 'doom Weyard' in a very literal sense."

Ivan's happy smile suddenly becomes a bit fixed. "I... Are you sure? Am I really that important?"

"Mm. You kind of are." I answer him. "I still think you should visit her if you get the chance, because the prophecy is a lot more durable than she worries about. It would do her a world of good, and there's still about a year left until everything starts happening."

Ivan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. After a moment, he looks at me again. "I see... I think I would like to meet her." Ivan stands up and bows slightly. "If I'm going to visit my sister, I'll need to learn how to use psyenergy properly. Would you please teach me a little now?"

He's just so polite, it's adorable! I have to struggle against my desire to coo over him and instead stand up as well. "Well, we can talk while I show you what I've learned. Some of it, like Reveal, was from your sister, even."

Ivan smiles in victory as the sound of footsteps outside reaches us, and a moment later, the butler steps into the room. He looks at us for a moment, then speaks. "Good afternoon, master Ivan."

"Good afternoon, Damon." Ivan replies.

Damon looks at me. "Ashali, Lord Hammet and Lady Layana have returned. Jingi is speaking with them now, so if you wish to meet them...?"

"Right." I say, then look at Ivan meaningfully and tap my head. "You should come with."

Ivan gets the meaning behind my gesture and the air begins to ripple lightly once more as we both begin using Mind Read again.

I'm going to speak to Hammet about the prophecy, the Shaman's Rod, and the Hover Jade. We can practice psyenergy after?

Ivan nods. "That sounds good." (I am looking forward to it!)

We step out of his room and begin heading down to Hammet's audience hall.
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At this point, @Ashali, I think you should make a separate thread. Seeing as how you've gotten five chapters out and it's probably over 10k words total.
While playing Fate Extella and Grand Order recently something kind of hit me and started working its way through stuff.

Some version of Zelretch reacts to there being something wrong with the grail shortly before the 4th War, and decides to intervene by placing having another master to summon a Caster for it rather than letting that particular nut run rampant.

Unfortunately, his trolling gets the better of him as well when the summoning by the SI starts and inserts a relic from another world as a catalyst.

Yeah, someone on the "probably a massive sign that the grail's gone a bit crazy" side of things, because unfortunately for everyone involved, this Servant Caster happens to be one John Constantine.

On the plus side, some of the Masters might just recognize him from comic books and realize just how big of a problem this is going to end up.

Even more amusingly, Zelretch's entire reason for doing this is a delaying tactic while he tries to fix the thing enough to not risk an apocalypse on him.
I would like to see a SI where the SI is the author from 5-10 years ago. So instead of de-aging yourself to fit in whatever Magical Highschool your reading about this time, toss in the freshman version of yourself with all the stupidity and self-assurance you had at that age. Its not like it takes any more justification than most SIs.

Here's a good idea that I found. I think it better belongs on this thread than the other one. What do you think?
Mildly amusing oneshot idea: 'The Isle of Dave.'
This could be original fiction, come to think of it, but would probably gain more traction if it was a fanfic. The perspective is of an explorer/pioneer for some nation.
The story starts with them landing on an island they've discovered, and meeting a local. They greet them, and offer to host them in their village/town/city. When they ask their name, the islander introduces themself as 'Dave.' Time passes, and the explorer asks more and more questions, and the response is always the same. 'What's the name of your people?' What's the name of this island?' 'Who is your king?' 'What's the name of your village/town/city?'

'We are/this is the Island of/he is called/it is the village/town/city of Dave.'

They pass by street signs that all say 'Dave street/avenue/road/way/passage.' Every shop's sign says 'Dave's <blank>.' As the guide brings the explorer through the streets, they greet/are greeted with 'hey Dave!'

Now, this could be written as a horror/unsettling story, maybe with one of the explorer's companions starting to call themself 'Dave,' but my personal idea was to be comidic in tone. The whole 'Dave' thing would stem from any child the SI has has the SI's mind. The entire city/village/town or even nation is literally just the SI, and they do the 'Dave' thing to fuck with people.
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Here's a mean idea I've been contemplating: What if all the SIs of SB and SV went home?
One day, there was a slew of sudden deaths and disappearances. After some amount of time, these people came back, but not the way they used to be. Modern-day Earth has to cope with hordes of superpowered people, including but not limited to of SI Lanterns, Endbringers, and galaxy-spanning Machine Empires.
I know it's dumb and silly but it won't leave me alone.